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Messages - Kienamaru

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Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 13, 2013, 11:57:16 pm »
Oh well, I didn't know you meant Zelda like. Not that it matters. That frees up more space for thought. So I'd like to be your idea man if you'd allow. I can think of classes, weapons, special attacks, and other advanced maneuvers that would be available to all classes as you level up. I can also name locations and items.

If you want inspiration I would research Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventures. Minish Cap implemented learning skills for combat and how they could be used, and FSA had team attacks, and a unique combat system.

Also, you may want to recruit around the recruiting section of the forum. I've seen many spriters here and you can probably find someone willing to help out.

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Time collapse (Temporary name)
« on: January 13, 2013, 02:02:04 pm »
I don't think all of the words need a color change. I was asking why you had gold font if that color doesn't fit the theme of the game. Not saying that it doesn't, but IF it doesn't you might change it. The triforce just should be colored in my opinion, it's the golden power after all. To see it fully colored to represent the respective attributes as opposed to the actual sacred purpose just seems off-putting to me.

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 13, 2013, 08:16:05 am »
We definitely need to talk. I have a Zelda mmo planned when I can get into the industry. It isn't exactly Zelda but everything about it feels like it aside of the lack of reliance on items. That's where I turned to make things different. This is how I would consider going about a few things.

1- split the overworlds. Don't just take Hyrule and call it a day, we need more substance. Why not get creative and make an entire region out of Snowpeak, and the Gerudo Desert? You could even have a gateway to Termina in the lost woods somewhere. You might even implement the light world and dark world from Alttp. If you have a big enough team you could go all out to make versions of Holodrum and Labrynna from the oracle games.

2- scale everything. It doesn't seem too important to have things built to scale but for consistency it's a good idea. On Zelda houses are small outside and big inside. Why not have them the same? This adds more realism and depth to the game.

3- Dungeons are Dungeons. Make it so you can see the dungeons like normal places, but wen you enter you could bring up a menu to select from parties to join or form a new one. You don't want every dungeon to require a full party though, some people like to be lone wolves or play with just friends. They should all have boss fights an mini bosses, and a good xp and treasure reward at the end though the treasure could be random.

4- Races need reasons. Hylians, Gerudo, Deku, Zora, Goron, Sheikah and more, Zelda has many races. You need a reason to choose what you chose. While I am against game that lock class or weapon type based on race, you should at least offer different stat increases and specialties. Gerudo are good with combat and black magics as seen by twinrova and Ganon beforre he had the triforce. Juliana are known as light beings but also have knights, so they could be similar with good combat and support or healin abilities.

5- variety in classes/cross class fusion. You always want loads of classes to choose from in an mmo.multiple battle classes like warrior, knight, berserker, ninja, samurai. Multiple range types like archer, ranger, bowman. Multiple stealth types like rogue, bandit or thief. You could consider type fusions as well. Spell sword or paladin. Magic bowman or mystic archer. Assassin or Nightblade. Etc.

Not only that, but each class needs to be significantly different than others. From attack animations to running speed, each class needs their own unique perks and flaws.
While a Gerudo could be ideal as a thief or Spell Sword, you could still make them into a ninja if desired. Etc.

6- Locks and prestige classes. if you want to lock certain things to race. Prestige classes would be ideal. Maybe the highest form of Ninja the Shadow Master can only be attained as a Garo and Sheikah. Or only The Gerudo can be Arcane Warriors.

I know I previously mentioned not liking locked things for races but it is necessary wherebit makes sense. You wouldn't want a Goron thief or a Deku berserker. So think about sensible locks for base classes.

7- Large worlds need quick travel. How will players get around quickly? Mounts are a necessity, horses, boars, rafts, or boats maybe, potentially even flying birds? That works for mid range travel but when you're going a really long way you might want to include even faster ways to move such as teleporting.
Zelda has used many ways to do this, with instruments, birds, even your companions. Maybe have a certain type of item that allows warping? And will it work for your party or no? This kind of stuff should be considered as well.

Maybe to enter the desert's deepest end you might have to use a boat or raft depending on your funds. A boat is much faster though a raft could be less than half even half the price.

How will you call your mounts to you in a world like this? So many players so a song wouldn't do. Maybe a certain class could even summon their own mounts.

