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Topics - pichuscute

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Graphics / My Tree
« on: July 14, 2010, 01:10:05 am »
So, I have attached a tree I'm trying to sprite for a game I'm making in GM for the next GM Competition. Because I hate the GM boards with a passion, I decided to ask the nice people here for some help.

My problem is I want something pretty realistic (excluding the palette) and I don't know how to achieve it. I have limited spriting experience and am just not sure what I should try next. I started making leaves from some tutorial I found googling stuff, but they weren't much. The shading is too bold as well.

Can you guys give me some pointers?

Recruitment / [Recruiting] Advanced Spriter and Advanced GML Programmer
« on: November 25, 2009, 02:32:20 am »
As the title says....

I'm looking for a spriter who would be willing to sprite an original style for a futuristic RPG game. This means characters, menus, tiles, animations, etc. Putting all this on one person would be crazy, though, so long as the style isn't extremely complicated, I should be able to help with animations and some simple edits. I'm just an extremely slow spriter. I'm hoping for a unique style, but I understand it's hard to do and alot to ask considering I am not paying (unless we sell the game, in which case, the money is shared equally between everyone on the team).

Second, I'm looking for an advanced GML programmer, specifically to help me with our battle engine, which is too complex for the programmer I have at the moment and for myself.

Now, for an explanation of the battle system. You will be drawing lines, shapes, etc. such as something you would do on a NDS game, but with the mouse to strategically dismember (like Dead Space, although I haven't actually played it) the enemies. This would mean that you would have to make a gesture recognition engine that recognizes the shapes and lines without making the player frustrated and then be able to check collisions of the shape or line to see what body part it hit on the enemy. Pretty advanced, I think. If the game is sold, this programmer would get payed equally like the spriter, of course.

If you are interested, please contact me.

(In case your wondering what I'm doing then, I will be doing the story, planning/designing/mapping, limited programming and spriting, and an original soundtrack.)

EDIT: Nevermind, this can be closed or whatever. I've found a decent team for now, I think.

Coding / A GM menu example?
« on: April 06, 2009, 02:11:44 am »
Yeah, I'm clueless as to how to make a good looking menu in GM such as something in a commercial game (was thinking like in pokemon). A menu that scrolls up and down and takes the selector from one option to the next.....yeah. It's simple but confusing to actually make. So how would I go about doing this? And example might help, IDK.

Coding / Creating an object relative to another...
« on: March 23, 2009, 12:58:05 am »
Yeah, how would you create an object relative to another in GML, I've been confused for awhile about this.
I've got:
if distance_to_point(tyson_obj.x,tyson_obj.y)< 10 then{
if instance_exists(obj_arrow_l)=false then{
but I need that instance create event to create the object relative to tyson_obj.

Zelda Projects / The Legend Of Zelda: Celestial Truth [Restarting]
« on: May 13, 2008, 12:22:02 am »
***EDIT: This game is currently on hold (well, for the most part) until after the GM Competition06. I will be working on this game afterwards. I am completely restarting, sprites and all, so it will be a long process just to get it back the way it was before, but I'm thinking I can get alot done. We'll see!

This is my ZFGC style, which I'm trying my best to sprite, zelda fan game.  The name is a placeholder for now. This is being made with gamemaker.

Legend: A long time ago, the gods flooded our world.  It was a last resort to save our land from an evil beast.  It worked for some time, but then the evil beast escaped.  When all hope was lost, a young lad in green took down the evil beast, sealing him for ever. Many centuries passed and the waters slowly faded away.  Now, we have frutile land and soil, hehehe. But our land is dying and has been infested with monsters.  What are we going to do? (Link's sick Grandpa is telling him this story)

Main Story: (may contain MAJOR SPOILERS)
Link's Grandpa is sick and it is up to Link to bring the ceremonial sword and shield to Castle Town.  The sword and shield are in the nearby shrine that has been infested with monsters recently. Once he gets the ceremonial sword and shield, he goes back to his village where a villager runs in to him while trying to find him to tell him that his Grandpa is dying.  While his Grandpa is lying in bed, he rells Link that he must finish his journey to the Castle and that he shouldn't worry about his Grandpa.  So, Link goes to the Castle town and delivers the ceremonial sword to the King.  While he is attending the ceremony, Zelda approaches him, asking if he was the one he brought the ceremonial sword and shield.  She needs his help and Link agrees to help her.  They run to the edge of town, in an ally where Zelda tells Link that her father, the King, has become evil because his advisor has been manipulating him.  She stole the ceremonial sword and shield for Link to use because he must travel to the great lake and great mountain to collect two spiritual symbols that are said to be able to stop evil with the Lens of Truth, which she also gives Link(they give the Lens of Truth its power).  The advisor catches them while they are talking, Zeldas is taken back to the Castle, but Link hides before he is seen.  So, Link must collect the two spiritual symbols to save the princess and return Hyrulia to peace.

They are in order from which they frist appear in the game.

Forest Shrine
GoroGoro Mines
Ice Caverns
Lost Temple
Sunken Shipwreck
GoroGoro Temple
Buried Ruins
Temple of the Gods

These are just basic items but I'll post them anyway.

Variation of Roc's Feather (no name or real idea yet)
Bow and Arrows
Sword and Shield

They got deleted :'( so I gotta reupload them, hold on.
The shield has been changed since this pic.
The menu XD.
This is the WIP dark/future world.
The lantern in action! Btw, how many pics can I have? I may have to delete this one.

Entertainment / Fav. Zelda Game List
« on: November 12, 2007, 05:31:40 am »
1.My fav. zelda game is Windwaker. I love it. The styles great and looks really good(better than TP :P). It's the longest game and isn't to easy like some new games *cough twilght princess and phantom hourglass  cough* :P. It also gives me a feeling of exploring and I love to explore. Also, this is the only zelda game I still haven't done everything in (some i didnt try cuz i didnt care, like tp :P). I've played over again like 10 times and its still not old. Even OoT and MM get old now(played them each around 7 or 8 times). I've started on the second quest and its still fun. The music was awesome. There's just lots to do or atleast it feels like it. I just love this game.
2.Majora's Mask
3.Ocarina Of Time
4. Twilight Princess
5.Minish Cap(wouldnt it be awesome to see this in 3d?)
6.Phantom Hourglass
7. The Oracles
8. Link's Awakening
9. ALttp
10. Zelda and Zelda II
I haven't played the FS games yet...

what about you guys?

Entertainment / I Want Paper Mario DS
« on: November 12, 2007, 05:10:08 am »
Who thinks this would fit perfectly on the DS? The battles would take great advantage of all the stuff you can do w/ the DS and the graphics fit the DS. I wish they would make it......

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