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Messages - ahmio

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Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:48:24 pm »
Give me your Deku Tree sprite. I'll make a dying animation.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: August 01, 2009, 04:13:28 pm »

Anyways I'm now programming the deku tree dying movie. Its really hard cuz of all the special effects an all.... :'(

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 31, 2009, 12:03:18 pm »
Why won't we just continue the "King of Thieves" community project? Much effort was put into that one and I would hate to see it wasted.

Just think about it.
I'll think about it.
But first I need to see what they had, and the download link isn't working. Anyone have the demo on their computer somewhere?  :huh:

Zelda Projects / Re: Zelda Dark Triforce Engine...
« on: July 31, 2009, 11:56:56 am »
I hope you're not decreasing your activity on OoT2D for this.
Nah.... I'll work on OoT2D until this gets more replies ;)

Discussion / Zelda: [Insert Title Here]
« on: July 29, 2009, 02:06:35 pm »
Ok, so I'm making a zelda engine, and I thought I should make a community project. The game needs a story, so yeah...  XD
Well, heres all the ideas I have so far:
~It should be more futuristic than TP (like cannons, and so on).
~What if there was not only Din, Naryu, and Fayore, but also another who was evil. The space in the middle was where his "Triforce of Darkness" resided.
~All the races are tricked in warring with each other by Ganondorf.
~It could be before/during the Great Flood of WW, when there was continents.
~Link should be able to change shape (Like in MM, there was Deku/Goron/Zora, and in TP there was Wolf Link).
~There will be a bigger amount of items (Around 35)!
Please post your ideas for the Gameplay or Storyline. Thanks! ;)

Zelda Projects / Re: Zelda MC Engine...
« on: July 28, 2009, 09:24:55 am »
Graphics wise it's terrible but that's not what we're looking at. I shall test it later
Graphics wise it's terrible but that's not what we're looking at. I shall test it later

yepp but its an engine not a graphics galore

@topic: could you descripe what items you thought in that menu. try to add a minish cap like sword ( whirlwind slashes, 4 sword functions using a mana bar ),

Graphics are terrible. All those are just random Items from OoA/OoS. You can equip them all, but not use them. Spin attack might be put in... IF enough people want it.

It looks to me like the resolution is wrong for a MC game. Might want to fix that.
.... :(

the grapihcs are ok but this engine will be good tho, keep up the good work.

Swimming is something where you should consider the use of the flipper effect - it is like ice movement except that all you do is slow down after kicking rather than building up speed when trying to move and then losing speed to slow down. Both swimming and walking and both can essentially be written into the same movement code; not stored in multiple objects or with multiple conditions to check what Link is doing. Slashing is also not too difficult as long as you anticipate having different swords - all it does in relation to movement is make it so you cannot move. The heart engine is also something that could possibly be coded into Game Makers health system somehow as well; or a parent object created to have a health-like attribute.

But yeah, as others have said the graphics you have used so far are a little odd in relation to each other, but some of what you are doing might be more code based.
The swimming right now is FAIL.... I  need to make the water better. Swimming and walking are both in the same movement code with one variable to switch {mode}. Hearts are in the HUD object. Yeah, as you said, It's more code based.

Hows the new menu?

Zelda Projects / [DEMO]Zelda Dark Triforce Engine...
« on: July 27, 2009, 11:35:24 am »
This is the engine I'm making for the ZFGCCP...

Arrow keys~Move
A,S,D~Item Equip
Enter~Open/Close Menu

Made with GM7... can be used with Lite (Unregistered) Edition.

Here's some pics:

Menu (w/ Items Equipped)


And even Leevers

also includes:
walking (duh)
swimming( in progress)
Heart engine
What else should I add....
~A mini dungeon
~more enemies
~USABLE items (such as the: BOW, BOOMERANG, BOMBS...)
~Grass (w/ random items)
~A Miniboss
~A Boss
Items made by Miles07

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 27, 2009, 09:29:31 am »
Perhaps I am not stating this to the correct effect, but the terminology of "Community Project" on ZFGC refers to something that the staff gives full weight behind because of its importance to our focus; in addition to it being overseen by staff members, getting a more defacto role on the forum, etc.
K, I get this much....

So can it be a team project that the community helps with?

MC Link's Awakening / ZFGCCP Items!
« on: July 26, 2009, 05:44:50 pm »
What items should we have in the game?
If you want new items, please provide a description... XD

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 26, 2009, 03:08:16 pm »
Yeah, but if i wanted to make a team project from the beginning, I would've did that. ;)

Anyways people I just got an idea:

What if there was a dark triforce, in the middle of the real triforce, and then as long as you have that you can stop the power of the triforce in a certain area ( like stop the power of the triforce of courage, etc.)
I was also thinking of the game having a war, with like boats and so on...
It could be after the Great Flood !!!!!
sorry i'll clarify later if this needs claryfing(I'm knda sleepy) :P

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 25, 2009, 02:55:30 pm »
Fine...count me out on concept art. I thought it would be really neat for a different style of art to be the actual concept art but you guys aren't biting. Stick to the stereotypical MC art.
I was thinking of making it a custom style....
if you can get me a decent sprite sheet of link w/ most actions, I'll add it to the poll  ;)

I'm not talking about SPRITES. I'm talking about ART.
Ah... ma bad... I don't think it matters what style concept art is drawn in, does it ? It's just a concept, not the actual sprite... :huh:

ANYWAYS... v0.1 of the ZFGCCPENGINE will have
  • walking
  • talking
  • swimmin
  • hearts

