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Messages - Miles07

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Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [DEMO 22 out]
« on: June 17, 2020, 07:25:35 pm »
No, it just happened in one playthrough and then not again. Unsure what I did to cause that. The toadstool just never showed up. (Unfortunately, that file is unable to be opened now, so... we might not ever know.)

Graphics / Re: Zelda Items TMC style
« on: June 17, 2020, 01:54:06 pm »
I'm assuming you're not going to do Breath of the Wild?  ;) That would be an insane undertaking.

Let's just say... it is a work in progress.  ;)

Gotta get through all these outfits for TFH first.

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [DEMO 22 out]
« on: June 15, 2020, 11:20:57 pm »
New bugs, one gamebreaker:

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20. Heimgartner Manor: entering the Main Library from the courtyard will have Link clip-transition through a locked door. Might be in conflict with behavior of how Link otherwise enters a building from "outside".
21. Heimgartner Manor: same as above, just with the locked door leading to / the open door leading from the Main Library to the entrance hall. Link clips through the locked door.
22. Heimgartner Manor: 2F, heading towards the stairs down to the first floor. If I walk on the bottom section of the stairs object, I can actually clip through the stairway, so now I'm walking on air. Walking back along the same lower portion of the stair sprite transitions me back to solid ground. Link does not fall to the floor below.
23. Heimgartner Manor, 2F, east hall: Hitting a crystal switch with a L.2 Sword and fully healed, will cause two hits to register instead of one, like how ALTTP does it.

24. The Gauntlet, saving and quitting in here is apparently game-breaking, since attempting to reload the file will throw an exception.
Code: [Select]
action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 0
for object obj_Master:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,2601] out of range [1,147] - 8.<unknown variable>(100582,2601)
at gml_Script_scr_Go_To_Room

stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_Go_To_Room (line -1)

25. Red Tunic collection text (from Switch's Shop) clips out of the bounding box.
26. Heimgartner Manor, 2F, east hall: Unable to traverse the top portion of the room. I can get the key with a good boomerang shot, though.
27. Darkworld, Chest Game. Some of the chests cause a message with "Unknown chest contents" to pop up.
28. Hookshot projectile should stop at edge of screen. I just softlocked out of yet another file because it just kept going forever.

Regarding number 7, no I had not noticed. Might be too subtle, then?


Also, starting the Boss Key chart album for the dungeon designs. Let me know if something doesn't seem right, and I'll take a look at it.


Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [DEMO 22 out]
« on: June 15, 2020, 03:56:02 pm »
Bug list so far (haven't completed):
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1. Overworld, 1 screen south of Home Sweet Home. The octoroks are apparently loaded into memory upon entering the "room", which means they'll start shooting around. This produces some UX issues like hearing a bush get destroyed or a rock hitting a wall, even off-screen.
2. Jumping off a ledge while the sword is extended, returns the sword to sheath. If you want to mimic ALTTP, this isn't how ALLTP behaves.
3. Regarding Bomb and Arrow capacity upgrades, should the messages be different if the player hasn't collected the Bombs or Bow (or even Arrow) items yet?
4. Underwater Prison, two chests have the same "opened" flag. The chest in Florine's cell, and the one to the east of the first big room (the chest in the lower pit where you have to push the columns to reveal stairs). Both have triple bombs in them, but opening one will open the other and make it impossible to mark completed. The other will show up as an unopened chest on the map + compass.
5. Underwater Prison, after you use Florine to hit the two switches simultaneously, and after she escapes, after you defeat Moldorm and reenter that room from the doorway that that third button opens, Florine appears there again, standing on the upper button.
6. Underwater Prison (and possibly others), going through a door while walking on a grate will still have the sfx of walking on a grate as Link transitions through the doorway into the next room.
7. Would be nice to have, but not required: some timer or meter or gauge to show how much diving time Link has before he has to come up for air.
8. Going up or down stairs in ALTTP pauses all enemies and other entities. In here, the enemies keep going. Sometimes that causes unavoidable collisions and health loss just because of RNG.
9. Unsure what's the trigger, but visiting the cave leading to the Soldier Shrine after collecting at least one ring(?) will have the pot button puzzle solved. I never did this puzzle the right way.
10. At Switch's Shop, you can keep buying the Red Tunic even if you are already wearing it. Finding the Blue Tunic permanently makes the Red Tunic disappear.
11. Soldier Tombs, floor B1, the pit room to the west. There's one section with Medusas and a single staircase. I tried throwing a bomb across a gap to kill one of the Medusas, and the bomb clipped through the staircase and stayed on the same Z-axis level as Link. Arrows collide correctly with the staircase, Bombs do not.
12. Soldier Tombs, I lit all four torches, then backtracked to the dungeon entrance to enter the hidden staircase. Only three of the torches were lit, and the staircase was covered. I saved and quit, reentered the dungeon, and all four torches were lit, and the staircase was uncovered. Only happens occasionally. Maybe it's dependent on torch order?
13. Soldier Tombs. In the boss battle room, one of the statues near the entrance says [End]. Intentional?
14. When Link starts his idle animations, he puts his shield away. This can be problematic against flying tile rooms like those in Soldier Tombs. How bout if Link's shield gets hit, it resets his idle timer?
15. After picking up the Boots, initiate a run. Then hit the Inventory menu button. If you unpause, Link will continue running. If you swap out any of the equipped items, though, Link will stop running once the menu is closed.
16. Desert Palace central plaza, can't reenter kitchen.
17. Desert Palace, room west-southwest of central plaza. There's a locked door that gains access to a button, but you can walk over the barrier to press the button, so the locked door is pointless. Unintentional missing collision?
18. With regards to the L.2 Sword, it's hard to tell whether I'm at full health if an enemy can damage me and I receive (I assume) 1/4th heart damage. It doesn't register as "less than full health" on the health gauge, but I still can't use my sword beam unless I for sure pick up another heart. Maybe have health be "rounded down" instead of rounded up?
19. Toadstool has disappeared from the bombable cave in the Overworld. Event flag issue?

