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Cut / Re: [Submission] Juan the Thieving Poe
« on: July 10, 2012, 07:59:37 pm »
Thanks for the positive feedback! I added the bag because I thought it might be a good place for him to keep the stuff he steals.

Cut / [Rejected] Juan the Thieving Poe
« on: July 10, 2012, 06:41:13 pm »
EDIT2: The voting finished! (a while ago, sorry for being late), and this color was chosen.

OLD POST: I couldn't decide on a color, so I just made a few.

EDIT: There is now a poll here.

Artwork / Re: ITEM DESIGN
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:03:19 am »
I had thought of the cloak idea. I think it might be perfect since it has the Sheikah eye. The only problem is that it will be hard to capture all the detail. I think it would be important to include the Sheikah eye, but subtly. This would be very difficult to do with such small sprites.

Game Design / Re: Sword System
« on: January 10, 2012, 01:59:02 am »
There are also commonly used ones not on this list: Spinning sword after holding the sword button, and shooting a beam from your sword when you have full health.

Another idea would be to have combo attacks. An example would be that when you press the button to slash the sword, it slashes it in one direction. If you press the sword button immediately afterwards, it slashes in the other direction.

I have some FSA stuff. Please note that none of it was ripped by me.

There are desert houses here.

The first attachment was ripped by Brown (I don't know where from)

The second attachment was ripped by Infini from here

King of Thieves / Re: Art Division recruitment
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:43:12 pm »
Ok. I decided it may be too big of a commitment for me to join, so I won't.

King of Thieves / Re: Art Division recruitment
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:38:46 pm »
Does this apply to concept art as well as spriting? If concept art is included, I may consider joining, but I can't sprite for my life. I'm not too great at artwork either, but I can imagine originally and at least make a basic sketch of what I'm thinking of.

King of Thieves / Re: Software Engineering recruitment
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:35:54 pm »
I can help with prototyping. When I have the time, I can try to learn C#. I currently know a limited amount of C++ that could be expanded.

King of Thieves / Re: Changes in game design
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:43:03 pm »
I work in design.

Game Design / Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« on: November 14, 2011, 11:05:09 pm »
Sorry to ignore some very large and thoughtful posts (there have been a few since I last checked in). I had to stop in the middle of reading them to offer an idea. What if it was the dominion rod, but it could be used to control enemies? The rod would use magic to do this, and the amount of magic used would be controlled by the strength of the enemy. Magic would not be drained during the monster's use. The monster would be released by the player pressing a button or by dying.

I know it's not in the right format, but It's not much to read.

Graphics / Re: FSA Beach Shore Animation
« on: November 14, 2011, 10:48:45 pm »
Is this custom or ripped?

Game Design / Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« on: November 11, 2011, 03:19:38 am »
I think too much thought is being put into one item. The Shadow Cloak should be simple as any item. It would be much easier to implement and not too strange to the player. We wouldn't want there to be so many rules about its use that the player has to try to remember them. We also don't want so many limitations that the player is better off without the cloak. I really think it would be best if the cloak made you invisible to enemies (though getting close some could hear you) but unable to use items.

The possession item I think would have a very different purpose from the Dominion Rod. It would function similarly, but have different statues. In TP, statues were basically only used as weights and occasionally hammers. KoT would have a variety of statues with various abilities. Here are some ideas:
  • A jumping statue
  • A flying statue (that can't change elevation, just fly over large gaps)
  • A statue that can be grabbed by a hookshot/grappling hook (if they are used)
  • A statue used as a platform

There could be a lot more, and they could be used in puzzles. I think that would be really interesting.

Game Design / Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« on: November 09, 2011, 04:29:58 am »
I agree that all items should have one, main function. I think it might make more sense to have one item that makes you invisible to enemies and another that controls statues. How do you like this idea?

