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Topics - whitechapel

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Other Projects / [Demo] Nexus Ops
« on: January 02, 2011, 10:17:19 pm »
This a hex-grid strategy game based loosely on Avalon Hill's board game Nexus Ops.  It's a great game, support its makers and buy it!  I will slowly be changing and modifying this game to be more original and eventually remove these apects, but until then some of the names and game mechanics are intellectual property of Avalon Hill and Hasbro.

Currently the game is only enabled for 2 player and no AI has been developed (requires 2 human players). I hope to eventually add AI, but don't expect that for a long time. Network play on the other hand will come much sooner and support up to 4 players.

Right now, there are several bugs involving lost variables, but everything should be fully playable.

The way combat works: Each unit has a hit rate. This is the chance that the unit will successfully destroy another in combat. Attacking another unit, however, also gives the enemy a chance to hit you back. You could end up destroying yourself with landing a hit on your enemy, so plan your combat carefully!

DEMO: http://beta.zfgc.com/index.php/projects/downloads/index/26

Entertainment / Cloverfield DVD
« on: April 21, 2008, 10:29:11 pm »
They're not so bad, but they could have put so much more considering the massive amounts of viral advertising and what not. The bloopers are great and the behind-the-scenes-esque featurette was really cool, however the alternate endings were a little gay. I still say it's worth owning the DVD anyways :]

Alternate Ending 1 summary:
Show content
The exact same up until the part where it cuts to the past recording between Rob and Beth. It's just Beth running along all happy through the trainstation and Rob says, "It's going to be a great day."

Alternate Ending 2 summary:
Show content
The exact same as the theatrical ending, however before cutting to the past footage you see grainy cuts of what appears to be a soldier finding the camera. Also, it seems that the object falling into the sea has been removed.

Anyway, I don't know how many of you are still keeping track of stuff in hopes for a sequel, but I'm very interested to see what Aladygma turns out to be :] There have been a whole lot of rumors as to whether it's a sequel, an unrelated J.J. Abrahms movie, or something completely different altogether. I think it looks promising, although the alien they show looks more the alien from Alien to me.

w00t, Cloverfield.

Graphics / Custom PKMN G/S/C styled sprites
« on: April 03, 2008, 05:21:58 am »
I started working on the concept years ago, I think I was in 3rd grade at the time. I recently found the notebook I drew all of these creatures buried under a bunch of stuff in my closet. I thought it would make a pretty cool DQM/PKMN styled game.

I realize it's not truly GBC style because I used too many colors, but other than that, what do you guys think?

Discussion / Can someone help clarify the use of pointers in C++ for me?
« on: February 27, 2008, 04:50:18 am »
Okay, so I'm trying so phase myself out of GM and learn C++. I wasn't having any problem until I hit pointers.
So far I get that they are variables that store the memory address of a value.
Now I think I get the usage but I'm not sure. As far as I understand they are used to request virtual memory and pass the values of variables to other functions to avoid duplicated the variable and using additional memory. Is this correct?

So here's how I've been using them:
#include "main.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int add (int *a, int *b) {
   int sum;
   sum = *a + *b;
   return sum;

int main ()
   int x1, x2;
   int *xp1, *xp2;
   cout << "Enter the first integer: ";
   cin >> x1;
   cout << "Enter the second integer: ";
   cin >> x2;
   cout << add(xp1,xp2);

It's just a n00b add function, but I'm still learning. Is this a proper way to use them though?

Zelda Projects / [Demo] Virtual Tabletop NEW v0.6 (5/17/08)
« on: February 10, 2008, 04:58:32 am »
Download Size: Approx 6.33 MB w/ Sample Game (Ivalice Tactics)
Resolution: Depends on the Game

Version 0.1
Version 0.2
Version 0.3 (2/24/08)
Version 0.4 (2/27/08)
Version 0.5  (3/2/08)
Version 0.6 NEW! (5/17/8)


Virtual Tabletop is exactly a virtual tabletop.
With it you can play user-created board games and pen/pencil RPGs. You can easily port your favorite board games or make your own! It's as simple making a few text files and coming up with images to use.

