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Messages - SilverShadowX

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Entertainment / Devil May Cry anime series!
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:35:18 pm »
I just caught the first episode of the series, and although it had horribley written subtitles it wasn't too hard to figure out what was going on. It also surprised me that Dante wasn't spurting out a bunch of cheesy lines here and there. That action was over the top too, with really cool gun and sword fighting and lots of demons and bloodshed and !@#$%! YARR!!!


The link above is the only place I could find the episode with the sub titles. You might be able to find it on youtube but I didn't have too much look with that.


This link has better subtitles but poorer video quality.


The second episode, not subbed though...


Here is the second episode with English subs. High quality and it's also with DivX.

Entertainment / Re: Help with RE4 for the wii on the emulator.
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:24:31 pm »
You're doing it all wrong.  You see, the Wii is 1.5 Gamecubes, and since the Gamecube emulator is named Dolphin, you need to gather 1.5 live dolphins.  With their presence in the room, the emulator will start working.

If you gather 2 whole dolphins would your emulator emulate the next console by nintendo?

Entertainment / Re: Devil May Cry 3 now on Steam??
« on: June 21, 2007, 12:35:32 am »
All I know is that the PC version has been floating around for a while so it doesn't come as too much of a surprise for me...

Other Discussion / Re: Ever eaten sushi?
« on: June 20, 2007, 08:01:27 pm »
Anybody else completely underestimate just how hot wasabi is when they first tried it? :P

Heh, I would've underestimated it if my girlfriend wasn't all OMFG DON'T EAT ANY WASABI AT ALL YOU'LL EXPLODE GAH WAH!!! YARRRR!!! So I just had an insanely small ammount and licked it and was like, WOAH. Yeah, wasabi's insane...

Other Discussion / Re: Ever eaten sushi?
« on: June 20, 2007, 12:57:42 pm »
I actually ate octopus sushi on friday. It was pretty good and came with wasabi and ginger on the side, except I barely used those spices at all. My only problem was that it was a pretty basic roll, seeing as it was just a slice of octopus laid over a clump of rice and tied together with sea weed. And then it was a challenge eating it with chopsticks too, but I prevailed non the less!!

Other Discussion / Re: wondering 'bout a weapon
« on: June 19, 2007, 10:57:58 pm »
they remind me of what that samurai woman on Soul Calibur 3 has...awesome weapons XD

That's Setsuka, she had an umbrella that was really a sheathed sword, because she's like an undercover assassin type person.

Other Discussion / Re: wondering 'bout a weapon
« on: June 18, 2007, 03:33:30 pm »
I think it's just a regular old twin sword that that seemingly combines into one object when sheethed into eachother. It's quite comparable to this


Entertainment / Re: Some people....need to get a fricken life....
« on: June 16, 2007, 05:15:05 pm »
Meh, I don't think anyone's dumb enough to feel that strongly on a subject and then screw with their own ambitions by making up lies about shigeru miyamoto when they can't even spell his name right. It's a damn funny joke either way.

Other Discussion / Re: Man, i owned this guy in the mall today.
« on: June 11, 2007, 04:04:14 pm »
!@#$% yeah fishy, you kicked that loser's ass. <3 fishy

By the way, my favorite story of yours was the one you told AGES and AGES ago about you stealing a gamecube XD

I also loved that "The DSRer" thing :)

Oh yeah, I loved that gamecube story, that was amazing.

But jeeze fissure, you should know that the kamehameha wave is old'd, you should totally have moved on to a newer technique like the kao ken or spirit bomb! And don't forget spending 30 minutes staring at the guy with sweat dripping down your face wondering if his power level is too high for you.

I would totally be empoleon! I mean heck, a penguin with a metal jacket and swords for arms! THATS TOTALLY ME! I'd be like swipe swipe slash RAWR I'm A PENGUIN!!! GRAAAAARRR!!! YEAH! And if for whatever reason I failed at being an empoleon, I'd just be a hitmonlee cause he's all karate and stuff and looks almost like a ninja.

Entertainment / Re: Meh, Starcraft 2 announced
« on: May 19, 2007, 03:54:43 pm »
I'm extremely extactic about the Starcraft II announcement. It almost brought me to tears. Ever since they cancelled ghost I knew something was up, I just couldn't figure out why they'd bother to render quite a few high res cgs and then go and indeffinitely suspend it... but now, w00t.


