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Messages - zeldaknack

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Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: April 29, 2009, 04:16:00 pm »

Have newly modeled:
*Armos Knights
*Working on Lanmola, should be done in few days with it.

Need to skin:
*Armos Knights

Not sure how to animate Bow-Wow's chain-limited movement properly.. Suggestions would
be great :-)

Lynel I'm hopeful on as it seems that I *should* be able to merge a pair of skeletons and us the combined rigs along with motionblending to get things right with him.

The new Hero character model is working decently, wish I was better at rigging..

Janet- and any others, if you want to help out, that'd be great! In exchange you'll
have very early access to the models to use in your own projects, as well as beta
entrance (which of course will go to the people who actually post here too, ie:
Pichuscute, Cheesepie, Janet, LTGH, etc.)

In regards to the engine:
Looks like GameCore3d 2.0x is going to work well, no real new incompatibilities, heart system,
pick up & throw, melee combat (with shield blocking), and coin system still seem to be
working fairly properly.

I was gifted with an Arteria3d membership this last weekend as well, and will likely be trying
to bring their level of polish into the game.. Thus far I think my characters (base models at
least) should be able to look fairly at home amongst the quality of arteria's products. The aid
of such a huge boon model-wise should be fairly readily apparent to everyone when it comes
to working on Hyrule Castle, Hyrule Town, and some of the beach and desert areas I'm
planning on adding. Those should all be fairly close to drag & drop now with this addition asset
wise :-)

Questions? Comments? Want to help? Let me know :-) I thrive on the community's words.

Verrrrrrrrrrrrry serious though on help always welcome :-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: April 14, 2009, 07:00:05 pm »
Lol I will be fixing that little glitch ;-)

Just wanted to share a lil of my progress
As it's the first 3d lynel made as so far as
I'm aware ;-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: April 13, 2009, 02:48:23 am »
Teaser shot of Lynel enemy (untextured), low-poly.

Let me know what you think.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: April 09, 2009, 02:26:15 am »
I'm a getting there ;-)

Thankfully the GameCore engine is being finally finalized now- and my heart system should, in
theory still be working fully with it.
Once that's done - as I've lost my compilations a few times now due to it being reworked dramatically; I will be putting together a good 'demo'. Such a thing should only be a few weeks after they finish the engine.

For those interested in what the GameCore3d engine is capable of - you can go to their website at gamecore3d.com...

still reworking on tree models and such- as the way the forest was looking was just *off*
to me, I apologize about the lack of updates though..

Coding side- I still have to investigate how to get the shops working / rupee collecting
being more than just for show.

I also don't know how to get the hookshot or boomerang programmed *shrugs*
But blocking and attacking works now.
Secondary attacking also works mostly- shooting a beam of light when hearts are full should
be an easy tweak that I've just been slacking on.

You're right though Janet- I do need help with colors at times- just using math for it gets... Hard at times.

As to recoloring- well, all the files will be easily editable, and available for free to this and 1-2 more communities upon finishing. That's every 3d model. Every texture. Everything I've put into it. With luck, the art and models will be compatible with at least the Blender game engine as well so that those without the $ for the actual engine will be able to use the assets for their own zelda fan games.

I now have over 2400 animations that have been re-tweaked for easier implementation,
thankfully... Many of which will likely be in-game. Those animations that are bound to models will be kept that way for others to tweak with, under a Term of Service that will be revealed on release.

The project is *not* dead, it's just been moving slower than I'd like ;-) and most of that fault is on major overhauls to the game engine that have broken things dramatically for me at times... Doesn't break the content or models I have- just very upsetting.

It's coming along beautifully Janet :-)

I am quite impressed, keep up the outstanding work.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 16, 2009, 05:10:17 pm »
I appreciate the complement Janet and Pichu-

I think I will be removing the ab/lower back armor though. It's causing too many
issues with animation.

I think something of it will remain, but only a bit.

In regards to his facial colorations, I'll try to adjust that, gets hard being a bit
color blind, but I'll try. Usually it doesn't affect 'warm' colors much for me, but
apparently subtlety is affected.

This project has been humorous for me, going from a 3d 'flyover' idea, with per
the original colorations, to something much more- with a lot of personal texturing
and models put in. 
I did decide to age the hero a bit, but that's due to the slightly more gritty and
grim feel given all the way around.. I could have stayed with a direct 1:1 across the
board, but I felt that that was not quite original enough...

