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Topics - crispy

Pages: [1]
Coding / Big Zelda Engine [GM7]
« on: February 23, 2008, 08:00:17 pm »
GM7 Zelda Engine/ExampleHere is a nice Zelda engine I have been working on. Its a collaboration of most of goodnights examples, and my own work.


It's got:
Zelda style movement
Zelda style inventory
Day and night
Pick up stuff
Sword slashing
Sword charge and spin
Coming and going out of places
Dog chasing cats
Zelda style text box
Jumping over ledges
Heart Engine
A Disco




Coding / Request: Pull Push Engine.
« on: April 03, 2007, 03:59:45 pm »
Is thier a pull push engine any were i could possibaly use, it would be cool if it used goodnight's movment engine as well, for GM.6 and above.

Recruitment / Need A Spriter
« on: March 14, 2007, 08:09:21 pm »
Hi, me and the team are looking for a well rounded spriter, who has skill in MC graphics and more. we do most of our comunication and help over MSN so u sorta need MSN if ur looking to join. we have a website u can have a look at.  www.untruestudios.com (still under a bit of construction) our team is friendly! and wont bully u  :) we are working on a zelda game, and some other smaller mini game type projects. if ur looking to join give me a PM or contact me at the_crispy_crisp@hotmail.co.uk
-crispy and the team

Coding / request: GM Chest engine
« on: March 13, 2007, 09:18:09 pm »
is their a GM.7 regestered chest engine that i can use? if so post the link or file

MC & FS / [Solved] TP MC Link
« on: March 11, 2007, 05:25:55 pm »
Hey are their any twillight princess minish cap styled link sprites ? even if its just a recolour or a small edit, or a single image i would still like see it. thanks.  ;D

Zelda Projects / Legend Of Zelda: Bracelets of eternal strength
« on: July 01, 2006, 11:25:05 am »
thanks to TC gamer For adding a smooth unning engine. the actual engine was by goodnight have added:
  :D  Bow
8 direction walking
Chop plants
mini map (kinnda)
shallow water
fire fly affect
lightable lamps
sound bugs fixed
some bugs fixed
Smoother movment
Firerod Animation
and some other stuff.

most of that was on the engine by Miles Lombarbi witch i found anyway. but i have improved apon it greatly.
  ;)  some screenys:

DownLoand Link
  :P http://www.savefile.com/files/8610005

Also I need some help with getting a Proper Heart engine that works and also soeone to help me program and stuff. also i am searching for a roll engine, if some would want to donate.
ill keep updating is this goes well.
Ways You Can Help
Code: [Select]
^ Legend Of Zelda: The Braclets Of Eternal Strength^

^put this in ur sig^
leave a reply.

ok i cant fix these things so im gonna put it on here for you guys to fix cause it is impossibal to me. ok the problems:
the flower portal dose not work properly. it is ment to spawn me back to the postion i was in the last room
in the room to were the flower portal takes you, the textbox is all spazed.
same as above but with invetory
the item you selected does not stay in the black box.
if you delete the first room and play the game you cant see the player sprites.
this is not my engine it is an engine this cool guy gave me (look in tuts and engine section);
and the flower portal thing, the code i got it from is this topic here ->http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=4794.0 my glichy engine is here -> http://host-a.net/getfile.php?usern=crispy&file=Zelda%20engine.gm6 by the way it is GM.6 if you did not see in the title

Coding / [Request / Listing] house's and outside (GM.6)
« on: June 23, 2006, 01:02:12 pm »
how do i make it so i go in a house and when i leave im infront of the door. so i don't go back to the original postion of that room... ill draw a diagram
/................./ <--- house

that was fun. so does any one have an example or can tell me how to do this

Pages: [1]

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