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Messages - masterpaul

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Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 23, 2011, 02:51:18 pm »

Here's some wide key blocks :P You can edit the colors. :P the middle one is the big boss one, and the last one is a new boss key block :P Gonna do a few more.

I had some more prpblems, mainly to do with the fighting system.
:: When link gets hit, he doesnt fall back - enemies just keep on taking off health, without giving the main character a break.

:: Is it just me or can link walk over enemies?

:: When link attacks... enemies dont fall back. Same issue, the just keep on damaging link.

:: Another one is to do with the holes, link seems to be falling to early inside. His shadow is only touching the hole, and he falls down. (Perhaps implement a drag, like in lttp)? Also he re-spawns when you can still hear him falling.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:59:00 pm »
k :-)
What program do you use for mapping?

http://tilemap.co.uk/mappy.php or http://tilemapeditor.com/screenshots.php or http://www.mapeditor.org/2011/04/tiled-qt-061-released.html ?

I wuldnt mind doing the howling woods :P In your style :P I just use one of the above programs, it would allow you to easily edit them :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 08:57:53 pm »
The forest overylay? You mean the leafs that go over? right? :P

Howling Woods? Is the woods at the beggining right??

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 04:30:13 pm »

How the hell did you make that statue?

I like the idea of the doorway. I'll be nicking that idea :P

Ha ha now that I look at it, Im wondering myself, I analyzed the Venus fairy from LTTP, but still, Im wondering how I did it xD

You can nick the the whole room if you want :P and just paste it in the game. I dont mind :P I adore your game, and I will gladly help/contribute with some stuff :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 04:20:17 pm »
Having lilypads under the lights would give an really magical/sweet feeling :-)

Check this out, :P (look closely at the doors :P)

Now with my freshly made goddess statues :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 02:41:22 pm »
Dont worry Ill finish the map and send it to you :P Youll just copy and paste :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:39:12 pm »
I was thinking that the sanctuary belongs to chia/created with chia, so it would be pretty high tech (sharing some of same technology as her). The lights form an image of a bell and its sound. The bell are the two red circle. (The smallest circle is the top of a bell, the largest it base). The blue lights represent the the sound that radiates from them when there dinged. Also the largest Blur square is where Chia stands when you first meet her.

Not sure if there actually lights, they just illuminate. You could say that the way the blue lights are formed are also a throwback to skyward sword (the way the time gate forms, actually inspired me, to do something with glowing elements. And the path leading to the central platform is a throwback to spirit tracks :P (Shapes of the railway).

Where in the room did the chiming bells rest?

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:24:17 pm »

I would want to add some statues in the bell sanctuary at the sides, of the characters in your sig. I presume there sages? But Im not sure if they would fit. Some of statues would have missing elements. 

The red lights represent the bell, while, the blue represent the sound they make :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:19:28 am »

The perspective scenario : This is the eye of the beholder. ALL HUMANOID NPCs use the same template. What has happened is that on some sprites, the highlighting of the "top of head" is unnoticeable due to the amount of detail on the sprite. I will focus on this after the Water Chapter is done in terms of progress. This CASE IS STILL OPEN.

Lol, truthuly telling it only struck me with link, none of the other npc bothered me, its probably because link has a hat, and im used to it being quite puffy in other games.  Links hat just needs to be more visible. Its not really important, just a small asthetic change, so leave that till last :P. :P

God your game has such an awsome GB/GBC zelda games vibe. Its amazing.

May I have the honor of redesigning  the chimney bell sanctuary? If you won't like  my proposition, dont add it :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 22, 2011, 09:50:24 am »
Played your demo, must say I enjoyed it. Criticisms:

:: Do something about those trees, the put everything off balance, in scale (change them back to normal size).

:: Gather more sounds for you characters, especially your guide... it gets tiring hearing the same sounds all over again.

:: Zelda sounds a bit spoilt (not sure if its intentional or not)

:: I really like your npc designs.. however link and a few other npc look paper thin when facing up or down. (They dont match the perspective, you should be able to see the top of the top of there heads, links hat should definitely be rounded)

Blue background is the original sprite, red is the edited one

:: Link looks apsolutly weird from the side, well he looks like Hermes or a blond kid icarus (without the wings on his back)

:: Those balloons should definitely go pop when you swing your sword at them :P

:: The festival fireworks should stop after Zelda gets kidnapped. Its just seems out of place that they just continue, and why doesnt anyone care for her?

:: Whats up with all those chests in peoples homes?
I hope Im helping out. :-)

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: Path of Revelation
« on: December 22, 2011, 09:44:26 am »
Your game is good, however i did notice a few things:

:: It rains for ever, I go inside houses it still rains.

:: Interiors are definitely too large... Links house is the size of a dungeon. You can get lost there, its should be a screen max, same with a lot of other interiors. They are like big barren deserts.

:: I started the demo having no idea what to do, nothing tells you which direction you should go, I was lost.

:: Overlaying bugs

:: Palate mess up :P (different tones of black)

:: Screen transitioning takes too much time

:: It would be awesome if the lights were animated in the forests.

:: Overly its a pretty good.

Level Design / Re: Level Design
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:47:17 pm »
Deku are banned from the market because whenever they spit nuts outs xD :P According to minish cap.

