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Messages - Solarrain4

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Entertainment / Re: Cloverfield
« on: February 10, 2008, 06:19:31 pm »
I've heard mixed reviews. My friends Corey and Susan told me it PH41Led, while many of my other friends liked it. You should see it anyway and see what you think.

Entertainment / Re: I got the Line 6 Flextone III XL amp!
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:46:24 pm »
I use a Crate GTD15 with a Boss Metal Zone pedal. Pretty cheap setup, but I get a nice sound out of it.

Entertainment / Re: Guitar Picks?
« on: December 09, 2007, 01:25:31 am »
What I meant to say before was if you play really hard with thick picks alot then it could break your strings faster. I recommend them though. :P

Ever tried Ernie Ball strings? They take a damn good effort to bust. And they sound great too. XD

Entertainment / Re: Guitar Picks?
« on: December 05, 2007, 10:07:26 pm »
I use all different kinds of picks, but I prefer medium-gauge Fender or Dunlop picks. I only use thin picks when playing stumming songs on an acoustic, and heavy picks when playing arpeggio songs like Good Riddance.

Other Discussion / Re: Clash of the OSs
« on: November 13, 2007, 12:30:04 am »
Although I use Vista and like it a lot, I have to say I like XP just a tad bit better. My vote would be for Vista if my recording interface would just work on it.

Other Discussion / Re: XP or Vista?
« on: November 09, 2007, 01:31:38 am »
I haven't used Vista at all, but I've seen and heard things about it. I had XP Pro before, (new computer now and my dad hasn't installed XP and I can't find the disc and don't know how to set it up) and I know it's good. If you like Vista then you should get it. And if you can't get your XP laptop fixed, then maybe get XP on your computer if you can't install that program or whatever.

The US-122? It's a recording interface... I downloaded the drivers from a website, was that close to having it installed, when a popup appeared saying "Cannot install on this version of Windows." I was pissed >_<

And anyone else who says Vista is buggy, well, yeah, a little bit, but not so much. But there are some compatibility issues, like with my interface. I don't even know if the Cubase LE program that came with it will install on Vista. I'm thinking about dual-booting XP on my other hard drive (my new comp has two hard drives, each 125GB each ^_^ )

And I hear SP1 is coming out soon.

Other Discussion / XP or Vista?
« on: November 08, 2007, 10:41:43 pm »
I just felt like seeing what the community thinks...

I like XP Home and Vista Home Premium. Vista really isn't that bad. The only problem I've encountered with it so far is that my trusty TASCAM US-122 won't install on Vista, which means I need to either get my XP laptop fixed (again <_< ), use the hard-drive solution mentioned in an earlier topic, or get a new interface... (but hey, I can get a Firewire one this time XD)

Entertainment / A song of mine...
« on: November 06, 2007, 01:31:32 am »
I think I might have posted this song before, but this version is a lot better. My dad played bass... and made my band's bassist look bad (he's really not though...)

The song's on my band's MySpace page... www.myspace.com/chemicallybound93 (I tried uploading it to a host and it wouldn't work...)

Tell me what you think. :)

Entertainment / Re: Weird Radio on my guitar amp!
« on: October 28, 2007, 06:21:32 pm »
Your cable may be out of place. Try moving the cable around in the jack until it stops.

I also picked up some kind of radio station when I ran my mp3 player through a 1/8"-to-1/4" plug adapter to listen to Matchbox Twenty through my amplifier (Hey, what can I say? I get nice bass tones when I run it through the amp XD). I just rotated and jiggled the cable in the jack and it worked fine *shrug*

Other Discussion / Re: Siblings...
« on: October 28, 2007, 05:59:19 pm »
I'm 14... and there's my blood-brother Jarod (9), step-brother Tyler (13) and half-brothers Shane (4) and Brandon (2).

That makes four younger brothers.

Entertainment / Re: Favorite 90's Music
« on: October 08, 2007, 06:30:25 pm »
Snow Patrol - Songs for Polarbears (1999).

Reminds me of Millencolin's "Penguins and Polarbears" ... but Pennybridge Pioneers wasn't released until 2000, so... it's one year too late :P

EDIT: (Off-topic) Post 400! YAY ^_^

Entertainment / Favorite 90's Music
« on: October 08, 2007, 06:06:26 pm »
Title. Just post a few 90's songs or albums that you really like.

Album: "Toyboat ToyBoAt Toyboat" (O Positive) (1990)

Song: "Twenty Two" (Millencolin) (1997)

Audio / Re: ◄Echoes of Ages►
« on: October 08, 2007, 05:48:54 pm »
War of the Wilderness is a great piece. I didn't like the beginning, but meh. It's still cool.

Entertainment / Re: Your Favorite TV shows :D
« on: October 08, 2007, 05:44:55 pm »
1. Bleach
2. Deal Or No Deal
3. Yu-Gi-Oh (Just started watching it again) (Dawn Of The Duel, in particular)
4. Family Guy
5. Futurama

I used to play Sonic 2 all the time back when I was three. And I still play it now, but it was still very fun back when I played it in '96.