8- creation and customization. Obvious game maker here. Clothes and armor need to have appearances. Weapons need to look different, hair, eyes, skin, and height should be changeable. Hair with style and color. Etc.

9- properties. How will players store their valuables? Will they be able to make or buy a house? Maybe set up in a cave after clearing it out? What's to stop other players from looting it while they're  gone? I personally like te thought of making a hideout or home somewhat like in the gba pokemon games.

10- pvp or co op only. I've never known anyone who didn't want some pvp action on their mmo. Will these reward you with anything if you win? How many can fight at a time? Is it possible to spectate or will it count like a dungeon and send them to a different server?

11- exp gain. On the overworld how will xp be split if one person steals the kill of another player who had already nearly killed the enemy? Just stuff to think about.

Discussion / Re: Shadow Of Liimina
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:06:12 pm »
I only listed 7 temples. :/

Anyway, I'm gonna try an think up a font for this games title. Maybe work on a prototype title screen. Also, adding Mythos to the title as a series name. I'm stuck between that and Vitin Saga.

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Time collapse (Temporary name)
« on: January 12, 2013, 10:03:47 pm »
It's more that I read it like The Legend of Time Collapse. I think that the triforce could be taken out of your title, the upside down triangle looks good as a standalone in my opinion. But what does gold have to do with the game?

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Time collapse (Temporary name)
« on: January 12, 2013, 06:04:50 am »
This looks like too much color, it might be me, but I noticed in all official Zelda games. That..

1- every word in The Legend of Zelda is the same color. (whether that color is red, (commonly) purple (MM), whatever, the words in the series name are always one color, sometimes with darkened etchings. (how the letters look engraved with the slits)

2- They normally have something regarding the major element of the game with color to match. However, they never reveal too much of the plot with the title. (OoT had the master sword and hylian shield, MM had Majora's Mask, Wind Waker had the King of Red Lions, etc.) This looks like it's showing EVERYTHING, from the temples you do, the 3 pieces of the Triforce, and some more stuff. You might tone it down a bit. Just my opinion of course.

Other than that, have you considered making something to represent time being broken? Maybe a pendulum, or clock hands, that kind of thing.

Graphics / Re: Zelda's Custom Tiles
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:52:13 am »
Hope it doesn't count as me necroposting on this.

That loftwing does look good, and that minigame idea of yours inspired an idea of mine that I'll probably never use. It could be really cool though to have a game where the regions were pretty big and free roam like Alttp but what if there were 4 or 5 regions and you traveled between them in a side scrolling bird flying action minigame.  That could be pretty cool. Sort of how Kingdom hearts 2 had those gummi minigames whenever you went somewhere new.

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:45:16 am »
Just a heads up.

I'm gonna start thinking of skills and abilities starting todayish. So I'll be trying to come up with at least 2 characters worth of stuff per day until every character has a full list. I am going to try and get to my friend's place by Monday at the earliest, and get my notebooks back. I'll also be able to try and map out areas for those that are less specific.

Discussion / Re: Shadow Of Liimina
« on: January 10, 2013, 08:42:08 am »
Even if I could redesign stuff I don't have graph paper... I might be able to convince him to convince his parents to bring me my notebooks. I don't wanna go over there for too long because his parent s chain smoke and his tv is currently gone. So I'd be bored all day since gaming is what we do. Yeah he's about a 30 minute drive away..

I need to think of more story for this game but I did think of how I'm going to make the sequel. It won't be six sage sword, that WILL be a Zelda game. The sequel will be called... The Severing Blade.
SoL will end in a way so that the sequel will not be mandatory but it'll be definitely possible. Basically
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when Vitin returns home using the Shadow Calibur at the warp point spawned from killing the final boss, he is going to create a dimensional rift that didn't fully close. In time that rift expands and then a year and a half later.. Boom, Mynale notices the rift in the sky at night. This hasn't happened in however many centuries but the Severing Blade was made just for that occasion if it happened again. So you'll have maybe 4 temples each with a key that you get at the end. These keys open the place where the Severing Blade lies. After getting the blade there will be maybe 3 more temples and a final boss fight in the sky as you try to close the rift.

Just an idea.

