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Messages - Zaeranos

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Graphics / Re: [WIP] Mabe Village LttP Style
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:07:12 pm »
There were some color issues and I've added the opening LTGH asked for. All parts are in the xcf file, so you can tweak it as you want.

Graphics / Re: [WIP] Mabe Village LttP Style
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:47:00 pm »
Hey, I've changed the basin a bit because I thought the shadow in the water at the top tiles was a bit to big. Also where the grass touches the rock edge lacks a shadow, because it was so near the trees I removed it. You might want to take the originals of those tiles.

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Chronicles of Orenna - Crystal Blade
« on: February 27, 2009, 10:11:24 pm »
I didn't even know there was a demo but I shall try it, once I've got more time to spare. At the moment I'm a bit busy with my research.

Graphics / Re: [WIP] Mabe Village LttP Style
« on: February 27, 2009, 04:13:39 pm »
Jeod, I found a small hole in my schedule. I made you the Fishing Pond. Although I tried to use the ALttP tiles, I had to customize a number of them. The lumberjacks house was a bit to high, so I cut 1 line of tiles out. The ALttP pond tiles were to high, so I had to cut in them. In the end a few waterbasin tiles remained as they were, but the most are customized, rather quickly. I hope you can work with this. The pond isn't exactly as the one in LA, because that shape is hardly possible in ALttP style. I could have used the Swamp tiles from ALttP, but then you wouldn't have a blocking edge.

There are a few options again. 1) with the road and an opening for the fisherman to sit, 2) without the road and without the opening.

Oh yeah, it is really hard to line up the trees to yours in the northern house, but the trees on the left side have the opening, for the possible zigzag pattern.

**EDIT** Oops double post. Sorry moderators. :-[

Discussion / Re: Loz: Dawn of Twilight
« on: February 26, 2009, 11:55:08 am »
Kudos if you can pull this thing of. Especially considering the number of levels. Are those levels in the sense of Zelda like dungeons on an overworld or levels in the sense of Super Mario?

What might even be a more important question is: What is your concept? What are you trying to make? Why have this Alex (with to long a name) as the main character and not Link? What might be some specific gameplay themes?

You don't need to have a story yet, but a clearer vision on what you want to make would be nice. I don't want to be negative and say this project is doomed to fail. Actually I would tell you to go for it and make something of it. But before you start to create assets or programming your game, you might want to think things through first.

I've looked around, but other then a better microphone, CPU and Memory, bigger screens, 2 cameras, an SD card slot and some software, I can't find any upgrade. It certainly hasn't a motion sensor. The tilting for the slideshow is probably done by a command in the software, when you activate the slideshow.

The only additional functions the DSi has concerning games is bigger screens and a camera. Maybe even the SD card slot, but I'm not sure about that being usable for DS games.

On Nintendo's Virtual console NES games are still sold. And on Xbox Live arcade and PS network, there are also still poor quality games. So yeah these games are still sold  XD :P

Coding / Re: I got a problem
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:57:10 pm »
Ah I see that only 1 midna walks. I also see that you are trying to do the logic of the game completely in the Link object. Try to do the movement for Link in the Link object and moving Midna in the Midna object. Therefore define the button press events in Midna. The problem of the squares is that your Midna sprite is bigger than the squares.

squares: 32x32
Midna: 34x34

So decrease the size of your midna sprite.

Noh, what i mean is that it would look like a actaul game that once have been sold in stores if you fix the graphics :P With real games i mean games that is NOT fan games and such...

Itgh, sorry that I have to say this, but are you an idiot or what? How old are you? (Moderators, I'm not trying to troll or something) Games from the NES era and earlier and GBC had a lot worse graphics than this game. And they were sold, otherwise we wouldn't have games today. OK the graphics aren't what the standards were from the SNES and GBA, but that doesn't make this less of a game. The original Frogger had even worse graphics.

I understand your desire for this game to have more sleek sprites and fancy backgrounds and it is possible in this day and era, but it is a game. And a darn enjoyable one. Although I still believe that not all the resources are released when the game ends.

Coding / Re: I got a problem
« on: February 25, 2009, 07:13:13 pm »
Still doesn't explain the complete problem. Because I don't know if Midna moves freely or jumps from square to square.

First you create an object for those red squares. Don't make them solid. When these objects collide with either Link or Midna, you get a collision event. You then have to define what has to happen for Link and Midna. You don't define it for the square. In Link you probably will just ignore it and don't do anything. For Midna you do define it. If midna jumps from square to square, you place here back at the square she can from. Does Midna move freely you place Midna just before the point of collision.

The definitions can be made in code using GML or with the Lego blocks at the right side of the object properties.

