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Messages - Benito

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Entertainment / Re: AVP 2 looks...good? The hell?
« on: August 25, 2007, 01:52:01 pm »
I'm definitely going to go and see it, same with the first one, as I too am a big fan of both the Alien and Predator films.

It looks quite good, seems there may be more action in this one, I must admit though that I am slightly annoyed at how its more a monster film than a sci-fi film, I really wish they would do the same story as in the comic which was set on a colony planet but then the first film basically was that story just in a different setting.

And yeah I was annoyed at the almost feeble fighting between the predators and aliens in the first film as once again in the comic each predator would usually be fighting 4 - 6 aliens at any one time.

Entertainment / Re: Good GBA Games and GBA Homebrew?
« on: August 21, 2007, 02:07:32 am »
Fire Emblem, I've loved playing them through, great series. I also liked advance wars and they are similar but I found fire emblem to be more enjoyable.

i don't see anything wrong with taking apart consoles, I used to take my N64 and SNES apart once in a blue moon a clean them out, its the same with my PC, unfortunatly I no longer own the right tools for the job but I've found giving them a good clean keeps them working longer, my SNES is still in perfect working order, although I did get it with the shell damaged so I'm thinking of getting a "new" one.

Entertainment / Re: Ocarina Of Time DS
« on: August 15, 2007, 10:34:14 am »
I voted yes, but thinking about it thats only because its been a long long time since I last played it and its an important game to me as lame as that may sound :P.

But to be honest I wouldn't just want another lousy port, and I would much rather have a new MM, all the same generally but as someone else said a more cell shaded kind of graphics but not the PH perspective.. but then I don't know if they could do it justice, such a small screen might not give the right atmosphere.

If they did mess it up somewhat then I would at least play it on my slot1 device hehe.

Entertainment / Re: An Interesting Question
« on: August 15, 2007, 10:30:08 am »
Its one of my favorites, so I vote Yes and No.

Lttp was one of my first games, followed my OoT and MM, all three in my opinion are pure gold. Without those games I would have never gotten into gaming like I have, but then the first game I had on the N64 was Mario64 and on the SNES and in fact all other consoles I have owned there have been games that were as good but in different ways.

Oh and I realise the above post may point at me being a Nintendo fanboy but I also owned Sega consoles and through my brother also a PS1, but I must admit due to Nintendo introducing me to gaming I give them a lot of respect, oh and in my opinion at the time I got into Nintendo almost everything I played of theirs was just that bit more refined and more playable (I was playing the SNES).

Entertainment / Zelda Themed Wii-mote addon
« on: August 07, 2007, 01:06:53 pm »

Zelda Wii Hero Pack.

I found this while browsing and I couldn't think what else I should do with the link other than to post it here on a Zelda themed board obviously, but anyway I found it reasonably quirky and it made me laugh as a fan of Zelda hehe.


Graphics / Re: My ISO's
« on: July 28, 2007, 03:12:24 pm »
Nice, I really like doing isometric work and variants on the 1:2 such as 1:3 which I use on a lot of my work, I prefer it because it puts more emphasis of the sides of the building rather than the tops.

As it seems you have a good grasp of the style perhaps you could join one of the collaboration isometric pixel city sites and build buildings for a city, or of course build your own city hehe.

Anyway, good work, its nice to see some isometric work on here.

Coding / Re: Movement over ice
« on: July 08, 2007, 07:24:55 pm »
Can anyone tell me how to utilize Benito's movement engine so that Link will 'slide' accross ice?  Thanks

I'm sure I've mentioned this before but I never released a movement engine, not that I never made one but that was for my use only.. unless you mean one of the bad ones I put with an example that required you to control the player...

When it comes to ice it depends how you want it to work, it could work like in Pokemon games with the sliding in just one direction until you hit a wall.. this is the easiest way to implement ice.

The other way is harder and really you should start the movement engine with making ice surfaces in mind.. and not modding someone else's..

I only release my engines to give people ideas not so they can directly rip them into their games you know.. oh well hehe.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request: Low light overlay...
« on: July 05, 2007, 01:54:36 pm »
It was one that was like, a circle around link, not directional.

I'm not aware of there being one thats not directional, but I may be wrong.

It wouldn't be hard to make one though right?

Entertainment / Re: UK petitioning Prime Minister over Manhunt 2
« on: July 05, 2007, 01:46:53 pm »
I very much doubt the petition will or even can do anything.

I mean, the BBFC isn't directly controlled by the government, and they'd have to go a long way to sort this out...

Especially over such a controversial matter. If they "unban" the game, which is the sequel to the game that many believe was responsible for the murder of a teenager in the UK a few years back (complete !@#$%, but whatever) that wouldn't stand the incumbent (and not entirely popular government) in terribly good stead.

