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Messages - cpprograms

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Feedback / Re: Can't log in except for using a proxy?
« on: October 23, 2007, 04:39:43 pm »
Me too... thanks to the forum's host having this habit of randomly banning ips it doesn't like. I think vash is looking into it - hopefully he'll see this topic so he can fix it :z

Feedback / Re: random underline?
« on: October 23, 2007, 04:38:22 pm »
Opera prevails again! >_> <_<

* poof *

Other Projects / Re: Console Sidescrolling Game
« on: October 20, 2007, 05:06:51 am »
Could you give me more details than that? What OS are you on?

Also, I think you probably need the .NET framework for this to work... I coded it in C#.NET... >_> I wouldn't bother installing it just for this... I'd be flattered if you did but that's just silly :p

Other Projects / Re: Console Sidescrolling Game
« on: October 19, 2007, 04:49:35 pm »
I think I have that error fixed... I'm not completely sure what caused it but I think it was that one of the lines wasn't as long as all of the rest of them. I fixed that problem and made tall beatable :P

So... updated version available on the site. I'll edit the post before in a sec.


Other Projects / [Completed] Console Sidescrolling Game
« on: October 19, 2007, 02:48:49 pm »
Well, I'm here to show you guys the fruit of a few days of work and boredom. In my programming class in College, I had a pretty easy time with some of the projects so I decided to start this. It's a sidescrolling game, along the lines of SMB and the such. The twist? It's played using on the console. Some of you may have seen an earlier version of this, but I have retooled it to work much better. It now has monsters, and proper gravity.

The game has four levels, but you can make more if you want. Open up one of the levels in notepad to see how it works. You'll need to turn off word wrap if it's on. The first line contains the height of the level. If you put this wrong the level won't run. This is followed by a dash (-), then coordinates for each monster. The coordinates for each monster are the row number (the top row is 1, second is 2, etc) followed by a comma and the column number. The lines below this are the actual level. _ is seen as standable ground, and | is as well. Space is whitespace... just try to stick to what I used for characters - It'll make things easier for you :P

One little thing with the program. All of the lines in the program need to be of the same exact length. If they are not, the program will generate an error at the moment. Just stick a flagpole at the end like I did - it makes life easier. if you want a space after, be sure to add a space to EVERY line so the program doesn't error on you. Let me know if you have any problems.

If you make any levels, please post them here, even if you think they're crappy. I'll include any levels if you want me to and give you credit for them.

It's not perfect, I'm aware of that, but I'm pretty happy with the results. Let me know of any bugs you encounter. For now, let's say being able to hang onto the clouds is a feature, not a bug ;)

Anyway have fun with this - I had fun making it. :)

The game is available on my Project Pages page. (If I use it, it encourages me to keep PP up to date and working)


Feedback / Re: I'm see\ing\ a lot\ of \back\slashes >_>
« on: October 14, 2007, 03:37:40 am »
... why!?

Feedback / Re: I'm see\ing\ a lot\ of \back\slashes >_>
« on: October 14, 2007, 03:33:11 am »

Maybe it's an issue with older browsers? Though I can't see how it would be affected on the user end unless user end scripting actually works with the text... which I don't think is likely

I'm stumped.

Feedback / I'm see\ing\ a lot\ of \back\slashes >_>
« on: October 14, 2007, 01:58:20 am »
Not that many, but I'm seeing a lot of backslashes before quotes... I had this problem when I was making my forums for PPages... both ' and " are affected... I think you're escaping them twice - one way or another.

Just thought I'd point it out... probably already well known

Erm... maybe it was a database issue - it appears to be fixed already :P look around at some of the topics on the forum and you'll probably see it however... if I'm wrong, neeever mind :P

Discussion / Re: Coders: How much of a charge is it to port a game?
« on: October 10, 2007, 05:37:53 am »
Uhm... good luck finding someone. That involves completely recoding your game, along with every feature of GM that it used. From scratch. If you find someone who really likes your game he might be willing to *remake* it for that system, but I don't know how likely that is.

Feedback / Re: Signing out...
« on: October 09, 2007, 05:46:18 am »
Reformat your computer - it'll solve everything!


Anyway I've been having the same problem... haven't really messed with anything yet. Looks like zfgc.com/ links work again, so that's a good sign, and probably means my problems are going to dissipate.

