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Messages - zeldaknack

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You're making great progress Janet,
I must give you some kudos :-)

Were our graphical approach more of a similar vein,
I would propose that we merge projects to assist
one another. 

I know that I am personally looking forward to playing
your game :-)

I was wondering, have you given the Gamecore, or
Reality Factory engines a look yet? Both support to one
degree or another- importing from 3dstudio. Reality Factory
is free, while Gamecore requires a bit of an investment
(unless you don't necessarily need to compile the game into
an .exe package) but it's "All-in-one-window" approach makes
it really user friendly

I love your screen shots thus far- lots of life to them.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 11, 2008, 01:59:37 pm »
Cheers ;-)

A little amazing fact- the trees are less than 250 polygons.... Which, all things considered- is fairly
impressive.  ;-)

Thanks for the comments thus far, please keep 'em coming!

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 11, 2008, 06:20:21 am »
Here's another screen shot for those interested...
Playing with bloom effects and such.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 10, 2008, 01:00:04 pm »

Game is progressing (albeit slowly), the following is a current IN-GAME screenshot.
Please, bear in mind that it's a serious WIP.

There is no animations yet.

I'm awaiting motion capture data, which will be powering my animations in game.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: January 08, 2008, 09:34:48 pm »
Thanks for the encouragement- I need more of it ;-)

It's coming along, and will be completed- I'm not a flake *chuckles*
and the project is in a large part for me and my friends... *smiles*
The community will be getting a free, neat, fairly decently done
3D game, and most of all the assets (obviously can't give away a
commercial engine and some of the stuff I'll be buying- but almost
all of it will be freely given away at the end).

The hope behind all of that is that eventually the community will
be able to quickly, and easily bring their visions of it all into a more
current, pretty 3D game engine without much fuss.

All of my models thus far have been uploaded online, in dang near
every format - just in case of HDD failure and the like.

As I said, I'm keeping all of you guys in mind start to finish.


Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: January 08, 2008, 06:01:27 pm »
Currently still at it.

Utilizing the GameCore engine. 

I've been flip-flopping a bit on that factor, but I saw some stuff that really impressed me that would be 10x harder in
any other even remotely affordable engine.  I purchased it- and thus far I'm not dissapointed.

The last week or so I've been working on my texturing a *lot*.
I've ran into a whole slew of issues with the texturing, but- it's coming. 
The animation should be fairly reasonable after the texturing of the main character is done.

If anyone is experienced with angelscript, or texturing- let me know. I am accepting 2D fantasy art of monsters,  kings,
and 'medieval fantasy' scenes. Stuff that I accept and choose to use will be turned into a tapestry or painting inside
of the fangame, with acknowledgement in the 'credits' section.

Tiling textures are appreciated ;-)

So, what is the current status?


Main Character Modeling: Done
Main Character Texturing: 40%
Main Character Rigging: Done
Main Character Animating: 0%
Light World-In Game:            30%
World Textures:                       40%
House Models:                       80%
House Textures:                     5%
Vegetation Modeling:           70%
Vegetation Texturing:            5%
Story:                                            80%
Quest Interaction Plan
(Includes Areas, NPC's,
Dialogue, etc. for quests:    90%
Dungeon layouts:                    70%
Dungeon Modeling:                15%
Dungeon Texturing:                 0%
Villager Modeling:                    20%***
Villager Texturing:                     0%***
Villager Animating:                   0%***
Base Enemy design:                 60%
Base Enemy Models:               0%**
Base Enemy Texturing:            0%
Base Enemy Animation:         0%**
Enemy AI:                                      70%
Villager AI/Pathfinding:            40%
Player HUD:                                  10%
Player HUD Functionality:       0%
Camera Modes (includes:
1st Person, 3rd Person,
Over shoulder, Top Down:     90%
Game Menus:                              25%

** A handful will likely be purchased.
***= Likely purchasing a villager pack that's animated & Textured, Villager pack will then slowly over time be phased out for
models that 'feel' more like the setting will.  Doing such to have it functional sooner rather than later- I am one person after

Software Used:
3D: (Most to Least)
Milkshape 3D

2D/Texturing: (Most to Least)
PhotoShop 5

UV Mapping:
LithUnwrap 1.3

GameCore Engine
Advanced FXeditor
Various NVidia free apps
Might Use Hammer a little later for slightly easier dungeon crafting
FreeWorld 3D (For guidance during Game Editing)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:02:44 pm »
Thorough planning is what gets a good job done ;).

Truer words were never spoken.

