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Messages - Solarrain4

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Entertainment / Re: Bands you've seen live
« on: May 21, 2006, 01:02:07 am »
Say Zuzu (a local band)

Maroon5/Sugar Ray/Matchbox Twenty

Coding / Re: Help with Sword Engine (GM 6.1)
« on: May 07, 2006, 08:29:45 pm »
Okay, thank you.


Entertainment / Re: Recommend a band
« on: May 07, 2006, 03:00:06 pm »

Battery Check
Farewell My Hell
Shut You Out


Millencolin was formed in October 1992 in ??rebro, Sweden by Erik Ohlsson (Guitar and Background Vocals), Mathias F??rm (Drums), and Nikola Sarcevic (Bass and Lead Vocals). The name was gotten from the word Melancholy, and they changed it around to make it sound like a name. In early 1993, Mathias F??rm took over Guitar and BG Vocals and drums was taken over by Fredrik Larzon.

Millencolin's first album was called Tiny Tunes, but from the similarity of the name and design to WB's TV show, they had to rename it and redo the design. It was renamed "Same Old Tunes" because it still had the same songs.

They later came out with two other albums, "Life On A Plate" and "For Monkeys," followed by a compilation, "The Melancholy Collection," which was a collection of their songs from the singles.

Then, in 2000, they came out with "Pennybridge Pioneers," which was their first Gold album. It contained great songs like "No Cigar," which can be found on one of the Tony Hawk games, I'm not sure which. Then, in 2002, just before their 10th anniversary, they came out with "Home from Home," my personal favorite of their albums. It's awesome, you should get it.

And, just a year ago, they came out with "Kingwood," which is also great! I think it made it to #2 on the Swedish charts. It contained the hit song "Shut You Out," as well as 11 others.

Check out some of their music here: www.millencolin.com


Rock/Light Rock:

1.) Hoobastank
2.) Nickelback
3.) NONE

Rap/Hip Hop:

1.) NONE
2.) NONE
3.) NONE


1.) NONE
2.) NONE
3.) NONE

Punk/Pop Punk:

1.) Millencolin
2.) Green Day
3.) Switchfoot


Rock/Light Rock:

1.) The Reason - Hoobastank
2.) All The Right Reasons - Nickelback
3.) NONE

Rap/Hip Hop:

1.) NONE
2.) NONE
3.) NONE


1.) NONE
2.) NONE
3.) NONE

Punk/Pop Punk:

1.) Home From Home - Millencolin
2.) American Idiot - Green Day
3.) NONE


Rock/Light Rock:

1.) The Reason - Hoobastank
2.) Photograph - Nickelback
3.) NONE

Rap/Hip Hop:

1.) NONE
2.) NONE
3.) NONE


1.) NONE
2.) NONE
3.) NONE

Punk/Pop Punk:

1.) Black Eye - Millencolin
2.) American Idiot - Green Day
3.) Just Like You - Three Days Grace

Entertainment / Favorite Music Albums/Singles
« on: May 06, 2006, 11:55:22 pm »
What are your favorite music albums or singles? Mine are:

Millencolin - "Kingwood"
Millencolin - "Home From Home"
Millencolin - "Pennybridge Pioneers"
Slipknot - "9.0 Live"
Slipknot - "Vol. 3 (The Subliminal Verses)"
Urge Overkill - "Saturation"
Green Day - "American Idiot"
Kasim Sulton - "Quid Pro Quo"
Utopia - S/T
O-Positive - Toyboat
Jet - Get Born

Coding / [Request / Listing] Help with Sword Engine (GM 6.1)
« on: May 06, 2006, 09:58:42 pm »
Okay, I need some help. When I'm trying to program a sword engine with a Link sheet like MaJoRa's, how do I make the sword so that it doesn't appear above Link when he slashes up, or for the beginning of the slash when to the side?

Graphics / Re: Need a logo? Request yours HERE!
« on: May 06, 2006, 09:08:28 pm »
Solarrain4: dont you like it? want a new one? tomorrow maybe i'll re do it

Well, yeah, I do like it. I just wanted it a little differently. Just move the "The Legend Of" part up to the top, and leave the sword if you wish.