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [DEMO 22 out]
« on: June 13, 2020, 04:32:25 pm »
Nope, named my character Miles. The thief guarding the Dark World warp moved aside after I had all three Rings in my possession. Beat the Adventurer's Cave first, then the water prison dungeon, then desert dungeon, then the soldier tombs. Got some distance into the waterway dungeon, up to the Fire Rod, also beat the forest dungeon to get the L. 2 Sword, all before placing the rings on the pedestals.

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance [DEMO 22 out]
« on: June 13, 2020, 09:00:48 am »
The manor is mandatory? I'm not sure to what extent, as it seems I can enter the Dark World without placing the rings in their pedestals. Unless you mean a different mansion?
When I have time next week, I'll probably start working on a Boss Keys chart for this demo version.

Other Projects / Re: Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: June 13, 2020, 08:04:42 am »
Just tried out the demo, got stuck in a place, tried to escape via save-and-quit, hit an exception, can't load the file.

The location:
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Area in the Overworld that lets you hookshot to a hammer peg and you can pick up a Piece of Heart.

Show content
Hookshotted the hammer peg, then got stuck. Might've bumped me into the wall, and I couldn't get out.

When trying to load file:
Show content
action number 1
of Alarm Event for alarm 0
for object obj_Master:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,8775] out of range [1,147] - 8.<unknown variable>(100580,8775)
at gml_Script_scr_Go_To_Room
stack frame is
gml_Script_scr_Go_To_Room (line -1)

Other than that, there are a couple of sequence-breakable places. Unsure if intended.

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: June 07, 2020, 10:09:35 am »
"Select your companion! You get to customize them on the next screen."

Show content
  • Fairy companion
  • Pirate Charm (item)
  • Cucco
  • Feline friend
  • Hound dog
  • Falcon
  • Messenger dove
  • Horse
  • Pocket Minish
  • Mechanical Patraling
  • Sword spirit
  • Walkie-Talkie (item)
  • Shadow imp

Includes some non-companion companion items, such as the Pirate's Charm and Walkie-Talkie.
For animal companions, there would be a menu that allows you to tweak their characteristics, such as coloration, age, build, mane style, accessories such as collars or bridles, etc.

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: June 05, 2020, 08:47:23 am »
Decided to make a HUD mockup. (v.2)

Includes primary and standby item slots (with durability gauges and counters for each applicable item), health display, temperature gauge (green = standard comfortable temperature), blue magic meter (for magic abilities), purple energy meter (for item cooldown), stamina wheel (for action cooldown), noise meter and covert status (closed eye for overt but out of line-of-sight).

I know the main problem is real estate, but perhaps this HUD would work better on a screen that isn't limited to the GBA's dimensions.

For an example of late-game stats:

Included are an extra stamina wheel, stamina/magic/energy/health extensions, and a status effect indicating an attack power buff.
(Included but hidden is an oxygen meter as well, similar in style to the Stamina Wheel and similar in form to the Skyward Sword oxygen meter, to be used for extended diving or possibly other situations where holding one's breath is highly recommended. Like holding out in a chamber filled with poison gas or Twilight?)

For an explanation of the temperature gauge HUD component: (v.2)

Zelda Projects / Re: [GMS] The Legend of Zelda GBC
« on: June 02, 2020, 09:25:27 pm »
Wow, this is looking great!

I named them Justin and Bailey (a little easter egg to an obscure METROID code).


It's probably one of the two well-known Metroid NES passcodes, the other being the "NAR Password" (or as I like to call it, the "narpas sword").
Yes, well, for OUR generation it's pretty well known... my son's - not so much. ;)

I'm more impressed your son knows what Metroid is...

As for the layout, it seems to follow the original quite closely. Are the dungeons also going to have the same-tiles-but-different-palettes pattern as the original? Or were you planning to spice those up a little with aesthetic or surprise layout changes?

Also, would choosing a different character change anything? Like, one can hit harder, another runs faster, etc?

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: June 02, 2020, 09:06:19 am »
Supplemental items, pickups, collectibles, running version 2:

(Items names always subject to change.)

