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Messages - TheDarkJay

Pages: 1 ... 116 117 [118]
Other Projects / Re: Gonderi Daggers - A Morrowind Mod
« on: April 13, 2006, 03:56:47 pm »
This is looking very nice  ;). Do you know if it will work along side other mods though, like the GIANTS mod? Just wondering because sometimes mods conflict and won't work together.

I'm testing it with a lot of other mods active most of the time, Giants.

The only conflict is a few monsters spawn inside the village, Only to get SLAUGHTERED by the guards. It's quite frun to watch them fight...i even spawned some unkillable dremora's and watched the laggy-carnage.

20 unkillable dremora's + 20 guards = LLLAAAGGG!

Other Projects / Re: Gonderi Daggers - A Morrowind Mod
« on: April 11, 2006, 04:18:51 pm »
Woah looks very cool it makes me wanna play Morrowind again. *Installing Morrowind*

It will require BloodMoon and Tribunal, mainly because I use textures and meshes from them, as well as from morrowind, and they is this whole copyright issue with using the expansion pack meshes and textures without having the expansion pack...

Other Projects / Re: Gonderi Daggers - A Morrowind Mod
« on: April 11, 2006, 10:15:11 am »
I have the quest things working!

If A vampire drinks the poison:-

Other Projects / Re: Gonderi Daggers - A Morrowind Mod
« on: April 11, 2006, 10:13:43 am »

I'm gonna add Monster Companions-For-Sale

Maybe a slave market...

Does a slave market sound like a good idea?

Discussion / Re: What do you think I should use?
« on: April 09, 2006, 12:37:44 pm »
I personally never Reccommend GM, i know people who get so used to the simplicity they **** up when they jump onto more complicated ones. And i mean stupid mistakes, really stupid ones. Then they rant on about how GM pwns C++'s arse like the n00bs they are. Soon their ingnorance will betray them, and I will strike. I may strike today, maybe tomorrow, maybe when they least suspect it...

I started with QuickBASIC, but the whole DOS_IS_SLOW_AS_F**K thing really stopped me using it, and i started with FreeBASIC ( http://www.FreeBASIC.net ) which has a VERY similar syntax but is really more a C in disguise, perfect for learning C then C++ if that is the way you want to go...

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend Of Zelda - The Ruins Of Time
« on: April 09, 2006, 09:47:05 am »
That's it? It's just a face moving around a big map? O_o

And sound...and .INI loading. And Npc's talking...I've experienced...techincal difficulty's of a PC kind. For some reason, my new PC clears the screen when i clear the OpenGL buffer. This means I'm gonna have to SOMEHOW stop that or this project is going to end.

In the next Demo they will be (if i can get it fixed)

-More .INI Control
-Cell jumping
-World Map Jumping
-Maybe a sustitude for the battle engine, just until i can get the actual one working
-Multiple Speech Boxes In A Row
-Being able to skip a line in a speech box ( '\n' is new Line )
-Some More Stuff (i hope)

And you will meet Sam The Goblin, the first boss. Hehehe, let's just say i based him off a kid i know...

Other Projects / Re: Gonderi Daggers - A Morrowind Mod
« on: April 09, 2006, 08:00:28 am »
Sound good! Yeah I still play Morrowind sometimes, at least until I get Oblivion. You must be pretty good with C++ to be able to do this, or is this something else?

Morrowind comes with a very easy to use construction set that allows players to make pugins or mods to share with people online. There is now a construction set for Oblivion too.

Yep. Though the scripting language is like a C++ high-bred.

Other Projects / Gonderi Daggers - A Morrowind Mod
« on: April 08, 2006, 07:29:45 pm »
I'm working on a mod for the game The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.

The mod adds a village called Gonderi Daggers Village to the Grazelands. They is no quest or storyline, though my first Morrowind Charecter (back when I was on the xbox), Aragorthen Gonderi will be featured with some stories to tell. He is the founder of the village, paid for it out of his own pocket, and it is under Hlaalu Control (him being a Hlaalu and all)...

It shouldn't conflict with any mods, BUT Wilderness Mod & Giants add some spawns near it, and it will be under constant monster attack. Luckily it will be heavily guarded by Hlaalu Guards, Sharpshooters and Guard Dogs.

