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Messages - Zaeranos

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Entertainment / Re: [spoiler?]Iron man 3
« on: April 28, 2013, 07:33:52 am »
I guess it had to do with the fact that there is no avengers tie in anymore. No you have to deal with the avengers fallout. And a somewhat weird/confusing/uninteresting villains.

Entertainment / Re: Link to the Past 2
« on: April 19, 2013, 05:28:32 am »
I am excited for the game, however I hope the dungeons will be a lot more complex than the one in this demo (even if it is only a part of the dungeon).

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MB6KhFbT64" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MB6KhFbT64</a>

Entertainment / Re: Link to the Past 2
« on: April 18, 2013, 06:30:53 pm »
Now this game looks something I could get excited for. Unlike that Wind Waker HD. I think I will definitely buy this game.

Entertainment / Re: Sum up your childhood with one theme song
« on: April 06, 2013, 09:28:25 am »
man I can't even do it in 2 theme songs:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wt6XlVob_E" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wt6XlVob_E</a><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bojx9BDpJks" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bojx9BDpJks</a><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOhnKIVLzOw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOhnKIVLzOw</a>

Okay, the last one is of the movie, but that is because I like that version better than the original tv series.

King of Thieves / Re: [Missing design] Day/Night and the Lunar cycle.
« on: April 05, 2013, 04:46:41 am »
Kami, I think you misunderstood me. I don't think that time should continue inside buildings, because of those reasons. I think that inside buildings time should be halted.

King of Thieves / Re: [Proposal] Ability: teleporting
« on: April 04, 2013, 06:17:12 pm »
Yup, I meant Steve and Ash.

King of Thieves / Re: [Missing design] Day/Night and the Lunar cycle.
« on: April 04, 2013, 06:16:33 pm »
Sorry for my late reply, guys.

1) Why, when you use the moon pearl to skip from day to night or reverse, should we have it skip to midnight or noon? Why not sunset or sunrise? It seems like if you wanted it to be night so you used the moon pearl, in most situations, you'd want 12 minutes of night as opposed to the 6 minutes if you warped right into the middle.

Of course, I'm assuming sunrise/sunset are at 6 and 18, but that makes the most sense.
Your assumption is right. Why I put it at midnight and noon, is to make it more rewarding to take the long way around. Because we have a time unit, we can also have events that happen at certain hours. A very good example is Dampe's Gravedigging tour in OOT. That only happened from 9 to 12. So when you used the sun song in the graveyard you would skip to midnight and the tour was over. This made it rewarding to wait for sunset and sunrise instead of rushing to it with the Sun Song.

Here it could be similar, not to mention that you get more time during the night to do night events. Thus patience is then rewarded.

2) Should time be halted only inside buildings, or should it stop when you go into a town as well? OoT at least stopped time when you went inside a town. Which was cool because you could freeze time as the sun was setting and enjoy the twilight lighting for longer :D
Well, I had been pondering whether to let time continue inside buildings. But the reason against it is that buildings can be closed and opened during night and day. Thus when a building would close and Link is still in it, would he be kicked out or be locked in? What about the people that inhabit those buildings. With towns and the overworld this problem does not really exist, because they are always accessible.

Why I still think that time should continue  in towns is because it gives pressure on night time and daytime events. You could save, but you could also restart these events. It just gives a gameplay challenge. And I think stretching the twilight ambiance is kind of a none issue. I don't know how day and night will be done, but I preffer that it is done by a palette swap, with a palette for day and a palette for night, instead of an overlay that gradually becomes more opaque. The best example would be King Mob's Shadowgazer project.

Coding / Re: HTML5/HTML/PHP to C#?
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:38:11 pm »
Well, if you are using websites and servers, I would be using webservices. My suggestion is to look into WPF, JSON and REST.

Coding / Re: Developer Journal - C# and SQL
« on: March 01, 2013, 08:33:57 pm »
I have done some SQL for work. However I find using Entity Framework and Linq much easier to use with C# and databases. I guess everyone has their preferences.

