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Messages - Xfixium

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Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Need MC Link using bottle
« on: April 03, 2012, 12:36:04 pm »
Are you sure? I was going to rip it, but from what gm112 posted, it looks like the sprites that are 4 rows below the pulling sprite.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:50:48 pm »
Xfixium, that game maker looks awesome! I feel like its gonna be some kind of localised revolution in the zelda fan gaming community. How do you manage to be doing such awesome stuff?

I'm definitely looking towards the community for suggestions and input when I release the prototype of the application. This has to be a balanced application. Easy as hell to use, but decently flexible.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: April 01, 2012, 10:26:46 pm »
The only point and click Zelda "game" maker that I've seen is the one based off of the Zelda 1 style. And it's meh.

Are you referring to ZC? I'm not down with it either.

Say, would you ever want to collaborate on a project? I've been interested in doing a full disassembly of Minish Cap.

That would be quite a bit of work. Which makes me wonder if any Zelda has been fully disassembled.

Discussion / Re: Post a Screenshot [Possible 56k warning?]
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:32:59 pm »
Compiled the Zelda 3 sprites off of the GBA ROM using YY-CHR. In the process right now of getting all the correct pallets (GBA) applied to the raw graphics. (Magenta = Done, black background = Not Done) The HUD and menu graphics are completed but on another image for now.


It's apparently all the graphics in the game except what is contained in the tile graphics and HUD/Menu graphics. Going to make normal "Compiled" versions of everything eventually. As well as offering multi-colored variants for each. Basically trying to make a usable graphics base for developers here. Spriter's Resource is an excellent site, but most graphics are not "Game Ready".

Also planning to do the same for Minish Cap graphics.

I'm also going to probably use aforementioned RAW resources for the project I'm currently making a proof of concept for. ZFGCreator, an application that aims to make easy point and click Zelda games.


Feedback / Re: GeSHi Syntax Highlighting
« on: March 26, 2012, 11:30:52 pm »
Looks good to me meng.

Feedback / Re: GeSHi Syntax Highlighting
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:20:46 pm »
Hmmm are you currently working with it? Because the syntax is no longer highlighted at all.

Feedback / Re: GeSHi Syntax Highlighting
« on: March 26, 2012, 08:14:11 pm »
Yeah, I can go through them. At work right now. I also believe the older versions of GM have different highlighting as well. Although I'm not sure if you want to take that into consideration or not.

Feedback / Re: GeSHi Syntax Highlighting
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:44:15 am »
I like the addition, but the highlighting seems off? Like for instance, the keyword "global" would be in blue, "image_index" would be a reddish color, and the numeric values would be a light blue, for the Windows version of Game Maker 8.

Other Projects / [Program] GM Spriter
« on: March 25, 2012, 11:07:45 pm »
Title: GM Spriter
Dev Tool: c# VS 2010
Language: English
Requirements: Windows, .net 2.0
Downloads: http://gmspriter.codeplex.com/

GM Spriter is a tool developed to compliment the Windows version of Game Maker http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker/windows. Providing an environment to edit sprites in a modular fashion. Traditionally, when sprite resources are made for Game Maker they are often compiled from smaller sprites, making up the various graphical states of an object. For games that are not very resource intensive this isn't much of a problem. However, massive games will often place their resources externally from the project to save on game loading times and system memory.

What GM Spriter attempts to do is give custom scripts based on building a sprite from pieces. Similar to what large gaming companies like Nintendo, Sega, and Sony have done in the past with 2D styled games. Instead of having a pre-combined sprite it would be assembled together by copying parts of a small sprite sheet and then drawing those parts to the screen in real time to make one complete sprite. (A technique commonly referred to as blitting)

The benefits of using this sort of system is that the overall memory footprint of your game would be smaller, because you are using a small single sprite to render potentially hundreds of sprites. This would also make load times faster. Sprites that once would be considered for external use only, could be integrated within the game executable.

Features of GM Spriter:
* Can hold a collection of sprites that can be saved and edited.
* Sprites have Name, Origin, Action, Width and Height properties.
* Set each sprite's origin via the main toolbar, as well as hiding/showing the origin.
* Sprites can be moved, inserted, deleted, and duplicated.
* A sprite can copy a custom script to the clipboard detailing how to render the sprite's pieces in Game Maker.
* The script can be customized by editing the project script prototypes, and using tokens for values within your custom script.
* You can assign a reference sprite that is shown behind the sprite you are assembling in an onion skin fashion. The brightness of the reference sprite can be controlled to offset it from the sprite being edited.
* A reference sprite can be imported from an existing Game Maker project. (GM5-8.1)
* A reference sprite can be hidden, and it's sub-images can be cycled through.
* A collection of reference sprites can be edited. They can be moved, added, renamed, and deleted within the project.
* Every sub-image can have an image speed value assigned to them.
* You can move, insert, delete, copy, and paste sub-images. As well as play the animation.
* Every sub-image has a collection of parts that have a name, position, copy rectangle, and two dimensional scaling factors.
* Every part's visibility can be switched on or off using the parts check box.
* You can move, flip horizontally, flip vertically, insert, rename, show, and delete parts, as well as hide all parts via the parts toggle button.
* You can also make non-selected parts semi-transparent.
* You can magnify the sprite editor from 100% to 200% or 400%,
* Edit a collection of sprites that are used a sprite sheets to blit from. The sheet pallet can also be magnified by two times it's standard size.

