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Messages - FictitiousSpoon

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Other Projects / Re: [Released] Magma Pig for Android!
« on: November 30, 2014, 06:51:37 pm »
Yeah, I was hoping for a little more action on my leaderboard, I think maybe I need some adjustments to gameplay, it doesn't seem like too many people who have downloaded it are really going for the top spot. There is a little bit around the top, but I'd say 90% or so of the people on the leaderboard are at the same place they came in on.

How do you find Unity? I looked at it prior to starting this game, but I ended up going with SpriteKit because it's free and very convenient to use, especially with Swift. It's a little frustrating though, because it's only compatible with iOS 7, which I think alienates quite a few people off the get go.

Other Projects / Re: [Released] Magma Pig for Android!
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:41:02 am »
Yeah, the marketing part is hard. I got some traffic from lists for the first few days but that seems to have mostly tapered off now. To be honest I'm not really quite sure where to go from here, I've posted on Touch Arcade and Reddit, and to friends and what not on Facebook, but that's hardly a wide pool. When you talk about emailing and messaging outlets, what sort of places are you talking about? Marketing has never really been my thing, I prefer coding and art and what not.

I think I should have added achievements and unlockables to mine, as I think those go a long way towards keeping people on board while the high score table gets populated, I was trying to go for mostly a competitive vibe, but I think if the leaderboard isn't already reasonably populated, that doesn't really carry people's interest for very long. Going much more for unlockables and achievements in my next project.

For your iOS port are you folks working in Swift or Objective-C? I decided to be an early adopter of Swift, and so far I'm pretty happy with it. I've always found Objective-C so darn clunky looking.

Other Projects / Re: [Released] Magma Pig for Android!
« on: November 29, 2014, 12:53:59 am »
Looks nice, I don't have an Android device as of yet, but I'm looking to get one soon for porting my games to from iOS, thus far I haven't had that great a response from just iOS, so i'm not sure it's worth the time for my current game.

Those are some pretty cute looking costumes. I look forward to playing the iOS port  :D

Entertainment / Re: Majora's Mask 3DS
« on: November 21, 2014, 08:19:47 pm »
I'm pretty excited for this. I didn't really appreciate Majora's Mask when it came out, but since then it has actually become one of my favourite games, and I've actually been replaying the original on the N64 in the last little bit here. I know some people didn't like the lack of Temples/Dungeons in it, but honestly I've always kind of enjoyed the npc quests more so than the actual dungeons.

Other Projects / [Released] Splashy Bucket for iOS
« on: November 21, 2014, 07:55:58 pm »
TLDR: Download this game and play it, the fate of the world depends on it.

Hey there folks, I've just finished my first ever iOS game, and seeing as how you !@#$% were the ones carried my interest in game development way back when, I figured it only fitting that I make a shameless plug on these forums. So anyway, here have some pictures!

Splashy Bucket on the iTunes Store

Have you ever wanted to catch a bunch of rain in a bucket? No? Wrong answer! You actually really do want do that! Splashy Bucket will allow you to fulfill your minutes long dream of catching droplets in a bucket, all without you leaving the comfort of your own... wherever you happen to be right now.

Use your mighty powers of agility and screen tapping to collect the rain drops and also avoid getting crushed by an ever increasing torrent of rage filled icicles. If you show particular promise in moisture collection, you may even be awarded various sticks of excellence; icons of extreme prowess and skill.

Splashy Bucket features Game Centre integration so you can show all your friends how much more fulfilled your rain drop related dreams are than theirs. TAKE THAT, FRIENDS!

Splashy Bucket on the iTunes Store

So what type of server are you running? Creative, hardcore PVP, not those?

Entertainment / Re: Ocarina of Time 3D
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:04:17 am »
So I now have less money and a 3DS and OOT... I REGRET NOTHING!! :P While we're on the subject, have any decent 3DS games been released other then OOT 3D?

Entertainment / Re: TF2 is now free
« on: June 29, 2011, 06:02:33 am »
I bought it a couple years ago with the orange box, I played it once or twice and it really wasn't my cup of tea. I like the videos though :P

Entertainment / Re: Ocarina of Time 3D
« on: June 24, 2011, 06:31:09 am »
Damnit you guys! I was trying to save money and now I'm going to have to go buy a 3DS and this game :P Just people recounting OOT moments is driving me nuts. Maybe I'll just go play my n64 cart :P Try to get my fix that way... but... redone graphics in 3D... hmmm Walmart is still open...

Hard drives are old school now :P Solid state is totally where it is at! Nintendo just needs to figure out a way to make large solid state drives that are cheap :P But seriously, Nintendo has pretty much always made games for kids. Hard drives are still reasonably fragile, bulky, things that contain moving parts. Nothing in a computer except fans and maybe water pumps should have moving parts and are thus bad for kids; kid drops console solid state easily survives, kid drops hard drive a couple of times and it's toast.

Discussion / Re: Game Maker 8.1
« on: April 24, 2011, 06:25:32 am »
Wow... 8.1 I remember when it was like half that number and totally free. Those were the days... *has a fit of nostalgic daydreaming*

Entertainment / Hai I herd you like Poky mans?!
« on: March 29, 2011, 03:46:26 am »
So black and white, more of the same... yes I did buy it :P Anyone else here still hopelessly addicted to Pokemon? :D Also anyone have a low level vulpix they could give me? pretty please!