Entertainment / Re: Well EA has gone senile
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:36:39 pm »
Actually if the games are free to get the basic purchase (or very cheap, or initial demo mode), then this would actually be the same concept as the arcades of the 80's and 90's. But due to inflation you'll be spending a couple of bucks instead of quarters.

But knowing EA they probably charge you full price for initial purchase and then the microtransactions.

Management / THIRD Chapter
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:54:30 pm »
The King tells Link that he found out about the possible locations for 2 more cogs from the Castle Library.

I'd suggest making this one cog for now and making it two for the Goron and Shiekah arcs.  Reason being is the mountains and desert are so close to each other, the player is intended to go from one directly to the other.
Actually, I was thinking of having Link get the location of the 4th Cog from another source. There was some mention of resolving Maple's story with the Gorons. I was thinking that in order to get to the 4th cog the ancient Hero would turn to Link, because he has the other three already. And then convince Link of giving up the cogs.

There are a few other silly things, in particular why would a Goron want to see the Zoras?  They know very well that they'll sink like rocks in water, even with a pair of flippers.
That one was intentionally silly, but it doesn't have to be in the game. We could also make it that a Goron made it but then considered that Gorons would simply sink. Even with flippers  XD

I also again like in the Deku/Kokiri arc, don'twant to give the player too much to do.  Having them fight the Zolas first to go and then rescue the royal family after seems like a lot, especially considering we'd already have given them the flippers.
Considering the story between the start of the game and the first dungeon this is rather short.

King of Thieves / Re: [Missing design] Day/Night and the Lunar cycle.
« on: February 23, 2013, 07:21:22 pm »
Okay I changed the OP with a proposal to get the discussion going again.

King of Thieves / Re: [Missing design] Item: Bottle
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:42:14 pm »
Okay I updated the OP with content that could be put on the wiki, however we still need to fill some blanks.

King of Thieves / Re: [Missing design] Ability: teleporting
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:32:54 pm »
Okay, a little bump because this got a bit lost in time. I have updated the OP with a description for Deku Nuts items (mostly Max's description) that is ready to be transfered to the wiki. So I know need to know what the other staff think.

Management / THIRD Chapter
« on: February 23, 2013, 06:19:46 pm »
Let me first say this. You most likely mean third Chapter, because the third act kinda starts from the moment that Link decides to go to the final dungeon to defeat Ganon. The third act is the hero's resolve, where he finally overcomes his shortcomings. Acts and chapters are different. Each good story always has 3 acts, but can have an arbitrary number of chapters.

Okay, now let me get back to the point. This is my idea about the Zora part:

The Zola
Instead of making them river Zola, may be they are Zola from a far away land. They are something like the Vikings in Europe's past. They have come to Hyrule (up the river) to plunder and pillage everything. Because the Zora's look similar and are also aquatic creatures the Zola see the Zora as the biggest thread. The Zola have put up their stronghold downstream in River Valley near the entrance to Lake Hylia. Effectively blocking access to Lake Hylia for everyone.

This the story I thought up with the above idea for the Zola. Before going immediately to the Zora area, it is probably better for Link to go back to Castle Town for some story bits. This also shows the player that there is an opportunity to take up sidequests in Castle Town and interact with with the gang and other people.

First Link goes back to the Gerudo King. The King tells Link that he found out about the possible locations for 2 more cogs from the Castle Library. These cogs were taken into care by a Zora and a Goron family. Link should visit them for the cogs. If Link tries to go to Goron Mountain he finds his way blocked due to a landslide. Some Gorons are working on clearing the path.

Link can also not go to the inner part of Zora's Domain yet, because he cannot swim. Zora's Domain inner part where the Zora have retreated is only reachable through swimming as this gives better protection against enemies and especially land monsters. (I know the GDD says the flippers are granted to Link by the Zora royalty, but bare with me for now)

In Castle Town Link meets a Distressed Deku Merchant, who tells Link that Zola bandits robbed him of his merchandise. Seeing that Link has a sword he asks him for help. Link sets out to get the merchandise back from the Zola. Link finds the Zola raiding party that stole the merchandise and defeats them. As Link picks up the merchandise he is attacked by another party and a Huge Zola, who is apparently their leader. The Zola leader knocks Link out cold. As Link passes out the leader orders his men to leave Link alone, because they just caught a more valuable price (a reference to the kidnapped royal children) that they need to haul back quickly.