We still need to find  minishcap tilesets, for the bases of our sketches. We need to have references how many tiles is a tree... a house. Wall etc.

I guess for hyrule... we could go for something more unique and more medivil style. Joined houses, dense... built on a hill top. (for defensive purposes and the aesthetic, and depth).

Something in the line of:

In each hight level another class would live in. So the lowest (outerskirt of city) you would have the poorest, so the higher you go the richer they would get.

The art definitely needs to start going too.

EDIT: Anybody has a copy of the map?

Level Design / Re: Level Design
« on: December 21, 2011, 05:35:29 pm »
Yes the world map, unfortunetly I do not have a copy of it on my pc, as everything has been wipped off a few months ago.

Concept art, yes concept arts are usefull for designers, as it gives them inspiration, however you cant really stop level designers from creating there own art sometimes, as sometimes they have an idea, which only they know how to create/sprite it.

So its interlocked, ill explain this latter, but all concept art is definitely useful to level designers.
Every level designer will need however a small notebook with grids on it (like in maths class) to make things easier.

Level Design / Level Design
« on: December 20, 2011, 01:40:41 am »
Location summary, brainstorming and first sketches.
Could anyone paste the map plz.
And the tile sets we have to work with for now (even if there from other games, so that we know what we have to work with).

We design the maps on paper with grids on them. Dont turn to much time sketching them because we might re-sketch them. Designing levels and areas is very much like designing a building. We need to know the function (that includes passages. shops, to puzzle, to obstacles everything), in order to design it properly. Then we make out the first drafts, if the design is successful we recreate it on pc using a map maker (or something like that), if its unsuccessful we go back to drafting.

An area must have a function and a theme before we start designing it.

King of Thieves / Re: attn: Level Design
« on: December 18, 2011, 10:14:02 am »
So we start with hyrule town/Castle?

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:38:22 am »

Fi's race are being furthered extended in this game as Chia and Osca are both of the same species as Fi.

Phi and Giraham are both connected to swords. They are highly sophisticated robots/computers/andriods.  Phi does not feel feelings through out nearly the whole game, she also says stuff like "database" and "files". Her speech ;is very similar of how our modern fiction portrays androids of the future).Near the very end of the game you learn that Giraham is too the same type of android like Phi, both connected two swords (Phi master sword, Giraham the dark mastersword). They are both;shape-shifters, Phi can decrease size (appear out of nothing practically) and Giraham's real appearance is completely different, which suggests the use of  out of this world" nano-technology. We do learn that both can learn emotions if enough time is given. (highlight spoiler alert)The two new members of the speices you mention may contradict your whole story, unless they belong to swords/items/ or were made to serve a function. They would had to  been created prior skyward sword, since there definitely;far beyond steam technology and even our technology. Unless the gods had visited;the earth one more time :P

Your screenshot look stunning. One thing I should mention, by steam-age/industrial age, I bet they would had figured out how to make more efficient/ economical chairs and tables. Malls tend to be quite modern in materials used etc. Keep that in mind :P


King of Thieves / Re: attn: Level Design
« on: December 14, 2011, 05:17:12 am »
The item list is up.. yay :P


King of Thieves / Re: attn: Level Design
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:12:49 am »
I think we should have the items list finalized before starting to design. Also the items need to be also assigned to the areas, in order of which one would receive them.

 The whole development basically depends on that list. Without we may not start.

However meanwhile we dungeon designers could start brainstorming for each dungeon different ideas, non dependent on Items, some puzzles, some architectural qualities. :-) But architectural qaulities may also vary on the items we receive in each dungeon.

I guess what remains is block puzzles and switch puzzles. And a brainstorm a basic brainstorm of the characteristics of each level (which may change due to the item)

Epic and random:
I found my first ever zelda dungeon design from 2003 (I think) Shame I dont have the 2nd floor hidden somewhere, and part of the 2nd dungeon.

King of Thieves / Member Status
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:44:21 pm »
A topic where we can say what happened to us, and what's happening.

Me (Masterpaul):

Currently overwhelmed with Uni work.

Don't think currently I could actively take part, However I could help design stuff when ever I have a bit extra time and give some input on Ideas.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:37:23 pm »
About that whole technological thing in Hyrule. Hyrule use to have great technology prior skyward sword. It may had technology far exceeding or own even. The master-sword seems to be partly mechanical, Fi seems to talk like a highly sophiscicated robot, her movement is ultra smooth. The robot civilization also very interesting and highly sophisticated.

However something happened and all this knowledge was completely lost. The most modern thing coming out of the age of Link is Groose'es train (which is really just trains, and a few clog-works and beetles flying machine).

This knowledghe has been nearly lost. In TP however we return to skyloft "maybe?" However if it is the same skyloft its more highly evolved, and only god knows where did those freaky birds come from. Skyloft possibly evolved into the castle in the skies but hardly none of this knowledge was shared with Hyrule it self.

Hyrule in TP did develop cannons and clockworks, but nothing even comparing to what existed prior to skyward sword.

The ancestors of the Hylians created the temple... Signs of their civilization-
-ancient, but very sophisticated--are everywhere.

Dont go adding fully functioning robots and stuff like that. :P Thats my theory :P xD

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