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Topics - legendarylugi

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Coding / Whatever happened to Infini's C# tutorials?
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:21:17 am »
I remember that like 2 years ago, Infini started a tutorial series on writing a Zelda game in C#. Now, I'm pretty sure the tutorial series was never finished, but I was just wondering where those threads WERE.

I've been looking for them, and I can't seem to find them, even in the archives.

Here's the thread where he originally discussed starting the series:


I remember him actually having started it, but now they're nowhere to be found.

Coding / Conway's Game of Life
« on: July 01, 2009, 11:16:14 pm »
For those who don't know what it is:


So basically, it's just a system of rules that governs whether any cell in a grid is empty or filled.

Anyways, I'm programming it in GM, which shouldn't be terribly hard, as it's a really simple system of rules. However, here's what I want to know:

I could probably set it up to where there's always an object in each cell, and it just flips it between two states by checking its neighbors. The problem with that is, I don't want to do that because I'd have to place an instance in every square of the grid, and I don't want a crapload of instances when I move to a larger grid.

So, is there any way I can simply use a single controller object that can check all the positions by itself, rather than have each cell do it separately?

Coding / Beam of War help
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:40:17 pm »
Okay, so the set-up already works pretty well as-is. Basically right now, if a player's holding a certain button, and has enough energy, it will create an instance of an object in front of them and send it moving. If they hold it, it will just keep making instances, resulting in a continuous beam. An intance of the "beam" is destroyed when it collides with an enemy beam or is outside the bounds of the room.

Right now I have it set up so that when it collides with an opposing beam, it randomly decides which of the 2 to destroy. By modifying the probability, I can make it so one beam is "stronger" than the other, and because it has a greater chance of destroying an opposing instance, it will progress down the length of the other energy beam.

What I want to know is, is there a way to modify the random "chance" via a GML expression? i.e., the chance is one out of "X", X being the answer to the expression, and the chances that the instance ahead will be destroyed.

Because if I just use the drag-and-drop "dice" function, I can only set the value, so one beam is just stronger than the other the whole time. What I WANT to do is have it so the strength of the beam is dependent on the actual strength of the character, and by how quickly you press the space-bar to keep pushing your beam forward.

So does anyone have a simple way to assign the value of "X" (as in, the chances are 1 out of X) using GML expressions?

The title says most of it.  XD

In GML, I'm trying to make it so if a cursor is in a given position, and you press a direction key, it jumps to a designated position.

But where it jumps to needs to be based on the object's current position. I tried having it Check Object and then Jump to Position, but that doesn't work (and I wouldn't expect it to).

So is there a function for "If object is at a given position, perform the next action," or something similar? I'm sure the answer is incredibly obvious, but for some reason it eludes me.

Graphics / This game's winner is: Bowser!
« on: June 05, 2008, 09:36:23 pm »
Any critiques and criticisms are welcome so long as they aren't bashing.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY5OZ25S2UA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY5OZ25S2UA</a>

Note: I realize his textures suck. I'm no good at textures, plus I never finished the textures anyways. And yeah, his legs may look a bit too long, but that's because he's not in the "crouching" position he is in 90% of the time.

Discussion / Okay, so I just got Game Maker
« on: March 25, 2008, 09:36:08 pm »
I just re-downloaded Game Maker. Last time I had it, I never really did anything with it or learned how to use it properly.

Anyways, I'm a fast learner, and absorb information like a sponge, so I just want to know if you have any tips to shove me in the right direction, or any good commands you suggest I make use of.

I'm a real novice at this program, so any explanations you have will really help.

EDIT: I have a more specific question. I'm trying to make a Zelda-esque push-block system (minus being able to pull, since that would be too complicated for now), and it seems to be going well, but for some reason I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it so it stops moving once it has moved one space. I either get it to where I can push it, but it keeps going, or I can't push it.

Don't just give me a blatant answer on what to do, because I'd like to figure it out as independently as possible. I'm just wondering if you have a tip or 2.

Feedback / Smileys Question
« on: December 04, 2007, 05:37:53 am »
I recently started a forum that I am using to organize a zelda fan video in 3D Animation.

It's been going on for a while now, but I'm starting to get a little bored with the generic look my forum has.

So, I was wondering, would it be alright if I used the ZFGC smileys on my forum?

Sorry if this was posted in the wrong place, I couldn't think of where else to post this.

Discussion / I know this sounds like a noob question, but...
« on: November 28, 2007, 04:08:36 am »
Anyone willing to help me on my journey towards beginning to learn programming?

I know every noob asks people that, but honestly, this situation is a little different. For starters, I already have a rudimentary knowledge of programming, (but only basic, theoretical stuff). Secondly, I'm not the kind of person who gives up when I really want to learn something. For instance, when I wanted to learn 3D Animation, I stuck with it. In fact, unlike others in the class, I came in after school whenever the teacher allowed me to, so I could work for long periods of time on my stuff. I'm on block schedule at my school, which means we have half our classes one day and half of them the other day. So I should be only going to 3D every other day. But I worked it out with my teacher, so now I go in everyday to work on my stuff.

The point is, when I want to learn something, I stick with it (well, at least until I become semi-decent at it...then whether I continue comes down to whether I like it or not). It's one of the few areas of my life where I'm not completely lazy.

So, would anyone be willing to help me, by pointing me in the right direction, giving me tips as I go, etc.? I guess I could just buy a book and software and start studying, but I've tried that (to an extent). The thing is, I always learn better with people, at least at first...then I work on my own until I get good at it, asking for help if I need it.

Programming and coding (specifically as they apply to games) is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I don't know what language I'm aiming for, but probably C++ (but I also realize that may be too ambitious a language to start learning from).

Graphics / Some of my 3D work (some of it is Zelda related)
« on: November 21, 2007, 04:07:41 am »
This is a Centaur model that I just finished (like last week):


And today I just finished UV mapping him. XD Good thing too, because since I have Thanksgiving off, I won’t be able to work on him again until next week, so I'm glad I was able to get that done.

I'm thinking about eventually modifying him into a Lynel, from Zelda. That would be killer.  XD

And now for some Zelda related models (albeit unfinished):

Here is an unfinished Majora’s Mask model I did in the free version of the software I use.


Here is an unfinished Deku.


And, for poops and giggles, here's a picture of where I photoshopped Tingle’s head onto a Zora xD:


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