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Messages - Ryuza

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Coding / Re: Need a bit of help
« on: January 02, 2011, 07:22:08 pm »
I think I got it figured out, thanks.

Coding / Need a bit of help
« on: January 01, 2011, 03:32:30 am »
So I'm trying to work something out in GM8 and need a bit of help. Basically I want to have a full black screen with a circle around the player that is subtracted from the background, kind of like a light in a dark room, but what I want to do differently is have the circle permanently reveal anything its passed over. I should be able to use draw_set_blend_mode(bm_subtract) to do the subtracting but I'm not sure if theres a way to permanently subtract with it.

Anyone have any idea how I might achieve this?

Contests / Re: Game Maker exclusive contest #1
« on: December 31, 2010, 09:29:45 pm »
Cool, that might be helpful when it comes to reusing some sprites later on in the game.

I already have my concept down on all I've gotta do is start working on the code. :)

Don't think I'll be able to do this, something came up and took a bit of my free time :P

Still looking forward to seeing everyone elses entries though.

Coding / Re: Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 31, 2010, 06:57:26 am »
Ah, hmm, I didn't really notice a difference but I can change it pretty easily and see how it looks.

Did you notice anything else?

Coding / Re: Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 31, 2010, 06:46:53 am »
Glad to see its matching the original so well :)

I just found a really good way to test the two while typing this though. If you happen to be using fceux then you can enable running in the background as well as input in the background (under the config menu) and then run it side by side with mine and be able to control both at same time, doing it that way I haven't noticed too much delay in the looking upwards animation. Also, not sure what the emulation rules as its never really come up before so I apologize in advance if I've broken any rules regarding it.

But I did notice a lot of other stuff like:
   -  Sophia building up speed and moving quicker in mine
   -  Jumping is slightly off, already knew about it but forgot to go back and fix it
   -  Bullets are a tiny bit slower in mine
   -  The view on mine should scroll a bit earlier than it does

If you notice anything else, please let me know :)

Coding / Re: Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 31, 2010, 01:16:03 am »
Movement's pretty flawless
Thanks :)

but firing is off. IIRC it's a lot more responsive in the original (you don't have a delay in the bullet direction when you change aim, even if the animation is currently changing)
Hmm, I was just testing it next to the original and it seems about right, I haven't really noticed much of a delay in mine.

Though it does seem like the bullet speed is a tiny bit slower than the original, meaning the bullets stay on screen a bit longer preventing you from shooting again when you the reach the limit of three on screen at once.

Edit: Just realized theres a small bug that causes the wheels to stand still while moving along the ground and pointing upwards.

Contests / Re: Game Maker exclusive contest #1
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:37:01 am »
LOL I am starting to wonder if this might be a bit too excessive:
Code: [Select]


Lol, I actually just did that in GM just to see what it'd draw, very nice.

Contests / Re: Game Maker exclusive contest #1
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:11:36 am »
I'll enter but I'm not so sure I'll have something done by the due date D:

I'll give it a try anyway though cause it seems like it'll be pretty fun and I've got plenty of free time :D

Would I be correct in assuming we can't use "sprite_create_from_screen();" or something to create a sprite resource from something we drew in-game using code?
I know you said "no sprites at all" but I thought I'd double check before getting to work on it.

Coding / Re: Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:02:28 am »
Or maybe that's WHY they're brittle!?
Lol, that might be it :D

Speaking of Sophia, heres a quick test for her.

The Sophia test version exclusively includes Sophia, no getting out of the tank for Jason yet but that will be next up. As far as I can tell there no bugs for Sophia other then one I've put in from the original, nothing problematic just shooting while Sophia is in-between looking horizontally and vertically causes the bullets the be created at a different point, it's a bit hard to trigger it, basically just tap up and shoot over and over and it'll happen eventually.

Oh, I'm using a nes controller to play so I can't really press left & right together but if you do it just mixes up the sprite, I'll have that fixed in the next version though.

Coding / Re: Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 29, 2010, 06:49:11 am »
Yeah, that part in area 4 was pretty crazy, would have been interesting to try that my first time through as a kid, lol.

Maybe if Jason had a mini-hover pack that worked like Sophia's hover or something and could get you a tiny bit further you might be able to get pretty far and it might be more fun, I was thinking of trying to add something like that to mess around with eventually.

I always thought it was fun though cause it just seemed really risky to go off with this tiny guy who gets hurt from jumping too far and take down tons of huge monsters, it would definitely be interesting to make an attempt at going through the game with just Jason though, if he had something to help him reach the high up places that is.

Coding / Re: Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 28, 2010, 09:32:30 pm »
The damage from jumping off a one high cliff is right, in the original jumping from a height of 4 blocks causes damage and Jason can jump 3 blocks, or did you mean that just walking off caused damage? I thought I ad fixed being able to shoot while dead though, I just double checked thought and it should be fixed in the next version at least.

Almost finished with the basic movement for Sophia, since it's pretty much the same as Jason it's been pretty easy but it's taking a bit of time to go through and get the wheels to act like the do in the original since they have a lot of small changes depending on what you're doing. Should have a it posted in a few days though.

