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Messages - Alex2539

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Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Hold mod apps
« on: April 12, 2006, 12:46:22 am »
That depends on which section and whether or not there are better candidates than you. And until then, I'd maybe shape up the attitude if I were you. I've gotten anonymous complaints about you and a couple of others being somewhat negative and anti-staff. Attitude is an important quality :D.

Be happy!

Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Hold mod apps
« on: April 12, 2006, 12:26:37 am »
Just any topic where the word "mod" was mentioned. Right? ;)

Well, we have all the global mods we'd need right now. Maybe we might eventually need some local ones, I think we're pretty much okay for now. So, no applcations :D. Well, you could always apply, we'd just ignore you :P.

Discussion / Re: Hud Ideas
« on: April 12, 2006, 12:14:29 am »
Yes... Credit me or die...

Actually, I'm surprised any saved that beside me XD.

Feedback / Re: Recent posts
« on: April 12, 2006, 12:13:13 am »
No, I think he's talking about something else. At the bottom, it used to show the titles of the last 5 posts and their authors. Like what's at the bottom of this forum right?

Other Discussion / Re: Who is everyones favourite canadian
« on: April 12, 2006, 12:07:02 am »
I'm from Qu??bec! How can you not love me? Vote for me and I'll buy you a poutine from LaFleur's! Or La Belle Province, either or ;).

Note: Offer is not valid at any time. Attempts to redeem this offer will result in name calling. If the request is given while on chat, the punishment will be a trout slap. Consider yourselves warned...

Discussion / Re: Hud Ideas
« on: April 11, 2006, 10:29:17 pm »
The most important thing you need first is what does it need to show? Health and magic? Ruppees? Number of equipped items? Sword? And so on and so forth.

Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Hold mod apps
« on: April 11, 2006, 09:59:58 pm »
That and if nobody knows who you are, you're probably not going to draw all that much respect.

Debates / Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« on: April 11, 2006, 09:02:57 pm »
There is a lot of original guitar work out there but you have to LOOK for it.
That's why I mentioned Satch and Eric Johnson. No one listens to them, yet they're musical geniuses! Then if you have the classic G3 trio consisting of Satch, Vai and Satrianni, you're in for a great time.

Also, I forgot to mention that here, one of the radio stations (CHOM 97.7) plays a lot of local music, some of which is from french bands. A lot of it is great, they just haven't gotten out there yet.

Debates / Re: Smoking
« on: April 11, 2006, 01:43:29 am »
Realistically, a downright smoking ban will never happen. First, people would revolt, and second the big and powerful heads of the tobacco companies wouldn't let it happen. Cutting it off cold-turkey is not the way to go. Instead, it has to be phased out. It's already being started, in fact. Joeshmo said that there's a ban on smoking in public in New York. Well, that ban will be here in Montreal soon too. The beauty of the ban is that everything is cleaner, it's much less likely that you have to hold your breath or die when going to school, and best of all, the smoking companies won't complain since cigarettes are still being sold. People can buy them and smoke them, just not anywhere public! The innocent people who would be submitted to second-hand smoke are spared, and those that poison themselves can do so alone. With the drop in public smoking, it's possible in theory that teenagers will see it less and fewer will consider it. Eventually, smokers will be all but eliminated, and those that aren't would be secluded. Along with this and the other tactics, like raising the taxes and prices on cigarettes to ridiculous levels, Smoking will eventually not be a problem.

I heard once that somone wanted to put a ban on selling cigarettes, but that won't work. The companies wouldn't stand for it and neither would the people - especially if they were forced to go through withdrawal because of the sudden lack of nicotine.

And, if all else fails we can round them up into rooms filled with hydrogen and dare them to light up >:D.

Feedback / Re: Merging
« on: April 11, 2006, 01:04:18 am »
It would go under general since it's not Zelda specific.