Entertainment / Re: Call of Duty Black Ops
« on: November 24, 2010, 04:50:16 am »
Gah, well after my spirited speech in defense of Call Of Duty, I must admit I'm not at all happy with the PC version of Black Ops, it is almost literally unplayable. I've had to hard restart my computer three times already. The story seems somewhat interesting and I would love to play, if only it would stop crashing. As well the multiplayer would fantastic if it wasn't full of constant lag and crashing. I thought the switch back to dedicated servers would actually in some way benefit the PC crowd... oh well, it'll get better next patch :P </battered housewife>

Entertainment / Re: Call of Duty Black Ops
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:24:14 am »
But the only way I'd get the next Call of Duty is if it was World War 1.
Call of Duty: Trench Warfare

I wouldn't buy it though if it had that name though
But that's what it is :P The only thing you would do is run out a trench, get shot to death, run out of a trench, get shot to death, get gassed to death, and then you would get shot because your poorly produced rifle jammed and then fell apart :P Maybe Vimy Ridge might be interesting but other then that...

Entertainment / Re: Call of Duty Black Ops
« on: November 16, 2010, 02:07:51 am »
CoD kinda sucks only because it's just another crappy FPS whrer the only skill is sitting and playing it for hours and hours... it doesn't take any thinking :-\
Define doesn't take any thinking? If you play any game that is even relatively balanced, against human players you should have to think. If you aren't thinking that's prolly why you're losing. You don't have to sit there playing it for hours and hours to get good necessarily. Building reaction time is definitely strategically advantageous but it is possible, especially if you have a team, to win through strategy. I mean I have managed to beat people with wall hacks (ergo the ultimate in reaction times) simply because they were not good at actually playing the game. Just because you can't take hours to think about every move you make doesn't mean there is no strategy, it just means you have to think quicker. Also, I'd say COD is actually far less about sitting and playing for hours in terms of getting "good" then pretty much any level up based RPG where you're simply grinding for hours so you can be "good" at the game. Any game worth its salt should actually require at least some play time before you can win at it.

On another note I don't really have a problem with them releasing COD games so fast. Again the dev cycle is not a single year, it is at least a two year cycle, probably more, as most companies have a bit of time in between when they are done with a development of their previous game. World at War was released in November of 2008 so do that math, it's been about two years since Treyarch last released a COD game. Not to mention MW2 as far as the PC market is concerned, was a total screw up. The lack of dedicated servers provided a laggy heck-ridden realm of filth :P so this latest offering for the PC market offer significant and worthwhile multipayer enhancement. Just because you have quantity doesn't necessarily mean that you lose quality; and given that a good deal of the people booing the game here say that they either never have played COD or stopped playing before the original modern warfare I would say you should at least give it a shot before writing it off as just another war shooter. Initially I was extremely hesitant to play, or believe I would like, COD:MW but I tried it at a rave... I mean friends house :p and I ended up enjoying a lot more then I thought I would. If you don't like it, then you don't like it (the first rule of tautology club is... :P) and I don't intend to force you to like but don't write it off as stupid because it's more popular then whatever game series you like. Remember going against the mainstream just because it is the mainstream is almost the same as conforming.

Entertainment / Re: Things with a cult following, <3
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:40:41 am »
How 'bout the Heaven's Gate cult? It had a cult following! :P

I like the stick man in their patent diagram very professional.

Ironically, (or unironically...anti-ironically...?) despite your desired sarcasm, your statement is correct. Stick Men are a standard UML symbol for an Actor.

A more realistic drawing of a person would arguably be less professional.

In short...
It wasn't so much the fact that it was a stick man that I found funny, so much as the pose of the stick man, as well as the fact that the stick man had a neck (how many stick men do you see with necks?)

All non-sucky drawn Stickman have necks. Do your stickman's arms and legs come out of his head? He'd be a spider.
XKCD stick men have no necks, plus legs come out of a torso (what kind of stickman has no torso?) Only sucky stick men have necks.

It wasn't so much the fact that it was a stick man that I found funny, so much as the pose of the stick man, as well as the fact that the stick man had a neck (how many stick men do you see with necks?)

Wikipedia article on Actor(UML)
Also Dia

^.^ Though the arms up instead of out kinda destroys my point a bit, but still....

"Sucka tried to play me
But you never payed me, never"

Not to mention, no where in that article does it actually say that you have to use a stickman it merely uses a stick man in the Wikipedia example graphic it doesn't say anywhere that it must be a stick man ,that the stickman must be in any particular pose, or that the stickman must have a neck.

I like the stick man in their patent diagram very professional.

Ironically, (or unironically...anti-ironically...?) despite your desired sarcasm, your statement is correct. Stick Men are a standard UML symbol for an Actor.

A more realistic drawing of a person would arguably be less professional.

In short...
It wasn't so much the fact that it was a stick man that I found funny, so much as the pose of the stick man, as well as the fact that the stick man had a neck (how many stick men do you see with necks?)

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