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Messages - NeoGeo-x

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 62
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:19:08 pm »
Or if you do like this: Attack Entei till his health is low (the health meter is red) then you use a Pokémon that has an attack that blocks them from running away from the battle. Attacks such as Block and Mean Eye. You could also put them into sleep or paralyze them to make them weaker. Then you just trow a pokéball and then you got him. 
Probably wisest to both Block/Mean Eye them and inflict them with Sleep/Paralysis, just in case the Pokémon decides to wake up and flee the battle immediately afterwards.

Besides, the catch rate dramatically increases when a Pokémon is paralyzed or asleep.

« on: March 26, 2010, 03:46:35 pm »
Apparently there's a bug in the Dutch version of HG/SS, and the release of the games in both Holland and Flanders has been postponed until futher notice. FML :(

To ease the frustration I bought a copy of Pokémon Platinum which was on random discount in one shop for some reason or another. Pokéfrustrationwise, this was a wise thing to do. Financially speaking, it was probably pretty dumb to buy that game.

« on: March 26, 2010, 10:40:18 am »
It's the 26th!

Meaning, I'm now off to buy a copy of SoulSilver!

Entertainment / Re: I enjoy rap music.
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:38:22 am »
Quarashi; Icelandic rap all the way guys :)
Some Dutch rap: Steen
And of course there's the awesome modern American rap: Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Dr. Dre.
But don't forget your golden oldie classic Run-D.M.C.


« on: March 16, 2010, 01:18:37 am »
Gonna buy it as soon as it comes out. Which is currently a week and a half.

Entertainment / Re: Let's Play Blind, bad games with bad names
« on: January 23, 2010, 01:28:04 am »

Entertainment / Re: Fans of rap: Best rapper?
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:10:27 pm »
Run DMC.

Loz05, or whatever his name is at the moment! We need a successor to the legendary Rejected Ganon Pig :)

Entries / Re: Mr. McCheesay
« on: December 06, 2009, 04:38:08 pm »
Yeah, I know it's my fault. Word of advice to everybody: never enroll at an university. Yes, you do learn some interesting stuff. However, the conversations with your fellow students twist your mind beyond recognition. Yikes.

Entries / Re: The Gnome of Profanity Far Underground
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:24:13 am »
Have I mentioned I love this thing?

No, I don't I have and I'll make up for it:

Great-job-aroni :)

Entries / Re: Mr. McCheesay
« on: December 05, 2009, 11:58:42 am »
The name is great and the biography had it's moments ("Mr. Meaty" made me LOL pretty hard for some reason...)
You nasty man ::)

Entries / Re: General Vector
« on: December 04, 2009, 10:52:40 am »
I have an idea! Lets all upload our characters to Yoroshii, then brag about how awesome they are so Ken wonders what it is he's missing! :D That's the funnest part of this competition so far!
Nice try, but I can see it now that I'm in Germany on my way home. Quick question for any German users here. WHAT THE !@#$% IS WITH YOUR KEYBOARD LAYOUT?

So far, GV's got my vote :3
Try French keyboards, that's even more appalling.

And Mammy: I think you stated there yourself that clearly not "anyone" is able to distinguish GV as a lion. Whoever Jami is.

Entries / Re: Digit the Penguin
« on: December 03, 2009, 12:00:07 pm »
It might be coincidence, but this doesn't appear to be a new character:

This is a snapshot from the brackets of the 2005 character competition.

Entries / Re: General Vector
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:50:09 am »
Oh my god, DJ is in for the kill if he submits a sheep to the character competition. Good luck with this! I think Vector is awesome :)

Entries / Re: Kanye East
« on: December 03, 2009, 11:49:10 am »
Mother...fuckers... :P

This warrants a response from Kanye East. I'll get him to fly to America just for once and pwn Hank. To be continued, assholes XD

Entries / Re: Hank "Motherfucking" Brimstone.
« on: December 02, 2009, 11:19:35 am »
If you call him "Motherfucking" you should at least have modeled him after Samuel L. Jackson :( This guy's white, but I like his last name Brimstone :)

Entries / [Primary] Egyptosaurus
« on: December 01, 2009, 05:18:14 pm »

Would you believe this? Yesterday, I was reading my local newspaper… and there was this odd article in it:

Egyptian archaeologists find new dinosaur fossil

CAIRO – Yesterday, Egypt began the centre of international attention after a huge dinosaur skeleton had been discovered which is thought to be of the egyptosaurus species. In other words: although universities in Europe are cutting the budgets of their archaeology courses, archaeology is still booming business on the other side of the Mediterranean. Head Archaeologist Ali Akbar Baba disagreed with this assumption: “What do you mean, man? It’s a !@#$% desert out here. Why would anybody want to blow up stuff here?”