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:20:44 pm »
Malefor, I think I'll go with your idea of multiple ability sets for each character upon level up. Though it won't be exactly as you imagined. It'll be more like...

Left side- Learn skills using primary weapon
Middle- Learn skills using magic
Right side- Learn Miscellaneous skills

Example of L side skill for Link- Peril Beam. shoot a beam at low health from his sword.
Example of Middle skill for him- Farore's Wind. Uses all remaining magic to teleport to the Sacred Artifact immediately.
Example of a Right skill- Deku Nut. Stun enemies temporarily.

Discussion / Re: Shadow Of Liimina
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:10:28 pm »
Modified because stuff has been moved to a programming discussion. All stuff after this will be about SoL again.

Well then... It's been like a year... but i have some news... good, bad, and ugly.

Good news is... I started drawing out the maps (void of texture sure... but still it makes the outline easier and all that. If i can describe the stuff well enough I'll be able to have something made I think.) Finished the first dungeon.

Bad news is... I forgot my maps at my friend's place a week ago when I started. Not only that but I actually forgot everything there since I left my entire notebook.

The Ugly is... well... let's say someone in my family lied about paying a bill... and now that person has been kicked out of the house... so our bill is gonna fall on the only other working member in the family. Which isn't me. So all time spent on electronics will be going way down.

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Time collapse (Temporary name)
« on: December 28, 2012, 12:04:27 pm »
Hmm, well then. About your banner/ title thing. It's a bit weird to look at. Either because it's too colorful or because the words aren't dark enough for a white background. Then again, it could be the background altogether making it look strange.

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Time collapse (Temporary name)
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:59:41 pm »
Well regarding the dungeons you've mentioned... You have darkness but no mention of light. why not have a light themed dungeon? Sort of like TP's temple of Time but... well, light actually plays a part in it.

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:54:49 pm »
Slow down there Malefor. Those things you're calling upgrades should be called Abilities. However, FD Mask won't be a thing as FD is a character. That's why I have a magic gauge (abilities) So Link will get the magic spin attack, sword beam, and probably 2 or 3 others. I want each character to have the same amount of specials.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: I need maps from a few games in FSA Style
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:59:05 am »
Sweet man thanks. I'll ask for the next set after the first few are made.
You're always so cheerful.

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:57:42 am »
So then, what could be unlocked just going by random stuff...
Extra EXP
Alt Colors
Alt Songs (1 per level)

I think it could work like...
Link- Red Tunic, Blue Tunic
Vaati- Wind Magic, Fire Magic, Lightning Magic etc.
Lost Woods-(Sacred Forest Meadow TP)

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:47:36 am »
I thought about that Malefor. I was thinking it'd be cool if i had goals that could be accomplished. Say...

If you get a certain score, kill a set amount of a specific enemy type in a row, don't use any magic... etc. It could be something cool unlocked.
Also, we may be able to use a section of your Deku Palace for this game.

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Darkness of light
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:25:05 pm »
How about "Evil's Radiance"? Most titles are either "_ of _" or "the _", so why not try to break it with a title that doesn't use "of" or "the"?
I like the name ´Evils Radiance´, i´ll change it for the third time.

That's a sound change. I like it.

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: November 29, 2012, 07:20:14 pm »
Kienamaru, as much as I love your ideas, you should try to work with one game at a time. You can try and do this, Shadow of Limina and Six Sage Sword, but it won't work, trust me.

Whatever made you think I was working on Six Sage Sword? I posted on that that it was on hold until SoL was completed. I even stated for people to NOT lock it so it should've been obvious that I haven't planned on touching that topic for at least half a year.

And Link, I meant you fight the hordes alone. It's basically a Survival game. A Zelda survival game. I want the combat to be pretty much old school Zelda/ Minish Cap. Even though there are a few attack types.

Melee- works like you'd think
Range- works like Link uses his bow in games
Magic- Works like the fire or ice rod. In projectile mode, or thrower mode

Discussion / Re: LoZ: Sacred Guardians
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:52:03 am »
Wait, i thought you were going to use Vator for the final boss, arn't you not going to use him anymore?

Malefor, that can be used for this game but Vator is too Zeldalike for SoL. but lets keep this topic Sacred Guardians.

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