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Entertainment / Re: AM2R is Amazing!
« on: August 19, 2016, 08:56:43 pm »
I heard about this. It was all done expect for the final boss (with that coming shortly) right?
They've really pulled of a monstrous achievement with this. Good on them.
As they actually released it as 1.0 on the 6th I'd find it weird if it was literally missing the ending of the game.

Entertainment / Re: LoZ:BotW
« on: June 23, 2016, 04:25:00 am »
I have mixed feelings. I like that there FINALLY seems to be voice acting and an open world. It looks like fun to walk around in it (the wall climbing and sliding on a shield is a nice touch). Though I wonder how long walking and flying around will stay fun seeing as the world is so vast and feels somewhat empty from what I've seen so far.

Just wanted to mention that they specifically stated that the demo is not fully representative of the full game. They removed all NPCs and towns and stuff from the area for the E3 demo to avoid any kind of story spoilers or such. Hearing them state that, I feel a bit better about how empty the demo felt especially since there was enough there to keep me interested as it is.

Discussion / Re: Publishing Zelda Fangame on Android Store
« on: June 25, 2015, 01:31:49 pm »
Provided you aren't trying to sell the game and are just giving it for free:

tl;dr: Upload everywhere. Keep track of where you uploaded. If Nintendo sends a C&D then take down those uploads like they tell you to do.

No matter what you do you are violating copyright law. That's just a fact of fan game development. If Nintendo wants to intervene, they can, no matter where it is published. They could even deal with it right now while it's just a couple of files on your hard drive if they wanted to now that you've expressed intent to publicly release. Because of this I wouldn't worry too much about releasing it wherever you want. In the end if Nintendo feels you are damaging the IP/their profits they will send you a C&D and maybe a couple of DMCAs to wherever you are hosting the game to get it taken down. All you'll legally be required to do is take down anything you've uploaded if the hosting website doesn't do it itself.

Google Play doesn't seem to have a review process so you won't be blocked before you can even get it to people. If somebody reports it for copyright violation they'll probably take it down. I don't know if they do anything else about copyright violations, but if it is a free app I don't see why they would bother. I think you'll be fine uploading it there. Alternative stores should be even easier and may even be less likely to get it removed due to user reports. If they don't have a submission review process you should have no problem getting it on their store. As for what alternative stores are out there I do not know. You'll probably have to research.

I'd also release the APK through Dropbox/MEGA/MediaFire/etc. and let people know about them as a backup.

If you are going to try to sell the game:

I think this is a really bad idea and you should rethink this.

Also I've not done this before. Everything in this post is theoretical. You should weigh your options carefully rather than blindly following any advise in a random forum post.

Other Projects / Re: Looking for website feedback
« on: July 03, 2014, 10:59:53 pm »

Hi, I'm you.

Simple SQL Injection. Always validate anything input by a user.

While I'm at it I don't see a link to register anywhere. I have to manually type in register.php

I guess that's because it isn't finished?

I'm guessing right now he's using a mishmash of different sprites. The art is very inconsistent right now. Pretty sure he wants to team up with someone. Having a consistent art style is incredibly important to make a game.

Actually it is small compared to the majority of other websites. This also makes it pretty bad for mobile browsing.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« on: June 13, 2014, 02:10:00 am »
Hey Atom, I finally fired this game up and I gotta say, I tried 3 times and just gave up because I kept on accidentally bombing 2 or more objects at once and the game would crash. Not just on rocks, but also on enemies. I bombed an octorock and a bush at the same time and boom, crash. Very sad, because the game actually looks like it would be very fun and I was even planning on doing a let's play of it and put it on youtube and post it here as well to maybe help it get more attention. I can tell you put a lot of work into this so it's really sad that such a small problem can make all that work pretty much go to waste because it's too broken. Can you please fix it?? :'(
I made it all the way through the first dungeon then started playing through the second but I keep on hitting this bug partway through and it makes it pretty frustrating to try and play. If you could fix that I would love to give this game another shot.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda A Hero`s Destiny
« on: May 25, 2014, 02:27:00 am »
Hmm. You said you were almost done though. Also, remaking anything from scratch is generally a bad idea in software development. At least it is before you have an already finished product.

Is there any other reasons you would rather start over in this new engine? Would this engine be significantly easier to work with compared to what you have now? Would it be able to do something such as cutting down the time you take to make something from several days to only a couple hours?

Personally I think you should finish the game with its current engine and use the new engine for a future project, or maybe for a second release of the game if you really want to remake it in that engine. Especially if your main concern is time you can commit to the development of the game. If you don't have time to finish it in its current state then how will you find time to remake it entirely?

