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Messages - Nintendo Maniac 64

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Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:57:58 pm »
yeah, on HL2DM.  Note, I've NEVER played before XD

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:55:02 pm »
Really?  That's it, a 2.8GHz P4?  Heck, I bet my OC'd Athlon XP 2100+ could even match it...  But what's your bandwidth though?  It'd have to have good upload...

Also, I'm surprised people didn't jump over the Trackmania Nations Forever server more... that tells me that people either don't like racing games, think it has starforce (the original non-forever one did, this one does not), or they don't realize the game is free. (you can get it seperately or on steam)

Anyway, I'm back, so I'm coming in! (well, after I set up controls and stuff)

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:18:31 pm »
Hey, what kind of PC rig allows you to run multiple game servers at once?  Is it a quad core or something?

Also, how about a phosphor (http://phosphorgame.com/) server?  Even though there's only one level, that fact that it runs in your browser should be useful to some (AND you can have bots :D).

And after I eat, I'll see if I can play some HL2DM as well, though like I said, I've never even played it XD.

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:48:28 pm »
Um... I still don't see the TM server... am I doing it wrong?

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 06:02:09 pm »
Hey, uh... I just checked for the TM server (it's under "party play," correct?) and I didn't see anything... You didn't take it down, did you?  I mean I COULD make my own, but the point was that I wanted to set some records :P

Oh, and I have TFC as well (came with half-life), but... (I've never touched it >_>)  Playing with ZFGCers would ease me into it :P

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:13:28 am »
Oh right, I forgot I did that deal for HL2DM >_>  I've honestly never touched it <_<;

EDIT: What about people with Intel integrated cards? :P

EDIT 2: Ummm... where exactly IS the Trackmania server?

*smacks self*

Entertainment / Re: ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:03:42 am »
Whoa what, trackmania server?! *looks for that ^#&%*  That's my most played PC game!

Now, one thing I'd look into are games that allow you to play online with only the demo.  The only game I personally know of that does this is Quake II, but I'm not THAT big of a PC gamer so I don't really know. :P

Well, it'll pretty much display on any site that supports standard PNG since APNG IS a PNG with extra stuff embedded.  You then just need a browser or something that supports APNG that'll then read the rest of the data in the image and animate it instead of just ignoring the extra frames and data.

*sigh* :/ fine... (the beta tester in me just died a little)

Obviously I am dealing with it (I found a get-around solution), but it still doesn't make it right to ignore a bug.  How can it be JUST the browser's fault if the problem doesn't happen elsewhere?  That's why I'm thinking it's an issue with both ZFGC (and maybe SMF) AND the browser.

I know it's not exactly the intention, but that how I work - I love to do things that weren't originally intended :P (that's the beta tester in me coming out <_<)

Yes I understand 5 pages is overkill, but is it not still an issue - one that we're going to completely ignore just because it's in the minority?  Look, it's MY avatar so I have it as what I like, and that's urging people to use a better browser.

Also, like I've said earlier, Firefox 3 is supposed to support APNGs fine but all I know is that on ZFGC that's not true.  I guess part of the reason for me caring so much about the issue is that I've never seen anything like it.  As far as I know there's only really 1 implementation of APNG, so I just don't understand why Opera displays APNGs on ZFGC fine while Firefox doesn't, and yet on other sites Firefox does fine with APNGs.  It's the requirement of needing BOTH Firefox 3 AND ZFGC for APNGs to glitch that is boggling my mind and making me freak out over it - it just doesn't make any ense to me!

Well, for one, if you ARE running Firefox 3 like Ness was, the message is completely inaccurate. (it says you haven't upgraded to Firefox 3 or Opera 9.5)

Feedback / Re: *Wait... Problems AGAIN?!* My avatar display issues topic
« on: September 16, 2008, 03:45:13 am »
I have upgraded to FireFox 3 and your avy still shows the pic saying i haven't :-\.
This is the said issue.  The message you're seeing is the 1st of 2 frames in my APNG animated avatar.  Browsers other than Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5 cannot render the animation part, so they fallback to a standard PNG and show just the 1st frame.

The way I have it, the 1st frame (the message) only displays itself for 1 millisecond, then goes to the 2nd frame and stays there (I have no looping).  The issue is that on ZFGC it wants to jump back to the 1st frame for whatever reason, and since I have no looping, animation has already stopped so it won't go back to frame 2 (unless "coaxed" in some way as specified in my 1st giant post under "Old Issues").

Now if I turned on looping, it wouldn't have a problem (hence Darklight's avatar) - but in Firefox I think 1ms is still kinda noticable (must check), but I don't think it is in Opera.  I'll try it though.

EDIT: HA!  I FIGURED A WAY AROUND IT!.  Have it loop, but only twice with the 2nd frame at 99999ms.  That way when it jumps back to the first frame, the animation isn't actually complete and will continue animating to the 2nd frame as normal!  daaaaa Naaaaa NAAAAA NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

EDIT 2: That still doesn't help that the issue still exists though ¬_¬.  I'll let it slide for now since it's probably something with the current SMF version that will hopefully not happen in the future. (but that still doesn't explain why it's Firefox only... so I guess it's Firefox + SMF only? huh.)

Feedback / Re: *Wait... Problems AGAIN?!* My avatar display issues topic
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:30:41 pm »
But that itself doesn't explain why it's only occurring on ZFGC.

Feedback / Re: *Wait... Problems AGAIN?!* My avatar display issues topic
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:45:16 pm »
That still doesn't explain why this only happens in Firefox and not in Opera. (both which support APNG)

Feedback / Re: *Wait... Problems AGAIN?!* My avatar display issues topic
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:30:35 pm »
-_- It's not supposed to stretch.  THE PROBLEM IS THE ANIMATION - IT KEEPS GOING BACK TO THE FIRST FRAME. (got it now?)

I mentioned stretching because before the resizing of the avatar was causing this problem, but now it's happening again but obviously not being caused by the resizing since there is none.

Feedback / Re: *Wait... Problems AGAIN?!* My avatar display issues topic
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:15:14 am »
*sigh* well, it seems my avatar is back to its old habits again, even though I've uploaded it directly to ZFGC.  Maybe it's just a fluke that's only happening for me or something, but I need feedback to find out.

Since windy was kind enough to explain things, he wins today's daily internet and a cookie :D

Also, I'll now mark the topic as solved. :)

I wasn't complaining, I wanted clarification because it didn't add up how even smaller sites could pull it off.  Jeez, now my mood is ruined... (I probably won't put solved in the topic either now...maybe if I feel better later)

holy crap, that worked!  YOU WIN A BAJILLION INTERWEBS.

I'm not gonna mark the topic as solved yet since I have a question though.  Other forums I've been to don't have this problem, but they don't resize avatars on the fly, they're already resized.  If it's too expensive, then how do small-time sites do it?  Is it just something the way SMF does things?

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