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Messages - NickAVV

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 133
Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 2 - ANQUAN vs. PLAIT
« on: July 08, 2012, 08:21:42 pm »
Plait! Plait! Plait!

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 2 - BURN OUT vs. YAN
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:42:59 pm »
Go Burn-Out! Get revenge in my name (Burn-Out probably couldn't care less about getting revenge in my name)

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Volatile Space [7/6/12 new screenshot]
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:51:47 pm »
A cold front rolls in:

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Volatile Space [7/6/12 new screenshot]
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:11:47 pm »
Yeah, no control over your ship beyond the shielding arm, you just drift aimlessly. I'm trying to stop myself from getting too ambitious with it because I never ever ever finish games. But I think I've got a good shot at this one.

So it's just a simple arcade-style game, there'll be online leaderboards and whatnot. I'm going to have unlockable bonus stuff, that doesn't effect gameplay though, which I think everybody will like

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Volatile Space
« on: July 06, 2012, 05:16:46 am »
You just want to play it, don't you? Anyway, here's a new screenshot with particle effects for a hot front. Block fireballs, catch ice-balls!

« on: July 05, 2012, 04:02:28 am »
I'm pretty confident that my vote went to the cooler character

« on: July 05, 2012, 04:00:43 am »
Diabolus is amazing, and thus he is voted upon

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 04, 2012, 03:39:10 pm »

Characters / Re: Mole Drill
« on: July 03, 2012, 11:13:25 pm »
I'm 105% sure he's just being silly :P

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:38:25 pm »
His right arm was replaced by the wood grain of the surface upon which I placed the drawing of him. But this
the poor guys left arm was ripped off too.  Man...  When it rains it pours!
made me laugh

Other Projects / [WIP] Volatile Space [7/22/12 new video]
« on: July 03, 2012, 02:44:42 am »
Volatile Space (Working Title)
Scientists aboard the research vessel known as the Pea have been drifting into the depths of space to record data on uncharted regions of the cosmos for months. They have recently drifted into an area they call Volatile Space, for its random oceans of extremely hot and cold gasses, and relentless waves of icy and fire-y meteors.

To ensure their survival you will have to man the defensive shield, which rotates 360ยบ around the edge of the ship. If the ship is drifting through a cloud of hot gas, you will have to block fire-y meteors, and allow icy ones to hit the ship. Vice-versa when the ship is in a cloud of cold gas.

If you let the ship's temperature go beyond its maximum or minimum temperature thresholds, the hull integrity will begin to drop. If you manage to get the temperature back under control, the engineers on-board can repair the damage, slowly...
Occasionally you may also see solid asteroids which, if not blocked, will directly impact hull integrity! Be careful!

VIDEO (7/22/12)
Video showing off gameplay concepts. Some graphical glitches are present, some envisioned features are not yet implemented, and some numbers need to be tweaked for optimal gameplay, but the core concepts are here in this video

Latest Screen: I can now control space-clouds through code. I don't think I'll sandwich them together like this ever in-game, but it certainly looks cool!

Beginning work on cold fronts
Beginning work on hot fronts
Blocking meteors in a neutral zone
Original concept sketch

EDIT: I should mention, this is going to be a mobile game, targeting Android at first, and iOS at a later date if the Android version is profitable

« on: July 03, 2012, 01:50:59 am »
Burn-Out is an awesome harbinger of nightmare-induced death

Characters / Re: Gator-head
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:42:40 am »
Some awesome fan-art from the talented Moldrill (roughly colored by me in photoshop) (and I'm too lazy to walk down two flights of stairs to the scanner, and I sincerely apologize for this fact)

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:42:15 am »
Some awesome fan-art from the talented Moldrill (roughly colored by me in photoshop) (and I'm too lazy to walk down two flights of stairs to the scanner, and I sincerely apologize for this fact)

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:29:00 am »
It's a sci-fi premise really, not a sci-fi setting. Besides, the story isn't over, he'll probably find a way in

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:10:18 am »

Gator-Head approached the cliffside facility with caution. It loomed before him. Smoke billowed from tall chimneys, blocking out the full moon. The building was incredibly well guarded, with high barbed wire fence, a moat of some unspeakable liquid (Gator-Head imagined it was probably waste product from the unthinkable science taking place behind the smooth white walls), and a large sign that said "Keep Out". In fact, there didn't appear to be any entrance of any kind.

Gator-Head wasn't even sure if he had the right building. Since his unceremonious exit from Dr. Hawthorne's lab, he had made his way through the seedy underbelly of town, beating answers out of anybody who looked like they might know. His scaly skin had protected him well in the barfights, and his interrogations had led him here. Regardless of whether or not it was Dr. Hawthorne's lab, it was a shady place, and he was sure that he could find more information inside, if he could only find a way in...

Characters / Re: Gator-head
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:09:58 am »

Gator-Head approached the cliffside facility with caution. It loomed before him. Smoke billowed from tall chimneys, blocking out the full moon. The building was incredibly well guarded, with high barbed wire fence, a moat of some unspeakable liquid (Gator-Head imagined it was probably waste product from the unthinkable science taking place behind the smooth white walls), and a large sign that said "Keep Out". In fact, there didn't appear to be any entrance of any kind.

Gator-Head wasn't even sure if he had the right building. Since his unceremonious exit from Dr. Hawthorne's lab, he had made his way through the seedy underbelly of town, beating answers out of anybody who looked like they might know. His scaly skin had protected him well in the barfights, and his interrogations had led him here. Regardless of whether or not it was Dr. Hawthorne's lab, it was a shady place, and he was sure that he could find more information inside, if he could only find a way in...

Matches / Re: General Guidelines
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:44:40 am »
Yeah, brackets, let's see em!

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:38:57 am »
Science > Superstition

Matches / Re: INFERNO DIVISION - Round 1 - YAN vs. GATOR-HEAD
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:14:14 am »
C'mon folks, help Gator-Head get his Human-Head back!

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