Putting a lot of effort into this will definitely bring out a promising fan project, all we need is to wait for time to pass until we are all able to try this out.

Definitely. It will be fun- I promise.  It may not start out the prettiest, or most entertaining (as it will start as an alpha demo).. But, I feel that it's a key ideal to have players involved in every step of the process.  I myself can't wait to have the demo working- as it's always an incredible feeling to be able to
delve into one's own creation as a player- and not just the monkey behind the machination.

Just one curiosity, rupees and more rupees...well is it going to have a 3-digit limit or upgradeable wallet sizes? I just have some crazy idea making items further on much more expensive but also the capability of collecting thousands, even tens of thousands of rupees...

I think an initial limiter on rupees is a great mechanic (symolizing a lack of space to hold them), and it also
gives a player a feeling of having more to work towards, and more ability to 'expand' their character.  I think that having items that are insanely priced is not a bad idea either- having some rupee bag upgrades that are hidden, some as quest items, and some as purchasables are definitely things that I have planned.  I have also debated a 'no limit' bag, or 'high-limit' bag that would require the player have it equipped to the "a" or "b" buttons- (taking the spot of a valuable weapon or item), and having them lose
the any rupee's that exceed their maximum for their actual bags if they un-equip it..

but maybe that wont work cause we'd hate for link to become overindulged with greed XD.

No no, you mustn't think like that- it's all about increasing the wealth of the economy... ;-)
.....Did I just reveal something...? Mayhaps....

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:00:52 pm »
I think I have a guess how the character model is going to look...is he going to look like the official ALttP concept art of Link? That's just my guess, but I'm thinking I may be way off.  :P

The ALttP concept character outfit will be an 'unlockable'- something you'll have to earn :-).
It will be just a little grittier, a little more 'grown up', and ye old hero will be, well- a little older...
Aged like the rest of us have been ;-)

I'm having issues with the face. But the body and outfit parts are almost fully completed.  I just
don't want to show the model untill I'm happy with the face (which I hope is understandable) :-)

The Demo and games start will have more along the vein of a 'starting outfit'- more of a representation of the hero rising up from not as accomplished (or at least 'honorable') beginnings. Think more like Twilight
Princess on that note- but coming from a several years retired / traveling / lost hero (I refuse to give
away much in the way of story yet :-P)...

He will have a shield or armor of sorts- as will he have a sword.. But I'm thinking at the beginning- this is
more of a "Return to" style, not a direct remake.

Will the old bosses from the past return? Most definitely, in some form. But remember- they *were* defeated once upon a time... Evil never is truly defeated, it is just dissipated, or made a shadow of it's former self- regaining power over time, through planning, and through preying on those weaker, or even smaller than themselves..

Remember- these are merely my thoughts as of now- nothing is final. This is by me, a fan- for fans.. Nothing more, nothing less, and I suspect you will all be *very* pleasantly surprised by the time it's finished.

So come on- keep the feedback coming, spread the word... If you care to help- let me know what you're good at- I may just welcome your help![/u]

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda Mobile - for javaphones [Demo 3 Released]
« on: December 17, 2007, 11:54:49 pm »
This is quite awesome- it's keeping me inspired as to what a fan and creator (like me) might be able
to accomplish :-)

I love the work so far - keep it up man, I can't wait to see the finished product.

My one caveat though- is there a possiblity you could add support for wide screen phones
like the t-mobile dash (htc excalibur)?

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: December 17, 2007, 11:52:16 pm »
It shall happen soon enough- the character model is almost done, then will come animating (even roughly), and then the demo will be ready for release…  Estimating currently 2.5-4 weeks tops, depending
on how hectic it is between now and new years.

Not too much time when you think about it ;-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: December 17, 2007, 10:22:19 pm »
Working on the main character model (70% done), as well as trying 2 3D game-engines

Game Engines being utilized / worked with so far:
*Gamemaker 7 (With advanced plug-in for shaders and normal mapping)
*Reality Factory
I was going to use the Gamemaker engine- but, financially cramped at the
moment, and cannot afford the 100-200 dollar costs for using it.

Thus far, it's a toss up between which one will be the final choice, as both are fairly similar in terms of capability and 'newb' friendliness (I am, the n00b at programming).

[b[If anyone wants to toss in assistance or whatnot, it'd be appreciated. If not, well then it'll just take lots o time ;-) [/b]

I know the textures pretty much suck at the moment. I'm only one person though, cut me some slack  ;-)

I've figured out how to bring in characters and assets into Reality Factory (which seems to be the biggest stumbling block for people), and have most of the assets done (also a huge stumbling block for most)... So, hopefully it'll be my chosen engine. I was looking at GameMaker 7 preferably, but the amount of programming put me off a bit (I'm a bit of a wuss with programming). 