Debates / Re: Overuse of guitar in music?
« on: April 10, 2006, 11:38:56 pm »
The guitar is used everywhere because it sounds good. However, there is a huge lack of original guitaring these days. If it weren't for the likes of Joe Satriani, John Pettrucci and Steve Vai, the skilled guitar artists of days gone by would be almost dead. Nowadays everything is all just 3 simple chords (often power chords), maybe a couple of notes in the medley, but not that much. It actually seems to me that the voice is dominating. Most of the new music I hear has the voice carry the enitre song with the instruments as support. If you listen the the classic hits of Led Zeppelin, Rush, The Who, Pink Floyd and the other legendary rock groups, you would notice that the singing is shared with the others as an instrument itself. The tone, the lyrics, the rythm, they are all applied in the same way as a guitar would be. If you want a good example of new music that still portrays this you should check out Sam Roberts' new one called "The Cage". Compared to their old stuff it's way better. That's not the poinht I'm tryign to make though.

Guitars aren't over-used now, they're just misused. A good guitarist should be ableto go hand-in-hand wih the vocals to set the melody. This happens very little now.

BTW - One thing that's truly gone away is awesome borderline-melodic basslines that were started by the likes of Geddy Lee... yeah...

Feedback / Re: Merging
« on: April 10, 2006, 10:30:05 pm »
I think it's one of the sections that would work well with a merge. Sounds aren't necessarily specifically zelda or not, so a merge could be good. A sword swing is still a sword swing, and the "biddle-ding!" noise can work in any game. I say it would be good.

Other Discussion / Re: Wierd suff on e-bay.
« on: April 10, 2006, 06:14:27 am »
Well, this rather belongs in off-topic now that we ahve it, so I'm going to move it there.

Debates / Debating rules! -=Follow or die=-
« on: April 10, 2006, 01:56:02 am »
Alright, this section is sort of special and has some rules that don't necessarily apply elsewhere. While arguing debating, please keep these in mind. Using them will just make it more enjoyable for everyone.

1 - Ad Hominem: "Ad Hominem" arguments, derived from "Argumentum Ad Hominem" which means "argument to the man", is one of the most re-occuring problems in most debates that I've seen. Basically it is an argument that has no logic behind it and is just an attack on the opponent. Such an argument is NOT valid, and can/will be ignored or removed.

In depth, what an ad hominem argument usually consists of is that someone says something, but they have something questionable about them, therefore their argument is deemed invalid.

"You're opinion on legalizing marijuana is invalid because you smoked pot".

This is not true. In the example, smoking pot may have given them a bias towards their cause, but all that means is that they think they're right. It doesn't make what they say wrong. There are also other forms which are more attack form than others, and really have nothing to do with the argument

"You're wrong because you're an idiot!"

While someone's low intelligence may lead to them saying something untrue, it does not mean everything they say is false.

2- Circular Logic: Basically, it's saying things like "Y is true because X is, and X is true because Y is." and other things along those lines. These aren't valid arguments, and really only prove that you can formulate complete sentences. Don't do it.

3 - Lack of proof: That's just not right. Saying things like "I am right because of an invisible, unobservable, unnamed force that makes everything I say true". I mean, come on! You don't really need to prove it, but you have to be able to back up your claims. Don't say "I'm right, you're wrong and that's the truth.". Quite frankly, that's NOT the truth. You should always be going along the lines of "I'm right because of blah blah blah". Be sure to avoid the previous two point while doing this though.

4 - Read everything: Don't just jump into an argument and throw your view in. Read the rest of the posts. I know, sometimes there can be some long ones, but it's just REALLY irritating when someone jumps in while the discussion is in full swing and simply restates something that's either been proven wrong or already stated. If you don't want to read everything, then you shouldn't post.

5 - Don't re-create topics: In this board, old topics CAN be picked up again if there are new points on one side. Before making a topic, check too see that it's not already there. If it is, just post there. If the old topic was locked, then don't start it again without permission from a mod or something. Odds are it was locked because it broke into a flame war, because one side was defeated beyond recovery, or because it shouldn't have been made in the first place.

6 - RELIGION: Alright, there are a couple of things here...
A) I want to see NO evangelism here. That means no religion is the "right" religion, no religion is better than another, and no one should try convert anyone to their religion. And never, under any circumstance, attack another person's religion.

