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Topics - joeshmo

Pages: [1] 2
Other Discussion / Hard drive= dead I beleive
« on: September 17, 2006, 01:47:04 am »
Hey guys, my hardrive with windows on it has a corrupted format, or so I am told, and cannot be fixed without reformating and reformating would lose all 90 out of 160 gigs of data! This includes 32 gigs of porn! I can access but not write it from live cd, is it possible to make a new NTFS partition and copy over my vital folders and make it my active partition?

Other Discussion / Windows restarts before login screen.
« on: September 13, 2006, 01:33:00 am »
Hey guys, its joeshmo again. I've been having some technical problems. Here we go: Ok, so one day I pressed turn on in windows and left, the next day my computer is still on. So I turn the monitor back on and it says; Windows has run out of registry space and will not accept any more registry space commands or something of the sort. Since I didn't need my computer at the moment, I turned it on. I come home from school, turn it on and after it is finished booting and when its almost at the login screen, the computer reboots. I booted in safe mode, same thing. I messed with bios, same thing. So eventually I booted my version of livecd ubuntu linux. I get in, mount my harddrive with read write permissions in root, and view it. My hard drive is viewable but I cannot modify any files. I don't know what to replace even if I could modify files. I think its a problem with kernel32.dll . By this point, I was very scared. I got some packages for linux to write to NTFS format but they wouldn't work. So I found my windows backup DVD and popped it in and restarted. I got into DOS and I was in the A drive, which was natural because my dvd drive is A:. So I type: CD C:. It says: Drive not found, or something of the sort. so I try CD C:\, CD C:/ CD c: . None of which work, they all give me an error message. So I go to D: drive, my floppy drive and it works fine. I wanted to run chkdsk, so I type: chkdsk C: . It still can't find the drive. So what can I do? I think that my NTFS partition may be screwed, but I need a new hard drive to back up onto. I don't see how my NTFS could have been screwed up. The registry error is the only problem I found. But if it was, it wouldn't be accessable with linux or the windows boot process. It may also be my power suply, but I doubt it because linux still runs. What else could it be? Help is apreciated, thank you.

Other Discussion / How do I host files?
« on: August 09, 2006, 11:40:03 pm »
Hey guys, I wanna know how to host files. I know it has something to do with my ip adress and forwarded ports because we are on a router. I have a localhost server set up(abyss). I want to transfer a large file to a friend without having to upload it anywhere. So can anyone help me? 

Other Discussion / Thank god(narowly missed)
« on: August 09, 2006, 04:49:14 am »
2 years ago I purchased my computer from tiger direct. Its an emachine. I was content with it so I bought a laptop from emachines as well. I do a google search on  emachines, I find nothing but people complaining. But my computers both work. Guess I'm just lucky. The only problems I've had are with the laptop, the f key fell off(my fault) and the battery lasts an hour on low screen brightness, and 2 hours on high(wtf?). Also the power cord appears to have problems, you have to wiggle it arround to get it to connect with the laptop( I believe this is also my fault). Now down to the point, How can I fix my laptop power cord and how do I turn off the "Power is on" light button thing. Thanks for help guys.

Other Discussion / Transfering files Via lan
« on: August 08, 2006, 01:43:11 am »
How can I transfer files really fast over lan? I have a 54mbp/s router, and yet using apache to host my files and taking them from my internal ip adress on a different computer on our lan is really slow even though they are both connected! Why am I not getting 54mbp/s? How can I get faster than 1 mbp/s at least? Thanks.

Other Discussion / You're in a room...
« on: July 27, 2006, 04:44:45 am »
You're traped in a room with a madman, a rabid skunk and Bill Gates. You're pistol only has 2 bullets. Who do you shoot?
*scroll down for answer*

You shoot Bill Gates. Twice. Then steal his wallet.
(Note: I'm not anti-windows, I just hate rich guys.)

Other Discussion / Am I emo? :(
« on: July 26, 2006, 03:12:49 am »
I dont wanna be emo. Seriously. But I wrote a long poem about how my life sucked, almost cut my wrist and shot my self in the head with a airsoft gun. At point blank range, 2 inches away. I forgot it was loaded, nearly hit my temple and missed by about 2mm. Now I have a horrible head ache and a giant urge for caffiene and heavy rock music. What should I do? Am I emo?

