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Other Projects / [Trailer] Ikari Sine6
« on: July 02, 2010, 03:40:30 am »
Basically you're a kid with black hair that suddenly one day gets in an accident that traps him inside his nintendo gameboy. His arm gets infected with a virus that gives him amazing super powers. You also ride your favorite songs.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gpsA3S2VbM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gpsA3S2VbM</a>

You can load any mp3 you like and you can ride the e.q. waves. Gameplay is way faster than in this youtube video btw.

Things I'm working on adding-
Attacks-a transforming arm that turns into all sorts of things swords, giant hammers, rocket launchers, also the power to grab and slam enemies.
Enemies - some sort of glitchy viruses you have to fight in droves
improving the way you ride the music :]
skyscrapers in the background that move to the music.

This is my fun side project I've been working on as a creative outlet when I get tired working on my main project.

I'd also love any form of help with this game or just some c.c.

Coding / water tiles [solved]
« on: June 29, 2010, 07:42:50 am »
I thought making the water tiles animated into a tile set would make tiling out areas easier, but I'm having a problem. I'm using Dlbrooks33's tile changing example but the problem is it's also changing other tilesets. Can you guys take a look at it and see if theres a solution to this? I'm about to just make the tiles into objects and be done with it :[

Coding / [Engine] Pigeons
« on: June 24, 2010, 11:58:36 pm »
This is a fun little engine I made inspired by an idea mentioned in the community project board.
The engine includes pigeons that will fly away when link walks too close
Press left to walk towards them.

I've always meant to release an engine so this is my first one. I hope you like it :]

Discussion / Consolidating a large GM project
« on: February 06, 2009, 01:23:47 am »
Ok so I have my zelda project that I've been working on for years, and the filesize has grown pretty large (about 10 megs). This has caused game production to grind to a crawl. Everytime I load up to test a tiny change it takes about a minute.

What kind of fixes, techniques, changes can I start using to get load times down?
I'm using game maker v6

Other Projects / Gameboy Rider - Trailer
« on: January 05, 2009, 08:26:36 am »
This is the sloppy fun little side project Ive been putting together
Its really fun to just load in any song and ride along to the beat
Have a look -> http://www.facebook.com/v/54593037304 CLICK TO PLAY

The story as explained from an IM conversation :
its about a video game tester who stays late at work
gets tired and is playing his gameboy
and goes to microwave a burrito
!@#$% happens where he knocks over some coffee or something
and then he gets trapped in the game
also he has a pixelated arm now..just because

Im going to have a gameboy color as the border set around the window of game play as a nice touch. Enemies, points combos and all that good stuff are coming too.

Its nice to have a small project that isnt (MAKE AN ENTIRE ZELDA EPIC)

If anyone wants to help me with this one I'd love some help. I can put up the source so you guys can see how crappy a coder I am.

Graphics / Shatter Effect?
« on: October 25, 2008, 11:35:28 pm »
Ive been looking around the web for ways to make a sprite shatter
and the only tutorial I could find is for after effects
Does anyone have it or know a good way to do this?

I want to have the shards from an already shattered stained glass window fly back and reform into place to begin a battle with phantom ganon

Coding / Stopping an Enemy
« on: October 10, 2008, 10:36:14 pm »
Alright the forums have probably seen this question asked a thousand times a thousand ways but here's the code

if (distance_to_object(objlink) < 90) // Or however close you want the enemy to start moving
    image_single = -1;
    move_towards_point(objlink.x, objlink.y, 3); // Set 3 to the speed you want the enemy to move
    image_single = 0;
    speed = 0; // This stops the enemy from moving
alarm[1] = 30; // Reset the alarm

I don't want the enemy running through solid objects as it chases Link around. I need the enemy to stop when it comes into contact with solids.

Ive looked over the help file with no luck. Thanks

Coding / Game maker screen scaling?
« on: October 10, 2008, 06:03:13 pm »
Alright so i have the view set to 320 by 240 and then the port on the screen set to 320 by 240  as well. This looks good when the game is minimized but if the game changes to fullscreen it looks blurry.

Setting the port to 640 by 480 makes the game looks nice and crisp with each pixel being scaled properly. The problem is this changes the minimized screen size and also messes with aspects of the game such as the text engine and the pausing engine which takes a screen shot of the game. What is the best way to set up the view and port?

Coding / [help?] Random Pick for trap placement
« on: September 07, 2008, 10:14:47 pm »
Alright so I'm almost through coding the first boss for my game.
The boss is going to blacken the screen and spawn lanterns in circle.

Link will have to pick the right Lantern to attack.
The correct one stuns the boss while the rest will just hurt link.

The thing that I need help with coding is one of the lanterns needs to randomly be unique while the rest are the same.
I want only one of the lanterns to stun the boss.

How would I go about randomly giving one of the objects such a variable when they're all created?