Features range from having cards in decks, to spawning counters and custom dice, then manipulating them all on across different playing boards. You can rotate, move, spawn, destroy, change depth, and make notes on game objects. Decks can be shuffled, viewed, and arranged. You pretty much have everything you need to create and play almost any boardgame. Games can also be saved and loaded through Setups.

Features to come:
All I have left to add is networked gameplay (probably using 39dll). If you have any suggestions, ideas, or features you would like to see, please let me know. I

Making custom games:
It's really not that complicated. Just examine the sample game folder and its files as they are pretty straight forward. All of the weird files like .vtt, .index, etc can be edited with any text editor such as Notepad. All images should be in .PNG format, and the bottom left most pixel will determine the transparent color.

Please try it out and report any bugs. Feel free to share any games you make. I highly recommend this for making cards and objects, just resize the images as needed. You can download other card templates in their forums as well. Special thanks to Hobble for the Windows API .dll :]

I'm currently working on a full port of Fantasy Flight Games' Arkham Horror and the Dunwich Horror expansion set. I'm about 10% done, and it will probably be released in month or 2. There are seriously thousands of cards and pieces, so it will take a while to type all of them up. Scanning didn't work so well :.[

Discussion / [Idea] 30 Days of Night (possible spoilers of the movie)
« on: October 21, 2007, 02:19:23 am »
Being a fan of the graphic novel, I was highly anticipating this movie. Well, I just got back from seeing the movie and entire time I was thinking, "This would make a great fast paced action game." I've really been in the mood for making some kind of horror game and I thought this might be a idea to explore. I wouldn't make it based exactly off of the movie, but it would be the same basic concept of being traped in a cutoff town for 30 days and having to survive the vampires and the player's goal is to protect a group of people. The endings could be varied based upon how many characters survive or whether you choose to take the path of the main character in the movie (I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it).

Also, I've recently been experimenting with using the Wii Remote+Nunjuck as a pc controller for GM (I would be making this in GM7) with the use of GlovePIE. I think it would yield some interesting results for an action based game :] Of course it would still have keyboard support too.

So what do you guys think? Would anyone really be interested?

Recruitment / Spriters needed for 2d horror game
« on: October 14, 2007, 11:06:02 pm »

I don't know how many of you remember, but a while back I was working on a project called Traumwelt that I posted here. Well, I eventually just had to stop working on it because I could not find a single dedicated spriter that could meet my standards :/ I was hoping that after some time that at least one person would be willing to help so, I'm back :]

Now let it be known that I am a terrible spriter as these screenshots will show...

Main character, a scrapped monster and Pyramid Head???

The RM2K Days

Really Old, but finally in GM

Most Recent (for some reason it lost quality when uploading :.[)

I'll need help spriting just about everything from monsters to map tiles to weapons, so you will need to be willing and dedicated, not to mention talented. Before I can accept you on to the team, I'll need to see some past works or at least mock-ups of what you can do with files provided in this here -> http://64digits.com/users/brighteyes/Spriting_Stuff.zip

Contained in the .zip
  • The main character sprites
  • 6 image files containing concept art for monsters*
  • A .txt file containing important information about the monsters

*I did NOT draw the incomplete bodies. Credit goes to EldBoll of gamingw forums for these, however they are being used with permission. ALSO NOTE! The concept art of Dextera is taken almost directly from a fish monster from one of the How To Draw Manga books with very slight modifications. Therefore it will undergo lots of work before and if it is used in the game.

I encourage anyone interested in helping out to reply or PM me. Thanks :]

Graphics / What can I do to make this better?
« on: January 15, 2007, 10:22:37 pm »
So far I know I need a more distinct outline, but other than that, what do you guys think? How came I make this more professional looking?

(It's the green thing on left.)

Any criticism is greatly appreciated :]

Entertainment / A couple metal videos :]
« on: December 09, 2006, 09:08:45 pm »
I made a few videos of me playing some of the few metal songs that I do like :]
The Last by underoath
Heart of Stone by underoath
and Dethklok Deththeme by Dethklok :]

You have been forewarned about the Last video.... my B string was out of tune by like a half step during the solo.... it sounds terrible...