If there are better ideas/input / suggestions, please let me know as I could use the input.


Zelda Projects / Re: LOZ 3D : WIP
« on: December 13, 2007, 07:01:19 pm »
This looks like it will be awesome.  XD

Thank you, I don't think you'll be dissapointed in it :-)

May I offer a word of advice? You've put a lot of work into this, so making the overhead view too much the main view might not do you justice, because a lot of what you've put into it might go unseen. It might do you more justice if you make it able to toggle between a 2D view and the 3rd person 3D perspective at any given moment, rather than just for puzzles and conquest....

I want 3 views ideally:

A main top-down "2D" perspective, similar to in strategy games & link to the past. This will be the "Default", and first implemented. This top-down view will be able to flip 90 degrees, all 4 times (Giving 4 different angles), or possibly be mouse controllable.

A second "1st Person Shooter" Style view- for conquest and screen shots for the journal.

A third "Over the shoulder" 3D view similar to any of the recent zeldas.

I will not be ignoring advice or comments with this- it's by a fan, for the fans.[/b]

I don't get what you mean.  :huh: I don't think Zelda has evolved into a platformer at all. Yes, there may be some subtle platforming elements in OoT through PH, but that's by no means the primary aspect of gameplay. It still mostly retains an adventuring, combat, and puzzle solving focus. Having the ability to jump between platforms does not automatically garner a game the title of a "platformer game". But I do think they serve a purpose. For me, personally, I don't think Zelda would be the same without that little bit of platforming it now has.

I mean more in regards to Twilight Princess, I suppose. It has an immense amount of platforming or twitch (reflexes based only)
style elements that I do not want game-play wise.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: December 13, 2007, 05:41:30 pm »
Thank you for the comments thus far,

To the moderator- I apologize that I incorrectly labeled it- I put the WIP - I missed the putting it in
brackets part from the rules.  I'm sorry :-(

In regards to the texture comments and questions- I think it'll come down to me needing to remap
the 'roads' in the town so that it's easier to map the texture to them- otherwise I'll just  remove part
of it's coolness that it currently has with the looking bumpmapped wihtout bump-mapping... and make it
just a generic stone texture..

*sigh* Or I'll make it a walkable entity, that has the road texture as a skin...

Learning a goodlybit with this so far. 

There are *no* shaders so far, none, nada, zilch- just efficient polygon modeling.

Currently working on the stairs, as well as character modeling.

Really looking forward myself to being able to start the demo rollout in the oncoming weeks. I'm putting
together the programming additions plan now so as to be able to better keep myself on track.

I'll have some dungeon screens fairly soon, as I just need to add a 'corner' piece and a couple of small
models to it for diversity.

First demo, you'll be able to expect: Being able to walk through town, with an improvised dungeon entrance & test dungeon travelability.  There will be basic Combat implemented with chaacter vs
bad-guy.  It should be available in the next few weeks (but X-Mas is coming, and that'll delay things

Zelda Projects / Re: LOZ 3D : WIP
« on: December 12, 2007, 11:50:51 pm »
Not bad!  You've done a good job of translating the aLttP style into 3D....
Thank you :-)

- I'd say that the modeling should be the current priority.  Textures are important, but it might be harder to make textures for things that don't currently exist.

I'm thinking the same thing myself mostly, but I also think some more of the coding needs be done soon, so as to
have more of a "Real Time" feel, and videos of the progress, demo's etc.

-  I'd say work any direction besides North from here.  Maybe it's just me, but the town looks like it would be towards the top of the map.
Actually- I'm doing the *entire* map, plus some.  That means the forest, death mountain, deserts, the castle, etc...
But, I'll definitely take desired overall view of the community- and as you're the first one to answer, it looks
like your opinion will be the one taken first ;-)

I have a few questions about this though.  Have you done any of the coding yet?  If not, are you planning on doing that mainly by yourself? 

I have started piecing together the coding I think I want, but very little progress has been made yet on it.  If there
are talented, non-flakey coders who'd like to help- then I'm all for it.

Also, what type of camera system are you planning on using, (will it be a fixed camera)?

I am thinking a fixed camera definitely, but with a secondary "first person" or over the shoulder view for puzzle
solving potential, and conquest/screenshot moments.