Element icons:

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: June 02, 2020, 03:23:21 am »
Part 2: weaponry and action items, running version 1

(Items names always subject to change.)

Zelda Projects / Re: [GMS] The Legend of Zelda GBC
« on: June 01, 2020, 05:04:46 am »
Wow, this is looking great!

I named them Justin and Bailey (a little easter egg to an obscure METROID code).


It's probably one of the two well-known Metroid NES passcodes, the other being the "NAR Password" (or as I like to call it, the "narpas sword").

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: May 28, 2020, 08:25:10 am »
"Okay Miles, but what items are you going to have available in your open-world Zelda MMO? Surely you can't just--"

Part 1: Equipment items, running version 2

(Items names always subject to change. Some equipment can be dyed / have its colors changed to better fit the player's aesthetic choice / alter the elements / capabilities of the equipment.)

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: May 22, 2020, 02:30:39 am »
As part of the character setup process...

I wanted to structure it so that players could basically become any race applicable to the time period they select to start in (for example, you're not likely to see Ritos in the Age of Dawning), but then I had a thought that maybe only reoccurring races should be rolled out first as part of the project. Makes sense, but it limits the character variety by quite a bit. If I were to work on this project for real, it would roll out probably with the reoccurring species first (including any popular species in the most recent games), then moving on to the other Light World denizens shown in the screenshot.
After that, possibly some Dark denizens too...?

Races available:
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  • Hylian
  • Zora
  • Gerudo
  • Goron
  • Mogma
  • Sheikah
  • Rito
  • Kokiri
  • Korok
  • Kikwi
  • Twili
  • Deku
  • Anouki
  • Subrosian
  • Wind Tribe
  • Zuna
  • Minish
  • and more...?

Credits to Moffett1990, Sonikku, and SpritingBrad for some of the sprites.


Now with the ladies:

I dunno, I just... tried something.


Compiled some palettes for character options and some status effects:

Graphics / Re: Bunny Cape
« on: May 21, 2020, 05:28:10 pm »
Looks fluid, nicely done!

Graphics / Re: Miles07's sprite dump
« on: May 18, 2020, 11:09:09 pm »
Been a while, huh?

I've been thinking about a project, but I know I lack the time, patience, capabilities, and foresight to see it come to fruition.

Tales of the mysterious and magical land of Hyrule have been passed down through countless generations...
Among them are tales of courageous young lads, wise young ladies, and powerful demon kings...
Tales of powerful forces, desirable treasures, and unending cycles...
But few talk of the tales between tales. Of times of peace, of plenty, of expansion and progress.
So many focus on the tales of the reincarnated godesses, their appointed knights, and the dark forces that stand in opposition, doomed to repeat their conflict across time.
So many, that the heroic deeds of countless others fall by the wayside.
How do the gods and goddesses think their tapestry is woven? By magic?
Without the hands of the people they presume to lord over?
Let me tell you some tales, young ones. Listen... to the tales of the heroic legends of our land...
Listen to the tales of the heroes linked across time...

Blank character overview screen:

Example filled character overview screen:

(I'm a UI engineer; UX isn't my forte...)

Basically, I have been brainstorming some sort of Zelda MMO where the premise is that you're a character in the Zelda-verse, where you can select your time period (which selects a server dedicated to that time period) and race and attributes and all, and you just... go around Hyrule and do things, interact with people, and in general protect Hyrule from the forces of darkness. Or, depending on your race, you get to serve the forces of darkness. Or whatever.

Logos based on the time periods:

Age of DawningAge of ChaosAge of UnificationAge of FlightAge of Darkness

And yes, I DID recycle the ages concept from my A Link Across Time project.

Graphics / Re: Zelda Items TMC style
« on: May 12, 2020, 08:36:55 pm »
Been a weird 5 years.

https://imgur.com/a/9MbzUxx is the link to the full project now. I know, I'm a few games behind, still.

Graphics / Re: Bunny Cape
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:05:01 pm »
Three things to think about:

1. Does it work with the palette loader of whatever program / platform you want to use this on? I can imagine that the extra colors might be a strain on a SNES engine if not done right, for example. Though if it's for a PC project, I don't think it'll be that big of a problem.

2. I personally don't think the sheen of white pixels in row 2 is the best way to go about it, unless you're trying to give off the idea that the cape is reflective, or is made out of, say, waterproof materials like polished leather or polished rubber. Otherwise, I recommend the solid red, unless you can find a tone of red halfway between that base color and white. (Point 1 applies, of course.)

3. I'm guessing you want to include some sort of billowing animation for when the character is walking, right? If you want to add some livelihood to the sprite sheet, you could include some extra frames when the character has stopped walking, for the cape to float gently to a standing, idle position. Maybe 1 or 2 maximum for this sprite size and color depth. Think like how the Super Mario World Cape Mario cape sprites float as Mario walks and jumps, and take a few moments to "cool down" after the character stops moving. Just something to think about!

Other Projects / Re: Zelda Boss Keys charts, by request
« on: December 02, 2019, 05:41:00 am »
FINALLY. Imgur album for LADX Boss Keys charts, uploaded:


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