Link: myspace.com/iveily
Click the "Videos" link under my picture

Other Projects / Pok??mon Game :]
« on: November 08, 2006, 05:15:14 am »

Vinny's Untitled Pokemon Game

This is just a small project I'm working on to keep me busy while I hunt down a spriter for Traumwelt.

Ummm.... none yet...

Day/Night System 0%
Unique Strategy-Esque Battle System 70%
Pok??mon/NPC Relationship System 0%
Tile based Pok??mon Styled Movement 100%
Pok??mon Styled Text Engine 100%
Date Based Events 0%
New Pok??mon None Yet
Completely New Continent 0%
Wireless Pok??PC 0%
Register NPC Email 0%
Pok??mon Breeding 0%
Weather Effects 50%
Pok??mon Specific Abilities 10%

Unique Strategy-Esque Battle System
This is pretty much what made me want to actually make this. Originally, I was just going to recreate the original battle system, but I couldn't find the G/S battle back-view sprites :[. So then I just though that it would be neat to make a new sort of battle system that requires a little more strategy. It has your basic Pok??mon mechanic such as 4 move limit, items, switching, and 1-on-1 battling. I technically only added two things: trun-based tactical block movement and ranged attacks. You move your Pok??mon about on a gridded battling field as if in Final Fantasy tactics (but only 1 block at a time) and can use attacjs depending on their range. Special attacks like Flame Thrower or Razor Leaf can be used from a distance, while physical moves like Slash or Karate Chop can only be used when the Pok??mon are directly next to each other. There are also moves like Flash and Growl that you can use anywhere on the field.

Pok??PC aka Pok??mon Portable Computer
A laptop that you can take with you on your adventures. It has a wireless connection, so when you can pick up a signal you can acess your stored Pok??mon and items, as well as browsing your friends blog and checking email. Signals can be found in all major cities and in some areas of the wild, but it's unlikely you'll find one in caves. Your Pok??PC must also have its battery recharged which can be done by some Electric-Type Pok??mon and at all Pok?? Centers.

*All screens are take from in game and are not mock-ups*

Testing out the textbox engine

Battle system moves list

Charmander using Growl on a Bulbasaur

Selecting a spot to move Charmander around in battle

Charmander using Scratch on a Bulbasaur

Entertainment / Death Cab For Cutie and Sufjan Stevens Covers
« on: November 05, 2006, 06:59:07 am »
Go to my music myspace (myspace.com/iveily) and then to my videos (right under that picture of the person holding the umbrella) and tell me what you think :] One song is originally by Death Cab For Cutie off of their album, "Plans." The other is from Sufjan Stevens', "A Sun Came!"

Entertainment / I just watched One Missed Call
« on: November 04, 2006, 04:17:04 am »
It was like The Ring... but good  ;)  I'd honestly say that it was one of the better horror movies I've seen in quite a while. It was also nice to watch an R-Rated horror movie that couldn't be confused with a dirty movie :]

Anyways, for those of you who have never heard about the movie, it's a Japanese film about people that get messages on their cell phone from their own number, but the even weirder part is that the message is sent 2 days after the day that it actually is. The message contains the person receiving the message's voice saying something and then a scream (suggesting they die).  Well at the time that the message was supposedly sent, the recipient ends up saying those recored lines, then screams, and dies :]

I know it sounds like a really crappy Ringu rip off, but in my opinion, it's infinitely better. I suggest all horror fans at least give it a chance. It's currently on Comcast's FearNet and I believe I saw a copy a my local blockbuster, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

Oh and according to imdb.com it's being remade in 2007 :/  I promise you that the Americans are going to ruin it though...

More info:
(Original) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366292/
(2007 Planned Remake) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0479968/

Audio / Comments on this guitar part please :]
« on: October 21, 2006, 06:21:59 am »
This is a guitar part I've been working on for a song. My mixer broke, so I transposed it to a midi file (gotta love Anvil :]).