Shadow Cloak
  • Found in a cave whose location was "clued" to you by a Sheikah soothsayer living on the edge of the Valley of Death near Goron Mountain. The cave where the cloak is found is actually behind Hyrule Castle.
  • Pressing A toggles the cloak. No other buttons affect it.
  • The cloak makes you invisible to all enemies, however the boss of the Sheikah dungeon can hear you, so using the cloak will only temporarily confuse it.
  • The cloak drains MP.

The Something Flute
  • ???
  • Pressing A plays the flute. The nearest statue in range will be activated. Link will halt movement and the arrow keys can be used to move the active statue. Pressing B goes back to Link. Pressing A while a statue is active performs an action differing with the statue.
  • The statues can be used for various puzzles. A statue may break barriers or harm enemies. Another may provide weight for a switch. Another may fly or jump high to retrieve something or just to reach an otherwise inaccessible switch.
  • ???

The idea is definitely a WIP, but I could see it work.

I agree about the flippers, power bracelet, and rupees.

Game Design / Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« on: November 08, 2011, 02:06:23 am »
We seem to be making progress!

I really like the idea of the Shadow Cloak, though being invisible to enemies in addition to the other qualities may be a bit too much. I think just statues and walls is enough for this item. We don't want it to make the gameplay too easy. The item order also makes a lot of sense.

Game Design / Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:20:39 am »
I think it would make the most sense for the spinner to come from the Goron Mountains since it's mechanical, but this would conflict with the upgrades. We would also need to have a reason for the spinner to be a special item. One upgrade would be normal, but more than that would make it stand out. Maybe it could have one upgrade and that upgrade could be in the Goron mountains. You may need it because of new switches it doesn't fit.

I think you're right about the different areas. Each should have two items, but do you think that some should be item upgrades or those should be in addition to two items from each area? It's really tempting to have a lot of items because it's hard to choose, but then many have similar functions.

Game Design / Re: ATTN: Items Group: Items Brainstorm
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:12:06 pm »
I like the idea of the Goron drill. It seems like it would work like a mix between Pegasus boots and the mole mits.

I don't particularly like the idea of the spinner. I don't think it would work well in a 2D game.

I also think the slingshot (if used at all) should be separate from the bow and arrow. It might make more sense to have the slingshot upgrade to the scattershot (from skyward sword) and the bow and arrow to upgrade to light arrows or fire and ice arrows.

Some items that might be good to have are the shovel, the magnetic gloves, the hookshot, and of course the usual items like bombs etc.

Building off the idea of a Sheihah item, what about the Lens of Truth? It's rather mysterious and resembles the Sheikah eye.

Entertainment / Re: Zelda Timeline
« on: September 18, 2011, 03:14:04 am »
Well the Official Nintendo Magazine states otherwise. It states that director Eiji Aonuma had confirmed there is a confidential timeline document

And he's also said prior to that that there is no timeline.
Probably meaning there wasn't a time line, but people got so excited over the idea of it Nintendo decided to make one so they could talk about it before releasing it and cause suspense.

Graphics / Re: Rayo's Sprites
« on: August 18, 2011, 09:49:35 pm »
I didn't find a good artwork for the lamp.
I found some.

You must have been able to do something without it. People don't generally start at the beginning and develop something in linear time (but you haven't even told us what you're making, so maybe so). You work with what you have and that proves that you are capable of doing it. If you really need something that you can't find, use a placeholder: something similar to what you're looking for that is only temporary. That's how you prove if you can do something.

First off, this is a large and very difficult to make request. People don't just happen to have large, complete sprites or tiles that they made themselves for no reason. If you expect someone to help you, you have to provide proof that you are capable of making whatever game you plan to make. Another thing is that you didn't specify what size or style you want it. If you don't, your game will end up with very mixed graphics and just look really stupid. I know of something that may help, but I don't know if it's anywhere near the style or size you want. It probably will work in a MC, ALttP, or FSA style (though it may require editing) with a screen size around 320 * 240, and I'm assuming you'll be happy with it no matter what, so there is a giant dodongo in FSA (for Gamceube, therefore having large sprites) that will probably work.


If you ever need ripped sprites (sometimes custom ones, too), go to The Spriter's Resource

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