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Messages - ALTTP Fan

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Everything sounds great apart from keeping the Skyward sword style graphics.
I have no doubts it will be an amazing game though!

Updates / Re: LegendZelda.net and ZFGC Collaboration
« on: September 04, 2012, 07:52:15 pm »
I'm conflicted. I want to un-nintendo my game because I someday may want to sell it. Ergo, I cannot have anything that nintendo would be all too happy to sue me for. On the other, I want more exposure and all that but if it's for "nintend-related" games only then I dunno. X_x

http://www.resurgence.tk/ WIP site with more info.

Great looking game!!

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: September 04, 2012, 04:51:14 am »
Thanks, MaJoRa! I will definitely be continuing on with this and I am still aiming to finish all/as many areas as I can. I just like to have a break every now and then but I have a lot of fun doing these so I will always keep coming back to it.
Those areas you mentioned will definitely be given a go soon.
Next up however are Kakariko and the Graveyard sprites. I am also in the very early stages of working on the inside of the great Deku tree.

For now I have this demo of the current completed areas I have made -

Editable(Requires GM7 pro) -


Executable -



Enter Key = Next Room
BACKSPACE = Previous Room

Arrow Keys = Move Link

F4 Key = Toggle Fullscreen On/Off

1 Key = Start Rain Effect
2 Key = Turns the Rain intensity up. Keep pressing to increase further....
3 Key = Turns the Rain intensity down. keep pressing to decrease further....
4 Key = Toggles the Rain effect on and off. It remembers the intensity.

I will update this demo with each completed area I make as and when I make them.
Collisions are accurate to LTTP.
Again, BIG thanks goes to MaJoRa and Master Yoshi.

Graphics / Re: [Help] Windmill
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:21:05 am »
That does look more natural. Good job! I recommend using graphicsgale for rotating your blades though. It wont wont blur the image and make it look like a JPG. Make sure your image is highlighted/selected, then just go to "image", and then "rotate" to set your rotation. Its free to use.

Now that Ive finally found out how to make and upload animations, I had a go at animating your running sprites hair like you asked. Only problem is that I couldnt do it without changing the look of his hair :(

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:34:22 pm »
I actually had to make quite a few custom tiles to create this area -

Again, a lot had to be custom made. I will give the recommended animation speed to be used in Gamemaker when using a 30fps room speed for your game.
Please note that the animations seen below are not the proper speed. In-game they will be slower if you use my recommended speed settings.

Water hole Piece A(image_speed=

Water hole Piece B

Water hole Piece C

Water hole Complete piece

Aquarium with transparent water(image_speed=

Without transparent effect

Shallow water waves(they were static in LTTP) (image_speed=









Lily pad A stepped on

Lily pad B stepped on

Pond shoot stepped on


Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 21, 2012, 11:08:54 pm »
Thanks guys! :) I'll definitely look into changing the water hole into a crack and putting the aquarium at the top of the desk counter for a side-on view later on, but for now, here is the complete(for now), tidied up version(Fixed tiling errors and palette inconsistencies).
Theres still some minor tiling errors left to fix with the desk areas stone wall and Im still not sure about the colour pallet I used for the wall and floor tiles...but it will do for now I think.


Concept Art / Re: [Submission] Thief Techniques Concept Animations
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:44:28 am »
I have no idea what this is for but it looks great! Excellent job. :)
Are those wooden crates your own sprites or official art form whatever game theyre taken from?

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:17:18 pm »
Still WIP but this is the new size & shape which Im quite happy with for now -

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 16, 2012, 04:07:25 pm »
Yup. It does look quite big in the pics for some reason, but when youre walking around it in-game, it seems way too small. The pond in OOT was massive in comparison.
Im pretty sure that I should make it a bit bigger(about 2-4 tiles max) for fishing to be more like it was in OOT. In OOT, I remember having to find a good spot to get the bigger fish...even standing on the log and casting the rod from there. My pond is so small at the moment that you could just cast from anywhere and your rod would reach the middle of the pond.
Or do you guys think this gameplay element is not important to recreate? If not, then I will leave the pond at its current size because it really is quite small when in-game(which I actually like, but I have gameplay in mind too.)
Maybe I should share the gamemaker file so you guys can check it out for yourselves?