I've found the perfect code snippets, and tweaked them for a fishing game ala Links Awakening, that I am
hoping to inject as well towards the end. :-)


On a side note, I will be releasing all of the assets for the game once it's done.  That's not just releasing it
for a handful of people- that's open sourcing all of the art, & models used.  It may sound nutty, but I want
to see the community jump in terms of quality resources, and I'd love to be able to help do that :-)

Zelda Projects / Re: LOZ 3D : WIP
« on: December 12, 2007, 09:52:49 pm »
No character models done yet, but they're coming soon as possible.

Do all of the pictures show up for everyone? I'm having a weird bug on my end.

Nevvvver mind- it's just the work computer being weird with filters ;-)

Zelda Projects / [Screens] LOZ 3D
« on: December 12, 2007, 09:33:57 pm »
Glimpse a world new, yet of years gone by..

An entire land in richly detailed 3D.

Characters and views familiar, yet stunningly new.

Wholly original 3D models,  textures, etc. Nothing is stolen, borrowed, ripped, etc.- it's all scratch designed with a *very* similar art style to what we know and love.

Main Character name? Probably just "Hero"... Will he be wielding a some-what familiar sword?
... Maybe .. Just as he *might* have a some-what familiar look to him...

New names, new areas, and designs

A 2D style experience in 3D. NOT a platformer... Think TitansQuest, or ShadowGrounds... Because in my mind- Zelda was *never* meant to
be a platformer. It's an adventure game... Most others have lost sight of that.

Will it be a derivitive of *any* pre-existing story? No. Though- it will be familiar.
As I said, all of my textures, and obviously models- are and will continue to be scratch built.

Since everything has been modularly built, from the inception, I don't estimate hitting alot of the road blocks many people have in the past ;-).  
            After all- in many ways, I think I'm already further along then many past attempts..

It will be platform agnostic. Meaning, you special Mac/Apple users, and rebellious Linux users could play.   There will be several levels of detail-
from low system requirements to high.

Currently (without normal mapping) the entire area shown is about 70k triangles.  Sounds like alot until you realize that video cards have been\
doing more than that for some time.

The following "red render" is an example of what you can expect when normal mapping is applied eventually.

It's just me working on this, but I think that may be for the best when it comes to the art. That
way I can say 100% that all of it is my original work. Nothing more than original and inspired artwork
that "just happens" to be in a very familiar presentation... ;-)

I'm having issues with the textures staying locked in their orientation, and I'm not sure that I personally can fix it. Which sucks.

The way it looks in the screen shots is not representative of what I want the finished product to look like, I'm hoping that they are more of what one can expect on a "lower-end" computer appearance.

I'm about 1/2 to 2/3 done with the items found in the series. Then it'll just be weapons, armor, characters... A little help from a couple of coders at that point, and I think it'll
end up much more professional game-play and experience wise then you'd think....

Dungeon "map" pieces are done now, aside from a couple of blocks, statues, and the large urns/ flame areas.

For the land areas, almost all of the scenery bits are done now- as you can see, plus a few others I've done.

I have left (really) a couple of blocks, boulders, cacti, a few skulls, a barren tree, castle and the witches house. Then the terrain. - that's it for the world map... Now I will be
adding "new" items and places that I'll have to custom make some buildings and such for but- overall, not doing bad on the modeling for more or less 2 weeks of working
on it off and on.

Most of the textures are placeholders to give a 'feel' of what it will look like.

Some of my thought-of changes or additions to the village and game map thus far by the end are:

**Adding a fishing ledge over the water /river area

** Adding more areas (town, forest types) to the West of the village

** Adding a moblin village hidden inside the forest areas, sticking with the same art style- thus far I'm thinking a mix of the witches house, the normal houses - but more primitive (thinking more native american longhouses, with
some 'primitive' jungle / forest housing influences, cobbled together and
embellished 'fiercely'- in a tribal manner befitting them)

** Adding a Port-City to the South (As the Hero sails a few times in the series, but there is no real area shown thus far)The houses and shops would be similar to the village homes, but with some stone and drift-wood style touches.

** Adding more to the mountains.....


So, I guess I should ask the following:

**Is there any parts of it you want to see a 'closer' view of?

**Is there any added details you think should be added (be they part of the 'canon' visuals, or no) and aside from the obvious posts and staircase?

**Should the modeling, or texturing be taking precedence right now?

**What area should be next on my priority list? Should I continue North or South from the village?

** What should be - should anything be changed from how I have it (beside the aformentioned adding of posts and the staircase)?

Red Render (Normal Mapping, medium to high end system)


Test shots (Lower poly count, low to medium system)

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