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Messages - Martijn dh

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I'm still in the middle of my studies for an exam this friday ( :-\ ), but I need a break so I decided to put up a new screenshot of what's been added last week. Namely the blue stalfos.

This blue guys walks around for a short distance turns his head and walks in the new direction. I've been tinkering with his walking routines so he doesn't continuesly try to walk up against walls and such. Maybe he'll need some more AI after that, but it feels right for now. Nothing too complex so far.

When you swing your sword near him he will jump up away from you before continuing to walk on like nothing has happened. The same happens if you run near him, hold out your sword in proximity or try to do a fully sword swing. I considered making him smarter then that, but it's a skeleton so it's credible that's he's lacking a brain.

Now that I'm posting this, I realise the skeleton does not get affected by the grass like Link does (by having grass appear over the feet). :-\ I'll fix stuff like that up if the situation actually happens in the next demo.

Anyway. I'm still planning what to do next (aside from further brushing up some of the latest new features). Chances are that I'll continue on this path and add some more enemies before continuing on with the damage system and redoing the character structure. That last bit needs some more planning anyway.

Discussion / Re: Zelda: Modern Concept
« on: April 09, 2010, 01:34:27 pm »
Somehow these where the first two things that came to mind when I read open world and gun:
A brothel (to turn young link into adult like, possibly also raising his magic meter) and a sidequest called "Grand Theft Epona".

Oops. I was unaware you originally couldn't hurt the head before the body was destroyed. The way I've programmed it is that you can either kill the head or the body first. If you kill the head first then you get the sequence above. Otherwise the head speeds up after you. I'll make the head very hard to kill as opposed to the body to still get a somewhat simular effect like in the original.

Edit: Once the body is gone, the head's current health halves. That should make it even more like the original.

It has been a while since I added something new (because of lots of time spend on coding revision) so here are some screenshots of an new addition. I just spawned a bunch of them after each other, which obviously will not be like in the endresult.

1. "It's raining men."

2. "Is he stretching or something? I don't care what he tells me. That does not look healthy."

3. "Haha. Martijn hasn't allowing you to cross walls yet. Can't get to me can you?"

4. "Darn that Martijn."

5. "And that takes care of them. Now what's that guy doing?"

6. "Hahahahaha. Not a very bright bunch are they?"

Interesting, on all accounts actually.

Having the shield's reflected light turn some specific enemies to stone is an interesting thought. Having it change people back to normal also seems logical. I'd be an additional function for the shield. It would be like the light is filtered/amplified by the shield and now has a cleansing effect. Mirror shield v2.0 :). Come to think of it. If I want to add in a reflection mechanic at all, I will probably need to make it so the shield can be used while moving, at your command and with angles (= 8 angles). That means giving the shield it's own button (like the boots) or turning it into an equipable item. Having it equipable would make it seem more realistic in the sense that he isn't carrying it in front of himself all the time.

I'm rambling on again, aren't I. XD

(Oh dang, I came back from work and realized that I left myself logged on to ZFGC again! D:)

My ideas on stone stuff:

Like WW, you could have "dark" enemies that you could reflect light at from the mirror shield to turn them to stone (wait.. do you have the mirror shield?.. I forget). Personally, I think it should be a staff. I had a ton of ideas, but I had to leave for work and now that I'm back I forget...

Let's see:
  • Small stone enemies can be picked up and carried like a pot, and they should press normal buttons.
  • Large stone enemies cannot be picked up and carried without an item that gives Link major strength but they can be pushed. These should be able to press down rusty buttons and can be used to block up waterways or lava flows or something.
  • There's got to be a boss that you turn to stone! You'd have to have an item that gives Link amazing strength so that he can pick up the boss and toss him into spikes or lava (something like that). Just an idea.
  • Turn lilies to stone so that Link can cross over water.. or something.. (I admit that I have no more ideas.. work and programming have used up my brain power for the day)

As for your question on the frozen/stone lttp enemies. I believe that running into the has the same effect as any solid. If you dash into them, you bounce back. If you just run/walk into the stone ones then it's like a normal wall, but I think Link should get frozen if he touches a frozen enemy, whether LttP does it this way or not (I'm too lazy to check right now, lol).

- I agree on the way we should handle large and small statues. However, picking up the large statues should be a choice, meaning you should not lose the ability to push / pull the statues after you collect bracelet number 2 or something. That might cause problems when people do the game out of order for instance. This can be done by making the bracelet also equipable of course. Hmm, there won't be many continues items left like this.
- A boss that turns to stone is a good idea. It could be a joke (sub)boss (one hit win after boasting it's strength, which might be funny), or as a way to temporarily stop it's advance. I'll put this up on our own forum as well to remember it.
- A rod is functional. I am planning to add some lore around the item, regardless of what type of item it will become. How it once belonged to a mage who used it to turn a kingdom to stone and hid it away at his final resting place. Something along those lines.

