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Topics - Riisnæs

Pages: [1] 2 3
Entertainment / Ocarina of Time 3D
« on: June 17, 2011, 09:18:55 pm »
I picked up my copy this morning when the store opened. The pre-order bonus we got in Sweden is a little pin. The same kind of pin we got as a bonus when we pre-ordered Ocarina of Time likea decade ago. Anybody else got theirs?

I'm at the Forest Temple right now. So far the only con has been that Ruto's message in the bottle looked sort of wierd when Link got it if you have the 3D on max. The best improvements I have found so far:

  • The gyroscope controls for first person stuff. They work amazing and allow quick and accurate aim beyond what was possible before.
  • Mido's walking animation. Maybe it was present in the original, but it's really funny looking in the remake. It suits him well.
  • The rework that has been done on Temple of Time. Temple of Time looks absolutely stunning. Especially when Link is a child.

Some things have just changed though. Camera angles during scripted events is one thing that isn't particularly bothering me, but it just feels unfamiliar. Oh example is when Link is sitting on his bed (?) in the beginning and when Darunia is dancing to Saria's song. I can see why they didn't want the camera to spin like in the original because of the 3D, though.

What are your thoughts?

Graphics / Who made this Darunia sprite?
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:21:10 pm »
This is from a while back on ZFGC. I can't remember who made this Darunia sprite, but it is awesome and I would like to have the original sheet because the one I have is scaled down:

I would also like to know if there are more like it. It was too long ago, I just can't remember.

Entertainment / I just met God* himself!
« on: November 22, 2008, 02:42:00 pm »
This monday I heard rumors about Hideo Kojima coming to Stockholm.  I thought he never would, I mean why would he come here?  Anyhow, on wednesday I think, this shows up.


Quote from: Google Translate
PAN Vision and Konami invite to the signing date with Hideo Kojima on Webhallen

Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid's creator, will the flash visit to Sweden. Pan Vision and Konami have managed to organize a signing result inviting all to meet the legend on Saturday 22nd November at 12.30-14.30. Signing will take place in Webhallens shop on Sveavägen.

Hideo Kojima is one of the world's largest game developers and is the creator and director behind several big games blockbusters such as Metal Gear series, Snatcher and Policenauts. On November 22 he makes a unique visit to Stockholm, where he will meet fans and sign their games. Kojima will be able to sign the game to the first 150 people (an ex per person and only game!)

"It is a great honor to have one of the video game industry's largest personalities in Sweden. Hideo Kojima is one of the most influential and innovative video game creators of all time. To give the Swedish fans the opportunity to meet him in Sweden, I see that one of the major events that happened during my time at Konami, "said Kenneth Kling Borg, Nordic Director at Konami.

We will during the two hours to offer Metal Gear Solid 4 for 399kr, and of course it is also good to take with him playing away from home for signing.

In the event we will also organize a cosplay competition, where the best dressed appointed. Prize to the winner is a life-size sculpture-Old Snake! Tips from the coach is to come dressed in a carton getting old. How about to come in and shoot the floor on Webhallen, to make your own Octocamo? Or why not make a Metal Gear of egg cartons and corrugated cardboard?

So I woke up early this morning and met up with a buddy.  We went into town and sayed in line for a couple of hours.  When we finally got in I got to shake Kojima's hand after he signed my game.  Pretty much everyone was getting MGS4 signed, so I chose to get Zone of the Enders 2 signed instead, since it's pretty rare and in mint condition.

Now for some cellphone pictures!

That's me shaking his hand.

My retirement fund?

Entertainment / Dead Rising for Wii!
« on: July 16, 2008, 12:05:49 pm »

Quote from: Kotaku
And you thought all the crazy !@#$% was happening in LA. The latest issue of Famitsu brings word of a new Dead Rising game. But it's not a spin-off, per se, nor is it the probably-Vegas-bound Dead Rising 2, it's...a Wii version. And a direct (well, as good as they can get it) port of the 360 original to boot. With zombie-wrestling waggle and everything. Before you ask why, ask yourself why not. It worked for Res 4, you can't blame Capcom for trying! Scans are after the jump if you're in a state of disbelief.


Discuss.  :)

Entertainment / Mario Kart Wii
« on: May 24, 2008, 11:46:18 pm »
Just wanted to say that this game is !@#$% great.  What Double Dash should've been.  If you have a Wii, get it!