Maybe it's too many games of Half-Life 2, Doom, etc... But I felt that it deserved a
little maturation with this project.

Please keep up the comments- they mean the world to me.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 12, 2009, 01:04:05 pm »
The model looks really nice, but I don't know so much about the textures. The skin looks pretty red to me as if he is blushing all over or has just run for a 100 miles, without epona and pegasus boots. In contrast the hair looks rather pale.

But that can be also a trick of vision, because the model is displayed in a gray background and without much lighting effects. Could you upload a picture of your model in an environment, like hyrule field or Castle Town. Doesn't need to be from the game a mock up would do.

I'll see what I can do- as I said, still having a problem with the model, but if I can't resolve it soon then I'll be removing the back/sides armor. While it's a neat idea, it's leading to fairly annoying animation issues.
Aside from that, I wouldn't know if the colors are off a bit, as I'm colorblind. I paint with screen grabbed materials, known color combinations, and the color number system- I try, it just doesn't always come across properly.

I really, really want to get at least a basic demo out in the near future- ala K. village, with basic fighting, the health system, and basic NPC's out. It's just been rough time-wise lately.
If I can get the hero's rigging/animation issues fixed, then that will happen quicker.. Maybe then I'll get more help again. *cue shrug*

Please keep up the comments people- it helps propel the project. 

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 11, 2009, 02:59:58 am »
A few more pics...
Sorry about the delay- been freakishly busy.
 In regards to Questions-
He is a 512x512 textured skin. Plus normal mapping.
He is 3419 triangles.  (Could use a bit of optimizing)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 11, 2009, 02:57:25 am »
Brace ver 3.0?

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 06, 2009, 03:25:42 pm »
The newer character model is leaps and bounds past the old one, I will post some screens tonight.

The normal mapping on him (including on the hair) has made him 'pop' quite a bit more.

Hopefully you'll all agree with it being positive progress when I show the screens of him tonight, as I will point out the incoming changes to him then.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: February 04, 2009, 07:52:14 pm »
I am actually Itgh, it's been quiet as things had been quiet here, and honestly I wasn't sure how to navigate the new forums here...

The character model has been revamped (again) for ease of animation, and may be 1 more time (ugh) due to a commonly recurring error that's popping up sometimes.

My concept artists have quit.
My programmer has quit.

Sooooo, I'm kinda struggling a bit. But, the game engine is progressing.

I haven't had (as much) time to work on it as I did initially, but I've got too many models and resources created to just quit on this. The US economy lately hasn't been helping- I have to show at least a 1%-5% increase in profit this year for my team, otherwise corporate's giving me (and them) the axe.

Too much info, I know, but just wanted to re-assure those still wondering, that yes, it is being worked on.

For those who follow the GameCore engine and the class that's available through it- you may notice that there's a lot of things that have happened in the last few months there that are to some degree, and in some ways- largely because of, or due to me.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] My Legend of Zelda fan game
« on: December 05, 2008, 04:10:37 pm »
Your animation has come a long ways Edlucas, I'm impressed.

I have my heart engine complete- but unfortunately, it's for GameCore engine- same with melee, chests giving items, tutorial engine, movement- in otherwords, much of which you seem to be missing.

I don’t have inventory working yet. :-(

I don’t have the stores functional yet

I’m still having issues setting up ammo types.

I don’t have quite your skill with animating though.

In regards to the  effect when link hits an enemy-
   My cheat is to check if he ‘hits’, and if so, at the specific time in the animation of the sword       attacks, I add a particle effects spawner to his blade.

I imagine you will beat me- you’re progressing nicely. Keep up the great work, and good luck :-)

-I still am surprised you’re not using your own textures, and models though- it would be so much more amazing if you did… Then again, I see the wisdom in not doing so- to a point, as I’m hitting year 2 on my game, and I imagine I might well be done if I had gone the ripped models route

Keep up the hard work Janet!!

Yours is the only other original (ie not ripped models) 3d zelda
project being worked on, I have faith in you!!

I would help on the coding, but I'm too caught up in the GameCore
engine to switch tracks now, as my heart engine, enemy ai, and
so much is functional now (even with the interactive framework).

We need more original 3d games, especially in the zelda fangame
series, as there's just never been one finished.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: October 03, 2008, 08:25:56 pm »
Framework now is fully functional with my heart script, quarter heart functionality as well as melee should be done within the next few days.