* poofs *

EDIT: that right there was post number 190000. Congrats vash!

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: September 18, 2007, 05:20:32 am »
Thanks man, I like the colors, and some of the speech. I might change the grammar in a place or two if I use it. Not of my first concern right now though, sorry.

Anyway, new feature alert. Sites now have the ability to have a built in java chatroom, which is styled off of your theme. It uses the same applet ZFGC does. I was going to code something to connect to IRC and register a nickname and channel for the user but I decided that was too complicated to pull off, and just not worth it. I decided to leave that up to the user instead, and just put a tutorial up on the site on how to register a nickname and channel.

No new themes as of yet, or new layouts. I'm working on the layouts, the themes I think I'm gonna leave on the backburner for the time being. I have bigger things I'd like to get working first.

Always looking for new ideas, so please post em if you have em!

~ Chris

Coding / Some help making a tour, probably with flash
« on: September 17, 2007, 03:00:40 am »
Hey guys, I'm back again working on Project Pages. This time however, I'm asking for some help. I want to make a simple tour of it using flash or some other tool that will fit on one page and look really pretty.

Thing is... I've never used flash. Ever. I'm looking for someone to either make it for me (I'll give you credit! Also I'll offer hosting with php and a mysql database if you need it - I can spare some space on the host for PPages) or help me figure out how to do it myself. (Just credit in this case unless you help a ton - if you really need it we can still try to work that out.)

So, any info... any help... pretty much anything?

UPDATE: Behemoth5 is helping me out making it. Thanks very much to him, and very little to you people :P (kidding)

Thanks in advance guys!

~ Chris

Feedback / Re: Flabby cat....tubby elephant...?
« on: September 10, 2007, 04:43:36 am »
Well it appears to be over. Those who saw it hopefully found it hilarious. I did :P

night peoples

Feedback / Re: Flabby cat....tubby elephant...?
« on: September 10, 2007, 02:48:11 am »
No clue, glad someone else sees it tho :z

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: September 07, 2007, 02:58:57 pm »
Dayjo: sure :P Idc if you want to

That one could be done now very easily :P though it'd look a little different with big blue. I could add that image if I wanted to. :P

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: September 07, 2007, 11:56:52 am »
Glad you like it. :P I try and pride myself as a pretty good website designer. I hope you can get it done!

EDIT: I'm making an account, and I'd like to note that the button still says "Register for GameSitez" or something along those lines. Might wanna change that to Project Pages.

Thanks man, knew I still missed one.

And dayjo, a bit too yellow and white. I just woke up and that one makes my eyes hurt :p

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: September 06, 2007, 07:47:13 pm »
... Dude, I really like that. ... Hrm... I'm pretty sure I could make skins like that in a short while. Expect to see them coming in the coming weeks. It won't be immediately accessible to the public, not until I sort things out, but it's coming. I think I'll put that before getting IRC working fully, as I don't know how I'm gonna create channels yet. I should be able to get it working somewhat quickly - It'll be interesting to get images like that working tho... Hmmm... * pondering *

Anyway, it may be a little while but I want to make that layout work.

Thanks for the mockup - that gave me some will to work on this believe it or not :P

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: September 06, 2007, 04:10:01 pm »
Well, the idea is for it to appear to be simple. How, exactly would I make it look more "professional" without losing the simple factor - making the host seem really easy to use? I want to be *sure* any features the main site uses are available to all users.

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: August 31, 2007, 06:02:49 pm »
The About Us page gives credit to some people, not everyone yet. I'll update it later when I'm home and have access to the list.

Also, did you use the Java IRC client or mIRC? I suggest trying out mIRC if you want to use IRC, as it's much faster and can do much more. It also has its own scripting language, which I personally find fun. If you don't wanna use IRC don't bother but it might make the experience more fun.

Maybe I'll add java chat to the site soon. It would be REALLY easy to do - each site could have its own chatroom... *thinking* maybe I could even reg it for them...

Other Projects / Re: A Custom Simplified Webhost!
« on: August 30, 2007, 02:20:59 am »
I'd like to see/hear about your project. I am kind of surprised that someone else was doing this. I guess that I shouldn't be since it isn't *that* original of an idea and I've been working on it four years :P

I'd like to ask for your help improving the site but I'm not sure what you could do for it at the same time.

Idk, let's talk about it at some point, thanks for visiting :)

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