Not minding the disagreement much, Akbar Baba was content to explain why this discovery was such an important one: “In biology literature, the egyptosaurus is known for his lethal aggression: it was a carnivore who considered humans his prey. Despite his four legs one could compare the animal to a spider: victims were covered in a substance obtained from the cotton plant before they were devoured. These dinosaurs were gluttons and consumed more humans than necessary. Many bodies have been found in an undamaged state within these giant, triangle-shaped feces which the egyptosauruses left behind everywhere they went. The feces petrify over the course of the years and appear so well protected against the ravages of time that many of these prehistoric turds still grace the landscape with their appearance.”

The egyptosaurus presumably became extinct at the time of the First Tectonic War in which Laurasia and Gondwanaland were the combatants. In this conflict, the reptiles picked the side of the Laurasians. The Gondwanalanders responded by putting the egyptosauruses in concentration camps in which they have been massacred. Even the last egyptosaurus Amon Frank Ra – who had set up a hiding place for himself in Alexandria – was eventually executed.

Entries / [Secondary] Kanye East
« on: December 01, 2009, 04:32:26 pm »
Kanye East
with minor supporting characters Kanye North, Kanye South and the God of Awareness

There are many gods, half-gods and other divine beings amongst the inhabitants of Mount Olympus. There is the God of War, the Goddess of Love, the God of the Sun, the God of the Hunt and many, many more. Ironically, the god everyone always forgets about is the God of Awareness.

Now: how would you feel, being the God of Awareness, mighty and awesome and all, but with nobody aware of your existence? Yep, that's right: lacking any kind of notability among humans. Yikes, that would be pretty darn frustrating, mmmmkay am I right? Well, that's exactly the sort of thing the God of Awareness experienced. After going through a huge depression he decided to embark on a quest to raise the world's awareness to previously unreached levels. "Yeah," the God thought, "That'll teach them to ignore me! Humans will be aware of everything that happens within this world. Muahaha, they will all know my name and fear me. Oh, I'm so evil!"

However, the Ancient Greek Gods have become pretty old and fragile. I mean, the people they were assigned to be the spiritual guardians over have been dead for some 2000 years now. In short: the God of Awareness couldn't carry out his task alone and therefore created four apprentices who would carry out his divine quest. Every of these apprentices would be assigned a part of the world to increase awareness in.

The God of Awareness called these apprentices Kanyes. "Why would you name them Kanye?" asked one of his colleagues at Mount Olympus. "Well," answered the God of Awareness, "because I can, yay!" The colleague walked away, mumbling "foolish old man...", but the name couldn't be changed anymore; the Kanyes were already shipped to the part of the world in which they were had to become missionaries of awareness.

To make sure they would blend in with the local population, all Kanyes were given the likeliness of the people who lived in their respective corners of the world. All granted a microphone, the voices of the Kanyes would surely be heard whenever, wherever, whatever. And in order to avoid confusion, the God all gave them their own name that referenced what part of the world they governed for the sake of awareness. Thus, Kanye North, Kanye East, Kanye South and Kanye West were on their way to their destination.

Kanye South was the first to arrive at his destination; Latin America. Needless to say, the outfit chosen for this Kanye was perhaps a little too familiar for the inhabitants of this continent.

Kanye North was the second one to arrive at his location: the North Pole. He was able to do some more work:

But it didn't take long before this Kanye also met his fate:

Kanye West went to the United States, but remained alive. With Beyoncé being eternally at the top of the Mount Olympian charts, Kanye West felt the need to point that out nobody but the 27-year old R&B singer with the royal behind should win the award

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-CKMr5wTZE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-CKMr5wTZE</a>

He retired immediately after that and became a fulltime rapper. Kanye West deemed he had helped the cause of the God of Awareness enough. Surely, by dictating what the superior taste in music was all inhabitants of the western part of the world should now be aware of the supreme awareness of the Kanyes who belong to the God of Awareness.

That leaves us with Kanye East, who was sent to Asia where he has spent decades increasing the awareness of the Asians. Travelling all over the place, this Kanye was at many key moments of Asian history:

Surely, Kanye East is the greatest apprentice of the God of Awareness. Kanye East is always where the action is. G.I. Kanye! Kanye catch 'em all! Yes we Kan-ye! God bless Kanye! Yee-haa!

ZFGC Character Competition 2010 / How to submit a succesful character
« on: December 01, 2009, 11:06:43 am »
Anyone who plans on entering, but it unsure what kind of character he should create should read this:

It'll give you some hints on how to create a good character, drawing from the four previous competitions that were organized in the past. So; if you're gonna enter this year's character competition you might as well go for the title.

I just thought of a ridiculous character the other day but I doubt anyone would like it or find it funny.
If you don't have anything better, you should just go ahead and enter it.

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