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Messages - Piers

Pages: 1 ... 77 78 [79]
Graphics / Re: My Sprite Collection
« on: April 29, 2006, 12:26:46 am »
One of the best Ralphs I have seen. :D Great job.

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Wii
« on: April 28, 2006, 11:21:27 pm »
But seriously, is this the best Nintendo can cook up with? I mean, its not super bad...but it just doesnt have a nice ring to it.
i think it has a great ring to it. And we can all see people are against it (cept me cuz ima rebel  8))

TIS THE END OF EVERYTHING ELSE J00 NO OF! See, Nintendo (for obvious reasons) have stayed in the race the whole time. Sega lost console titles at Dreamcast because their marketing statejies were to sell Dreamcast before GC and XBOX and PS2. They released theres early so they would horde in money before compettion started. Thats why dreamcast seems so old yet was the same time as GC. The strategy didnt work and they dropped out of vg system races. Xbox360 this generation did the same plan. Did work for awhile it did. But soon they will drop out and be the next Sega. But they dont even make vg games either so they will totally lose.
Plus!!! PS3 (or sex without the x in 1337 sp33k) will prolly cost around 500 bux because of their damn blue disk!!! WHO WANTS A 500 DOLLAR SYSTEM.... Thus they drop out too... AND nintendo stays in for more compettetors to rise and FALL AHahahahahahahahahah! >:D....

... Stay calm ... Remember the method. Deep breathes...phew...

Unlike Sega, Microsoft has money.  They're not going to back out.
True..... true.

Discussion / Re: Zelda: 00T
« on: April 28, 2006, 11:15:37 pm »
i made a mockup of what it would look like where you get your sword :P

pretty primative eh?
Well graphics for it would be easy to make, eh. Go for it. ;)

Entertainment / Re: Nintendo Wii
« on: April 28, 2006, 11:10:10 pm »
*splashes around like a Dolphin*

But seriously, is this the best Nintendo can cook up with? I mean, its not super bad...but it just doesnt have a nice ring to it.
I think it makes perfect sence.

The Nintendo Rev/Wii is going to be about gaming in a group. So it means We as in a group of people who just like to play games. Personally it would make more sence as there name of the online service though. Also the Is are just backwords !s so it could also mean W!!.

Discussion / Re: Artificial Intelligence
« on: April 28, 2006, 08:53:19 pm »
Well, you'd probably have to give it self preservation instincts. So, when it sees that it's HP is a tad on the ZOMG YOU'R GONNA DIE side, it runs. You'd have to make it react to how the player plays, what the player uses, etc. For a bit of fun in this category, you could make it so that if it sees the player is just jumping up and down or something stupid like that, it just watches, and maybe jumps up and down with the player. It would have to memorize a certain location the player goes to a lot (like a health refill or something), and then have something that makes it block that area off. Things like that.
Actually someone on the GMC figure something like that out:

The idea itself is pretty promising, took me a few minutes to come up with an actual concept (fitting for a shooter for example)...

Normal AI works it's way around a map via waypoints, players do it different: They get to know the map and find their personal favorite and weak spots in a map through time. An AI is able to do this, too. My idea is a data grid for that.

Example of a map:


Now we assign every place a value, to keep it simple I'd say we don't assign every coordinate a single value, instead we use one value for let's say each 32x32 tile.

Okay, we begin with a neutral value for every spot in the grid. Let's say 100 means "perfect place to go", 0 means "stay the **** away". So on a new map, we start with 50 for each, okay?

Now if the AI is getting hurt or dies on a certain spot, we decrease its value in the grid. If it doesn't get hurt, we increase the value. Also, if we pick up a bonus item or something, we increase the value at that spot (item spawn points are generally useful, we see people flocking the quad damage and rocket launcher spots in Quake3 all the time, eh?)

So if the AI plays for a while, it will find good and bad spots on the map and change them dynamically when players use other strategies.



(One might want to set solid areas like walls to 0 from the beginning on to keep the AI from running into walls. Heh.)

Greetz, Atlantis

Origanal post:

Zelda Projects / Re: "Ocarina of Time: Gb" Demo 3.1 Released!
« on: April 27, 2006, 08:08:06 pm »
Its good for the first oot 2d kokiri forest demo but I don't think it was acurate enough. Hope Hyrule_boy's does a bit better at recapturing the oot spirit. No offence.

Other Discussion / Re: I want this PC
« on: April 27, 2006, 01:40:04 am »
I wouldn't mind it. ;)

Audio / Re: Old Zelda Remix Thing
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:20:08 pm »
About 15 seconds in you hit a sour note. (WAY to high) The fairy part was OK not the best. The end I laughed at, MARIO ROCKS!

Entertainment / Re: New DS Utility, DS Hard Drive!
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:06:18 pm »
I'll buy it. Funny I was just going to post this exact topic. This is seriously going to !@#$% off sony.

Coding / Re: FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions *Potential Sticky
« on: April 26, 2006, 09:10:50 pm »
Lol, that was good.

Discussion / Re: Why you're best off using GM.
« on: April 26, 2006, 12:39:53 pm »
You are NOT limited at Game Maker
Try returning an array FOOL :-p.
And you have, lets see... No OOP constructs, no dynamic memory allocation, bloody slow, no pointers, ...etcetera, etcetera...

To be honest only a bloody fool would say you arent limited in GM.
You aren't limited in GM. :P
Compared to languages that actually acces the computer, Gm is ferily limited. Sure it can do anything that you need in a video game but when it comes down to try and make applications or wide-open oblivion style terrain GM is very limited.