Zelda Projects / Re: [Game] TLOZ: Chaos Rising
« on: May 02, 2014, 02:55:31 am »
So I just spent maybe an hour or two playing this game. I enjoyed what I played of it so far. Made it to the end of the first dungeon but didn't beat it. I lost to the boss and decided to come here and make some comments on the game. I took some notes on some various things I ran into or noticed while playing. I have them split into three sections.

The first is the smallest, yet the hardest one to actually get people to notice so even though there are only a few they all mean a whole lot in terms of game design. These are the things that stood out and that I liked:
  • Auto-Scroll Text - I'm not a compulsive save-scummer and I also ran into a bug right near the beginning that made me go through the intro text multiple times. This was much appreciated.
  • Sound When Walking Over Tall Grass - Little extra things like this mean a whole lot in any game. Definitely makes it feel like a developer cared about the game they made.
  • Key Indicators - The small key indicator is something we're all used to in modern Zelda games, but the GameBoy interpretation of it you made felt very nice. Also liked that it showed the Big Key opposite of the small keys.
  • Dual Currency - I just thought this was an interesting concept to introduce.

This second list was the things I absolutely did not like about the game, along with a few bugs I seemed to run into.
  • Let's start with the first bug I ran into right at the beginning. For some reason whenever I bombed two or more objects at the same time and destroyed them the game crashed. I managed to set it off three times in a row which made me really appreciate the auto-scrolling text :P
  • Something else from the very beginning. Is it possible to run out of bombs before you are actually able to refill them at all? If so that is kind of a big problem. I didn't experiment with this at all though.
  • The health danger sound only plays in the left ear. I spend 90% of my time playing Zelda with about 1 heart because I am terrible at video games. While I hate the sounds the Zelda games make at me all the time this one was especially infuriating since it was only in one ear.
  • I didn't always continue moving after a screen transition if I was holding a direction button down so I had to let go of the button then press and hold it again after most screen transitions.
    • Further if I was holding down two directions at the same time only one of them stopped responding. Generally the one in the same direction as the screen transition.
  • The traps in the first dungeon move waaaay too fast and they don't seem to correctly detect Link being in their path. Half the time I was able to walk through and they either didn't respond at all, or responded too late.
  • I was able to "scout" rooms that had doors slam down to trap you by walking back the way I came. It kind of killed some of the tension you get in Zelda games from walking into a room and suddenly being trapped in it.
  • I got trapped between a dog and a house. We basically occupied the same tile. It moved out of my way after a bit. This was a bug that didn't really inconvenience me.

This last list are just some things I thought felt weird. Basically they are things I don't really agree with yet I find to be perfectly valid design choices. Most of this comes from playing the Oracle games on my 3DS a lot lately.
  • There is a bit of a delay between cutting a bush and the items appearing. Like it just feels a tiny bit too long? I don't know.
  • The textbox seems to break lines at awkward spots.
  • Pressing space to open a locked door seems weird.
  • Hardhat Beetles taking damage instead of being pushed around just felt a little weird.
  • Link doesn't always hold an item over his head? I can't remember clearly but I think I received an item form the elder and it didn't do it? Might just be making it up, or the "got item" sound played without actually getting an item?
  • Enemies always come back when you go to a different screen then come back. Official games seem to have a buffer of something like a few rooms before that happens. Fighting the same enemies again because you chose the wrong direction it kind of tedious.
  • If you stand in the warp between mini-boss room and entrance you will constantly warp.
  • The boomerang causes damage, but also doesn't seem to be able to kill enemies. I kind of like it, but I also find it a little bit weird.
  • The way you can refill your bombs on the chain-chomp mini-boss is a nice way to trap the player but not make the fight excessively difficult. My only issues with it is it seems just a little bit too infrequent for my taste.

So, now that I've posted all these words about your game I definitely want to say Congratulations on finishing your game. It's nice to see someone have their hard work pay off for them.

I hope none of what I said discourages you in any way. Those are basically by exact thoughts at different points playing your game. Your first dungeon boss seemed to be fairly creative at least going by Zelda games. I don't think I've fought a boss with that kind of gimmick before. Though I do think the constraint of the room size due to being similar to the GameBoy games hurt a bit, but it isn't bad. If others are like that I'll definitely enjoy playing the game some more. I'm planning to do so at some point. If I ever manage to beat it I'm sure I'll have some more comments to give you.

Again, good job on finishing this. It's pretty exciting to see a finished game here.

Feedback / Re: What Can We Do To Get More Life Here?
« on: April 27, 2014, 05:03:27 pm »
I agree with this, though I think forking and pull requests aren't nearly as big an issue as dealing with branches, with regards to people who don't have the prior experience with source control. A better solution I think would be to make master your development branch an set up a separate branch for milestones or release candidates. The fewer steps people have to go through to get their hands on the materials they need, the better.
Yeah, every project I know of uses master as the development branch for the reason of simplicity for contributors. Going against the grain so that contributors have to learn something different then every other git based project definitely doesn't help.