Zelda Projects / [Demo] The Legend of Zelda: Specter's Oculus
« on: October 24, 2007, 09:17:20 pm »


Mirror 1: File Front (recommended)
Mirror 2: MegaUpload



Arrow Keys:Walk
Z: Sword:Swings and Charges up for Spin Attack
X: Hero's Bow: Use directionals to strafe
C: Drop Bomb
V: Hookshot: There are posts that can practice on
S: Shield: Hold directionals to strafe
W: Boomerang
D: Hammer
Q: Roll while walking
B: Din's Fire
Spacebar: Read / Talk, Pick up pots, Enter House (try the door in the graveyard)
Escape: Go to level select also exits game at level select screen
Enter: Start Game,Pause Game, Enter Menu, Picks level
1: Restarts Game
2: Reloads the room if you encounter a problem

Planned Features and Ideas

A new story
Original never before seen bosses
Embark on missions to further your quest
A new mount for Link:(To be announced later)
Sea and Land combat
Challenging and exciting dungeons

I''ll put up an explanation of my overall goal with this project very soon. I also have a booth  set up for the NCFC, if anyone is interested.

WW Hud- Yue
More to be added

MC & FS / [Solved] Surf Board (mc style)
« on: October 20, 2007, 01:39:37 am »
 I'd like a surf board sprite in Minish cap style. Any design is fine. Its just a prop so it's going to be set upright next to a shop on a beach. I tried to make one myself but it looked like a white ms-painted !@#$%.

MC & FS / [Solved] ww house in this mockup
« on: October 16, 2007, 05:29:57 am »

does anyone have the sheet of the house in the right mockup?

Graphics / Comments on this boss sprite
« on: October 09, 2007, 11:44:21 pm »

This is the concept for the boss of the water/ice dungeon for my game. Its pretty rough and unpolished, but I'd like some feedback before I just put such a major "custom" sprite into the game. I need some opinions on the quality of its look.
Bash away!  XD

Coding / keeping changes throughout rooms? (ids?)
« on: October 07, 2007, 07:01:57 pm »
Ok I'm having this problem with chests. The chests that Link opens and gets items from. Right now I'm only using one item for the chest, placing it in the room, and then using a script that checks the id to know what item to give link.

The problem is when I go to the next room and come back the chest is unopened. I'm not sure how to keep them opened because it seems like I need a global variable to stay in play during the room switches, but it also seems like I need a local variable because each chest is independent from one another.

How would I be able to have the chests that Link has opened stay opened when he leaves and returns to a room? Keep in mind that right now the chest object is just one object.

Coding / Gm6 gamma
« on: August 21, 2007, 07:13:27 pm »
Now that gm6 no longer has screen_gamma what are people using for gamma? or making the screen darker/brighter
Ive searched the manual and it fails to mention anything about brightness or gamma or anything of that nature.
I also checked out the mm clock because it had day/night. It seemed like it was just taking a single white pixel and drawing it over everything and just using alpha. Is that how we do it these days?

This would be for your average day and night engine for zelda.
I know KingMob uses colored tileset swapping for his engine. Is that how I should be doing it?

Coding / Check if collisioned object contains a certain variable?
« on: August 13, 2007, 09:40:58 pm »
Ok, say theres a sword object.

Is there a way to ask if when the sword collides with an enemy
to check in that particular enemie's object if it contains a variable?
in this case "enemyhealth"...so it can decreased

Example 1
like in the sword object
have the code
when (obj_sword) collides with any object - check for a variable called health
if the object has health then id want to then decrease the health for that particular collided enemy

Example 2
put a variable called arrowstopper in things I want arrows to stick into.
Then the arrow would check for collisions with objects that are "arrowstoppers" and well...stop

this would really help me out so I could just throw variables into objects and not have to do collision events for every single little thing

Coding / LTTP Style Segmented Animation
« on: August 13, 2007, 04:02:14 am »
Alright this is something Ive been pondering over for quite awhile.
How one might go about coding the segmented style animations like in lttp?
theres a screenshot below of some examples
The beamos example is what I really mean

Id like to have two objects :  a start and an end
then draw an invisible line between the two objects
then draw sprites spaced out on this line

the closer the two objects come together the less sprites are on the line the further apart, then more sprites are drawn

This would have loads of functionality:
-drawing the chains of a drawbridge
-links hookshot
-complicated bosses
-a beamos like in the screenshot
-the ball and chain enemy from lttp
-other stuff  ;)

heres a picture of what i mean

I was also thinking it might be possible to have the objects somehow pathed
to create more complex animations like the ganon puppet, but for now Id just like to see about a straight line.
To be honest I feel kinda bad asking for help with this, but its outside what I know how to do.

Graphics / MC/LTTP Pirate Ship
« on: August 12, 2007, 05:38:58 am »

I just finished this today for my game, and I'm releasing it for use.
If you use it just give me credit. Let me know if you're gonna use it.

Comments would help too.

Coding / Problem with GM alpha Weather Overlays
« on: August 08, 2007, 08:27:32 am »
Hey I used to be a member here a long time ago and I just resumed work on my fan-game.
Anyways in gamemaker i draw a sprite of a weather foreground on the screen using draw_sprite_ext shown here and set the alpha
the problem is it makes my game lag to a crawl. Right now the overlay follows my screen but I'd rather have it stay still and be tiled like a background.
Is there a better way to do this to reduce the slowdown?

dont mind the fact that its not centered

The other way i add the weather is by drawing a background and changing it to a foreground(shown above). Then i change the background_alpha. This still lags and the other problem with this is my hud is being covered by the foreground. I guess the best solution would be to draw a sprite, however I don't know how to tile the sprite.

The main problem is the slowdown

Any solutions?

ps. (my computer isnt crappy)
I also forgot to mention that Im using GM 5.3 because I haven't done this in 2 years. Would upgrading solve the problem? I opened my projects in 7 but 7 gives me tons of errors when I play anything. 

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