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Messages - SlimmyG

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« on: March 21, 2010, 05:10:39 pm »
Apparently pokémon you receive from another region (e.g. traded from a Japanese game to an American game) get 2x experience.  I can't confirm or deny that, however.  >.>

That's pretty neat :p

I'm not positive on that either, but whenever a pokemon who's OT isn't the same as the player battles, it gets 1.5x the standard experience. You can usually tell when a pokemon's an outsider when it says "*** Gets *** Boosted EXP!"

Yeah, the boosted EXP thing with traded Pokemon has been there for a while. It'd be really awesome though if the Japanese version had a 2x multiplier :P. That's encouraging me to get the Japanese version of Generation 5 (whenever that may come out) for learning Japanese purposes AND for ultimate trades :P

Its another one of those urban myths that may be true, but I've yet to meet/know anyone who's tried it.

« on: March 19, 2010, 03:11:59 am »
If you're training with the Macho Brace and fighting pokémon that give 2 EVs, that means you get 4.  Four EVs per fight means you only have to fight 127.5 pokémon to get your maximum 510 EVs.

or if you use a power item, you'd get 6 EVs.

Entertainment / Skins (probably just UK members...)
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:18:42 am »
When series 1 of Skins came out, I loved it. I thought it was a fantastic show, it was funny, had drama, semi-accurately depicted relationships between young people... now? It was the series finale of series 4, and I just don't care. The new cast had promise, but there's been too much... unrealistic, unlikely stuff. And there's been huge jumps that don't make sense and aren't explained.
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For example, Cook getting out of jail. It just happens, no explanation of how, or why it isn't a bigger deal.

So basically I was just wondering if anyone else watched it, and what they thought.

To anyone who hasn't seen it, I say watch it from the beginning for sure. It was much better then.

« on: March 19, 2010, 02:13:33 am »
:P It's still somewhat pointless to put a pokemon you intend to use in there though. You don't get any Effort Values for it. It's basically cutting your pokemon's potential down to about 1/3rd the amount of stats he could have.

That's only if you never EV train it.  You could use the Pokéwalker to get your pokémon up to level 99, then EV train it, then reach level 100 and get full EV benefits.

btw, EVs only add 127 stat points.  That's a lot less than 2/3 of the max stats of almost any pokémon.  :P

True, but it still makes a huge difference.

Entertainment / Re: Guitar Hero with real guitars
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:06:55 pm »
I think it's actually quite a cool idea, if it works well. Then again, I play guitar.

Nice fabrication, but "the other oracle game" was a third GBC title that was canceled due to password system errors between the other two games. The one you showed was a poorly pieced together april fools joke.
So there was going to be a third title, too bad about them canceling it as I would've enjoyed it just like I did with the other two.

Me too, the OoX games are awesome, if they'd had the time to make the three way passwords work, I'm sure it'd have been amazing.

However, the original post is indeed wrong, like Mammy said. The third game was also meant to be for GBC, not the gamecube. The advert is just that, and advert.

Entertainment / Re: Final Fantasy XIII
« on: March 11, 2010, 11:12:27 am »
I've been playing it at a friends and I have to say, I'm not very impressed. I dont think its bad, but nothing particular to shout about. A lot seems to have just been copied from older FF games and given a higher poly-count and resolution. Gonna go play some more later, so maybe that will change things, but I'm not feeling particularly driven to go complete it. Whereas I'm also playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, and I'm loving that, its nearly as good as ToS.

Entertainment / Re: Favorite Music?
« on: March 03, 2010, 12:04:37 am »
I will start:

My favorite kind of music is Pop/Punk, bascially bands that grew up listening to Blink 182  :P.
I also listen to Hip Hop and all other kinds of rock ranging from the aforementioned pop/punk to heavy metal.
I also have a thing for really catchy pop music.

My Top 5 favorite bands:

1) Futures
2) Gym Class Heroes
3) Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip
4) Linkin Park/Fort Minor
5) either Saving Aimee, Lost Prophets or 30 Seconds to Mars

My Top 5 favorite songs (at the moment):

1) 16 - Futures
2) Live Forever (Fly With Me) - Gym Class Heroes
3) Slowdance on the Inside - Taking Back Sunday
4) Fireflies - Owl City
5) Sal Paradise - Futures

Graphics / Re: Semi-Custom Link
« on: February 25, 2010, 09:52:07 pm »
I like it, but could see it being hard to make sprites for attack, or using items. But they're cute.

Discussion / Re: I will turn your Zelda story into a 3D game!
« on: February 23, 2010, 02:29:03 pm »
I'm going out to work soon but I have a few ideas I've been thinking about for a while, so I'll write them up and send you them later tonight/maybe tomorrow?