[ ]menu
[ ]items (not decided yet)
  • slashing

[ ]enemies
[ ]Door system
Anything else ? :huh:

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 25, 2009, 02:33:51 pm »
Fine...count me out on concept art. I thought it would be really neat for a different style of art to be the actual concept art but you guys aren't biting. Stick to the stereotypical MC art.
I was thinking of making it a custom style....
if you can get me a decent sprite sheet of link w/ most actions, I'll add it to the poll  ;)

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 25, 2009, 08:43:43 am »
I don't understand why people love the traditional N64 Hud sooo much. You're on the computer God damn it. D:

Also, man. Not to get your hopes down or anything but, I personally tried your OOT engine demo and, tight butthole, you've got lots of work to do. I'm not saying I could do a whole lot better. That's not the point. But for a project like that, representing the whole ZFGC community - I don't think many people would agree on using it.

You should maybe leave that to some more experienced coder that can maybe pull this off. I didn't know about 4Sword and his project - didn't even know he coded for that matter - but you should let the pro's do this one time. ;P

Trying to organise all the heads in here is a good thing, though. Props on that. :)
My OoT2D engine..... just so you know, when I started on OoT2D, I was using D&D. Now I can code. The OoT2D engine has been remade 6 times, so there's bits of code and stuff lying around causing glitches. Don't judge this engine until I upload it XD

The GM Minish Cap Engine is somewhat slow in progress due to few people working on it and because of how contributions go to it. Rather than doing many things decently, I tend to focus on doing a few things well. That and I also pursue difficult programming challenges which benefit the community more. If this is done, then even little progress on the engine benefits users more. It is also left open and public for the community to assist.

Anyway though, the Link's Awakening might not be that practical as evidenced because the engine takes time to do with limited assistance given to it. That and a community's patience for a remake is often limited; unless it is OoT2D, then patience for some is near infinite.

About your project though, if the engine's development is going to be private to where you can just see the code, why not make the project a team project instead? The project would then have its significant updates as a part of the news feed, there would be an item about it on the news on the forum index, you'd get your own board for this project specifically, and if you wanted your board could be private or public (your team could share the code in private if that would work better for you, or everyone could see it as well). The idea for team projects is something that Pyrazor worked out and something that I support.
It won't be private. There's just not enough to show yet ;)
So it's not possible to get my own board if its a Community project :'(
and BTW I wasn't saying your ice walking engine is BAD, I was just saying a game can't just be ice walking (unless its TLOZ: The Ice Rink) :D

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:30:01 pm »
k, since I see that people are ready to help, I will start making an MC engine today...

Sigh, ahmio the point I am try to get to you is that there are already people working on an open source MC engine. Contact 4Sword if you want to help. There is nothing preventing you from working on your own engine for the community project, but if you're doing this for the NCFC, than it would be better if everyone working on an engine for the CP would be working on a the same engine. This would result in having one decent engine and not a couple of unfinished engines.

The Link's Awakening part is more about the game that will come on top of the engine. It is about the resources, story and items in the game. And to showcase the MC engine. The choice for this was made, so we could actually get a CP done and not fall into indecision. The real focus is now getting the basics for the engine done and having a demo up to the tailcave.

But if you want to work on your own open source engine, go ahead. Some people need more engines they can use. But for the NCFC it is better to cooperate instead of work separate. Unless you are planning on making the engine in something else than Gamemaker.
Yes, I understand. But an engine has to be made by one person, because people code differently.

EDIT: The engine is going very well... see for yourselves!!! (The HUD is temporary)

MC Link's Awakening / Re: ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 24, 2009, 08:29:37 am »
k, since I see that people are ready to help, I will start making an MC engine today...

MC Link's Awakening / ZFGCCP!!!!!!
« on: July 22, 2009, 09:05:48 am »
Ok, people..... look. We got to get working on them. Theres only 2 months left until the NCFC 2009,  and the only thing we have is a ice-walking engine. We need help. I think we should stop Link's Awakening MC and work on a more original game....

Anyways, here's what we need to do:
~Decide the style (GB or MC) I think LTTP style is used too often.
~We need CUSTOM music. We have amazing composers, so this should be easy
~Mappers. We got tons of them. Now we need to decide locations for them to make. Each mapper should be tasked with an 'area' to create.
~The actual coding. I can develop the engine. I'll post it HERE when I'm done.
~Spriters. Create new enemies and tilesets.

MC Link's Awakening / Re: A Call for Progress
« on: July 21, 2009, 05:56:55 pm »
K, look... heres the deal. You guys make me a .gmk with all the sprites you need for the engine. I code it and give it back ;)

Coding / Re: Someone help me in GM D:
« on: July 21, 2009, 10:05:01 am »
Why so much scripts ????? My entire OoT2D has 4 scripts.... (2 for saving/loading)

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO]The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time 2D
« on: July 21, 2009, 09:08:40 am »
How do you get to Gohma? I found the slingshot but climbing these vines doesn't bring me anywhere.

And I have to get to the top to jump down from it and break the spider silk...

did ya climb all the way to the top ????

MC Link's Awakening / Re: A Call for Progress
« on: July 21, 2009, 09:07:35 am »
The reason why this is still at a halt is because the more talented people here, people who can actually get somewhere in a short time, do not use GM, which is what we chose ( D': ).

I can make an engine.... IN GM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D (IN A SHORT TIME) ;)
but i need to know what to put in it (obviously)  :P

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