Things have been unbanned before though, if I remember correctly A clockwork orange was banned but its been released since, all be it a long while later and all.

Entertainment / Re: Pugsy
« on: July 05, 2007, 01:42:25 pm »
Yeah I've played 2 of them, I seem to remember them getting pretty tricky as they go along. At one point a load of people had it as a ROM and ran it on all my secondary school computers :P the teachers and the admins were not happy lol.

Entertainment / Re: UK petitioning Prime Minister over Manhunt 2
« on: July 04, 2007, 03:57:24 pm »
I have nothing to lose by signing, its annoying to see all the fake names on there though :-\.

As said already I think it should be an 18 just like with other adult media the adult choses to view it, I cant imagine this game is much worse than much of the horror published.

Entertainment / Re: ITT:Best videogame moments ever. (spoilers)
« on: June 30, 2007, 04:21:17 pm »
Eh for me it has to be when you first walk out onto Hyrule field in OoT and see how big it is, I have to say OoT was my second proper 3D game really.. my jaw hit the ground hehe.

Entertainment / Re: Brain Training pulled
« on: June 30, 2007, 03:54:36 pm »
phew, that must be some word.
And you never know, it's not THAT offencive, maybe they are just over-reacting.  Still though, they pulled it out of the market, so that must mean something.
And how could they miss that word?  That must mean they knew about that word, and decided to go along with releasing it, being lazy not to change the word...

From what I hear the translated equivalent for this word is not seen in an offensive way in certain countries leading to a perfectly acceptable word in one language being unknowingly turned into something much worse.

Entertainment / Re: Brain Training pulled
« on: June 30, 2007, 03:44:53 pm »
Weird, does anyone know what it actually said?

Entertainment / Re: Do you like being the Good or Evil character?
« on: June 29, 2007, 04:15:34 pm »
Well if the game gives the choice, like in fable, and it is a good game I will play through twice at least on good and evil, but I usually try evil first.. I find its often easier though as you don't have to be so careful about hurting NPCs.

Entertainment / Re: [Spoilers: Zelda TP] Are there any Zora in PH?
« on: June 28, 2007, 06:28:09 am »
It's implied that it's ancestoral; the maidens in aLttP/FSA are descendents of the seven "wise men" or whatever, and it's implied that they WERE the sages; in the same way, words like "ancestor" and "descendant" are used to imply genetic descent.

Also, Kokiri COULD leave the forest - see the OoT ending credits. If that was wrong, then it's possible a lot of the other things we "knew" about the Kokiri are also incorrect, and they could also breed.

Although wiki isn't always right and all:

Quote from: wikipedia
In The Wind Waker, a Rito named Medli tells Link that the Rito were once without wings. It is also revealed in The Wind Waker that she is a descendant of the Zora sage Laruto. However, in the Japanese text of The Wind Waker, "descendant" is not used in the context of a direct derivative.

Coding / Re: HTML-help, please.
« on: June 27, 2007, 01:57:51 pm »
Correct. Another way to specify this style would to be in a span or other separating element:
Code: [Select]
<span style="border: 0;"><img src="lol.jpg" /></span>Forgive me if my syntax isn't exactly correct, it's been a few years since I've done a lot of web design and CSS, but I believe that's correct.

That is similar to the above its just the css is located within the span and also its not a link, I find its best to use an external .css mostly.

Entertainment / Re: Arcade stick for the Nintendo Wii!
« on: June 27, 2007, 01:24:54 pm »
Wow that looks really cool, although I still need the standard classic controller really.. And I need to get my hands on a load of gamecube controllers before they disappear.

Entertainment / Re: [Spoilers: Zelda TP] Are there any Zora in PH?
« on: June 27, 2007, 12:03:21 am »
It is kinda stupid that water creatures like the Zora had to EVOLVE into Rito's but cave/rock thingies like Gorons who cant even swim in water did not change at all XD Even though Hyrule got flooded.

I don't think its been confirmed that the Zora evolved into Rito... Just the stone symbol is the same.

Another thing is that the Zora must have evolved into normal humans/hylians (Don't know if they had pointy ears). Its the scale that turns them into a bird like human, as the prince shows.

All but confirmed; at least one of the Rito had a Zora ancestor.

Pretty sure the Zora had pointy ears.

And, actually, the scale only gave them wings; they're born (or maybe hatched) bird-like anyway.

The young prince had no bird like features from what I remember. Oh and I'm not sure it says that the line of the sages is genetic its rather unspecific. For instance, how does a Kokiri produce a child? I thought the Deku tree made them and that they are almost timeless in their lack of aging and being unable to leave the forest.

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