Entertainment / Re: Favorite old-school PC game?
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:54:07 am »
Command and Conquer, and Red Alert. Both available legally for free now too. So its win win.

Entertainment / Re: New ugly Wii RPG
« on: February 21, 2010, 11:41:11 am »
Why is everyone so fascinated with graphics? It's all about the gameplay!


People who say this and believe it are all caught up in the "a tiny penis is still a good penis" mentality.

Sorry, but graphics and gameplay are on the exact same level of "need" in a game. You can have a game that plays absolutely amazing, but the graphics are a photoshopped donkey getting raped by a cartoon character. Nobody would want to play it (except ken <3). On the same effect, you can have a beautiful game and shitty gameplay, and nobody would want to play it. You can't say one supercedes the other, because it's not true. It's all about how you utilize both aspects.

<_< Sorry, it just thuroughly pisses me off when people say graphics don't matter. Visual presentation is 50% of the pie. That's not saying it's all about how many colors you can throw in or how shiney you can make everything; it's about how you present the world you're trying to throw the player into.

I agree that people who say graphics don't matter are wrong, but I don't think graphics is 50% of the pie. I'd rather have a game that had okay graphics (say, 25% of the pie or something similar) and the rest fantastic gameplay (so 75%ish) then a game with a 50/50 split. Obviously if you can have fantastic graphics AND fantastic gameplay, that's just dandy, but I can live with sub-par, or mediocre, graphics, where as if the gameplay is very "meh" you can bet Ill drop the game and not look back.

Entertainment / Re: Finally a fan film which is worthy
« on: February 12, 2010, 01:24:28 pm »
I meant it's quality. You got to approve that the quality of the film can match the actual films.

Well not exactly, but its damn close and considering its a fan film, its amazing.
However, Mamoruanime is right, in terms of treatment of Tolkiens work, its just horrible.

Entertainment / Re: What games would you like to see remastered
« on: February 09, 2010, 09:19:07 pm »
good call, I loved NVN. Only completed it once though.
*runs off to get that too*

Entertainment / Re: What games would you like to see remastered
« on: February 09, 2010, 08:46:23 pm »
Daggerfall was very bugged sure, mostly because nobody on the team apparently had more than a vague idea what any code except what they wrote actually did, but a remake would have to be from near-complete scratch anyway code-wise, as Bethesda have pretty much admitted to losing the code for it XD

It's still one the largest, most in-depth and intriguing RPGs out there, and the almost completely randomly generated quests and dungeons is becoming increasingly rare nowadays outside of Roguelikes (and it was always rare) despite adding near-unlimited replay value =P

How many other RPGs have a world map it takes 50 hours, real time, to cross on foot?

Haha, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy daggerfall, I did, its just it would have to be heavily remastered and I still think the end product wouldn't be as good as morrowind. But I may be wrong...

Entertainment / Re: What games would you like to see remastered
« on: February 09, 2010, 02:58:11 pm »
Nah, I didn't like Oblivion as it came. It was FPS-RPG Hybrid that was too much FPS and not enough RPG. Your skills, stats and level meant absolutely nothing since all enemies levelled exactly in time with you -_- A max-level character in an RPG should be as a god amongst men, capable of slaying all but the gods themselves without breaking a sweat, not still able to get owned by a random bandit wearing near-full daedric armour >.<

I much prefered Morrowind's combat system since you knew it was an RPG combat system, whilst Oblivion...yeeeah. I did download a few mods (Deadly Reflex and Unnceccesary Violence) which added loads of new attacks and the like to the combat systems and it became much more enjoyable =P

Besides, we all know that the game they should remake is:

OR maybe the could just make one gigantic glitch for us to play  :P

Entertainment / Re: What games would you like to see remastered
« on: February 09, 2010, 11:29:32 am »

This. It's been less than a decade, but still, this. I can't even argue the point that it has a better story than oblivion with my friends because they see the graphics as too !@#$% D:

oooh good call. So much better than oblivion, and I love oblivion.


*runs off to install Morrowind*

Entertainment / Re: What games would you like to see remastered
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:51:51 am »

'nuff said.

Entertainment / Re: The "Real Legend of Zelda" Flash Series
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:30:56 pm »
also check out Return Of Ganondorf (I think its by Legendary Frog?) ...

Oh yes, I forgot about that one:
  Return of Ganondorf

Fav quote btw:
"Come Ganny! There's hungry mouths to feed!"

I just like the ninja-Link.

Entertainment / Re: The "Real Legend of Zelda" Flash Series
« on: February 08, 2010, 10:25:52 pm »
also check out Return Of Ganondorf (I think its by Legendary Frog?), that one has many lulz in it too. Im not holding my breath for episode 4 considering how long it took for episode 3 to come out, but I do love the Real Legend series.

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