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Topics - Torak

Pages: [1] 2
Entertainment / Has a Anime/Game/Book/etc ever made you feel emotional?
« on: August 05, 2008, 02:30:08 am »
Has an ending of an anime or game ever made you feel really pissed, sad, cry, or etc? If so what was it...

For me it was Gurren Lagann's(Anime) ending made me really !@#$% sad.

Entertainment / Feminist are angry at Fat Princess
« on: July 23, 2008, 03:30:31 pm »
Bloggers are angry! Feminist bloggers! They're not up in arms about the unrealistic physical proportions of digital women or on-the-go near pedophilia this time, they're upset about the concept of Sony's PlayStation Network release Fat Princess. The cutesy 32-player heck and slash sees a rotund royal being overfed by the enemy, making her rescue and transport across the battlefield difficult.

Site Feminist Gamer writes that the Darkstar Industries developed title may "reinforce nasty stereotypes about women and the obese," calling the mechanic of excessively feeding the portly, titular princess "fat-bashing."

Friend of the site, Melissa "Shakes" McEwan is also pissed, implying that the game will spawn a "new generation of fat-hating, heteronormative assholes." Clearly, this is one powerful game!

As we tend not to be pre-offended by these types of things — probably due to caveman like ignorance — we were a bit surprised to see such a loud reaction. Just kidding, it's the internet. We were, however, genuinely surprised to be so disappointed by the results of a Google Image Search for "fat princess."

We won't make that mistake again.

As for the Fat Princess "controversy," we have little faith that the game will change its content in any way as to make it inoffensive for all interested parties.

SOURCE: http://kotaku.com/5028019/sonys-fat-princess-makes-internet-upset

Notice all the comments have been disabled on their blogs? I mean seriously thats just sad...

Entertainment / Sonic and the black knight
« on: July 20, 2008, 01:43:37 am »

May I be the first to say, WTF? I mean... thats... umm... something...

Other Discussion / Good apps and sites thread
« on: July 13, 2008, 03:49:36 am »
I thought I would make a thread where everyone could post interesting websites or apps that they use. Just give a small amount of information and the link... Anyway here I go.

Deezer.com - an online music site that lets you browse by songs artist and albums. Free no registration required.


(Also if someone types Youtube im guna slap you)

Other Discussion / So im bored
« on: June 28, 2008, 04:20:10 am »
So does anyone know any good websites to go to(without porn... ok wait with out viruses), or a good game to play? So I figure everyone can post there random website here so we can share!... Yea anyway I'll start with a site I find fairly interesting...

A site that shows various beta and unseen parts of games...

(Oh no fairly obvious sites like IGN or etc....)

Discussion / So yes its C++ time
« on: June 19, 2008, 08:53:11 pm »
So I'm recently trying to learn C++ from GML. I have downloaded Visual C++ 2008 and I open it up and go ok wtf... So anyone have any tips on where to start?

Graphics / Erm yes this a sprite, of a charector
« on: May 25, 2008, 06:45:52 pm »
An un-named charector sprite...

A charector for a game that will be WIP soon. It is influenced by Mother 3 style with personal touches. But I need help on deciding the body structure... So any suggestions on witch body structure to use or maybe something you do not like with the sprite in generall.

Wip Running animation

Entertainment / Final Fantasy VII Remake
« on: March 24, 2008, 11:56:07 pm »
Do you think a Final Fantasy VII remake for the PS3 would be good? I want them to remake it but thats because I have not had the original. And it is very possible for a remake to be made after FF XIII... Anyway discuss.

Other Discussion / Senior Skip Day
« on: March 13, 2008, 09:44:10 pm »
So Senior skip day was today, I'm not a Senior I'm a freshman so yea. Any way I was wondering if anyone has this or participated in this event, or similar event and has a story to tell about it.

Graphics / New logo for my game programing team...
« on: March 02, 2008, 01:11:20 am »

C+C Please im fairly proud of it...

Entertainment / Free anime styled mmorpg
« on: February 28, 2008, 04:05:20 am »
I ran across this free mmorpg called Dream Of Mirror. I thought it was pretty cool so I thought id share.


If you do download im Torak on there, big suprise i know.

Entertainment / Guitar Hero: Aerosmith to launch in June
« on: February 16, 2008, 03:17:38 pm »
The first band-specific version of Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, was announced today as being in development for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. Guitar Hero: Aerosmith is set to ship in June.
Since Guitar Hero is, after all, a game about guitars, players will take on the role of Joe Perry (guitar), Brad Whitford (guitar) and Tom Hamilton (bass), as they rock out alongside frontman Steven Tyler and drummer Joey Kramer.

