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Messages - Whitay

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Graphics Requests/Archive / [Solved] LTTP rolling sprites
« on: January 14, 2012, 06:55:09 pm »
hello, im new here to start it off, so tell me if this is in the wrong place or something. i was wondering if anyone would be able to make me the sprites for rolling(like in all zelda games past LTTP usualy) but in the style of LTTP. since the pegasus boots were in that game there isnt a rolling sprite.. and im making a game(well as of now im mostly just peicing together the engine) and for a while i havent had a rolling sprite, just a filler. so is there anyone that could put together a rolling sprite for me? around the same size as link. all 4 directions. not much animation.. i think it would only be like 4-5 frames? if anyone could accomplish this then thank you. credit will be given.

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