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Messages - Kienamaru

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Discussion / Re: Shadow Of Liimina
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:11:59 pm »
Sorry,  when we finish this who knows, maybe we could do termina.

Alright done some more stuff. Named our main character Vitin (a friend of mine has a really cool original character and he loves Zelda so I decided I'd use some of his design to make our main guy.)

Added the Kini quest line, organized some things, described the dungeons, added new defensive items, a few more attacks to the basic combat, and one new darkness ability.

I added some more enemy descriptions, Started on Dark Vitin's general Side Quest and rewards, and added a mini dungeons section with brief descriptions. Also did a bit more organizing and fixed some renaming errors.

Discussion / Re: Shadow Of Liimina
« on: October 16, 2012, 01:07:22 pm »
We are definitely using MC sprites. Most of the ones I'll have in here are customized anyway.

UPDATE- Spent awhile removing enemies and I'll have to think of some new ones soon.

Also starting working on NPCs ideas. Also, Ailen is being changed to Ailin. (added to OP)

Zelda Projects / Re: [W.I.P.]TLoZ: The Adventure of Link/ Engine ver. 1.0
« on: October 16, 2012, 01:06:41 pm »
This looks pretty cool, it was brought to my attention that Nintendo don't like people making awesome fan games, so what will you do if you get a Cease and Desist? I decided to change a ton of my names and stuff so that there are literally no Zelda references at all.

Other Projects / Re: [The Legend of Zildo] Episode 1 extended
« on: October 16, 2012, 11:56:54 am »
I actually hate Nintendo but eh, I'm about to change a ton of names in SoT right now. It'll still have a few resemblances but that's just that.

Zelda Projects / Re: [W.I.P.]TLoZ: The Adventure of Link/ Engine ver. 1.0
« on: October 12, 2012, 04:02:27 am »
Ah, why not just TLoZ: New Beginnings? I mean most Zelda games are about Link. Not solely but at least 80%.

Zelda Projects / Re: [W.I.P.]TLoZ: The Adventure of Link/ Engine ver. 1.0
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:35:06 am »
I'm still wondering can you get away with using the same name as a previous Zelda game?

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Shadow of light
« on: October 12, 2012, 01:31:33 am »
I agree with the J guy. Darkness of Light or something sounds more fitting.

Discussion / Re: The legend of Zelda: Shadow of light
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:18:19 am »
The idea doesn't sound bad, but it is sort of a huge contradiction of itself. Either way, it can turn out fine if done right. I only suggest you change the name as that is also somewhat of a redundancy if looked at a certain way.

Discussion / Re: Shadow Of Termina
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:16:41 am »
Not really an update here, but copyrights were brought to my attention. I'll include some disclaimers and whatnot and hopefully that'll be enough since I didn't plan to profit from this game. Does anyone know what all is required in order for me to not get a C&D?

(Idea progress will resume when I get the last achievement from RE:6)

Got the last one today. Idea progress will continue!

So about the copyright stuff. I think I'll change everything's names. Since many areas won't even look the same I doubt they would care. The Deku Palace is really the only area that'll look similar to in MM. Most other places will have grass or crag or whatever. So, when I get to a computer, I'll be renaming everything.

UPDATE! I've spent the last hour going through my stuff... renaming places, items, and fixing typos. Gonna be a pain but I'll have to do the enemies as well. Sorry spriters, I hope you guys don't mind but we'll have to use different enemy designs if this stuff doesn't go through. Now for character designs to make them look different.

Other Projects / Re: [The Legend of Zildo] Episode 1 extended
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:05:10 am »
It would probably be easier to pass with your game if you changed the main character's appearance and a few more things. Anything that is directly related to Zelda might cause offense.

Discussion / Re: TLoZ: Legacy of Light
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:03:05 am »
Understood. I could help with ideas, but not so much with story.

Graphics / Re: Shadow of Termina sprite thread
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:58:11 am »
That looks nice.

Graphics / Re: Shadow of Termina sprite thread
« on: October 07, 2012, 08:41:21 am »
^ He pointed the areas out in red. So yeah, those places.

Graphics / Re: Shadow of Termina sprite thread
« on: October 04, 2012, 07:41:57 pm »
Malefor, you've got some skills! I have one question though, the map on the right with the two brown rocks. Are those bombable because it looks like there isn't enough space to fit through there.

