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Messages - Halu

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 61
Entertainment / Re: Sex-ed rocks
« on: March 26, 2009, 06:51:25 pm »
Yeah, that video's funny as !@#$%.
Whoever called this Metalcore is...

The breakdown is tight as !@#$%, funny as hell too haha.

Entertainment / Re: GHMetallica
« on: December 22, 2008, 03:06:02 pm »
If they were gonna sell out they could of at least done it with a good band >_>

*ZOMG GH died and the world was stuck with learning REAL guitar*

I don't see what is so great about GH seriously. It's DDR with your hands...
Well, I play rock band, and I'm good, (Ranked like, 6th in the world or some !@#$%, idc.)

And I play it because I play real drums, and this was competition.
So it took the two things I loved most and put them into a game.

Entertainment / Re: GHMetallica
« on: December 21, 2008, 02:57:36 pm »
If they were gonna sell out they could of at least done it with a good band >_>

Guitar Hero: Nirvana
Gee that would have some of the most fun drum charts ever I would definitely pick it up.


Other Discussion / Re: So yeah my Brother is the coolest. Period.
« on: October 02, 2008, 04:22:19 pm »
What is this I don't even

Other Discussion / Re: So yeah my Brother is the coolest. Period.
« on: October 01, 2008, 04:41:10 pm »
He just wants everyone to know he is homosexual. On every thread, he wants to make it clear. Just like Mirby wanted to show everyone he cross-dressed everywhere he could.

Also, stop calling me homophobic. <_< Let's just leave it there.

It's Aliento, okay? If you knew him better, you'd realise he makes comments about men in the same way that straight guys do about women. It's not a problem unless you make it one.

His post in the topic was much more appropriate that 4sword's, but you pick on his comment because it makes you feel uncomfortable. It's not a problem with him or anyone else, other than you and the way you react to these issues. Why does it have to provoke a reaction from you?

As already evidenced, there are several gay, bi and transgender members of the forum, and the way in which you pick on them solely really gets on my nerves, especially since I'm one of the people your comments are inadvertently targeting.

But, whatever. I'll leave it at that, and let's just get back to Bert's topic.
listen to this man.

also bert.
your brother, yes, your brother, give him a high-five.

Entertainment / Re: How can anyone not like the band Tool?
« on: October 01, 2008, 04:33:21 pm »
Danny Carey is my !@#$% idol.

Lateralus is like, ear sex, hardcore ear sex.
also maynard's voice = god.

Entertainment / Re: The Dark Knight
« on: July 21, 2008, 04:44:05 am »
Dear God.

The joker, was !@#$% amazing.
Some parts of that literally had me scared, the way Joker !@#$% controlled everything.

I mean ffs, when he turned the whole city on one man, wow, that was, wow, incredible.

I don't want there to be another Batman with the joker in it, no one will ever do it better or the same as Heath in my eyes, impossible.
Gah, if I ever was given the chance to play the Joker, I'd !@#$% myself.

The movie:

Other Discussion / Re: Please do me a huuuuge favour? :D
« on: July 13, 2008, 04:54:43 pm »
1.   Age:
15, 16 in Feb.

2.   Do you use any of the following grooming products? (please edit in bold)

Deodorant    aftershave     hair gel    moisturiser

Other (please specify):

3. How regularly do you use these products? (please edit in bold)

Never    Once a year   Occasionally   Once a month    Once a week

Twice/three times a week     Every day

4. What brands do you buy/use? (please list)
Some random offbrand Hairgel, Axe (Stick), and Blade (Spray)

5. Do you read men’s lifestyle magazines (such as FHM, Nuts, Loaded etc.)?   Yes/No

If Yes, which one(s)?

6. How often do you read men’s lifestyle magazines? (please edit in bold)

   Once a year    Occasionally    Once a month    Once a week

Twice a week or more

7. Do you skip the adverts in magazines or do you take time to read/notice them? (please edit in bold)

Yes    Sometimes    No

8. Do you recognise this picture? (please edit in bold)

Yes   No

9. Can you name the brand?

Yes Lacoste     /  No

10. Can you identify the product? (deodorant, aftershave, hair gel …?)

Wait, of the Lacoste picture?  It looks like a Polo or something.
11. Which brand does this slogan belong to?

12. Can you identify the product of this brand? (deodorant, aftershave, hair gel…?)


Other Discussion / Re: Top Ten Posts
« on: July 13, 2008, 05:23:23 am »
The ass physics was and will always be the best.

Other Discussion / Re: Which sword to buy?
« on: July 13, 2008, 05:20:46 am »
Get a gun that shoots swords

How about a sword that shoots bullets?  /another Final Fantasy reference

That's too stupid to exist.

At least it could exist. Don't talk about a gun that shoots swords then call the Gunblade stupid. o_ô
A gun that shoots swords would be awesome albeit unpracticle...a gunblade is for faggots. Hence why Squall and whatisface use it.

In other words you don't like the gunblade because you have some kind of grudge against a video game character.
Hi I'm sucking up to Swiftu.

Also, second one.

Other Projects / Re: Twinsen
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:36:40 pm »
that's sick taka, I really can't wait for the next release.

lookin' forward bro.

Graphics / Re: Who wants a custom World of Warcraft Wallpaper
« on: June 23, 2008, 03:48:12 am »

but yeah, anyway, those look nice TRM, nice job.

Audio / Re: Take Five
« on: June 05, 2008, 01:01:30 am »

Fun song on drums to.
Very nice job bro, wish I could play piano as well as you :(

Entertainment / Re: Super Mario RPG coming to Virtual Console
« on: June 02, 2008, 01:56:20 am »
!@#$% YES.


Entertainment / Re: Jealous?
« on: May 29, 2008, 01:40:49 am »
Gay D:

He probably knows someone inside the development ring.
I can't get it anyway though, no PS3.

boo console specific games.

Entertainment / Re: Post-all-nighter Games
« on: May 29, 2008, 01:13:47 am »
Rockband and Call of Duty.

oh, and SSBB, alcohol + mario = :thumbsup:

Entertainment / Re: Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull? (SPOILERS)
« on: May 28, 2008, 01:56:37 am »
Swiftu, you hate almost everything. You're extremely jaded.

Like, you're a funny ass guy at times, but you do basicaly hate the majority of everything.
but I <3 you.

Entertainment / Re: Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull? (SPOILERS)
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:59:28 pm »
[spoilers]Aliens?[/spoilers] WTF? Still, I guess they had to give a better explanation for things that "God did it" like they did in the other Indiana Jones Films XD

No, there's no way that
Show content
!@#$% child Shia is the spawn of Indy's loins.

!@#$% that.

Yeah, everyone knows when Indy's child appears, it should be followed by the world splitting in two and him kicking arses of everyone on both halves, using his rattle...or is that James Bond's child?

Entertainment / Re: How the hell is this music?
« on: May 26, 2008, 04:00:36 am »
Yes, Lupe, Kanye, Common, Mos Def, Talib, etc.

They don't produce amazing music.
Dammit when people say rap sucks it pisses me off.

And this is coming from a straight-edge rock guy.
But seriously, way to blanket an entire genre based on a bunch of songs.

Entertainment / Re: My band at School Talent show!
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:50:13 pm »
Ok, one of the guitars in that video was out of tune.

And I cry at that.

But that guy was a pretty awesome singer.

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