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Topics - FictitiousSpoon

Pages: [1]
Other Projects / [Released] Splashy Bucket for iOS
« on: November 21, 2014, 07:55:58 pm »
TLDR: Download this game and play it, the fate of the world depends on it.

Hey there folks, I've just finished my first ever iOS game, and seeing as how you !@#$% were the ones carried my interest in game development way back when, I figured it only fitting that I make a shameless plug on these forums. So anyway, here have some pictures!

Splashy Bucket on the iTunes Store

Have you ever wanted to catch a bunch of rain in a bucket? No? Wrong answer! You actually really do want do that! Splashy Bucket will allow you to fulfill your minutes long dream of catching droplets in a bucket, all without you leaving the comfort of your own... wherever you happen to be right now.

Use your mighty powers of agility and screen tapping to collect the rain drops and also avoid getting crushed by an ever increasing torrent of rage filled icicles. If you show particular promise in moisture collection, you may even be awarded various sticks of excellence; icons of extreme prowess and skill.

Splashy Bucket features Game Centre integration so you can show all your friends how much more fulfilled your rain drop related dreams are than theirs. TAKE THAT, FRIENDS!

Splashy Bucket on the iTunes Store

Entertainment / Hai I herd you like Poky mans?!
« on: March 29, 2011, 03:46:26 am »
So black and white, more of the same... yes I did buy it :P Anyone else here still hopelessly addicted to Pokemon? :D Also anyone have a low level vulpix they could give me? pretty please!

...People start banning you because they think your cheating :( I just got banned from a server that I used to frequently play on on COD4 I know I know the online gaming is SERIOUS BUISNESS but meh...

Entertainment / Played any Inspiring Games lately?
« on: June 16, 2009, 04:10:28 am »
I was just thinking about all the different games through the years that really kind of drove me towards wanting to make video games. The first one of course was Legend of Zelda, I briefly played OOT at a friends house and unfortunately I didn't have a N64 (Or any game console) at that point so I couldn't get that, but I went out to a thrift store and bought an NES with money from Christmas an my friend gave me LOZ. That was probably the biggest thing, my friend and I drew all kinds of Zelda maps and in school I wrote Zelda stories. :P
   Anyway recently I have found very few games that actually make me want to make games, pretty much just Half Life 2 (yes I know I'm terribly behind on games and stuff) So any games in particular that have made you want to pull out the ol' compiler/ game making program/ whatever.../Rhinoceroses?

Entertainment / Pokemon Platinum
« on: April 12, 2009, 12:25:47 am »
I'm not really sure 'bout Pokemon Platinum, I hate how they always make you do everything in order, as well how they always tell you absolutely every little thing that anyone who played the game for five minutes could figure out, though that was the same for Diamond and Pearl as well. It just seems like this generation of games they don't leave anything for the player to figure out by themselves.

Entertainment / I love the Barenaked Ladies!
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:55:13 am »
Anyways so I haven't seen any threads regarding these wonderful chaps so I figured I would make one. So until recently I had been aware of their existence, however I was not a avid listener, however, after seeing their names come up in the big bang theory (they do the title theme) I went on Itunes and acquired some of the their music and I have to say I'm quite addicted to their sound now :P

Graphics / Sprites and Tiles I've made over the years
« on: October 27, 2008, 12:23:27 am »
These are pretty much all tiles and sprites that I made for games at one point or another, then I got stuck on something or just lost interest in making the project. I'm probably not going to use them so if you want to, go ahead. Please give credit if you do though.

I might post more later after I've scowered my hard drive some more.

Anyways so tell me what you think etc...

Entertainment / Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D
« on: June 08, 2008, 11:46:30 pm »
So anyone else a Rogue Squadron fan? I've never played 2 and 3 but the first one I have on both PC and N64. I actually have a whole 'nother computer system for playing rogue squadron because it doesn't play on NT based Operating Systems =P

Graphics / Playing around with The GIMP
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:43:07 am »

So I was playing around with the GIMP what do you all people think?

Entertainment / R4 DS
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:47:03 am »
So I'm not really sure whether were allowed to discuss these here or not as they could potentially have illegal things on them. So... does anyone have one? I've been thinking about buying one to try doing some homebrew and such with my DS but I don't know where is a good place to get one. R4 Canada seems like it would be a good place but I'm not sure if the ones they sell are the real thing or cheap knock offs, does anyone know?

Entertainment / DS screen
« on: May 24, 2008, 04:07:47 pm »
I bough a DS about 4 weeks ago and I'm just wondering, because I didn't notice it in the first 3 weeks, is it normal for the touch screen to feel sort of bumpy like when you run your stylus over the screen does it feel like theres sort of little bumps it's hitting as you drag it? I'm just wondering 'cause I don't have a lot of experience with touch screen and such.

Entertainment / Nintendo DS initial charge
« on: May 09, 2008, 04:32:51 am »
So on the initial charge with your DS can you still play it with the AC adapter or should you just hold off until it's fully charged for the first time?

Other Projects / [Completed] Snow Ball's Journey
« on: December 25, 2007, 10:29:44 pm »
Anyway I came up with the idea for this game 14 days or so before the competition ended so please excuse the shortness of the game and the lack of music.
If you don't have the instant play thing theres a download button in the lower right hand corner.

**NOTE** you have to ge the blue sphere before you can advance to the next level

If you have a yoyo games account it would be much appreciated if you rated it.

Comments and criticism welcome. 

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