Any way, some screens:

They will be a optional .esp which changes the Human Blood into actual blood vials from the Mod 'Vampiric Hunger III', which can be used to quench hunger (also added by the mod). And a optional staking plug-in for 'vampire realism'.

The trained animals ARE for sale, you can buy them and use them as companions. They will fight for you and carry your equipment.

So far i have finished


Public House :-
The Public House Ground Floor Interior
The Public House Bar-Keeper (Unkillable)
Aragorthen (Unkillable)
Aragorthen's Pet Wolf (Unkillable)

Battle Room:-
The Warp Amulet to go to the battle room
The stone warp 'door' to exit from the Battle room
A Hostile Dremora Called Never-Ending (Unkillable)

Other Interiors:-
The Guard House Interior


-Public House
-Guard Tower
-The Animal Sellers House

Removed The Dog's. They won't defend you and my attempt to add bounties for attacking them caused guards to attack the dogs, and you get off free as a bird
Added the Guard Captain with a golden daedric longsword
Added Guards & sharpshooters
The Animal Seller & His Animal Trainer

Trained Animals-
The Script
Ai Packages
Some Have Companion Dialouge


Poison The Vampire Blood :- Retrieve a potion which kills any vampire that drinks it.
                                         [Player Must Be Level 30 or higher][Player Must Be A Vampire]

Long ago, Vampire Hunters made a poison that would kill any vampire who drank it, and mortal would remain unnaffected, but the poison would be in thir blood for two days and any vampire who drank that blood would die. For years they poisoned vampires, cities would have the poison dipped into their water supply, the people would drink it, and vampires would die. Everywhere, vampires would die.

Eventually the vampires discovered this, and began to claim revenge. Vampire Hunters were hunted down and killed, and all the bottles of poison destroyed. At least, that is what the records of the vampire hunters history say. I, however, have discovered a different story.

The official story was too full of inconsitances for me and two other vampires liking, so I began to investgate. What we learned was that a small group of Vampire Hunters hid the Poison, while taking refuge in a cave. The Vampire Hunters were all attacked and killed, but the poison was not found. This poison will have stood the test off time, and still remain there now.

Before they died, the Vampire Hunters sealed the poison. To access the poison a certain Medallion is needed, The Medallion Of The Hunter. Only one of these is still in existance, and was held in the Mournhold Museum Of Artfacts, but fortunately i managed to, how can I put it...retrieve it.

I entered the cave, hoping to find and claim the poison, however the Vampire Hunters refused to abandon their defense, even in death, and I was forced back. That is why I want you to enter the cavern, you are much stronger than me, and I have good faith you will claim the poison. Here is the Medallion of the Hunter, as well as 100 gold coins. When you return the poison to me I will pay you twenty times that.

Gonderi Daggers, Cavern Of Lost Blood


Vampire Hunters Ghost - Ghost
Vampire Hunter Skeleton - Skeleton
Vampire Hunter Skeleton Archer - Skeleton
Vampire Hunter Zombie - Bone Walker
Vampire Hunter Lich - Lich
Baronak The Vampire Hunter - Lich - Boss

Quest Creation Progress-
Idea Invented

Anyway - Does anyone here play morrowind?

Entertainment / Re: PS3, Xbox360, or Nintendo Revolution
« on: April 08, 2006, 03:51:38 pm »
Posting this on a ZELDA FAN GAME website is a bit odd, too many Nintendo Fan Boys

Let's compare the odds

PS3 will have better graphics but will run slower than the Xbox 360, so will lag behind in power and performance.
Revolution- Never liked most games Nintendo push out...to many remakes/sequals, not enough originality and WAY too childish.
Xbox 360- Sexy Controllers best suited for big hands like mine (bit...thin hands...), WIRELESS, Xbox Live pwns, the ULTIMATE First-Person Shooter console.