- Video coming within a week or so


Graphics / Re: Zelda's Custom Tiles
« on: March 24, 2012, 07:03:29 pm »
When you first posted this I screwed around with it after someone suggested to make it smaller. Which sparked my own curiosity on the size, but I sorta got carried away with it. I have no plans on actually doing anything more (Just was curious), but I thought it might be a another view of it in respects to color and size. I used AleX_XelA's reference as well. The dark out line probably wouldn't be used when submersed. The colors are from your pallet BTW.

Coding / Re: .png or .bmp background loading from external source?
« on: March 17, 2012, 03:40:44 pm »
Your right that it might be more efficient to do it the other way, but gmare did not even exist when the main overworld was created. I dont feel like having to make it all over again.

You may get lucky, if your overworld can be made into a .bmp or .png, GMare can convert it to a room and a tileset. You can even move the tiles around to make your own custom tileset out of it. Then you wouldn't have to re-tile the whole thing.

Updates / Re: Moderation Change
« on: March 13, 2012, 08:44:09 pm »
Thank you. There are things, old and new, I'd to like to implement.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance
« on: March 10, 2012, 11:47:57 am »
Looking very good. Murray seems like a great character, can't wait to see how much more involved with the dungeon he will be. Theforeshadower showcased  some of the basic functionality of the game well. Laughed a bit when that Stalfos dropped down and cruelly killed him off. The dungeon IS pretty difficult. From the video, the pot throwing looks like it's implemented decently. A question, does the sword allow for rapid button pressing like the original? I know the sword in the HOB demos I played previously didn't behave like the original LTTP. I liked that aspect when I played LTTP, and for me at least, it doesn't quite have the feel of LTTP without it.

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request: Font ripped from UN Squadron
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:42:59 am »
1st Font: 16 X 16
2nd Font: 8 X 16
3rd Font: 8 X 8
4th Font: 8 X 8 ( 4 X 8 )

NOTE: Fixed

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request: Font ripped from UN Squadron
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:13:25 am »
Sorry, don't have a lot of free time at the moment, I didn't rip it properly. This is how I did it though. I opened UN Squadron in ZNES, saved the state when you are selecting your plane. I closed ZNES, opened Tile Molester, then opened the UN Squadron ROM. I selected the saved state to extract the pallet by clicking: Palette > Import From > Another File then selecting the saved state. Lastly I needed to set the codex by clicking: View > Codex and selecting 2bpp planar to set the bits correctly. Hope that helps!

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request: Font ripped from UN Squadron
« on: March 02, 2012, 10:51:59 pm »
Is it this one?

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: Request: Font ripped from UN Squadron
« on: March 02, 2012, 10:27:14 pm »
I'm not familiar with the tool you are using (Also I'm at work). But fiddling around with it for about 15 minutes or so, I found at least one set of text. The interesting thing is, while toggling the pallet in Tile Molester, you can see the characters overlap themselves. The zero and one occupy the same space, the 2 and 3 and so on and so on. See if you can align the data like in the provided attachment. Then use a save from Znes like this tutorial suggests: http://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/tut/snes-tilemolest/index.php You might be able to come up with something.

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] U.N. Squadron
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:11:15 am »
Would love to check this out. Unfortunately my graphics card on my laptop never did support XNA's HiDef profile. Maybe a LowDef version? Also, you may want to choose .zip over .rar as it's supported by many Windows versions natively.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D FSA
« on: February 23, 2012, 03:10:25 pm »
You still going to have "any' interaction at all in it? Like anything?

Yes, I foresee some interaction.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D FSA
« on: February 23, 2012, 01:26:20 am »
Yes, I was going to make an official post here. I was going to wait till Cyp made a new OOT2D topic, as that's what was originally discussed. I'm still trying to find time to piece my end of the code together with the new engine, I'm sure that's holding up the topic creation.

It just comes down to time and really my interest in this project for the free time that I have. I believe I'm dragging this project down, and I think it's better that people don't wait on me for results and general thumbs up. I'm very thankful to have worked with these skilled and determined people within Team Dekunutz. It offered a challenge for me, and it was quite rewarding. As Tompel said, Cyp will be heading the programming portion of the game, and it seems he will be overall manager of the project as well. There's already a bunch of new designs and graphics in the works. So still keep an eye out for this one, as there is rapid progress already being made.

And as always, I thank everyone for your interest in this game.

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