Code / Re: The XNA Issue
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:21:05 pm »
- Find a drop-in replacement framework(like MonoGame) which implements the entire XNA Stack.
No code changes needed on our end
Less maintenance
Uncertainty with licensing. i.e. MonoGame requires users to pay a fee if they intend selling their game. Sure, we are making fan games with this but what if someone were to use this codebase for making a game?
Actually, I've looked into this a bit more since my posts in the other thread.


According to the answers at those links, in the cases of Unity and MonoGame a Mono license is not at all required for the average PC game. It is if you statically link the library instead (is this even possible with Windows/VS/C#?) and for "embedded systems" including Andorid and iOS. I don't know how that factors in with Unity's Android/iOS support but that isn't relevant to this thread anyway.

Though last time I looked at MonoGame it still required parts of XNA to build in most cases. I think it had something to do with content projects? Does anyone know if that has been dealt with yet, or is it still an issue?

Feedback / Re: What Can We Do To Get More Life Here?
« on: April 22, 2014, 04:09:38 am »
I think having real, live, useful discussion about how to do the thing this site is dedicated to might be nice. There is very little information (that I've found) online about topics like how to design maps or overworlds, how to put the right number of enemies on a screen, how to increase the difficulty of a game as it progresses, the advantages of gameboy-style screen division vs. bigger alttp or minish cap areas, etc.. There's a lot of discussion that could be useful and relevant to people on this site that for some reason, doesn't happen.

I would love to have a guide section or a tutorial series of some sort!  If we can get enough interest from people who would write these up, I'd be all for it!
I don't really think guides are the best way to go about this per se. As Max said discussion of these topics would be nice. A discussion where anyone can chime in with their thoughts on the topic and others can add on anything they've tried, and what they think worked or what seemed to fail. Pretty much just whatever comes to mind about the topic. As a discussion continues you could also maybe even add a wiki page for it to kind of save the best of the best during the discussion. Essentially a bit more organic than just someone writing a guide themselves. Plus more people are willing to actually join in a general discussion of a topic rather than try to discuss it in reply to a guide.

I mean look how much more active just a thread discussing how to get more life on the forums has been  :P

Also, removing Zelda from the forum name isn't going to change anything for the better. I think it's long past the stage where doing so would make any sense at all.

Entertainment / Re: Seems Microsoft Can't Count
« on: June 13, 2013, 05:15:26 am »
Once Microsoft steps out that will be the most expensive paperweight anyone has ever owned.

Other Projects / Re: Call Of Duty 4/5 - Profile Editor
« on: November 05, 2009, 12:40:58 am »
I actually had to go jumping through some hoops to get this to work for me on CoD:WaW :P

In case anybody else needs some help with getting this to work (specifically my friend who forgot to backup his profile when he installed Win7) I'm just going to put what I had to do right here.

First: Extract the files

Anyway, my first error was about the cd key not being found. Since I have a 64-bit Windows my key was stored in the registry as
Code: [Select]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Activision\Call of Duty WAW and I had to export it, and edit the .reg to place a copy of the registry key in
Code: [Select]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Activision\Call of Duty WAW and add it to where it would be on a 32-bit Windows.

Then the next to errors were because I have profiles I never play as, so there was no data for them and the application closed right away. After deleting those two profile folders I was finally able to modify my profile.

Aside from having to do that, the editor worked great for me! Thanks Infini!

I agree, the controls suck. It's one of the reasons why I couldn't stand the game and why I never completed it. The other reason is how you have to go back to that stupid temple and replay it over and over... and over, etc. But that's unrelated to the topic. The controls just suck.
It wasn't that bad.

I do agree that the controls are pretty bad for me. I learned that using the stylus to move and do everything else all the time will cramp up my hand. Then I have to stop playing for a while. Not very fun. I want my D-Pad to make movement.

Feedback / Re: Community Speak is hating on me
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:46:34 pm »
Don't know how I got the non-WIP version, but I switched back, and it still isn't working.

Feedback / Re: Community Speak is hating on me
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:37:22 pm »
Okay, I'll wait.

Feedback / Re: Community Speak is hating on me
« on: June 10, 2009, 07:27:37 pm »
Cleared all my private data, logged back on, and I'm still getting it. Anything else I should try?

Feedback / Community Speak is hating on me
« on: June 10, 2009, 04:48:28 pm »

I get this when I try to go to community speak. Anyone else have this problem? It's only CS too.

Entertainment / Re: Wii for Dummies
« on: April 07, 2009, 02:05:53 am »
Imma buy this. Just to see what's inside. I want to know if it's exactly like the Wii manual.
Ha, just the wii manual repackaged. Then again, which one are most people more likely to read, the actual manual, or a nice big book that is sold separately from the wii?

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