As Link wakes up he returns the merchandise to the Deku merchant in Castle Town. The merchant is so gratefull that he offers Link his stuff for a reduced price. Among the stuff is a pair of flippers the merchant wanted to sell to a rich guy for 10.000 ruppees, but he is willing to give it to Link for merely 100 ruppees. The flippers were created by a Goron who wanted to visit the Zora once, but once he finished the flippers it seems that they were to small to keep a Goron afloat.

Link buys the flippers and can now swim to Zora's Domain to meet the Zora King. Zora tell him about the tragedy that has befallen them and that they can no longer go to there sacred place in Lake Hylia to pray for a good ending. One of the Zola Raiding parties under the Zola leader succeeded in kidnapping the Zora royal children and bring them to the Zola stronghold near the entrance to Lake Hylia. They are ransoming them, but the Zora are proud and the King is scared that they will ransom more or even get killed anyway. In addition is the plundering of the Zola also a big problem for the traders traveling through River Valley.

Eventually Link is asked by the Zora King to use his thieving skills to sneak through the back into the Zola's stronghold and rescue the kidnapped children. If Link incidentally defeats their leader in the process it will be a benefit. Link goes to rescue the children, but gets caught by the Zola leader. This time Link defeats him and the Zola scatter. The Zora warriors then enter the stronghold to get the children back. After this it will be more quiet, but there will still be Zola raiding party around.

Link can then continue to Lake Hylia. Somewhere in Lake Hylia Link sees a large patch of Ice. On the shore is a hut of the smithy brother Sheldon. He tells Link the story about some ancient devices along Lake Hylia 's shore that can raise the Temple's entrance above water level. He knows of one such device, but has never been able to successfully raise the Temple entrance, so he thinks there are more such devices.

Link sets out to find the (3) devices. At the first device he meets Maple, who was told the same by the ancient hero. She uses her magic on the device to turn it on, but accidentally destroys it. Link asks Sheldon's help to fix it. Sheldon can fix it, but he requires materials which were difficult to get due to the Zola blockade. Link has to get materials from various areas in Hyrule.

After Link brings him the materials, Sheldon starts fixing the device. Link will look for the second device. After he turns on the second device and emerges from the hidden cave, Link is attacked by some Zola. They want revenge on Link for defeating their leader.

For the third device Link has to find a dive spot next to Lake Hylia's cliffs. Diving in this spot, makes Link emerge in a hidden underground cavern where the third device is. Once Link emerges from this cave, Sheldon turns on the first device and the entrance to Temple will burst out through the ice spot, leaving only a small spot of Ice for Link to climb on and Link to enter the dungeon. However Maple flies in before him.

Inside the dungeon Link will meet Maple again, where she has been knocked out cold by the mini-boss of the temple. She will be out cold and seeing stars until Link has left the temple with the cog.

I like the MG's of the Deity conflict. I'd assume the Zola's deity would be their Deity of War, Sacrifice and Competition.
If that be so, what'd we have the Zora's deity be as?

I also think that the temple idea could be a good addition, make it so there was more of a spark for the war, making the Zola feel that the Zora crossed the line too far.

I think you might be carefull with naming deities to abstract ideals and such. In every Zelda game there are three Goddesses as the highest deities in Hyrule. There are some lower deities, but they primarily guardians of a race or land. Such as Jabu Jabu, Deku Tree, Valloo and so on.

Management / Re: Story Pass :: SECOND ACT
« on: February 12, 2013, 07:03:54 pm »
May I point out that we don't have to put all the lore in the story before the dungeon. In most Zelda games Link is put back at the entrance. If you make the map be that Link cannot go the same way back as he came when leaving Kokiri Forest, you could add some of the Kokiri story after the dungeon.

Friendly & Neutral / Re: [Submission]Lithe and the Kompus
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:57:19 pm »
I must say though that the idea is nice. However I must point out that we also have accepted a circus with minigames already that also changes position depending on the lunar cycle. We have to reserve room in the areas them as well. To be honest I think that you should consider with your minigame that it can be done in any environment and that the mappers don't really have to consider the room for the game.

