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Messages - Uppy

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Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] 3D - The Legend of Zelda: The Unicorns Lair
« on: December 26, 2007, 06:39:50 pm »
Hmmm, these pics look awfully like mock ups to me, maybe I am being overly sceptical...either way good luck.

I got Super Mario Galaxy a few weeks ago and have loved almost every minute of it, some levels I dislike, the toy land galaxy is really frustrating, but the msic is awesome, the sobering story of Rosaline is a bit of a bummer too. I just can't believe how much better it is compared to Sunshine, and I loved Sunshine too, I'd easily give this a 9.8/10 if I were reviewing it, which I'm not. so I wont....oh I just did.....!@#$%.

Zelda Projects / Re: [pre]Legend of Zelda Oracle of Secrets[/pre]
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:27:08 am »
ok then you are obviously 5 years old or trying to be funny?

thats better :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [pre]Legend of Zelda Oracle of Secrets[/pre]
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:22:02 am »
LOL, dude thats seriously weak, did your name used to be Link1090 by any chance?

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: December 07, 2007, 12:15:34 am »
a link to the forum? not quite yet, if you are talking about the HUD then thats fine dude :)

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: December 06, 2007, 11:08:43 pm »
No idea mate, I do have he HUD psd file though so I'l have to take a look.

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: December 01, 2007, 12:40:38 am »
hey 2a4ap, yeah azk is back on board and no, the story was one of the things lost on my computer along with Linkys awesome z3 booth psd.

And I love you too possum :P

Anywhoo thanks for the advice Hoffy, yeah we'll work on a font. the ideas are all zelda-ish so people should be quite happy playing it. As for the story, well it's pretty cool, I may not have it on my computer any more but I remember it pretty well.

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: November 30, 2007, 01:07:46 am »
Agreed, the textures arent ment to be photo  realistic but they are the textures that came with he houses (I assume you are talking about he doors) we ca replace the textures easily though, nice suggestion.

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: November 29, 2007, 07:40:31 pm »
LOL! I know what she wants to take Lnk into the woods for.....A sword! HA! I made another funny....oh...nevermind

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: November 29, 2007, 07:09:06 pm »
Haha thanks guys, yeah we were very proud of this game, now I have access to my old HDD we're going to carry on with it here we left off. Dunno whe a demowill bout, depends on whether I can get the WHOLE team back together plus additional members too.

Zelda Projects / Re: Reviving The Legend of Zelda: Sword of Power
« on: November 29, 2007, 06:33:07 pm »
Hey guys, here is another "old" screenshot, this is taken in the new Omedara village. In this screen Link is talking to the Mayor and yes, I am well aware of the spelling mistake in there. Text box was made by Linky, the mayor, as with most NPCs are edited TP models done by Delko. The Village was designed and made by yours truly (that'd be me, then). Houses were not made by a member of the SoP team. just thought I'd point that out, I'd love to give them credit but I can't remember the dudes name....something like "Medieval worlds" over at turbosquid


And another:

Entertainment / Re: Recommend me some good rap
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:41:39 am »
[trolling removed by Moderator]

I don't troll it was a joke, lighten up. :P

Entertainment / Re: Cool Zelda movie/animation
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:36:15 am »
:) The comment was removed prior to your post mate. I didn't actually realize that the poster of this wasn't also the creator of the vid due to me not bothering to read his post. Sorry man

Entertainment / Re: Cool Zelda movie/animation
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:28:40 am »
Hehe yeah the movie is alright. I agree about the rigging, Links legs don't bend properly.

Entertainment / Re: Cool Zelda movie/animation
« on: November 29, 2007, 11:10:01 am »
I really like this, yeah link looks ropey as do certain animations but I can't believe the two who posted prior to me, honestly how dare you just sit there and criticize someones work in such a manner!? I'd like to see either of you do any better cos I bet you couldn't.

Entertainment / Re: Just in: Soul Calibur Legends sucks ass.
« on: November 27, 2007, 04:35:10 pm »
LOL! Sorry Bertfallen, I didn't actually read your name, just quickly reading the topic and saw your sig and assumed you were Fox. Anyway, as far as liking Realistic games, thats fine, of course Trask, all I was pointing out is that games don't need to look photo realistic in order to look amazing and in my opinion the more realistic the graphics become the more generic the games look, I mean it's one step away from the "dreaded" interactive movies "If you want him to go to the firework factory press one" NOOOO JUST PLAY THE !@#$% MOVIE!

As for Namco, one word springs to mind: "Sellout". That is all.

Entertainment / Re: Just in: Soul Calibur Legends sucks ass.
« on: November 27, 2007, 03:39:01 pm »
Hehe, Hey Fox the source was N-Gamer or at the time, NGC as it was then called, of course.....they were bound to be bias in Nintendo's favour. Either way having played all 3 versions of Soul Calibur 2 I can say that IMO the GCN was by far the best, even though spawn is awesome *nerdgasm*

Anywhoo hey Knivu, yeah, when I said about SMG I was referring to the games gorgeous graphics. I've always thought that the Wii was more comparable to the original X-Box than the GCN in terms of graphical abilities.

Either way these games developers need to stop telling us what we want and listen to their customer base for a !@#$% change. Can you imagine any other industry not giving customers what they want?

"No no people don't want chocolate, they want sugar coated dogshite, trust us, we're market research"

Entertainment / Re: Just in: Soul Calibur Legends sucks ass.
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:38:23 pm »
Knivu, look at mario galaxy and tell me that could be done on PS2? The Wii is cabable of far better things than the Gamecube but even so, we play games for escapism not realism. This is the reason we play games like Mario and Zelda and even Soul Calibur. This isn't about the graphics, it's about Namco trying to give us what we don't want. Seriously, Soul Calibur 2 sold better on Gamecube than PS2 and X-Box and yet they could be arsed to do a proper Soul Calibur for Wii? Instead they try to be innovative and fail. hard. Now gimme my proper Soul Calibur Namco, you dickheads! lol.

I for one am incredibly bored with all the ultra realistic (usually FPS) games on PS3 at the minute, it's swamped with them and you know what the problem with games that look so realistic? they all look the SAME. The real world looks boring, realistic looking games look boring because they look well...real.

I believe on this occasion IGN have got it right. I won't be buying this heap of crap.

Updates / Re: A Hoffy Review: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:27:27 pm »
I agree with AoDC, I also agree with the music part, the fact that all dungeons have the same music, as do at least two of the islands is a real let down. What you must remember though is that maybe that was done because of the limited space available on the NDS card. considering what they crammed into that teeny card it isn't surprising that some sacrifices had to be made. Great review mate.

If anyone is in doubt: BUY THIS GAME!
And anyone who complains tha it should have had d-pad controls needs to go die while I call a waaaah-mbulance. lol I mades a funny....

Other Projects / Re: (WIP) NiGHTS into Dreams: Second Slumber
« on: November 27, 2007, 02:11:53 am »
haha some people might not know :)
Hehe you call it "him" and I'll call it "her"....thats both bases covered.
Anywhoo, those models are awesome.....

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