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Messages - uma

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It's good to see this is still being worked on, after all this was one of the most promising projects on zfgc.

Good Job, KM.

Your in southern africa, all you are gonna see is black people. All the white people live in the north

Well, why does the game take place in Africa?

Besides, you can't tell me there isn't even 1 white person in Africa.

Entertainment / Re: Star Soldier R (WiiWare)
« on: March 29, 2008, 04:49:12 am »
Swweet! Some mindless, classic shmup action.

This looks very promising.

This reminds me of the topic awhile ago, about the new Resident Evil(5 I think). Anyways, in that game, your a white man shooting only black zombies. Then you had people saying "OH !@#$% YOUR RACIST IF YOU THINK THIS GAME IS RACIST", even though the connection is much more apparent.

So I'd say your pretty racist if you thought an innocent game like DK64 was racist... I would of never seen that game as racist, and I still don't.

Entertainment / Re: They finally figured it out...
« on: March 25, 2008, 12:59:04 am »
Werewolf Sonic might not be THAT bad. Link turned into a werewolf, it sort of worked a bit. Kind of. (I found it strange though because in LTTP he turned into a rabbit)

Wait... If Sonic is a hedgehog, how can he turn into a Werewolf? Since a Werewolf is a wolf that walks on it's back legs, couldn't Sonic already be classified as a Werehedgehog? And if that was so, how can a hedgehog turn into a wolf? How does an animal change into a completely different animal?

The only thing that could make it even more crazy is if Mario made a cameo appearance- No, better yet, was a playable character. :-X

Entertainment / Re: They finally figured it out...
« on: March 23, 2008, 08:59:22 pm »
I've never been a fan of Sonic, but this actually looks good.

It might not be as fun as Mario Galaxy, but it has to potential to compete if it makes it's way to the Wii.

Entertainment / Re: Mario Kart Wii Opening Cinematic
« on: March 23, 2008, 03:44:20 pm »
This makes me wonder; How many other games will use the Wii's Wiil?


Tokyo Police Club
Half Japanese
The Garrison Conspiracy

All of them, sooo good!

Entertainment / Re: The FFVII milking will continue.
« on: March 22, 2008, 04:05:01 pm »
God stoop the spin-offs/remakes Squeeny, give us more new stuff, like the old days!

Graphics / Re: My very first 100% from scratch 16x16 sprite
« on: March 21, 2008, 02:24:28 am »
2nd one is awesome because it looks so FF6!

I think there great, just keep going and you'll be like awesome too.

Entertainment / Re: Annoying lack of Wii blocks
« on: March 20, 2008, 09:05:13 pm »
Try this!

Works just great for storing your Wii datas.

4 buttons?
tiny screen?
Shitty graphics
no REAL strum bar? (shitty touchscreen)
Probably lower sound quality music?
HUGE, very dorky peripheral?

Count me WAY out.

I !@#$% love guitar hero, but I'll live without it being portable.

I hate it when people say this. I always think "You know what? !@#$% you, okay. You want good graphics, take a look outside. Seriously, the polycount and textures are amazing."

I can't say much else because I've never played Guitar Hero before, It's just not my kind of game, but the graphics are not bad. They're actually pretty good for a DS game, judging from the screens.


Mix it all together and you got the best of both worlds.

Entertainment / Re: ZOMG! Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core in 10 days!
« on: March 16, 2008, 04:42:18 pm »
Have none of you !@#$% even followed this game?!

The in-game cutscenes are absolutely beautiful for the PSP....It works on the same basis as the Kingdom Hearts facial engine...
Come on...  You guys expect too much,I guess, damnit...  It's on the PSP...not the !@#$% PS3...You aren't going to have a life changing rework of FF7 with Crisis Core because it's on a handheld.  !@#$%, even the battle graphics are !@#$% sweet for the PSP.  And also, the story is deep for what it is.  The link between Sephiroth, Angeal, Genosis....  Sephiroth's rise to power and evil is going to be completely laid out...not just some gay rant in the basement reading books...