Graphics / Re: Need a logo? Request yours HERE!
« on: May 06, 2006, 05:34:50 pm »
The Lost Kingdom:

Wow... I like that... Although, why did you put "The Legend Of" in the middle of the word "ZELDA?" I wanted the Master Sword going behind it...

Hey, don't get me wrong, it's still awesome!!!!

Discussion / The Legend of Zelda: The Lost Kingdom [First Mockup]
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:45:28 am »
The Legend of Zelda: The Lost Kingdom

This is a game I started work on about a week ago. The engine is just started, and I have the movement, rolling, sword, and part of the HUD engine, done.


It was a new day... one not to be soon forgotten...

Link had just saved the land of Termina from a falling moon and the evil clutches of Majora's Mask...

But on his way back to Hyrule...

Link was sucked in by a mysterious portal that appeared out of nowhere... He tried to escape, but failed.

He appeared in what appeared to be a normal town in a land called Maurenia. A minute later, a soldier appeared and asked Link to come to the castle.

Link met up with the King of Maurenia. It turns out he has heard of Link, and how he saved both Hyrule AND Termina. Although he had nothing to do with Link being sucked into Maurenia, he tells Link how Ganon is invading the land, and asks Link to save it.

Link agrees to save the land, and sets off on yet another journey.




Link in Maurenia Town (Old design)

No demos yet. I plan to have one out when I get the first dungeon done.


Maurenia Town (New): 50%
Overworld: 0% (excluding Maurenia Town)
Level 1 - Forest Depths: 100%
Level 2 - Crater of Mount Drathas: 100%
Level 3 - Ice Tower: 0%
Level 4 - Temple of the Earth: 0%
Level 5 - Air Temple: 0%
Level 6 - Palace of Shadows: 0%

Graphics / Re: Need a logo? Request yours HERE!
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:08:46 am »
Could you make one for me? I'd like one for "The Lost Kingdom," with the Master Sword going sideways behind the word "ZELDA" from the right.

LTTP & FSA / Re: request: LttP-styled OoT enemies
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:46:49 pm »
True, however, some of the enemies I'm looking for do not have their complete animations, such as the skulltula. And the ones that do, don't look so attractive (No offense to their creators).

But maybe I can find the others... I dunno. Thanks for trying to help though. I appreciate it.

Oh... wait... This just clicked in my mind. Maybe I can program a custom AI to beat those enemies using just that animation. Okay, never mind. Thanks!

One thing: Why would the king dude beg a stranger to help him?

Perhaps he's heard of link.  Perhaps he had something to with him being sucked into Maurenia

...What he said.

This is a game that I started production on today using my old Crystals of Time engine (I cancelled COT). It will be made in MC graphics and take place after MM. I WAS going to make it in LTTP graphics, but I decided not to... Some things will be LTTP-ish, but not all of it.

Although this is now WIP, I have no screenies, mockups, or demos. So until I have something to show, it belongs here.

Story (Overview)

On his way back to Hyrule from Termina, Link is sucked in by a mysterious portal (Does this scenario remind you of another fan game's intro?). He appears in a normal looking town in a land called Maurenia. Later, Link is brought to the palace, and the king tells him that the land is being raided by Ganon, and he begs Link to save the land. Link agrees and sets off on yet another journey...

I hope to have some screenies up soon, and hopefully a demo in a month or so.

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] LttP-styled OoT enemies
« on: April 30, 2006, 03:14:17 am »
Title. I don't care if it's a link to someone else's that you really recommend, or if it's your own, I just need some... Please? :)

Coding / Re: REQUEST: Some enemy AI's (GM 6.1)
« on: April 29, 2006, 09:34:34 pm »
Thank you ;) Looks like it's tough to figure out.

Coding / [Request / Listing] REQUEST: Some enemy AI's (GM 6.1)
« on: April 27, 2006, 01:00:35 am »
Title. Here's a few of the things I need. The others, I'll try to do myself before I bring it up.

Deku Baba (the one that lunges out at you. The one that shoots up sounds like it would be kind of easy)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. ;D

Coding / Re: HUD Problems
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:09:12 pm »
Use "view_left[view#]+x" and "view_top[view#]+y" as the x and y coordinates.

If he were working in GM5, that'd be right... Which he may be, but are you sure?

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