Gamers will experience Aerosmith's Grammy-winning career, from their first gig to becoming rock royalty. As fans progress through their careers in the game, they can rock out to scores of Aerosmith’s greatest hits, as well as songs from celebrated artists that the band has either performed with or has been inspired by in some way.

To celebrate the announcement, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock fans can download Aerosmith's "Dream On" for free from Feb. 16-18 on Xbox Live Marketplace for Xbox 360 or the PlayStation Store for the PS3.

via: http://www.dailygame.net/news/archives/007224.php

So I like Aerosmith but do you think they should release a whole game for one band?


Microsoft Corp. today announced the results of a new survey that found teenagers between seventh and 10th grades are less likely to illegally download content from the Internet when they know the laws for downloading and sharing content online.

About half of those teens, however, said they were not familiar with these laws, and only 11 percent of them clearly understood the current rules for downloading images, literature, music, movies and software. Teens who were familiar with downloading rules credited their parents, TV or stories in magazines and newspapers, and Web sites -- more so than their schools -- as resources for information about illegal downloading.

Following are additional key findings from the survey:
-- A lack of familiarity with the rules and guidelines for downloading from the Internet contributes to teen opinions that punishment is unnecessary.
-- Almost half of the teenagers surveyed (49 percent) said they are not familiar with the rules and guidelines for downloading images, literature, music, movies and software from the Internet. Only one in 10 (11 percent) said they understood the rules "very well."
-- Among teenagers who said they were familiar with the laws, more than eight in 10 (82 percent) said illegal downloaders should be punished. In contrast, slightly more than half (57 percent) of those unfamiliar with the laws said violators should be punished.
-- In general, teenagers regard illegal downloading over the Internet as less offensive than other forms of stealing.
-- Less than half of the teens surveyed (48 percent) indicated punishment was appropriate for illegal downloading, while 90 percent indicated punishment was appropriate for stealing a bike.
-- Teens rely on parents for rules on downloading.
-- Teens report that their parents are their main source of information about what they can and cannot do online. Reinforcing the role of parents is the finding that some of the strongest deterrents to stealing and illegally sharing content are the prospective consequences.
-- Among teens who download or share content online, boys are more likely than girls to say that they would not continue after being told the rules* to download or share content over the Internet without paying for it or gaining the owner's permission (76 percent vs. 68 percent respectively).
-- Teens are challenged by peer pressure and their wallets.
-- Among teens, peer pressure and cost also have a strong influence on attitudes toward illegal downloading.

So those last 2 sentences... How the hell is peer pressure cause illegal downloading? I mean really... Wait I think I know how...

[Real Time Scenario]
Friend: Dude, dude, dude you have to go and download Super Mario World!
Friend2: Uhh I don't know man isn't that like illegal?
Friend: No no man every one is doing it.
Friend2: Oh wow so I should download Super Mario World huh!
Friend: Yea man its so awsome i mean clicking download watching the progress hoping the FBI doesn't show up. Man life on the edge, life on the edge... And then finally opening snes9x to play it for 5 minutes and then get bored... Man so awsome...
[/Real Time Scenario]

Any way discuss.

Graphics / A Little Christmas Cheer *Small update
« on: December 19, 2007, 12:14:55 am »
Made this because I could, and I was bored. Anyway C+C please. Small Update.

I have to use attachments for now...

Graphics / Platform Sprite
« on: December 05, 2007, 04:10:27 am »

I made this in about 30 min. I kinda like it so C+C, should I continue?

Update shaded it a little more.

Update 3

Graphics / Ice Demon Sprite lineart
« on: November 17, 2007, 12:14:05 am »
Ok, before i finish this sprite I would like to get some C+C on the line-art. Style is platform.

Graphics / Custom Link Sprite *update *tweaked animation
« on: September 29, 2007, 03:18:55 pm »
I pretty much took an older body i used changed the color abit and made a newer head... any way C+C please.

I have added a walking animation.

EDIT: I did change the hair contrast and thats about it... Oh yea i fixed the belt too.

Graphics / Some random guy I made... (*Update)
« on: September 01, 2007, 03:32:02 am »
I made some random guy, cartoonish style. Anyway C+C please.

EDIT: I changed the hair contrast, added a female also.

Graphics / Custom link *with an update :D*
« on: July 29, 2007, 06:46:46 am »
i have made side-views i think the side-sprites turned out good witch I have trouble doing the sidesprites for somereason. But I think I did ok C+C please.

Running Animation

Graphics / My ISO's
« on: July 25, 2007, 06:24:42 am »

I have started with the that house as my first ISO now I have added a basic building to get a little more used to ISO.

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