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Topics - NeoTalon

Pages: [1]
Zelda Projects / [DEMO] Zelda: The Sacred Tears
« on: January 15, 2012, 05:49:03 pm »
This is a Zelda (NES) clone made in GMKHTML, So you can play it In your Browser(Chrome is the fastest) using HTML5 it is very little as of now, Many of the graphics have been updated, and a lot of new mechanics were added, like
-Advanced Grinding, Grinding is more effective when done less, stronger monster=more
-Independent Rupee Drop
-Rendering System
-Tile system
-Some easter eggs
-Pretty Small world
-Shield Time(intervals in which you are invincible, Going fro big mario to small mario in SMB)
-Code for shop system
-Code for some Items

Coming Soon
-Derpier Gameplay
-First Dungeon
-More Enemies


Tell me what you think:

Update:: Version 0.8
HTML: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/55531910/Crazon/v0.8/HTML/index.html
Windows: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/55531910/Crazon/v0.8/Windows/Crazon8.exe

the link is a dropbox link since DB is one of the few hosts that aloows GMKHTML games

Webs has close to no support, the same goes for Wix, Webbly, and even other less known hosts. I find this to be the easiest and fastest way.


Note:: YES THE GAME HAS SOUNDS, that is jus GMH being buggy  ::)


Sorry about forgetting to post Screenshots the first time  :-[

Also the odd light blue lines, is just my PC Vcard being crappy
..they will not sure up on your screen.

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