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Messages - metallica48423

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Feedback / Re: Strange post count?
« on: August 12, 2007, 08:59:50 pm »
there is another.

'I am a geek!' if you get > 100,000 posts

Feedback / Re: Strange post count?
« on: August 07, 2007, 08:53:32 am »
This has been an easter egg in SMF for years.  It is certainly nothing new. 

</smf staff talk>

Feedback / Re: Chat problem...
« on: July 02, 2007, 10:13:01 pm »
They've been removed.

Feedback / Re: Chat problem...
« on: July 02, 2007, 08:53:36 pm »
What exact error does it give you? (it will assist in tracking down WHICH z-line it is)

Feedback / Re: Where is the april fools traditon?
« on: April 11, 2007, 07:42:55 am »
eh, midi itself is annoying :P

That was the point

Feedback / Re: Where is the april fools traditon?
« on: April 09, 2007, 12:56:32 pm »
Of course theres always the year that we made the forum play a random midi that i'd created out of 80 or so midi files..

That was hilarious XD

Other Discussion / Re: accutane
« on: April 04, 2007, 09:15:24 pm »
i had relatively few acne problems in my teenage years..

although occasionally i still get the occasional pimple that pisses me off :(!

Other Discussion / Re: Guy sells ps3 on ebay. Gets owned
« on: October 30, 2006, 03:14:20 am »
must suck to be that guy... he lost almost $300 in the deal.

Entertainment / Re: Wii-order get. My story
« on: October 15, 2006, 08:40:00 pm »
for whatever retarded reason this was moved to techie talk...

it is about a *nintendo* system and *nintendo* games.

or is discussing nintendo banned in nintendo sections?

wow... sounds like spam being banned in the spam boards...

wtf ever.

Entertainment / Wii-order get. My story
« on: October 15, 2006, 01:47:26 am »
I got to gamestop Friday at 6:45 am, which is 3 hours and 15 minutes before the gamestop opens.  Three other people were already waiting in line, one had been there since 5:30, one since 6, and one since 6:30.  We all agreed to sit in my car until someone else showed up.  They did, and we agreed that that person would be 5th in line and that we'd just sit in the warm cars... we kept doing this and eventually we had 12 people in 3 warm cars.  then around 8 more and more people started showing up so we formed our already 12 person line so people who were just pulling in were seeing no line.  by the time they got out of their cars there was a 12 person line.... they were pretty pissed.  The store had 24 slots though so there were enough for double our numbers.  In all i'd say 50 people showed up, and half went home empty handed.

My reserve:

- Wii Console
- 1 additional wiimote
- 1 additional nunchuck attachment
- 1 classic controller
- Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2
- Zelda: Twilight Princess
- Red Steel
- Excite Truck

Feedback / Re: ZFGC keeps logging me out.
« on: October 05, 2006, 02:14:27 am »
the admins should run repair_settings.php from the SMF site to fix the directories and everything 100%, and also should go through the forum's error log.

If all else fails set a .htaccess redirect for http://zfgc.com to redir it to www.zfgc.com.

Feedback / Re: Secret boards! :O
« on: August 23, 2006, 06:36:21 pm »
see, that works with forums that have HUNDREDS of boards

we, however, do not.

Do not forget that the board id is an auto-increment... it wouldn't be ungodly hard to go through the board id's until you don't get anything for an ungodly long time. 

You could even locate the board ID's of the staff boards :P

But theres still no programmed way to allow members to access a board but not see it in smf as of right now.

Feedback / Re: Moderator Boards?
« on: July 22, 2006, 05:36:45 am »
You shouldn't be able to see the category if you can't see any of the boards in it.

Feedback / Re: Image-size-restrictions.
« on: July 13, 2006, 06:59:00 pm »
This should be able to be done in the CSS file if any able admin would be willing to look up info on how :)

Entertainment / Re: Cel-shaded OOT Mod [download]
« on: July 10, 2006, 12:15:56 pm »
not sure what you mean.

Entertainment / Re: Cel-shaded OOT Mod [download]
« on: July 10, 2006, 02:14:38 am »
Instruction 7 is incorrect.

It says:
7.) Go into "Djipi's Final Cell Zelda MOD" until you see the folder "Legend of Zelda".  Unpack this directory *as is* into hires_texture.  You should have C:/Program Files/1964/099/plugins/hires_texture/Legend of Zelda/

it should read:
7.) Go into "Djipi's Final Cell Zelda MOD" until you see the folder "Legend of Zelda".  Unpack this directory *as is* into hires_texture.  You should have C:/Program Files/1964/099/plugins/hires_texture/The Legend of Zelda/

I could hook my computer to my gamecube, but It'd take me awhile to get that far into the game where I could get into that room.

Entertainment / Re: Cel-shaded OOT Mod [download]
« on: July 10, 2006, 12:26:12 am »
I'm not sure that they *can* retexture the models.

Entertainment / Cel-shaded OOT Mod [download]
« on: July 10, 2006, 12:20:28 am »
I'm pretty sure you guys've heard of the cel-shaded OOT mod made by djipi at emutalk.net.  Well I know that many of you thought this was pretty cool but couldn't manage to get all the files you need to make it work, or had issues getting it to work, or whatever else.  I'm a big fan of this mod and so I've compiled a little package for people to be able to experience this.

The only thing i could *not* package with the package is the Ocarina of Time rom, for legal reasons.  That you'll have to source yourself, but that is easy enough to find.  If you find a rom that doesn't work, then find a different rom, there are a couple versions of the US rom that this won't work with, but it works best with a EU OOT rom (good luck finding it).


Winrar (file is rar, also contains a .7z file)



Download: 120 MB


-  Djipi's Final Cel-Zelda Mod package
-  Final update to above package
-  Menu upgrade/fix for some OOT versions (see screenshots below)
-  BMGLIB dll file -- required for loading the textures
-  Rice's video plugin and Azimer's Audio plugin (The former is required, the latter is not, but seems to work better for me)
-  Basic Install instructions
-  1964 Installer.

Click Here


More Screenshots Here:


ZFGC needs its members from staff to newbie to care for the forum and nurture it into something that can grow naturally.

ZFGC needs more zelda

ZFGC needs fan games

ZFGC needs admins that aren't going to shoot themselves in the foot (like I did)

ZFGC needs things like tutorials, classes, tips & tricks, good C&C (comments and criticisms)

ZFGC needs to start over from base one and redefine what ZFGC is.  Why was zfgc here?  What went right when it grew?

what do you guys think the answers to those questions are?

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