Humor: They're now going to be utilizing my heart system that they modified to function with the framework so that everyone can use it in projects :-)

So, in other words- the project is not dead. It is alive and kicking- and drawing close to it's finale.

The game engine now supports animated textures as well (for moving skys), and reflections, accurate shadowing, and generating LOD on the fly (so that low level as well as high end systems can run the game).

New main character model is being worked on as well (almost finished), as the old one was having issues with severe deformation at times. :-/

It'll really boil down to which one is working fully first as to which of them is in the demo soon to come.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: September 18, 2008, 05:53:37 pm »
It's not going to die ;-)

I just got great news from the framework provider, they're going to be modifying the
framework for me so that the heart system works without crashing the engine :-)

What does this mean?

It means the initial release will be *that* much faster.

The graphics have gotten a slight rise, due to UV mapping and retexturing. I've been
fairly swamped, but I will release updated screens and such soon-ishk.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:26:40 pm »
Well cheese, it's been a little difficult lately-

I had to do a reformat not long after finishing some of the final bits for in the village
(new shrubberies and ground plants) and test fitting it all.

Upside, it looked gorgeous!


Well, I now have to get everything back in-engine. Yay.

I did *not* however lose anything besides terrains. (which ain't too bad).

I also have a new camera system, which when I get it working will be ***perfect***

And, I have rupee's counting and showing.

Bombs and arrows now count as well- and magic powder.

Once everything is playing nice with me, the engine, and such- there will be a demo.

The ground plants are pickup/throw-able, and spawn either: heart bits, or rupee's.
Boxes are breakable as well (usually) as are barrels (wooden).

Swimming is not working at all yet, apparently it will on the next engine patch.

Still tweaking ledge grabbing animations.

Still working on getting melee combat half-way functional. Currently you can basically
snipe with a sword from a mile away... And that bothers me. Something wrong with
the raycasting code not limiting properly (a known bug that should be fixed again on
the next engine patch).

Part of the melee delay is me wanting to play through several attack animations randomly,
but just not working properly.

It's not easy being the only one really working on this. ***All*** of my team members are
now totally non-responsive, and have been for about a month. It's been.. Difficult. But, I *will* finish, just not sure when now.

I really, really need some new screens in here though, and I'm feeling horribly stupid for not taking them before I reformated- I just assumed (ugggh) that I'd be able to backup, and restore it from where I left off.

I'm sorry I'm letting you guys down with the delays- I'll be trying to get it more together over this weekend.

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] My Legend of Zelda fan game
« on: August 24, 2008, 06:53:15 am »
I'm definitely impressed with the engine work thus far man,
just not a fan of using the ripped 3d models, but that's just
me ;-)

I wish I had your programming talent ;-)
I can rig, animate, and model like crazy, but programming
beats the living snot out of me- while you seem to be trouncing
it very well.

You're doing great on the animations, physics and such- half way
wondering  now if I should have gone with A7 engine over
buying the license for Gamecore... *cue impending self-doubt*

Definitely impressed with your work thus far, keep it up! It's good
to see others working in 3d as well :-)

It's looking good thus far :-)

I've been debating time of day transitions & weather- definitely a long ways away on those
two for me though..

Keep up the great work :-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] LOZ 3D
« on: August 19, 2008, 05:37:57 pm »
Those of you still following this -

I'll be showing off the new, revamped, *very* stellar new look off here in the next few days,
I've hit a setback trying to replace some computer parts (graphics mouse died), but should
be picking one up tonight from Fry's (yay credit cards...?).

Things have definitely picked up a whole new level of shine & luster :-) I think you will all
be *very* impressed (I hope), as I myself am becoming very impressed.

In regards to the demo- I've hit a snag, as I'm waiting on a pair of engine fixes to be
implemented now (seriously epileptic nausea inducing camera bug, and @#&*@&'ed up title
screen breaking bug), but that's the give/take of using a beta game engine I reckon.

*cue shrug*

Stay tuned, and feel free to ask questions via the thread, messaging or email me.

I'm still in the game- and I can't wait to show it off :-)

Zelda Projects / Re: [WIP] My Legend of Zelda fan game
« on: July 29, 2008, 09:16:06 pm »
I am very impressed :-)

Different direction than I'm taking for sure- but it looks insanely great!

What engine are you using, if you mind me asking?
I'd love to see your engine mechanics ;-)

Mildly envious as well ;-) But, that just means I've got to push harder :-)

Don't give up! Keep up the work!

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