Edit: I nearly missed the freezing comment. Frozenfire. You want me to add in a freeze status for Link as well? Finishing the damage system requires me to redo large parts of the character system anyway so it's very much do-able (and fun to build), given enough time. Personally I was also thinking running against frozen enemies should break them. And that running and crashing against small stone enemies should push the statue back as well. No idea yet how I'm going to programm in that last bit though :).

Just a little post to show I've haven't forgotten about you guys and to get some input.
I've been very busy lately and will be for some time to come, so sorry if I don't update very often. I did however manage to get some work done today. On the status ailments for enemies (since it's easter and banks consider that a holiday XD). Along the way while building that I got this idea of adding in an item to turn enemies to stone (and/or visaversa). I've been adding a stone status and it'd be a shame not to use it more then with just one type of enemy (=the cyclops guards). Anybody have any thoughts on this subject. And what I'm also very interested in: What kind of item would you want to use for this functionality? I was considering a rod/cane, but there are two of each already.

Just some gameplay idea's that come to mind:
-Turn a large enemy into a statue and push/pull it over a switch etc.
-Turn a small enemy into a statue and pick up / put down the statue. Or throw it for more damage, like with various frozen enemies.
-Turn NPC to life to get information, advancement or items.
-Remove the stone status from objects so their original function can be used. For example a tree can be crashed into against if you want to gain some apples items from it. A switch will be unstuck or a geyser will start flowing again.
-Stop / continue a time trigger event. For instance a pull switch that slowly reverts to it's original position. Stone it and the advance will stop, letting you progress.

Do keep in mind that this is all very much just in the planning stages and will not appear in any demo for a long time. So don't get you're hopes up too much.

Edit: Just a question in between. What happens when you run up against a frozen and/or stone enemy in alttp?

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit's Quest
« on: March 30, 2010, 05:00:12 pm »
What's this? No responses yet?
Look very nice FrozenFire. The tiling also seems along quite a bit.

LTTP & FSA / Re: [Request] Alttp - part of the dungeon maps
« on: March 15, 2010, 11:33:29 am »
Thank you very much. That will do nicely.

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] Alttp - part of the dungeon maps
« on: March 14, 2010, 07:20:10 pm »
Hello again,

It has been a while but I've got another request for whoever is interested.
In the attached image you can see the text "level 3" in the upper left corner. I'm looking for the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 4 through 9 to go along with that font. Like always I tend to look for pretty specific things and thus have a very hard time finding it. I'm also questioning weither the higher numbers and 0 are even used in the original game on the map screen. Maybe they are used somewhere else in the game. Anyway. I'd appreciate the help.

There is no color preference, in case it matters. I don't mind editing stuff like that myself.

Updates / Re: Project of the Month
« on: March 14, 2010, 02:05:19 pm »
Ooh. It's up already. Nice.

I always like reading these interviews so I tried to give some decent anwsers for people who feel the same.

Update report:

It's still under construction but I thought it would be better if I posted now so I can still easily change stuff if people have usefull comments. You'll notice the lack of chests and arrows and such. That's next. I'm thinking of also making the light blue room color lighter and the gray gridlines darker.

Anyway. Does anybody have any input?

I'm not quite THAT hardcore. My engine does not have such a limitation, so it'd be more of a restriction then a gain. I'll just take what I feel are improvements on what I already have right now and leave the rest.

We'll have to chat about that some time. Right now though it's late and you know already what kind of a week I'll have. I'll just leave it till next weekend.


Well, it's hardly any effort adding new roomsprites so if anybody feels a room somewhere could use editing just let me know. I'm not using a tileset btw since I'd have to store more data to retrieve a room's sprite.

Thankfully. :) I'm already halfway in disassembling it again.
I am however planning on keeping the more detailed pathways between the rooms. I'll post another image once it's done to clarify.

These are all the rooms currently finished (with the excepting of the lower floor).

Everybody still likes the old situation better? With the square rooms?

There were more situations, like in the dark world's swamp level if I recall correctly.
What you're saying however is true. I'll post a clearer image later on. And if noby changes there mind after that, then I'll go back to the previous style.

second room shapes looks better. No need to have have it so detailed anyway. And if I remember lttp didn't have oddly shaped/rounded rooms.

It did. I only noticed a while back otherwise I would have made it like that before.
I'll post a clearer image of the first image just to make a more fair comparission. (I keep running into tiny faults to fix while walking through the dungeon, so it might take a little while ::)). The comments so far seem pretty clear though.

That's true. But aside from that.

Room shapes.

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