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Topics - Mreow

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Debates / Our eyes and what they see.
« on: July 29, 2006, 04:34:22 am »
Well, I used to ponder this from time to time: do we all see the same colors?

Whether proven right or wrong it wouldn't be very important but every little fact is just as good to know.

You see, I have a theory that we all see different colors. Most people don't understand what I am about to say (but I live in a city with idiots, so maybe you people will).

Now, an example would be two friends, Timmy and Tommy, born around the same time. Now, look at THIS COLOR. Timmy calls this red, which we will from now on call "Timmy's Red." THIS COLOR is "Timmy's Green." These "Timmy" colors are the way you see the colors. Now, Tommy sees "Timmy's Red" as: THIS. He see's "Timmy's Green" as: THIS. A stop sign is red, correct? Timmy, or you, rather, sees it "correctly." Tommy however sees it as "Timmy's Green" but as he grew up, he was always told it was red, therefor he calls it red. How would he be supposed to know that he and Timmy see it differently but they call it the same, because as he grew up it was always called red.

I believe someone in the past when naming colors just picked names and told everyone examples, as stated in a similar way as above.

If nobody understands I can change or add some things above.

So, what do you think? Do we all see colors the same, differently, or slightly off-shade?

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