Maybe some you just don't understand...Then again, I can't blame you when the latest spin-offs have been retarded...(Dirge and Advent Children).

Hey, look at it like this, at least you won't be putting hours into a character that gets stabbed through the back...lol...Just one that gives you the most epic sword, saves your life, then dies....lulz

No, It's not just that. Look at the other series' there giving spin offs; Children of Mana, from the Mana series, sucked ass and I've heard the Valkery Profile spin offs were nothing special(Infact theres another one coming out on the DS).

It's hard to understand getting excited over a spin-off, let alone one by Squeeny because they ruin everything they touch. The direction of the company is just awful, the barely make any new games, and on the rare occasion they do, the cool looking ones don't get released outside of japan.

But, you know, if your an FF7 fan, go ahead and get it. Were not gonna' judge you! :P I just wish they would !@#$% stop the remakes/spinoffs.

Entertainment / Re: ZOMG! Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core in 10 days!
« on: March 16, 2008, 02:39:20 am »
I'll agree FF7 isn't the best(by far, it's one of my least favourite Final Fantasies) and I'll agree that pretty much everything that's associated with it except for Advent Children isn't very good.  But I'll at least wait 'till I play the game to say it's crappy.  Colour-wise, they're trying to make it look dark, just like they did with FF7.  I, for one, like darker colours.

I realize they want it to have a darker look to it, but the art direction just makes me want to sleep. Let me give you an example; This games use of color isn't as smart as say Halo. While I hate the Halo franchise, I do commend it's use of bland, desaturated colors. Looking at Halo, I don't feel like sleeping.

Maybe It's just me, I've always prefered a lighter, more saturated look. Thats why I like to look at games like Dawn of Mana.

Entertainment / Re: ZOMG! Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core in 10 days!
« on: March 16, 2008, 12:31:14 am »
Wow, your getting excited over an FF7 spin off?

I agree, enjoy your crappy spin-off game. It just looks so bland and... fanboyish. Like, it doesn't look bad, but it looks very subpar, and just over all uninspired. It looks like all the other !@#$% Squeeny spits out.

The dull use of color puts me asleep just looking at that game... :-\

Entertainment / I knew it, Geno IS in Brawl.
« on: March 15, 2008, 02:26:51 am »
*Title unrelated*

Heh, I find this kind of funny because, back when the japanese version of Brawl was released, I posted in someones thread, asking if the Mushroom Forest song from Mario Rpg was in Brawl. WELL guess what? It was going to be.

And to top it all off, theres tons of other amazing songs that got cut from Brawl. Like:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UHLCk0OXRE&feature=related (Ballad of the Windfish)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dMervFNzbQ&feature=related (Eight Melodies)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL6lpwKamg8&feature=related (Boss theme from Partners in Time)

Theres even MORE. Just look at the related videos.

Other Discussion / Re: Little kids are badass
« on: March 15, 2008, 01:33:10 am »

Teacher got burned as !@#$%.

Entertainment / Re: Which Character Should be in SSBB?
« on: March 13, 2008, 12:32:06 am »

And CD-I Link sucks balls.

CD-I Link is my favorite Link, imo. He has the most personality out of all of them.

Heh, I saw this a long time ago. If that was a real fighting game, It'd be my favorite.
uh... It is a real fighting game; Fighter Maker for the PS1.

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhh hhhuh I knew that. I'm saying if it was a completely different game, all by It's self. Like a stand alone. You know how Virtua Fighter comes on it's own disc? Thats what I meant, if it was a game, by It's self, on It's own disc.

I mean, the only way a person could play it is it they had the memory for this game on a Ps1 memory card and a copy fighter maker. If it were a real fighting game, then it wouldn't need that, it'd be on it's own disc.

THATs what I meant.

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