Entertainment / New Metal Gear Solid 4 teaser!
« on: May 04, 2008, 09:51:06 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPicptHonKo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPicptHonKo</a>


Entertainment / PS3 or Xbox 360
« on: March 28, 2008, 03:28:33 pm »
Well, I sold my Xbox 360 last fall because I was in need of money, and basically bought booze, ciggies, and food for the money.  I'm not so proud of that but it's what happened.  Anyhow, I've now decided to buy a next-gen console (already have Wii, no worries), but I can't decide which one to choose.  I made a comparison in Excel, but I need to know if I've missed something or if something should be taken away.

Playstation 3 40GB

Price:  4189:- SEK

Games worth mentioning:

  • Metal Gear Solid 4
  • Assasins parkour
  • Grand Theft Auto 4
  • Fight Night 3
  • Folklore
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma
  • Gran Turismo 5
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Final Fantasy Versus XIII
  • Silent Hill 5
  • Call of Duty 4


  • LittleBigPlanet
  • PSP Compatible

Xbox 360 Arcade

Price:  1899:- SEK

Xbox 360 Premium HDMI

Price:  2599:- SEK

Games worth mentioning:

  • Halo 3
  • Assasins parkour
  • Grand Theft Auto 4
  • Fight Night 3
  • Bioshock
  • Ninja Gaiden 2
  • Too Human
  • Resident Evil 5
  • Mass Effect
  • Bully: Scholarship Edition
  • Call of Duty 4
  • Dead Rising
  • Gears of War
  • Gears of War 2
  • Banjo Kazooie 3
  • Fable 2


  • Xbox Games
  • Rumble
  • Cheaper
  • Xbox Live

Right now it's leaning to Xbox 360, but I want to hear what you guys have to say before I go out and buy anything.

Other Discussion / Virtual Barber Shop
« on: January 09, 2008, 01:58:34 pm »
Click moi!

Use headphones for best effect.

Entertainment / Mythos
« on: January 01, 2008, 06:15:24 pm »

Mythos is a MMO game developed by Flagship studios, which might sound quite familiar.  Flagship Studios (creators of "Hellgate: London") is a  company founded by Bill Roper along with Max Schaefer, Erich Schaefer, and David Brevik, the original developers of Diablo and former high level Blizzard North executives.  The original purpose of Mythos was to test the networking technology behind the multiplayer component of "Hellgate: London", but has since grown into an independent game scheduled for a separate release.

I have been playing Mythos for the last 2 weeks or so, and I must say it's pretty great.  It's pretty much like a mix between Diablo 2 and World of Warcraft.  The game plays just like Diablo, so anyone that has played any of the Diablo games will be able to jump straight into it and still feel that it's a brand new game with a new feel.

Before I made this topic I made a search for Mythos to see if it had been mentioned on ZFGC before, and I could only find one post, so I decided to break the silence.

Here's a summary video of the game so far pretty much:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMV-9G09Rxw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMV-9G09Rxw</a>

The game is, as said in the video, still in the BETA process with only 2 "zones" (think of them as worlds sort of), and you have to sign up on the website to get invited (if you're lucky).  That's what I did.  On the Mythos forum I found a thread that links you to a chat where you can ask the mods for invites, so I did that to get my friends invited.  If any of you would like an invite as quick as possible, I suggest you do the following:

[bold is copied straight from thread]

Go to this link, provided by ForTheGamers.Org.
Type /join #Mythos (Not even required, just...preferred)

Type "/msg Sulfuric" or "/msg G-15" followed by the e-mail address you need the invite sent to.
When you type "/join #Mythos", you will see a news topic thinger where you can see what people to message at the moment.

C+C? ;)

Other Discussion / The Fun Pic Topic! [56K Warning]
« on: July 17, 2007, 11:35:09 pm »
I found an awesome pic and thought: "Hey, this might just be the perfect thing to share with ZFGC! :D", and then I thought it was a bad idea to create a topic for a single pic, so I decided to make this the funny pic topic! :D  To kill time and get a good laugh.  Keep it reasonable, no pr0n, no wares, no roms, you know the deal... :P

Also, here's a link to a bunch of funny edits:  [Link] (Warning:  It's a crazy russian site, might contain innapropriate stuff)

Graphics / (PH Spoilers) PH Rips!
« on: June 24, 2007, 05:00:30 pm »
I started ripping sprites from The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS, here's what I got before my emu crashed:

Intro images:






Enjoy! ;)  No need to give creds, just uploaded for the heck of it.  Ripped by Linky.

Other Discussion / Video Problem
« on: May 20, 2007, 02:56:23 pm »
Hey guys, me and my dad have recorded pretty much all of our VHS movies into our Media Center computer, and somehow the sound is like 10 seconds after the picture.  Is there an easy way to fix this?  Please reply ASAP, if I need any special programs it doesn't matter.

