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Messages - Ethelon

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Graphics / Re: Super Duper low-poly / low-res shotgun (UPDATED)
« on: August 11, 2009, 06:06:53 pm »
Ugh I fail at low poly objects. But even when I reduced it like crazy so it was totally blocky, parts were still missing in GM... I guess GM sucks at handling 3D...

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: July 21, 2009, 05:58:30 pm »
Mm I posted this on GMC but, I think you should make teh whole ground with those green tiles. If not, might as well get rid of the green tiles and replace em with the normal cave tiles, and possibly add a nice green mist effect on the ground. How are you getting the 3D aspects to work like shooting his when he's on the roof? I actually never got to the point (in real OoT) where Gohma dropped the eggs, because I just shot her down immediately...

I'd rather use the D-Pad as well, but the way it is now isn't bad too...

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 17, 2009, 05:05:09 pm »
Cool thanks.
Cypras, are you on msn anymore?

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Timeline
« on: July 16, 2009, 10:23:23 pm »
He also states that he's not like those dumb retards on youtube who know nothing about zelda, and that he did his homework. Never answered my if link is asleep the whole time question...

As if it was a big deal, he makes it like if they don't make an official timeline, zelda would be stupid.

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Timeline
« on: July 16, 2009, 05:42:32 pm »
Yeah, I commented on his videos. He needs to seriously get over it. It's just a game, and after watching his dumb timeline, he misses where young link has to come back and kill ganon again to fit OoT, oh but wait, he's ASLEEP the whole time, and never leaves. Explain that.

Who really cares, zelda games are fun, leave it at that.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 16, 2009, 05:16:42 pm »
Is that 16x16 tiles? Because it doesn't seem like it.

And for clarification, I mean still water next to grass.


Graphics / Re: Updated - Got bored... got my old drawing tablet out
« on: July 16, 2009, 05:11:24 pm »
Why are there so many empty spots?
Good work though.

Audio / Re: [request] DEKU TREE BACKGROUND MUSIC...
« on: July 15, 2009, 05:16:16 pm »
There's also the zelda collection in one of the pinned topics. Everything you'll need.

MC & FS / Re: [Request] MC Link
« on: July 14, 2009, 10:23:05 pm »
I think we still need this. Like the jumping into water I guess would be fine, but him underwater (blurred blue?) would be cool, and then his head popping up. I think that's what Cypras means?

Discussion / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: The Cane Of Time
« on: July 14, 2009, 09:57:43 pm »
The earlier discussion about where this game would be placed.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] [Demo] The Legend of Zelda
« on: July 14, 2009, 08:00:33 pm »
If you're gonna use SZXC, then why not use WASD? I'm assuming Arrow keys are movement?

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:38:19 pm »
Mhm, credit needs to be given.

Just as a progress note, Cypras was thinking of doing one of his old games, but the file's on 64D so we don't have it yet, so I'm not sure how coding OOT2D is gonna go. The base engine is done, from Scepter of Distortion, but people have different coding styles and all...

Well anyhow, if Cypras decides to code what I have done, that'll be done for him, and if we decide not to do it, I might either help Cypras with the game, or try juggling both, and find a coder for OOT2D.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 14, 2009, 06:27:22 pm »
Oh yea, forgot, I took the tree from spriters-resource. And yes, I'm keeping tabs on credit.
He posted screenies with his houses on Deviant art before. And so we know he wasn't claiming those were his, the screenshots in the first place were dirty, so you can't really rip off of them, and we contacted his deviant profile to get him on the team.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:57:29 pm »
The customs were made by someone on our team, he did them awhile ago on his own OoT2d attempt in Rpgmaker.

Discussion / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: The Cane Of Time
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:55:34 pm »
The timeline issue just brings up a huge topic. Really the only definitive timeline is from OoT to MM, because it implies link left the forest through the lost woods, and that's where MM picks up. You could say WW is somewhere at the very end of the games we have now, but then you have to wonder if it's the same link, because link in WW is young, however Adult link in OoT isn't in a flooded environment, but still in normal Hyrule. There really is no timeline.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:37:53 pm »

Note: I don't have the shore tiles yet, so if you have them, that'd be really useful.

Btw Cypras if you haven't checked GMP, I put up some mapping progress I did. Done with sketching out the Deku Tree in 2D. Should I go ahead with cave tiles?

So if any of you have shore tiles or cave tiles, posting them would be extremely helpful. MC style.


Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:32:18 pm »
10 years.
Guys don't put tons of pressure on him, it'll take forever to get the whole thing done without bugs. Asking him that question will just give you a horribly estimated number resulting in probably dissapointment. The main thing I see the problem in most of these OOT2D projects is that the creators release it too early with tons of bugs and not much features. I'd at least get done with the Deku Tree before I give a demo out, that would end before the deku tree. So you're always ahead of the demo by a bit, and you only post new demos on major milestones, like the entire Deku Tree, then the entire Hyrule Castle all the way to Zelda, then to Death Mountain, then Dodongos cavern. Big updates are better, because that way people will have time to explore them quite a bit. I guess we're just here to test the glitches anyway.

I just feel people are too rushed to show what they have. I suggest you just go for the major demos, not small stuff. Getting a team as well, because you're gonna need help spriting things that haven't been created yet.

Oh, and something for the fans. Don't expect something like this to be done quickly. Don't pressure him to get something done, because we all have lives. I think I'd be better off posting this on GMC though, this place isn't flooded with immature people.


Oh nvm Jeod, I thought you meant the whole game, not just the deku tree. Okay then...

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: July 13, 2009, 09:02:08 pm »
You know you didn't add walls around links house? As in if X was the entrance, and S was the walkable area. This is what you could do.
|SSS| << Normal walking area, the "patio"


Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: Scepter Of Distortion
« on: July 13, 2009, 06:36:54 pm »
Maybe if Cypras allows me, I can post what I have so far on Kokiri Forest?

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