B) Religious text is NOT a citable reference, and not to be used as fact. For example, if you are discussing murder, you cannot say that it is wrong because "God said so in His 10 Commandments!". That's all good for those of you who are christian/jewish and follow the Old Testament, but what about Atheists? Sure, they probably don't believe in murder, but they don't believe in your God either and to them, that's about as valid to them as saying "The purple polka-dotted elephants told me that a trampoline is a divine artifact.". It just doesn't work for everyone. So, if religion were to be used as a valid argument then I could make my own religion that proves my beliefs beause the Great and Mighty Cheese-Steak has proclaimed it so, and that's just not right.

C) Although religion is not to be used as an argument, it itself can be debated. For example, one could debate the interpretation of a certain passage in the Bible, or the validity of a certain story (the Noah's Ark story is always fun!). So long as you don't go against Rule 6A, then the topic will probably be allowed to continue.

7 - Politics: Alright, this is almost as touchy as religion, so I ask that you follow pretty much the same rules as #6, only replacing "Religion" with "Political Party". It's practically the same thing. People believe in their party. Their party has certain beliefs other parties don't, and they try to enforce these beliefs on other people. Face it, politics are practically today's religion, so again, be careful.

8 - Don't take it too seriously: We want this to be a place where people that enjoy debating can do so peacefully. So, even though you may feel strongly about a certain topic, don't take what people say to heart. Instead, just laugh it off and throw your opinion back into the ring. When you have a friendly debate where no one gets truly angry at the other side, it can be a lot of fun. Trust me, I've been in a couple. To help enforce this, I suggest doing things like commending the opposite sides on a job well done. If someone has just made a long post and proved his point beyond a shadow of a doubt or disproved most of yours, instead of saying "YOU !@#$%! YOU'RE WRONG!!!", say something like "Wow! Good job! I'll be back with more to shut you down though ;)". And yes, the smileys can make all the difference.

9. Please refrain from using senseless, offensive language.  IE. Swearwords.  If you can't show enough self-control to refrain from using these, then you may not be mature enough to handle this section.

10. Refrain from using straw man arguements.

Example: Person A: I think God is real. (X)
Person B: God is omnipotent. (Y)
Person B: If God is omnipotent, he could prove himself to us as being real but he doesn't so he isn't real.

Basically, it's taking someone's statement and using it against them in a completely irrelevant matter.

Example 2: Say you are debating 'abortion', and you group those against abortion as the same.  Thus when one person slips in their words, you credit the statement to the entire group.

So, all-in-all, keep it clean, nothing below the belt and wait in your corners until the bell.

Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Post rules in debate section.
« on: April 10, 2006, 01:50:47 am »
I'll post rules. I've done it in another forum so I'll copy those ones. I'm sure 2a4a will inform me if thre's anything missing ;).

Coding / Re: HUD Problems
« on: April 10, 2006, 01:41:05 am »
Ah, that's why. I'm used to GM 5.3a. Sorry for that :P.

Coding / Re: HUD Problems
« on: April 09, 2006, 10:04:05 pm »
Use "view_left[view#]+x" and "view_top[view#]+y" as the x and y coordinates.

Discussion / Re: Simple Simple Simple Simple Flash Game
« on: April 09, 2006, 04:16:30 am »
Why not just show the victory screen? Maybe you just opened that up in pain and moved the little head! I'm onto you and your little scheme ??_??...

j/k It was pretty good for something so short. If you amped up the graphics and added more levels, this would be totally awesome!

Zelda Projects / Re: Zelda Mobile - for java phones.. *repost*
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:55:39 am »
My current phone definitely can't handle it. It sucks total ass. Either this or next month though, I'm getting a new one when I renew my plan (one of those $0 ones :D ) so I'll try it soon.... very soon ;)

Entertainment / Re: iraq, lol
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:27:34 am »
We G-Mods can change the forum names/layout too ya know? I'm the one who changed it to General Fiction.

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