This is the way I see it

You want Games for the kids, buy a Revolution
You want Action-Adventure or stratergy-Adventure games (like Final Fantasy which ISN'T a RPG it's more a play-along film. For me a RPG has to be immersive and you have to feel like you are in control. That's why i like Elder Scrolls so much) and Japenese Games with long, usually boring and pointless cut-scenes buy a PS3
You want Blood, Gore, and really cool First-Person Shooters get a Xbox 360

I like RPG's but Xbox 360 is my favorite. I also heard once the PS3 won't be backwards compatible...see you later Devil May Cry 1/2/3, the only good PS2 games i've ever played (FF10 was BORING!!!!)

Entertainment / Re: Favorite Game Series'!
« on: April 08, 2006, 03:43:17 pm »
Zelda Series
Perfect Dark
Simpsons (hit & run + Road Rage)

I'd say Halo but Halo 2 was such a let down....



Hyrule, a paradise of deserts, forests, wonderful cities and amazing people. A place of ultimate peace and rest, away from the violence and evils of the rest of the world. That was what Hyrule was like, before he came.

Long ago a great evil was sealed away in the Temple Of Light, a sacred realm in the Temple Of Time. This great evil was Gandon, the Devil Of The Void. He once ruled the world with unquestionned power, back when the world was new. He grew so powerful he became a god, and he bound the Sacred Triforce into his sword.

For centuries he ruled, until a hero rose up to challenge him. Using Gandon's own sword, he sealed Gandon in the Temple Of Light, and the Sages Of The Past built a great temple around the gateway to the realm, the Temple Of Time, and sealed Gandon inside.

There Gandon remained, until he escaped. A evil man, Gannondorf, Opened the Door Of Time that sealed the Temple Of Light away, and Gandon escaped, killing Gannondorf as he did so. With all his anger and might, Gandon destroyed the Temple Of Time And The Door of Time, before fleeing off to conquer the land.

With out time as a barrier, the monsters of the past began to return to Hyrule, and, under Gandon's command, they began to slay and lay waste to the once beautiful land of Hyrule. People now are either slaves or hidding away from the creatures, either way they are doomed.

One day a young Slave boy escaped from his emprisonment in a black citadel, a castle built and ruled by monsters, and began to wage a war against the creatures domminating the land. His name, Link. Little does Link know it but one day he will fight Gandon and the fate of Hyrule, nay, the World, will rest on his shoulders.



Version 0.08
- Equipping Items added
- Link's got new Hair that looks more like it did in Ocarina Of Time
- NPC's that are flagged as enemies die when you talk to them
- Full Screen has been made work, though it may still be glitchy/laggy at some places
- Starting Data is now controlled by a Sav file
- Items can be picked up off the ground
-A stat menu has been added
Download Version 0.08


Arrow Keys - Move
W - Talk Up
S - Talk Down
A - Talk Left
D - Talk Right
1 - View the Stat Menu
F1 - Return to Main Menu
F5 - Save the Game
F9 - Load the Game
Space - Exit Speech-Box
Esc - Quit

PLEASE NOTE: Your OpenGL Settings MAY stop the program from running correctly in either Full-Screen or Windowed Mode.

Old Downloads

Version 0.01
- Basic Movement, map loading & Blocking
Download Version 0.01 LoZ-RoT.zip

version 0.02
- New Map To Prevent Crashing
Download Version 0.02 LoZ-RoT.zip

version 0.03
- Map Moving, Title Screen
Download Version 0.03 LoZ-RoT.zip

version 0.04
- Talking NPCs
Download Version 0.04

Version 0.05
- Basic .INI Settings
- Sounds
Download Version 0.05

Version 0.06
- Effects
- New Game and Quit buttons (working) and Load Game button (not working) added to Title Screen
- Map-Jumping inside the same World Map
Download Version 0.06

Version 0.07
- Loading and Saving working
- Returning to the Menu added
- Jumping between two world maps added.
Download Version 0.07


Yagl, Yet Another Game Library, is a OpenGL-based Graphics library for C/C++ and FreeBASIC. It is currently availiable under the Zlib license and can be downloaded at http://goddess.selfip.com/yagl

Moree for the Link Battle and Menu Pose Sprites (Edited By Me).


A brief note of specs:
You computer must be 100% OpenGL compatible to run this program at maximum efficientcy.


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