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Messages - Ryan

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Entertainment / Zelda in the news!
« on: December 14, 2006, 12:59:44 pm »
I found this article while I was delivering the Standard Freeholder this morning.

One of the most fantastic game worlds ever created was of Hyrule in Nintendo 64's Zelda. The
game was so amazing that it nearly started a cult movement of the fans who still play it today. The
sequels on the Game Cube only received lukewarm reviews, unable to please diehards. But with
the newest iteration on the Wii Nintendo reminds fans why they???re still in love with the series.
Zelda: Twilight Princess will immediately feel familiar to those who have played Wind Waker on
the Game Cube, as some of the weapons and environments are the same. But never have they
looked so good. The Wii???s high-tech components are evident, with the characters and dungeons
displayed in crisp, vivid colours, and careful attention to detail giving everything a whole new
look. The plot is much darker than on N64, and Twilight Princess, Zelda travels to a dreamy,
surreal, alternate plane known simply as Twilight. Here, he will change into a wolflike creature
that enable him to jump higher, opens up a whole new set of attacks, and gives you special
powers like a shockwave like move, wich decimates surrounding foes. Other powers include a
vision mode to sniff out hidden items. The aspect is critical, as many of the super-cool weapons,
like a killer staff, are only available if you search them out. While Twilight, your objective is to
rescue your human form, wich is trapped, so you can return to Hyrule. There are so many
intricate characters to meet, side quests to accomplish and dungeons to explore (more than 10)
that the game will take upwards to 40 hours to beat, and even longer for completions. The
integration on the Wii???s nunchuk attachments is pulled off magnificently. Sword-swinging is a joy
to do by waving the remote, and you can either do sweeping theatrical swings or small ones to be
less tiring. The real magic of the remote though, is when aiming a projectile weapon like the
boomerang. Once you start directing its arc by pointing the remote at the screen you???ll
immediately be hooked and forget all the other controllers. Zelda: Twilight Princess is by far the
best launch title since Halo, if not better, and is a must-buy for all owners of the Wii. It actually
convinced to dig into my pockets so I could pick up a console of my own.

Here are some screen shots of the paper.

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