Entertainment / Rocky XIII
« on: April 24, 2007, 05:11:39 am »
just kidding, but I got some quick entertainment for you guys.


There was a fight at my school and my buddy whooped this kids ass, so I made a vid out of some shitty cell cam footage.

Other Discussion / How gay are YOU?
« on: March 26, 2007, 06:32:11 pm »
Enter if you dare!

Post your resault and be honest!  :)

I got a gay halt of 23%!  :o

I put Yes on trimming pubic hair questions it's prolly why, but I burnt it when I was drunk with a few friends... :P



Entertainment / Playstation Tres
« on: March 20, 2007, 06:13:08 pm »
As I work at an electronics store I got to set up a booth today.  It was a PS3 one and I had time to play it a litte before I went home.  I played Motorstorm and I must say it was pretty sweet.  I played some F1 too but it sucked donkeyballs.  Pretty quiet piece of machinery.

Anyways back to Motorstorm!  It was a demo of the game so you can only play 1 level with only a few vehicles.  I played as 1 truck and 2 motorbikes, then I had to leave.  The steering was good with the analog stick, but with the tilt function it was pretty worthless...really...  I prefer the ExciteTruck steering over that any day.  The graphics on the other hand where crazy!  The only thing I can complain about are some jagged edges and some ugly grass.  The cars broke way to easily, and they exploded when you use the turbo too much...  ::) 

For a conclusion I would say wait for some more reasons to buy this console.  Motorstorm doesn't count as a reason, I'm afraid it doesn't cut it...  Wait for MGS4, then buy it, kthx?

Other Discussion / Lil Lil Bow Wow
« on: March 11, 2007, 09:09:25 pm »
Where my dogs at?

Gotta love him...  :)

Discussion / What type of games do you want to see in the future?
« on: February 17, 2007, 07:25:50 am »
I read this article in the newspaper, and it was talking about going in new directions of what already exists and what doesn't, and it cought my attention and inspired me to make this poll as a guideline for developers and future developers.  What is the genre you would like to see more of in the future?

How to vote:

1.  Vote either 2D or 3D.  (Here, just choose the most prefferable on for you, if you like 2D games, go for it, if you think 3D is the future, then that's what you're gonna choose.)

2.  Vote either Online or Offline.  (This is if it's playable offline, updates can still occur online.)

3.  Choose the top three genres you would like to see more of in the future.  (Future as in within 0 - 15 years, so choose wisely.)

Voting less than 5 is allowed, like if you only want to see 3D Offline games then you can vote for that for example.

A little about the genres:

Action/Adventure/Platformer:  With this genre I mean something like Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Super Mario World, etc...

Board:  Sorta like Monopoly I guess, nothing I've played.

Card:  If you like Solitaire, Spider Solitaire, Texas Hold 'Em, etc...

Economic Simulation:  I'd guess something like SimCity except not the building part.

Sports/Extreme Sports:  This would be games that feature anything that has to do with sports except with cars, cars are not included in this genre!  Examples would be soccer, tennis, snowboarding, ping pong, golf, boxing, polo, etc...

Fighting:  Sorta like Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, etc...

Shooters:  Could be like counter strike, SOCOM, F.E.A.R., Quake, Doom, etc...

Simulations:  This is a fun one!  Ever wondered what it would be like if [BLANK]?  That's exactly what you'll find out if you play Sim[BLANK]!  Or in this case some other game.  This could be anything that has to do with simulation.  It can range from Flight Simulator to the Sims.  Oh and Nintendogs!!

Puzzle/Party/Minigames:  WarioWare, Lumines, Tetris, Mario Party, Brain Age, etc...

Roleplaying Games:  This is gonna get many votes, but lets get real, how many RPG's don't already exsist?  It's a pretty used genre and IMO I'm pretty tired of it.  Examples would be something like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Tales, Earthbound, Pokemon, etc...

Racing:  This is a fun one as well!  I love racinggames!  Examples could be Mario Kart, F-Zero, Ridge Racer, Wave Race, Need for Speed, etc...

Real Time Strategy:  I think I spelled this one wrong.  Anyways, it's sorta like Age of Empires, Civilization, StarCraft, Warcraft (the good ones IMO), etc...


Thanks for your attention and I hope you make an honest vote to help developers make the games YOU want!

Other Discussion / O'RLY? Books
« on: January 14, 2007, 03:20:11 pm »

Haha look what I found.

Other Discussion / Fun facts!
« on: January 13, 2007, 10:13:50 pm »
I couldn't fit them all in the post, since just the smallest fraction of it exceeded the limit.  And I also found a new use for the Ubuntu pastebin!  :)

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