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Topics - DarkHearts

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Entertainment / The Book I'm Writing...
« on: March 24, 2012, 01:09:45 am »
So, aside from "Open World", which is really just to do while I'm not writing, I'm working on a book. It's the first major writing thing I've ever worked on, though I only really get time on the weekends (highschool's a !@#$% :P). I'm currently about ten chapters in, and I'm proud of the way it's going. Of course, it's just a first draft, but I figure that I can use all the advice I can get. The formatting is a bit off, and some of the spelling and grammar is a bit weird or archaic, but it's definitely legible. I figured I'd post it here, and let you all read the first chapter, to see what you think. It's an ODT document, which should be able to be opened in Word or Textedit or anything like that. If you get around to read it, puhlease leave a comment on it. I'd love to know what you people think about it!

Graphics / HuD for "Open World"
« on: March 21, 2012, 11:24:14 pm »
As I mentioned elsewhere, I'm working on a non-zelda related project, currently known as Open World. While lots of the details of the project are still being worked out, I have a good, strong basis I'm going to work from, with the core attributes already set in stone. Since I'm reading the GML Manual to learn some more about the program, specifically looking for ways to use bitmasks in GM8, the actual coding process has come to a relative halt. Hopefully that resumes shortly, but in the meantime, I've begun working on some graphics for the project. I don't have a photobucket or anything, so I'll post what I have as attachments, but I hope you like it anyways! Feel free to tell me what you think!

Credit to Miles07 for the Minish Cap Style Items, great work by the way, which are being used as placeholders to show positions of spell and equipment icons.


1st Edit: An HuD (2 pics) with the:

Gear Menu: (similar to Terraria's, but it's a drop down menu, so it doesn't obstruct too much of the screen when you don't want it.) Can hold: Weapon, Helm, Armor, Boots, Ring, Trinket.

Tooltip Header: (Blank in these because I don't have a font sprite yet.) Shows the names of things moused over, say the corpse of a zombie, or the dropped sword of a guard.

3 Ability Slots: (One Fire Spell, one Lightning Spell, and one blank. The cursor is used to select the one that is currently bound from the quick bar.) Used to quickly ready spells from your book, using Q and E to cycle through. Right Click to use.

1 Item Slot: (Shows Red Potion.) An item chosen from the inventory can be used easily with the Space Bar.

Exp Bar: Denotes the amount of Experience the player has gained, prior to leveling up.


2nd Edit: The HuD with a demo player sprite. The player is capable of 360 degree turning, and then walking forwards and backwards.

Coding / Switch Statement Key Checks: Help Request!
« on: March 20, 2012, 12:34:16 am »
Greetings, Hylians! I'm working on a (regretfully non Zelda-related) project that, you guessed it, involves the keyboard, and pressing its keys. Unfortunately, the code I'm working with has some minor issues  :'(

Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('A')): {playerstate+=0;break;}// --- Should check single keys pressed, to add the proper playerstate
case (ord('D')): {playerstate+=0;break;}
case (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) & (ord('D')): {playerstate+=0;break;}// --- Should check double ups of keys pressed, to add the proper playerstate
case (ord('A')) & (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('D')) & (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('D')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('W')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
if keyboard_check_released(vk_anykey){
switch (keyboard_lastkey){
case (ord('A')): {playerstate-=0;break;}// --- Should check single keys released, to subtract the proper playerstate
case (ord('D')): {playerstate-=0;break;}
case (ord('W')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
case (ord('S')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) & (ord('D')): {playerstate-=0;break;}// --- Should check double ups of keys pressed, to subtract the proper playerstate
case (ord('A')) & (ord('W')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
case (ord('A')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
case (ord('D')) & (ord('W')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
case (ord('D')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate-=1;break;}
case (ord('W')) & (ord('S')): {playerstate-=1;break;}

Been using that ^^^ (Don't mind the lack of indention and such, my brain works better in chunks, not lines  XD )

Anyways: It works relatively well, except for when you press two keys, and release them one at a time, and suchlike. Unfortunately, GM8 doesn't allow for switch statements that go like this, which would save me the entire issue:

Code: [Select]
// --- Key Controls --- //
switch (keyboard_check_pressed){
case (ord('A')): {playerstate+=0;break;}// --- Should check single keys pressed, to add the proper playerstate
case (ord('D')): {playerstate+=0;break;}
case (ord('W')): {playerstate+=1;break;}
case (ord('S')): {playerstate+=1;break;}

I was wondering if anyone had any idea how to fix this, or better circumvent the issue, as it is an egregious one. Help would be awesome :D

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