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 16, 2012, 03:46:23 am »
Heres the desk area -

And heres the crack -

As you can see, the crack is quite huge.
Is it the stairs and border that you dont like in the desk area? I added those because I thought it looked too plain without them. I dont like the colours on the whole thing though so maybe thats what you dont like.
I made a load of different variations and recolours on the whole desk area and will show a few tomorrow and see which one you guys like best.
The water coming from the hole uses a simple mod of the LTTP water tiles, but maybe if I shortened the little stream, it would look better? I'll try your suggestions though and see how it looks.
I should add that I like to put my own take on these things instead of recreating them 100% accurate to OOT, which explains things like the stairs in the desk area. :)

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 16, 2012, 03:11:24 am »
Fishing pond WIP

Any critiques or suggestions? Should the pond be bigger for gameplay with the fishing rod?

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 13, 2012, 02:49:28 pm »

Quick 10 min WIP. I think the shape is too square atm so Im gonna make it more diamond shape like my older well -

Also, I updated the stables doors again in the posts above.

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 13, 2012, 05:57:20 am »
Impressive. Not sure about the crates, but overall the ranch is very appealing.

Now redo your well.  :)

Thanks man! It plays really nice in game too! :) Looks a lot better too.
Big thanks goes to MaJora for the main map work.
It took me a while to figure out why you posted those statue sprites but now I see that they have the perfect base! Thank you for pointing it out to me lol
I'll see what I can do.
Im actually quite happy with my crates but youre right, theres something about them. It tokk me AGES to get to where they are now though lol Any ideas how I can make them better? I do think they are ok for now though and much better than all the other attempts I made in the past.

Graphics / Re: OOT sprites in LTTP style
« on: May 13, 2012, 04:08:48 am »
Using MaJoRas map as a base, I used my sprites to put together Lon Lon Ranch to see how it all looks!


What do you guys think?

And here are some new and updated sprites/tiles -


Small Bench

Wooden Crate

Wooden Crate(Plain texture to match LTTP sign post)

Lon Lon Ranch Stable

Lon Lon Ranch House

Lon Lon Ranch Sign A

Lon Lon Ranch Sign B

Lon Lon Ranch Tree tiled to cliff LTTP style

Lon Lon Ranch Small Hut

Lon Lon Ranch Tall Building tiled to cliff

Lon Lon Ranch Vertical Outer Fence tiled to cliff

Lon Lon Ranch Horrizontal Outer Fence tiled to cliff

Tall Fence Tileset


Kakariko Graveyard Butterfly animated

Kakariko Graveyard Ocarina Pad

Large Grave with flowers

Normal Grave with flowers

Pushable Grave with flowers

Hylian Grave mock up

Hyrule Castle Market Fountain

EDIT - How do I post a small image preview that opens up to full size if you click it?

Entertainment / Re: Just not interested in new Zelda games anymore
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:12:26 pm »
I completely agree with everything you say but Wind Waker was quite good in my opinion. It was the point where I began slowly losing interest though. I bought the Wii with TP on release date JUST for TP but I found the game incredibly boring too. It was good until all the wolf stuff and I COMPLETELY lost interest at Kakariko Village...so much so that I sold the Wii and game a week after I bought them lol
Skyward Sword looks boring to me too(too much flying...no overworld etc) Im REALLY hoping the Wii U Zelda will impress me. Youre right about them trying to be too big now. I think LTTP and OOT were perfectly sized.

Graphics / Re: *sigh* A Spriting Attempt - May not be used.
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:23:22 am »
Very cool take on the slime, Yoshi! Great style :)

Graphics / Re: *sigh* A Spriting Attempt - May not be used.
« on: May 09, 2012, 11:30:46 pm »
@DJ Venom - Nice transparency effect!
I had to update my previous attempt because a few things were bugging me about it ;)
Used DJ Venoms floaty things to make it more interesting.

Graphics / Re: *sigh* A Spriting Attempt - May not be used.
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:35:15 pm »
Oops double post.

Graphics / Re: *sigh* A Spriting Attempt - May not be used.
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:32:45 pm »
@Donotfeedthemax - Yeah, now that I take time to look at it, youre completely right. As I said before, I didnt put much thought into it. But it looks OK on the 'head' though, right lol...or does it still contrast too much in your opinion? Im still learning this whole light-source and stuff myself so forgive me if my edits suck.
I honestly dont see a wang there myself haha But I suppose looking at a lot of HR Gigers work lately mightve caused my shading to give that effect...

Edit- I SEE IT!!! Lmfao

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