Friendly & Neutral / Re: [Submission]Oreo Andare Da Hylia
« on: February 12, 2013, 06:41:29 pm »
I'm sorry to say this Steve, but I am not really exited about this. With Alladin, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pirates of the Caribean, Jimi Hendrix, Indiana Jones and now Assasins parkour, I think this game is losing its identity and becoming an amalgime of references to other things that aren't from the Zelda Universe. I'm sorry Steve but I am getting a bit tired of having all these references. That is not to say I am against these references, but it kinda seems 50% of the game is becoming one big reference to something. 

Dungeons / Re: [RE !@#$% DO] Mini Dungeon, Destruction of Koriki Village
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:40:46 pm »
Oh it is about the Kokiri. Here I was thinking all the time you wanted to put a new village in the game with a very similar name. Well first piece of advice, change "Koriki" into "Kokiri". Second I think this is a sidequest and not something for the dungeon board although it includes a mini dungeon.

This mini boss is OPTIONAL! So if the player ignores the random ghost in the forest, they will never get the chance to confront it again.
Really if you ignore the optional sidequest at first, you never get the option again to play it?

I think this idea is meh.

Management / Re: Story Pass :: SECOND ACT
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:06:17 pm »
Hero encounter definitely should happen first, otherwise there's no reason for the player to remove the barrier.
I don't that is right. As you said yourself. We have kept the player already rather busy with the tutorial and 5 deku missions and later the the deku palace part. If the player first has to navigate Kokiri Forest and then still has to deal with 4 Kokiri Spirit jobs, it will take even more time. So I was more thinking of having 2 or 3 spirits before the Hero encounter and then 2 or 3 after.

Not to mention we can also have some mandatory Spirit encounters after the dungeon where Link has to get out of Kokiri Forest.

1. Return the Kokori sword (we could have the spirit allude to the fact that somebody took it out to fend of Ganon, inspired by the Hero of Time. Obviously just a vague allusion, though.)

2. I was thinking have a spirit want the rocks of grass cleared out from in front of Mido's house, just like how the Kokori in OoT was tasked. Like they never got all the rocks cleared so they're anal about it in death.

3. Maybe include a reference to how OoT Link needed a shield to get in to see the Deku Tree also? Like, KoT Link would need to find a shield in the rubble of the shop or something?

4. There's also the simple, defeat all these enemies that are inhabiting my old house. You don't want Deku Baba slobbering all over where your bed used to be before your village was destroyed.
I'm sorry but I am not really liking this idea for two reasons. The first is that it is to big a fanboy reference to OOT. It kinda says "Hey I am making a fangame and I put situations from OOT in my game with some slight adaptations." If you want to make a reference to OOT do it subtle. As including Kokiri and a dead Deku Tree already is. However this just screams uninspired fangame to me. I'm sorry. The second reason is that we had the same setup in the Deku Village already. We have a barrier we can't get through, but there are several NPC's with jobs in the neighborhood that will make the barrier go away if I go look for them. I think it is a bit to soon for such a repetition in the narative. I think the spirit encounters should flow more naturally as you should chase or somehow capture them.

When I designed Tilo, I had her in mind only for the temple itself.  Definitely not scrapping her, I just didn't consider her for this area.
Well, I kinda remember something that she was looking for some treasure she lost in the dungeon once. However I took a look at the wiki and it is not up there. Apparantly that got scrapped. I guess she is just a gameplay mechanic for the dungeon now.

However if you still consider making her part of the narative, which I think is great, then I think a small encounter would be necessary before Link enters the dungeon. First it would show the player that Tilo is a Kokiri Spirit from the Forest and not a part of the furniture of the dungeon. Second you would need less dialog/text explaining here precense. Before she enters the dungeon you could have here exclaim "That witch! She can't have my treasure." and in the vault she would say "My doll!" (or whatever else is her treasure). For the rest the interaction doesn't really need more dialog. Just her animation and thus actions would tell her story. This would be a classic case of "Show. Don't tell."

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