Let me know what you all think :] I would especially like comments on the lead part before I work on it anymore :/. I'm not quite sure if it feels right in some places.

Old version:
Updated version:

I forgot to mention that this is supposed sound kinda like black-metal meets grindcore. For those of you who don't really get what I mean by that, look up Underoath's first three albums (before they got Spencer Chamberlain), or anything that had to do with Josh Scogin I guess.

Entertainment / RESOLVED: A few MacBook Questions!
« on: September 01, 2006, 12:32:07 am »
I was just about to order a MacBook, but then I realized I forgot to check the video card to make sure it's the one I thought it was (The ATI card that comes with the MacBook Pros). Well it turns out that it's completely different :[ It comes with a Intel GMA 950 integrated graphics card. Is that any good? Will it be able to run decent games?
I also have questions as far as running Windows XP on it. So far the only thing I've figured out is that I need a copy of Windows XP (which I have), and a copy of that Parallels Desktop program (which I can order), but how good is the compatability? Will it run just like it would on say a Dell laptop? Will I be able to play Windows only games like Oblivion or The Movies?

Answers would be GREATLY apprecitated :] Thank you!!

Entertainment / Iveily
« on: August 28, 2006, 12:04:30 am »
My band :] As of right now it's just my solo stuff though.


All I've got is a Bright Eyes cover and one original song that I need to redo the vocals on. I think they both turned out pretty nicely though :]

Tell me what you guys think :]

Other Projects / [Completed] YVD Set Creator - My First C# Project :]
« on: August 20, 2006, 04:39:39 am »
This is a set creator for Yu-Gi-Oh Virtual Desktop (YVD). It allows you to create card sets to use and play with. It took about 6 hours to make.

You must have the Microsoft .NET Framework installed to use this program!

YVD Set Creator Version 1.00
By brighteyes of Aquasoft

-Run YVD Set Creator.
-You may begin editing a card right away.
-To work on another card, select one from the scrolling list.
-Before you begin working on a new card, make sure the one your currently working on has been saved first.
 This can be done by simply allowing you mouse to hover over the list until the "Card Saved!" text appears.
-To save the .set file, go to File>Save Set and name it. THE NAME SHOULD ONLY BE THREE (3) CHARACTERS LONG!

Installing .set Files
-Open YVD
-Click on the "Duel" button
-Open the deckshop
-Click "Import New Cards to Database"
-Load the .set file
-Scan for new cards
-Choose the card(s) you would like to import
-Click "Add Selected Cards to Database"
-You're all done!


-Installing the .Net Framework Runtime Files should solve any problems with the program itself. If it doesn't contact me at


Coding / RESOLVED: [C#] Using string array values in lists
« on: August 19, 2006, 09:30:56 pm »
Is it possible to use value of a string array as the names of the items? If so, can someone explain to me how to do it, because I can't seem to figure it out :/

Entertainment / Hostel :/ (Spoilers I guess)
« on: July 05, 2006, 06:38:05 am »
Okay, so I just finished watching it, and.... I think it was a complete waste of an hour and a half. Did anyone else get that feeling? I mean... half of the movie didn't even make sense to me. Can someone please clarify what the whole point of the place where they killed people. Did people actually pay to kill the people, or does something else happen afterwords :[. The guy who burned the Asian chick's eye off seemed to jump from point to point, from sex to killing, and now I'm just confused >_<. I must be missing something... no one would make a 90 minute film and not have a point to the movie... any explanations???

Graphics / Pyramid Head
« on: July 04, 2006, 06:45:56 pm »

I need to get into the habit of spriting again, so I did Pyramid Head :] C+C please

Audio / Request: Footsteps
« on: July 04, 2006, 05:07:00 pm »
I was wondering if anyone had some footstep sound effects I could use, or at least know where I could find some. I've tried several different sites, but none of them seem to be what I'm looking for.
I need footsteps for the following surfaces:
Shallow Water
Hardwood floor
Metal walkway

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