Discussion / Re: TLoZ- Shadow Of Termina
« on: October 04, 2012, 07:01:49 am »

Awesome idea, do it. Maybe she shouldn't call them aliens, or have any direct mentioning of them being aliens, just like MM. It's just alluded to heavily, and space ship / mini dungeon would be a great idea. Even have a small boss type fight, nothing huge, that'd be sweet. Alien leader type dude 8)

Well thanks Malefor for the inspiration. Now that I see others also like it I'm gonna see if I can't come up with some dialogue for it.

@Blaze, it isn't exactly 100 years before MM. and Cremia and Romani don't even have to be the same ages as in there. I may not even use both of them, I don't know yet.

Alien leader type dude who... maybe spawns more aliens? Or maybe you have to destroy certain objects in his ship before you can hurt him. I think it could work a few different ways as a mini boss fight.

1- Destroy stuff while dodging traps, attack him. He summons  minions, kill minions, attack him. He summons minions while using a ranged weapon every now and then. Kill minions, attack him. Win. He zaps Link and Dark Link back down to earth with a reverse tractor beam before blasting off into orbit in his ruined ship.

2- He uses some sort of coil things for energy. Each one requiring a different item from a dungeon you've completed to either reach or destroy. He starts off shielded. Destroy one coil, attack him. He recharges, teleports, and you repeat. Each time he gets faster and begins to teleport more frequently making him harder to hit. Which could make your and DL's placement more strategic if you want to make it easier.

3- He doesn't fight you at all. he sends a crapload of aliens after you.

4- He doesn't send aliens. He simply attacks with a ranged weapon and teleports frequently.
(An alternative to being teleport zapped out of the ship, Link could be simply blown out of it, landing unconcious in the ranch somewhere. I could completely imagine him crashing through the roof and landing in that hay pile of the barn. It'd be funny and cool to have a hole in the roof for the rest of the game.
If any of you have ideas then feel free to share them. I want this game to be one of the best fan games out there. And well, it could turn into a community made fan game which would be awesome for me, my team, and this site if it becomes popular.

 I just keep getting IDEAS!!! So how's this...

I can make Dark Link also have a side story, I'm not sure yet what you'll have to do but I'm thinking he can unlock a different bonus for each one. Maybe him regenerating health in darkness doesn't have to be a default ability, but instead it can be the first one you unlock for his side story. Which can start as early as right after you get the sword. I'm thinking I could have them work similarly to finding photograph spots on LA. Where there are event triggers depending on where you are. Except these won't be indefinitely missable. Maybe these spots could be his favorite areas or spots that hold some sentimental value to him. These abilities would only serve to make him a more reliable partner. So he could... regenerate his darkness powers faster, regen health faster, move faster in dark areas, become invulnerable while blocking, etc.

Discussion / Re: TLoZ- Shadow Of Termina
« on: October 03, 2012, 03:15:29 am »
This game is going to be so interesting. malefor has inspired a new idea for me to throw in there. a twist of sorts, sort of a prequel of the ranch invasion on MM. He thinks I should include the aliens again and this time add their spaceship.  So I was thinking...

What if it's a part if a ranch quest line where Cremia or someone tells you the history of the ranch and she mentions that supposedly the aliens come back every 200 years or so. I think it could be pretty cool if the alien ship landed in the ranch and Link has to rush inside and fend them off. Pretty much a mini dungeon that likely wouldn't have a boss fight. Might be about 10 or 15 minutes. What do you guys think?

Zelda Projects / Re: [W.I.P.]TLoZ: The Adventure of Link/ Engine ver. 1.0
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:39:25 am »
Sounds good, I love ZREO.

Graphics / Re: Shadow of Termina sprite thread
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:36:42 am »
They're what I had in mind somewhat. I was actually wanting the Wind waker Chu chu's. The dark ones that turn to stone as an ability. But I have to check my thread to see what all enemies I was gonna put in. I may have intended a custom chu that was gonna be dark.

Graphics / Re: Shadow of Termina sprite thread
« on: October 02, 2012, 12:27:25 am »
Palace looks good, one thing. Could you make the watchtower in the top left room 4 tiles? keep the ladder where it is and make it a bigger square.

Discussion / Re: TLoZ- Shadow Of Termina
« on: September 27, 2012, 07:27:56 pm »
funny because Jon was already decidedly on this team. When we get some more progress I'll let you him know when to start with the music.

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