You can also check for a possible impact before Midna will collide, but it is easier with a collision event.

Graphics / Re: I Drawed a Dragon
« on: February 25, 2009, 06:47:36 pm »
This is the first time i draw for like a year.

Uhm, I've never really drawn something, at least this good. It is a really nice drawing. And I didn't see anything out of proportions. But then again a dragon is hard to draw out of proportion, because everyone has it's own image of dragons. The bottom line though is that is a good drawing.

Question: How did you get the scan to look this sharp, because if I try to scan something I get mostly a white image with some light grey scribble lines.

Graphics / Re: [WIP] Mabe Village LttP Style
« on: February 25, 2009, 09:40:36 am »
Jeod, I'm a bit busy this week, so I don't know if I can do anything. after next wensday I have more time. My advice on the Basin: It seems that the problem lies with the tree. Just work the basin edge around it. You can't make a perfect square. And it isn't as if Link is allowed to swim in it.

I know for certain there is a memory leak, because my computer is relatively slow after the game. Have you released and deleted all the resources properly?

Other Projects / Re: [Frogger] My first C++ game! :D (PC version)
« on: February 24, 2009, 09:32:43 pm »
I tried it and it was really good and fun to play.

But seeing as how many get errors here, I wonder what you've exactly used for programming this. As you've said you used C++, but that is not enough to create a game. Have you used DirectX or OpenGL or even a Win32 API. And have you made the game for 32 bits or 64 bits PC's. And which OS

I can say this. I have a Athlon 64 (64 bits) with Windows Vista 64. The latest in DirectX and OpenGL. And it works.
What errors did you get? And I just updated the links in this topic, since I forgot to erase a code line that tried to load a sound that wasn't there. And I used a library for the graphics and sound effects that my C++ teacher wrote. It runs perfectly fine on Windows XP/Vista 32 bit, I don't know about 64 bit.

Oh it always worked for me, but with other programs I've had the trouble that it wouldn't work, because I had Vista or a 64 bit processor. These are things one has to be carefull of in C/C++.

Considering your teacher made the part to interface with the OS and hardware, there is nothing to worry.

Other Projects / Re: [Frogger] My first C++ game! :D (PC version)
« on: February 24, 2009, 09:06:11 pm »
I tried it and it was really good and fun to play.

But seeing as how many get errors here, I wonder what you've exactly used for programming this. As you've said you used C++, but that is not enough to create a game. Have you used DirectX or OpenGL or even a Win32 API. And have you made the game for 32 bits or 64 bits PC's. And which OS

I can say this. I have a Athlon 64 (64 bits) with Windows Vista 64. The latest in DirectX and OpenGL. And it works.

Coding / Re: Moving an object a specefic amount X & Y?
« on: February 24, 2009, 08:24:58 pm »
In gamemaker there is an action-button "Jump to Position", which you could use. If your using the GML then you can just assign the position to x and y.

But my advice is to go through a tutorial on YoYoGames first and/or read the help file of Gamemaker. It will solve all of these kinds of basic questions.

Discussion / Re: [Video Tutorial] How to convert maps to different styles
« on: February 24, 2009, 04:47:31 pm »
I have the video uploaded on my home directory, but I don't know for how long I can keep it there.

The video can be found http://home.student.utwente.nl/n.j.hoeijmakers/LAGB/mappingtutorial.avi. Use right mouse click and "Save target as".

I have watched and I must say it was interesting, but I have to put some notes at it. First, you merge everything with the background, resulting in using the eraser and overwriting areas on the grid. If you keep layers (not a separate layer for every pasted part, but something like buildings, trees, road, stones, cliff and decorations). By doing this you don't have to worry much about erasing to much and if the road is placed wrong, then you can easily move it.

Second, you once told me that the items have to fit the grid, but when I look at the northhouse part, the tree and house don't fit the grid or am I missing something.

For the rest it was a really good tutorial.

Audio / Re: [MIDI] Fairies
« on: February 23, 2009, 07:09:40 pm »
It sounds really nice. When I hear this I have to think about a shadowy forest, like the minish woods.

To bad it isn't usable as background music. Due to the fade a clear ending of the song is noticeable, which makes it not repeatable for background music. And that is really a shame, because the song is really nice.

Discussion / Re: Creating a Game is not Easy
« on: February 23, 2009, 12:28:59 pm »
Creating a game is easy if you know what you're doing before hand and have already designed the objects and functions and classes and member functions and everything else you need on a giant flowchart by the time you begin.

But then it's just boring ;)

In other words creating a game is easy if you have thought things through and know what your doing and what is possible.

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