Entertainment / Animusic
« on: July 26, 2006, 01:14:15 am »
Anyone heard of it? Its 3d rendered scenes that... well.. create music.
Heres a link if your interested:

Other Discussion / Getting around blockage stuff?
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:24:00 pm »
I am very annoyed due to a recent change in software on our router. It is now running smoothwall express 2.0 with a dansgaurdian filter that filters content rather than URLs. It scans the page for words and ect. If too many words appear, bye bye page. I was wondering, I think it only filters port 80, but could I connect to one of my forwarded ports in firefox to get arround it?

Other Discussion / Hmm... Light speed transfer?
« on: July 25, 2006, 03:53:50 am »
Since light is said to be the fastest thing ever, couldn't we use light flashes to transfer data from device to device like usb?

Other Discussion / Can anyone point me to a distribution of linux?
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:58:10 pm »
Hey guys, I'm looking for a new distribution of linux. I  am generally anti-linux, but I needed something stable to run and the winxp broke. Anyway, I'm looking for a mainstream distribution, meaning most linuxs apps will work on it without hastle, for an old desktop computer. I would like it to fit on 1 or 2 disks and to install for under 1 gig of space. I want to be able to torrent on it, it should have support for pci or usb wireless network cards. I would like a distrbution that is good for non-advanced desktop users.
Heres my current specs:
333mhz(can someone point me on how to overclock?)
112mb of ram(something like that)
7 gig hardrive, 2 partitions right now. I can erase one, the other is 200mb.
dvd drive
usb drive
usb belkin 54g wireless card
ps2 port keyboard
usb laser mouse
network connection via lan cable toa linksys
ati radeon 5800 (somewhere around there)

Right now I am running of a distribution of slax linux in gui mode, originaly on a cd but now transfered to computer via a few hours of work. Slax is nice but I can't find many programs for it or find a driver for the usb  belkin 54g. Thank you all for your time.

Other Discussion / Made me chuckle
« on: July 08, 2006, 03:13:32 am »
This made me chuckle. Sounds like a conversation me and my friends have some times.

Favorite quote:
Do you know what aim means?
Yeah, its like talking... but with words.

Debates / Caffiene: Good or bad?
« on: July 03, 2006, 03:45:12 am »
Well we were arguing in another topic, it belongs here. I think that caffiene is not strong enough to be considered a drug. It is the mildest of stimulants, used simply for speeding up the heart and reaction time. Once you drink it, you don't feel dependent on it. It has no short term effects besides speeding up heart and reaction time. Although caffiene is usually paired with sugar, it is not always. What do you think the diet soda brand is for? I have an addiction to caffiene, very mild. I am addicted to most things chocolate. I find caffiene a legal subsitution for athletic drugs, it makes me faster slightly. Its mainly my mind telling me I'm faster, but I always play DDR better with caffiene. I have had no serious side effects and I have been addicted for years. Please, discuss.

Coding / Replacing certain tags in an included document using PHP?
« on: July 01, 2006, 09:29:44 pm »
How can I replace the <main> tag, a self written tag, using php in an included document?
Heres my code so far:

That is obvious what it does.

But if I do
eval(file_get_contents("index.php"), it gives me an error. My real question is, how do I store my php script and html into a string, change the tag and execute it?

Other Discussion / What graphics card should I get?
« on: June 30, 2006, 01:36:27 am »
What graphics card should I get? I'm looking for something in the range of $100-$200, I want it for gaming with 3d. I want to play: Halo, guild wars, cold war and fable. Can anyone help me?

Other Discussion / I noticed something disturbing in wingdings.
« on: June 29, 2006, 08:16:20 pm »
The wingdings character for the letter a.

I want to capture an external websites html code inside a variable. Is there any way to do this? I tried with objects and it just displayed the iframe instead of the source.

Other Discussion / Windows=BIG(holy crow!)
« on: June 25, 2006, 02:09:37 pm »
Windows with the .net framework installed is 3.55 GB on my computer.(the C:/windows folder). Thats bigger than I though.

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