But I had stopped playing it for a while when I managed to get a copy of Sonic 3 in... I think it was either '98 or '99.

Other Projects / Re: The Kousou Arcade
« on: October 05, 2007, 08:57:30 pm »
Damn. Won't even load on Vista. >_<

EDIT: Now playing on an XP computer, and I really love Zelda Space Invaders. Maybe I should try making a game for this sometime...

Entertainment / Re: Your current music 'playlist'
« on: October 05, 2007, 07:56:38 pm »
Hmm... Okay. Album form:

1) Millencolin: Kingwood
2) Millencolin: Pennybridge Pioneers
3) Daughtry (self-titled album... their only album)
4) Crowded House: Time On Earth
5) Matchbox Twenty: Mad Season
6) Stone Sour: Come What(ever) May (Special Edition)
7) Slipknot self-titled
8 ) My Chemical Romance: The Black Parade
9) O-Positive: Toyboat ToyBoAt Toyboat
10) Yellowcard: Lights and Sounds

Entertainment / Mixfest 2007 in Boston
« on: September 30, 2007, 04:39:11 pm »
For those who don't live in this area, Mixfest is a concert run by a local radio station. There were some awesome artists that played here - three opening ones and two major ones. Anyway, I just wanted to review the concert, because I'm bored. I can tell you right off, though, that I left the concert with a very raspy voice from all the screaming. Heck, my mom didn't even get her voice killed as much as I killed mine xD

Blue October - This band was, in my opinion, the best out of the first three performers. I remember hearing one of their songs on my uncle's MySpace, but I don't remember the name of the song. They have an excellent drummer, excellent guitar players... They even have a violin player which sounded great when all of the other instruments were quieted down.

Colbie Caillat - One of the top listened-to artists on MySpace. The only female performer the whole night, and she was great. I absolutely loved her singing voice, and her accompanying band did an excellent job holding the entire performance together.

Mat Kearney - My first time hearing this artist. He was good, however I didn't quite like his music as much as the others. Another thing, he was louder than the others, especially the vocal.

And then for the performers that everyone went to see:

Daughtry - F*cking AWESOME! If you were here, you would agree with me: They sound a lot better live than they do on their album, which is great by itself. They had to play "What I Want" without Slash on guitar, of course, but they still were probably the best band to play last night.

Matchbox Twenty - I've seen these guys live in the past, at the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, NH. They did just as well this time as they did when I saw them five years ago. This was their first show in a long time, since they split up so Rob Thomas could do his solo record. One thing I noticed, though - and Rob pointed it out as well - their drummer now plays guitar, and they have a new drummer. I think that the ex-drummer does a great job playing guitar. They did a great job playing, and I hope I get to see them live yet again sometime.

Yeah, so every artist rocked out. Some better than others, but so what? If you had gone, it would've been well worth it.

Now for a question similar to those I always add in at the end of most topics: Did anyone else happen to go to this?

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] Zelda: Just Beginning
« on: September 27, 2007, 09:47:53 pm »
I've been intending to write music for this for a long time. I never got to it yet.

And as a "Kousou Gamer" (if you will), I need to come up with an idea soon >_<

But yeah, this demo PWNS ^_^

Other Discussion / Re: The world ends on November 26th!!!
« on: September 18, 2007, 10:24:40 pm »
!@#$% Doomsday device!

It looks like something out of Metroid Prime.

As for what happens when you go into a black hole, it is simply a flat, swirling space of intense gravity which gives you the illusion it is a hole. It is impossible to have a hole in space since space is nothing but space. It is either flat or a a box-type thing, but obviously formless. When you go in one, you die. That's it. Although there are such things as white holes, and perhaps the energy in a black hole is so great, you are converted to dark matter or dark energy, or maybe just energy. Being a dark human would kick ass though. I imagine you would basically be like a Space Pirate controlled by the Ing, except you aren't controlled by anything. Back to white holes, though- perhaps when a black hole dies it turns into a white hole and begins to emit all the matter back out again- reversing its own space-time back to regularity (as it is shown space-time is not existent in a black hole by the diagram of what would happen if you used an anti-gravity device in a black hole), thus reversing exactly everything that was sucked in- so you could expect it to be more like time travel if you went into one, since you would be spat out billions of years later into space- where you would probably be killed by the super-fast emissions of the white hole. You probably wouldn't be killed by the endless vacuum of space as you would need a ship to reach the black hole anyway.

If you did survive, you would probably be in the Mushroom Kingdom, with Mario long dead (unfortunate timing I know), but now ruled by Mother Brain or something. Ending up on Tallon IV would kick so much ass though.

arrgh... We've already made the conclusion that this thing is not going to destroy the planet. And if any black holes are created by this thing, they won't be stable and will evaporate "before they gobble up any significant amount of matter" (quoting the LiveScience article). Don't worry about it.

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