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Messages - Tonydaderp

Pages: 1 [2]
Coding / Re: Tileset Actions
« on: October 24, 2016, 11:51:48 pm »
Hmm, maybe you want to use shaders......

Coding / Lttp pegasus boots dust
« on: October 24, 2016, 11:48:13 pm »
Hello again guys. Okay. So for my Lttp fangame, I'm currently making the Pegasus boots. I know the mechanic for the charging and charging dust, but after you run, there is supposed to be dust trailing behind link. Like this:
I use a controller object for all my drawing and effects in the game, but I haven't the faintest idea on how to make the trailing dust for the Pegasus boots. I've ripped all the sprites. Plz help me!

Recruitment / Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« on: October 24, 2016, 10:24:29 pm »
What you have so far looks great, looks very much like the original LTTP, as for having the boomerang return to link, just have it go towards the player in the step event instead of just back the way it came from:

Code: [Select]
if instance_exists(obj_player) {
    direction = point_direction(self.x,self.y,obj_player.x,obj_player.y);

Not sure exactly how your boomerang mechanic works but i hope this helps anyway, gonna keep an eye on this project.

My boomerang mechanic is when the you press "x", if spawns the boomerang and changes its speed depending on the direction link is facing. The boomerang has an alarm that turns its own speed into -speed, so it comes back. When it hits link, it destroys itself.

edit: It worked! It now returns back to link, however, if you manage to quickly turn around a wall, the boomerang will hit the wall and get stuck until link moves. Thanks a lot anyways!

Recruitment / Re: Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« on: October 24, 2016, 10:15:13 pm »
Thanks for everything guys. Maybe I might do  a serious recruit!

Recruitment / Zelda:Lttp fangame!
« on: October 24, 2016, 02:39:05 am »
Hi guys! I'm currently working on another Lttp fangame. This is being made with Gamemaker:studio just like Horn of Balance.
I here to recruit some people to help work on it. Its not a serious recruit, but just to see if anyone can help rip sprites or give me gml tips. I am also planning to add new bosses, just like Horn of Balance. I can rip sprites as well, but if someone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. So far I have the HUD 95% finished, Link has a couple items, (boomerang, sword, bomb, Pegasus boots, bow and arrow). All of link's collisions and movement are completed. What needs working on is Link's sword input when moving diagonaly, boomerang to return to link if link walks away, Pegasus boots dust animation. Enemys are needed, and the Lttp font. I have tilesets and stuff done. If you can, I would greatly appreciate it if some one can make the "blueprints" of new dungeon designs. If you have something you want to give me, plz email me. Here is the video of what is currently done. See ya guys! Hope to make this a great fangame!  :)


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