Entertainment / Re: The Greatest Glitches of Gaming
« on: May 15, 2007, 09:05:27 pm »
Metroid, all metroids, except maybe Metroid Prime 2 and fusion. They have some of the coolest glitches out there. The original even started the obsession with glitching and getting outside of the normal boundaries of most games. Then Super metroid had the friggin murder beam. Metroid Prime had those areas where you could get outside of the map and run around in eternal darkness.

Anyways, although metroid's pretty darn cool.... missing number is still one of the coolest glitches out there...

Entertainment / Re: Who wants a Manaphy Egg?
« on: April 28, 2007, 02:41:57 pm »
Okay, so all I gotta do is work up to getting the national dex and then I can get the legendaries without screwing my save. Sounds cool.

Entertainment / Re: Who wants a Manaphy Egg?
« on: April 28, 2007, 02:38:16 am »
OOOOOO!!! OMG!!! I'll so take an arceus if you can give it, seriously! Just tell me how I need to set up and stuff and I'll give you my friend code and stuff!!

Other Discussion / Re: How To Kill a Mockingbird
« on: March 24, 2007, 01:51:00 am »
reminds me of that alternate ending I wrote for to kill a mocking bird. It involved chuck norris, lightsabers and moose, but it wasn'te even close to that. That was just... ... ...  I can't even find an adjective awesome enough to describe the awesomeness. It was probably the most amazing thing I've seen ever.

Entertainment / Re: Under rated games
« on: March 01, 2007, 11:25:06 pm »
Put one up for Beyond Good&Evil. Very good game. Storyline wise, it demands a sequel. I hope Ancel is going to work on it once he finishes up Rayman for X360 and PS3 (on that subject, will they be real platformers or minigames like the Wii version?).

Killer7 is very underrated. It's on-rails, in the sense that you have to walk on a preset trajectory. However, there's still a lot of exploration, and the trajectory system is very pleasant. It allows for some great camera angels and smooths out the flow of the game. I want more games like it. (-> DQS looks real interesting)
The story, presentation, characters, dialogue, cel-shaded graphics is just phenomenally good. It's so refined and polished. The actual gameplay can get a tad repetitive, but those quirky Heaven Smiles are just fun to shoot and the Boss-fights are WOW. I recommend it to any owner of a GCN (or Wii, game would work great with Wiimote) or PS2, who's looking for a stylish action game with great story and characters.

Agreed, Killer 7 was freaking awesome. I can honestly say that Killer 7 consistantly went where no game has gone before and that it's crazy action and pychotic twisted themes are awesome.

Zone of the Enders 2 was a freaking awesome as hell game. It's the best futuristic sci-fi/anime mech game I ever played. There are tons of things that make this game strong: 1. Voice acting doesn't suck 2. The game is full of awesome action 3. There was a hell of a lot of replayability (new weapons, mechs, and missions) 4. It was made by frigging Hideo Kojima- the genious behind Metal Gear Solid.

Also I'd like to mention the Guilty Gear series. Specifically, Guilty Gear X2. That game is highly underrated most likely due to the fact that it's  2D figher. However, unlike every other fighter, each character is radically different (From highly religious do-gooders to ghost-possessed australians to guitar wielding strippers). And the story line is awesome as heck too, but rather hard to follow from the game itself. Actually, if anything I wish they'd turn this game into a full blown anime series! There's enough awesome crap going on to make it completely possible, and tons better than all of the anime on tv today.

Entertainment / I made a rant about emo kids today!
« on: February 28, 2007, 01:54:27 am »
Yeah, its mildly entertaining and it gave some practice with implementing subtitles.


So that's basically my view on emo, lol.

Entertainment / Re: Objection Generater!
« on: February 28, 2007, 01:47:41 am »

That's against a longstanding argument I had with someone... :/


and that random canadians evolving from moose thing I always rant on about too.

Wow, was that guy like hot or what because I'd kind of take that as a compliment. I mean heck, if a guy finds you that hot you must be awesome. Unless you looked gay to him for some reason. But yeah, that's like reallly awkward right there.

Entertainment / Re: What is your favorite game of all time?
« on: February 13, 2007, 01:24:08 am »
Metal Gear Solid 3.

It is honestly the best game I've played in my entire life.

I AGREE! Devil May Cry 3 comes in a close second because it's just the kind of extreme action game that is impossible at first, and only grows harder as it goes on. And Super Smash Bros. Melee should recieve an honorable mention because of how many hours I've put into it alone...

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