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Messages - cpprograms

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Entertainment / Re: Do you listen to system of a down?
« on: April 16, 2006, 02:46:09 am »
I never said they were bad, I just don't think they're that talented. Bands like them, and worse yet, SLIPKNOT, are constantly called Death Metal and crap like that by morons who don't know what metal is. Slipknot and SOAD are NOT metal. The fact that their fans and the bands themselves do that is what truly pisses me off about them.

Entertainment / Re: Recommend a band
« on: April 16, 2006, 02:36:48 am »
almost ALL of the bands posted are mainstream. In a topic like this, that's rather dumb to do, since everyone's already heard of pink floyd and the red hot chili peppers. No offense to those bands or the people who like them, I think they're pretty good too. I think in a topic like this you should describe bands people DON'T already hear all the time ;)

I've got a lot of bands I could recommend here for various reasons, but I'm gonna devote this post to Disillusion. If you're a fan of bands such as Opeth, or any other band that mixes musical styles you will love this band. Note that the band has some harsh vocals, so you will have to have an ear for those. They currently only have one album; Back to Times of Splendor, but its an amazing one. I recommend basically the whole album, as personally I think it sounds best from end to end. Many people disagree with me, however, so the best songs to get into them are probably the title track, (pretty long but its amazing, and delves into more than one of their sounds) and The Sleep of Restless Hours. (Even longer, 17 minutes... but its just... amazing. You have to hear it to understand.) A lot of people also like the shortest song on the album; Fall. It's also a pretty good one. This is my favorite album of all time, and I recommend it to anyone who can stand metal with some harsh vocals (though it has non-harsh ones that are extremely catchy too)

Two songs from the album; Fall and And the Mirror Cracked (the first song on the album) can be found on the band's myspace. If it doesn't agree with you at first give it a chance, you may find it grows on you as it changes genres.

Disillusion's Myspace

I might do another one for another band I like later, but this is it for now; enjoy :P

Oh, and Children of Bodom are (at least I believe) Power metal with harsh vocals, though I'll put some of their stuff in the realm of Melodic Death Metal. NOTHING they ever wrote is melodic black metal, however. I could introduce you to a few melodic black bands if you'd like, its good stuff if you have an ear for it.

Entertainment / Re: AFI - My Favourite Band
« on: April 16, 2006, 02:18:35 am »
Ah, AFI... Already heard of em as many people have; they're pretty mainstream, but I love em. I tend to like their later rockish stuff better but they're good for punk when I'm in the mood for it.

My favorite song would have to be Days of the Phoenix, because I'm a weird cookie :P

Oh and off the All Hallow's EP, I would also recommend The Boy who Destroyed the World myself, it's pretty good.

I notice how you list their new album as a whole, and I'd laugh more if I didn't agree... the whole album's pretty impressive.

Entertainment / Re: Red Hot Chili Peppers
« on: April 16, 2006, 01:59:45 am »
They're a great band through and through... personally my favorite song would have to be Under the Bridge, though I like a ton of their stuff old and new. There's a reason they're so popular...

« on: April 16, 2006, 01:26:16 am »
"Don't add me to the active users list"

Debates / Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« on: April 16, 2006, 12:13:54 am »
Besides, new riffs and new combinations of riffs aren't neccesarily anything really new in the music. It all sounds the same after a while.

Stop listening to the radio and start listening to music you actually like. You'll find a lot of different sounds out there. There are many different guitar styles and riffs and other things like that. Melodic Death Metal and Hard Rock both have guitars in them, but I don't think I can find a single person that will tell me those two genres sound the same. There's also the difference between acoustic and electric guitars. Music in some genres do tend to blend together, I'll admit that. Some genres you can always find something new in, however. If nothing else listen to some folk influenced music or techno, stuff that isn't really listened to a lot. I've found bands that incorperated things I NEVER thought I could hear in good music. I've found metal with bagpipes in it that was done very well before, which really shocked me. (In Extremo) There's also decent bands with stuff such as violins (Korpiklaani) and flutes (Equilibrium and many others) and other rather unique instruments. I'm a very avid music listener, and I can tell you for a fact you haven't heard everything out there.

(Note that I don't say that I have either, and I know for a fact I haven't heard everything, and I doubt I ever will.)

Entertainment / Re: Do you listen to system of a down?
« on: April 15, 2006, 11:59:15 pm »
SOAD is really overrated. I don't like them that much, save maybe one song, though I don't know what it is. Seriously though they aren't too good at what they do.

So no, I do not listen to them.

Debates / Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« on: April 11, 2006, 09:48:22 pm »
Very true, trw. And I've yet to hear modern rap with guitar in it. Just some stinky sound effects strung together to almost sound like music >_>

Also, I forgot to mention that here, one of the radio stations (CHOM 97.7) plays a lot of local music, some of which is from french bands. A lot of it is great, they just haven't gotten out there yet.
Getting a little off topic but you'd probably like Jamendo. They're a free (legal - creative commons liscence) music site that features whatever bands submit their music. I've found some great bands on there... and of course a decent sized chunk of it is in french (the music, not the site) That's what made me think of it, strangely enough.

Debates / Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« on: April 11, 2006, 03:45:54 am »
Funny how all of you fail to mention the music scene beyond mainstream. Slipknot is not metal. Metallica is not the only metal band in existance. There is a lot of original guitar work out there but you have to LOOK for it. In a way this is sad, since the bands that do new and talented things guitar wise and otherwise are not recognized. At the same time though, I am somewhat glad they are not known by the mainstream. Being known by thousands of people who pretend to be fans tends to ruin bands. When I listen to bands such as Disillusion, Equilibrium and Elvenking, I hear good music. I hear decent guitar. All of these bands have released good albums in the past two years.

As for guitar in modern music, yes, there is a lot of it. Do I think it is too much? No. I personally love my music with guitar in it. I like variation, however. What they mix with the guitar matters as does the talent. If they can pull off amazing vocal styles, that may work for them. Or maybe they incorperate a rarely heard instrument into their music, such as In Extremo with their bagpipes. (I didn't think a band could put bagpipes into their music so flawlessly... it took me a few songs to realize I was listening to bagpipes in the music... and that I was REALLY liking it.) Maybe the music is simple but the lyrics have true meaning behind them.

For people who listen only to the mainstream, yes, today's music is bland, I will even go as far as saying a lot of it sucks. If one delves deeper into the music not everyone listens to, one will often find that good music still lives, however.

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