 This can be proving by trying to make huge mountains on GM (In 3d) then trying to do it on C# or C++ or whatever. What one will really run faster and/or better?

I use GM because I don't need anything else. I don't want to make huge 3d open enviorments I want to do 2d fan games.

Even if I want to do 3d I ain't going to no real lanuguage. I'm going to move back to blitz 3d.

Coding / FAQ. Frequently Asked Questions
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:41:53 am »
Copied and pasted directly from IF ZFGC.



Provided by Crystallizer

In the Hook Object, have a collision check with the Wall Object. Make the hook stop and set a variable

eg. global.hooked='true';

In the step event of the Hookshot Link or Link Object, check to see if the hook hit the wall.

if global.hooked='true' {
move_towards_point(obj_hook.x,obj_hook.y,5)} // move Link to the hook object. 5 is the speed of link when he moves to the hook object.
else //If the hook has not hit the wall

Finally, in Link's collision event with the hook, check to see if the hook is in the wall, destory the hook object, and set the hooked variable back to false.

if global.hooked='true' {
with (obj_hook) { instance_destroy } //destroys the hook object
global.hooked='false'; //sets the hooked variable back to false


Provided by Crystallizer

You can do that easily by using views.

If you haven't enabled views yet. Select the room that the HUDs going to be in. Go to the Views Tab and check "Enable the use of Views" and "Visible when room starts". Mess around with the W and H and choose the object (Link) to follow.

To get the HUD appear in the top right corner, you need to put:

view_left[ + 10, view_top[ + 225 //Change 10 and 225 to suit your needs

Walking (left, but work from there ^_^):

provided by Scrappersa

if place_free(x-6, y) {
x -= 6;
image_single = -1;
global.facing = "left";
sprite_index = walking left;


Provided by Scrappersa

//come back

move_towards_point(link.x, link.y)

//move, name this script boomerang move

if global.linkdirect = left
hspeed = arguement0

if global.linkdirect = right
hspeed = arguement1

if global.linkdirect = up
vspeed = arguement3

if global.linkdirect = down
vspeed = arguement4

//Now use this in the button event of link pressing a button
//4 and -4 are good just to test with, anything can be used
boomerangmove(-4, 4, -4, -4)

I made an prioritised movement! Very easy, but may not work. It worked for me!
Step Event:
if (keyboard_check(vk_left)=true) then
if (place_free(link.x-playerSpeed,y))then

if (keyboard_check(vk_right)=true) then
if (place_free(link.x+playerSpeed,y))then

if (keyboard_check(vk_up)=true) then
if (place_free(link.x,y-playerSpeed))then

if (keyboard_check(vk_down)=true) then
if (place_free(link.x,y+playerSpeed))then

Then add another code.

if (keyboard_check(vk_left)=false) and
(keyboard_check(vk_up)=false) and
(keyboard_check(vk_right)=false) and
(keyboard_check(vk_down)=false) then

if (playerDirection="Left") then

if (playerDirection="Down") then

if (playerDirection="Up") then

if (playerDirection="Right") then


//Negative is left and up
//Positive is right and down

Ok, i??ve discoveres myself, if anyone wants it, here there is:


Save files
file_open_write("your filename")
file_write_real(global.rupeescount);file_writeln() //example of a real global variable
file_write_real(link.lives);file_writeln //:<_< //Not sure, example of a local variable
file_write_string(string(global.dir));file_writeln() // If you want to save a string


file_open_read("your filename")
link.lives=file_read_real();file_readln() //In this case, the instance link must exist in the screen

Advanced movement
By cloudsquall:

Ok, it might be useful for someone out there.
No credit needed

You might have noticed a problem with handling Link's movement with the conventional method
(you know, the
if place_free(x-something,y) {x-=something}

If for example something=2 and there is a solid object 3 pixels to the left of Link,Link will stop 1 pixel away from it.Most of the time this isn't
noticable,but when Link can just pass between two objects, a problem might occur.
So here's a workaround  for this:

Set two variables first:
global.xspeed=3; //or any other number
global.yspeed=3; //same here

Then in the step event:
if keyboard_check(vk_left)
     for (i=1; i<=global.xspeed; i+=1)
           if place_free(x-1,y)  {x-=1}

if keyboard_check(vk_right)
     for (i=1; i<=global.xspeed; i+=1)
           if place_free(x+1,y)  {x+=1}

if keyboard_check(vk_up)
     for (i=1; i<=global.yspeed; i+=1)
           if place_free(x,y-1)  {y-=1}

if keyboard_check(vk_down)
     for (i=1; i<=global.yspeed; i+=1)
           if place_free(x,y+1)  {y+=1}

That way Link will move by one pixel three times(or however many you want) each step
instead of moving by three pixels each step and the place_free check will occur for every pixel,letting Link move as close to a solid
object as possible.

Note: Add any other FAQ to this topic.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Crystal Of Gidna
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:37:04 am »
Yet again.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] Zelda: Oracle of Life - Sunday Release
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:35:33 am »
HoF's work is magic :)

Is that all the summons for the demo? (The ones in your sig)

What do you mean, "is that all", YOU WANT ME TO MAKE MORE?!?  :o
Ok, take this picture, take runescapes magic spells (all eighty something) then compare them to eleven (I think) summons. Which Mmorpg will the magic lovers go for, Eighty spells or 11?

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