Let me know if you find any other bugs. :)

Coding / Blaster Master Engine
« on: December 27, 2010, 05:49:50 pm »
Hey all, been doing some programming for practice and decided to take a shot at recreating the basic engine for the original Blaster Master. So far everything is coming along nicely and it plays almost exactly like the real thing, but if you notice any differences please feel free to let me know. Currently working on it GM8, might put out the source at some point but for now just the .exe.

- Jason Testing -
- Sophia Testing -

Current Version Info:
Currently you can only play as Jason but everything about him is nearly complete, the only thing left is swimming (Complete in the next version). The test area is simply the first room of the game with some ladders placed to allow you to make it to the end easier, making it back from the end is a bit difficult as the ladders get in the way a bit. Jason does take damage from falling too far like in the original and can die, if you do die simply restart the game as nothing will happen afterward.

The Sophia test version exclusively includes Sophia, no getting out of the tank for Jason yet but Sophia seems nearly complete. Haven't noticed any bugs yet other than a bug that I've put in from the original, nothing problematic just shooting while Sophia is in-between looking horizontally and vertically causes the bullets the be created at a different point.

Arrow Keys - Move
Z - Jump
X - Shoot
Left Click - Teleports Jason to that location (Testing)
Up + C - Resets the stage (Testing)
Esc - Exit the game

Known Differences:
 - Sophia builds up speed and moves quicker
 - Sophia's Jumping is slightly off
 - Sophia's Bullets are a tiny bit slower in mine
 - The view scrolls a bit later then it should

Upcoming Features:
- Playable Sophia*
  - Swimming
  - Hover
  - Wall Climbing
- Swimming as Jason*
- Overhead playable Jason
- Basic enemies


Let me know if you notice any bugs and I'll do my best to fix them. C+C would appreciated.

Edit 12/30/10: Added a quick test for Sophia.

Coding / Re: Loading Custom Tiles?
« on: December 17, 2010, 01:05:51 pm »
Okay, I think I've got it then. Thanks, I'll try it out when I finish up with work later.

Edit: Got it working, thanks DJ.

Coding / Loading Custom Tiles?
« on: December 17, 2010, 04:38:25 am »

So, I'm working on a small project and I was curious if anyone might be able to help me, I'm using GM8 by the way.

Anyway, I'm trying to find the best way to go about loading a custom tilesheet, I want to distribute my game with two .png files (cstile.png & csbkg.png) that could be edited and used in-game as custom tiles and backgrounds. I got the custom background working easy, just background_replace(), but I'm not sure how to load an external image file and then use it as a tilesheet.

Anyone know how I might be able to achieve this? Is it possible I could replace the image in a existing tilesheet using background_replace()? If so I'm not quite sure how to refer to a tilesheet used in a room rather then the background which is normally just background_index[0, 1, etc.].

Thanks in advance to any that may be able to help.

Coding / Got a question
« on: November 11, 2010, 01:29:06 am »
So, I've been going through cutting down on unneeded code to tidy up things a bit and I come across a huge bulk of code I've been using to check if a certain variable is within the range of certain numbers. I had a feeling there was a much easier way of going about it so I thought I'd ask around here.

Is there any other way to check if a variable is between two values (variable A is greater than -2 and less than 2) other than this:
Code: [Select]
if 'A' > -2 && 'A' < 2 {"Action"}
Just wondering if anyone else knows of another way to go about this.

Coding / Quick HTML Question [Solved]
« on: November 03, 2010, 10:30:25 pm »
Hey all, just needed a bit of help with something in html, working on a simple assignment for class with cycling images and they won't cycle, I'm assuming its cause there are 3 sets of images that will cycle, with one it worked fine. Anyone know what the problem is?

I know its something simple but I can't seem to get it, I'm also not the greatest at html :P.

Never mind, I got it.

Graphics / Re: Need some Opinions
« on: October 23, 2010, 10:37:08 pm »
Well, heres a quick demo type thing of the way movement will be, was gonna start a different topic later but might as well post it real quick:

It's a bit weird and I don't think these ships really seem like they'd fit with the type of movement at all but I'll probably change it latter, W/A/S/D and clicking are the controls.

Graphics / Need some Opinions
« on: October 23, 2010, 10:20:12 pm »
Hey all, need some opinions here, which of the 3 ships pictured below do you think would be the best base for the ship the player would control in a shump (shoot 'em up) game? I know they're all form different angles but I'm kinda basing part of the concept of the game based on the ship I pick but its a basic horizontally scrolling space shooting type game like Gradius.

Also, please give some reasons as to why you like on better than another.

Coding / Re: Platforming Game Movement Trouble
« on: September 26, 2010, 03:16:31 am »
Thanks a lot 4Sword, this should really help me with my programming. I'm gonna go over everything now and see what I can learn from it so I'll post back if I run into any trouble in the future.

Thanks again.

Coding / Re: Platforming Game Movement Trouble
« on: September 26, 2010, 02:36:23 am »
Ah, I had been wondering about something like that to flip the sprites and cut down a bit on size, I had tried a different way of flipping them before but it didn't work too well.

Knowing about ^^ would have helped me so much before... Well thanks for letting me know about that though.

Also, if its not too much trouble do you think I could get that movement code you just posted with a few comments? I didn't want to just take it and use it, I was hoping I could look it over and figure out how you did everything and then go back to rework my code (a lot, lol).

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