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Topics - Lunar

Pages: [1]
Feedback / Death of ZFGC
« on: March 02, 2011, 11:12:04 am »
Why is this place so dead? I've been looking at various dates and statistics regarding this forum, and it appears that around Mid-late 2010 posting activity greatly dropped. I've been visiting ZFGC off and on since it was first formed, and it's always been very active, with regular fluctuations. Did something happen in 2010 that made everybody leave? I've noticed a few people returning, such as myself and Porkchop, but we're going to need much more than that if we want to see ZFGC return to the glory days of old.

We need some kind of major project to bring the community together, and attract outside attention (or the attention of former members who have left). After all, "Zelda Fan Game" Central is hardly living up to its namesake if that isn't the primary focus. I'd suggest a name change, but what would we become? Just another generic Zelda Forum? That wouldn't do..

PS: I'm slowly delving into the world of Game Development, I might start working on a Zelda Game of my own. It would be fairly non-traditional as I'm not interested in just making the same old bland game that's been done in variations since Zelda Fan Game-making was popularized. Is there anyone who would be interested in working on a project with me, in any degree? It would happen in the future.

Discussion / Getting a foothold in Game Development
« on: March 01, 2011, 02:17:14 am »
Hello chums, your old friend Lunar here.

I've been kicking around these parts for the better (worse) half of my life, and yet I've never ventured into the land of game development. Why is that? Maybe I've just been intimidated. Either way, I've been very interested in the concept lately. However, I am not sure where to start..

I've downloaded and messed with GameMaker, the drag and drop stuff is simple enough but I know that's not something I'd want to work with if I intend to move onto bigger and better things. I understand I should start with GML, but searching "GML Tutorials" into google brings up a wealth of broken links, outdated information, and general dead-ends. What is the most concise, approachable, up-to-date Tutorial on GML that you all know of?

Along with that, what kind of tips and info can you offer me on the subject? I want to make sure that I learn as much as possible through this.

Pages: [1]

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